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# Posted: 30 Dec 2013 11:11pm
thanks Lisa.u too.have a great 2014.

# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 12:12pm
such a funny man.oh my word.just got done reading some of this stuff. i think what a busy mind.i did not know all of this garyo wrote was going on.ha ha.
 all i know is.when i have to get on the ladder.he holds it with one finger.when he gets on the ladder...he instructs me to lay my weight on the ladder and hold on good.lol. my knees lock when on the ladder.he has had to carry me off the ladders before cause my knees would not bend. so all in all.even if he is probably gonna blow us up cause he has blazing fires going with gallons of gasoline near by.hes a happy camper and i am too...he thinks positive i think omg!
Gary O
# Posted: 13 Apr 2014 11:52am
Well, we're now getting r-e-a-l serious with 'the move'. We'll be living at the cabin this time next April. Seems like a long time, but too much to do. I'm starting my third book. Going to title it 'THE GENTLE BUILD'. The beginning pages will be dedicated to my philosophy.
Attention Spam Narcs: put yer accusatory pointy fingers back in yer belly buttons, I'm not spamming my book. Just can't think of a better place to put the pages than here.
Be back soon
# Posted: 13 Apr 2014 01:51pm
What a adventure , not sure I could bite it off .We will be here for you two , if only to dream .
Gary O
# Posted: 13 Apr 2014 02:21pm - Edited by: Gary O
Well, let's hope it doesn't become a nightmare. Still trying to wrap my mind around 40 below winters. That little wood stove we have is gonna get a workout. I'm estimating 10-12 cord. Guess I'll get a workout too.........
Only putting up a small bedroom this summer. Then a carport affair, then a sauna/bath/utility bldg over the well. Once we park our enormous hindends out there, the fun commences.....build build build.
Heh, this age thing ain't waitin' none for me.
# Posted: 13 Apr 2014 09:56pm
Will you guys have the internet out there? I am looking forward to reading about all your adventures. 
Gary O
# Posted: 13 Apr 2014 10:23pm
That's the plan
Maybe by then there'll be some sorta simple solar window on a flat panel keyboard thingy that we can just point at the sun
......or I'll just test the patience of Mtn Don on his ability to teach me about generator/battery bank wiring sinewave convection in direct relation to the entabulator when the gizmotivarikabobulooter gets low too on ionic flavonoidal participles.
....maybe we'll just have to be content with crawling to the highway and screaming
# Posted: 15 Apr 2014 08:24pm
Wow.... its so exciting !!!! I too cant wait to see and hear about all your adventures and projects...... that's what lifes all about. 
# Posted: 15 Apr 2014 09:41pm
How exciting! Hope you are going to have Internet so you can update us on your cabin retirement. How will you get out in the winter to shop or if there is a medical emergency?
# Posted: 15 Apr 2014 10:36pm - Edited by: cabingal3
silverwaterlady.we pay a 60$ fee to have life flight come out for us but -we contact the next town over and they are the ones to contact lifeflight.thats who the 60$ a year goes to. One of us would have to haul the other out to the hiway. i imagen us huddling in by the wood stove with a blizzard going on outside around us-vension in a dutch oven on the stove.gar writing his book with an old typewriter and me in my rocking chair knitting.us reading and having a lovely life in winter.gars says u paint a wonderful story woman. gars version is probably more practical.we open the top double door and its a wall of snow and we are digging out to get fresh air. i told him dont worry we will get meat off the land and i will use those furs to make us clothes.he said well u havent caught anything yet-so i pretty much imagen we will be treadbare in the clothing dept. he says he is worried about our autos out there being able to start up when we need them too. i tell him "well everyone else is out there too " and they would have the same problems. i see us as learning as we go.he tries to figure everything before we get out there. we can always crawl to a neighbor for help.lol. maybe we can get to shopping in winter.it depends on the kind of winter it is. this winter we could drive right up to our cabin whereas other years we had to hike in and haul all our stuff. i figure if we are out there.we can keep the snow shoveled.the wood piles stacked and ready to go.we will stock up food in the summer for winter.we will be fine...if we can just make it thru this year and not have bad health come upon its.its tapping on our shoulder and chasing us every day.if we can get out there and move alot and exercise in the mt.air and stay active.if we can just get to there.
Gary O
# Posted: 16 Apr 2014 09:37am
Fire Ice Cold Food Self maiming Mate maiming Just plain bonking Bleeding Neuritis Neuralgia Overflowing poop bucket
Yep, there's these and other things to consider, take note, and maintain lists for trips to town, especially that late fall trip before the snows.......
But we'll take one day at a time. Sure, we'll plan for seasons, think about the near future, but live in the moment. I've lived in the future most my life, and that's good in some ways, but one must sometimes steel themselves to live in the present. I preach this to myself from time to time. My Cabi teaches this to me without even knowing it.
I'm confident she could subsist on just what that patch of land has to give. As for me, well, while she's busy hovering over a caldron of fresh crow gullets and squirrel poopers, I'll be out 'hunting' (driving 20 miles north to Subway, dining on a Big Philly Cheese Steak).
# Posted: 16 Apr 2014 02:45pm
gar.u make me laugh always. u cant get to the only fast food place for 100 miles in the middle of winter so u may have a go at my squirrel stew.
# Posted: 17 Apr 2014 11:48am
We live about 19 km from the nearest small town and the road is paved and ploughed in the winter. We have learned by watching others that preparation is key. We saw too many ambulances rushing to save a life only to get there too late.
When we moved here full time I INSISTED on buying a home defibrillator (our "$1,500 shelf ornament" - as Bob referred to it - that I used in Dec. 2011 to save Bob's life after he had a cardiac arrest in our driveway), and having a good first aid kit. Even though neither of us had heart problems, I had just seen too many die without the necessary equipment at home. When our dear friend lay dying at his home and the ambulance called for an air evac. they were told there were none available. Our friend died.
Be prepared. Have lots of medical supplies (including steri strips for deep cuts), a defibrillator, and lots of food stored up. It sounds like you two will be pretty isolated in your paradise in the woods, so don't rely on others to save you in an emergency. You need to use your own smarts and skills to do that and if someone does come along to help, that is a bonus. *smile*
I am so excited for both of you and just can't wait to read more about your adventures!!! Between GaryO's humour and cabingal3's dreams, you two make for a great read!!!!!
# Posted: 17 Apr 2014 07:24pm
thank u hattie for all your sage advice.it is well taken believe me. thank u.hugs 
# Posted: 17 Apr 2014 09:32pm
Good thread, "jennie"I needed a good laugh..thanks
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Apr 2014 11:12pm
Oh I'm sure we'll provide more entertainment, redbeard. How we venture to accomplish anything cannot be scripted.
BTW, just started following yer thread. Good show. Can't wait to see it walled and roofed.
Hattie, $1500 for a defibber?! I'm thinking a couple elect cords from Jenny direct to the nips with alligator clips should do the job........
# Posted: 18 Apr 2014 07:02pm
Quoting: Gary O I'm thinking a couple elect cords from Jenny direct to the nips with alligator clips should do the job........
Gary O
# Posted: 19 Apr 2014 11:06am
So with the big move an all, we're gettin' serious about gettin' in shape. Our plan is to ease into some sorta regimen....the way an old man eases into a tub fulla hot water. We discussed this in depth over a platter of Mongolian beef and lemon chicken last night at the local Chinese restaurant.
It's amazing the conviction and resolve one can have immediately after gobbling down a cauldron of savory Asian food.
I even hit the free weights the other night. One really should go easy with those things. Hurt myself. Yup, stubbed ma toe on that humungous iron disc while on the way to the toilet.
I've got some sorta bursitis in my left shoulder and a kinda arthritis in that arm, so I just mostly pick it up with my good arm and plop it on the left side of my keyboard.
My good arm, the one that pulls the lazy boy lever back, is my tool of choice when it comes to lifting things. So I'm bein' careful with it. Like today, I'm gonna go out to the shop and cut off a chunk of plastic pipe to lengthen the lazy boy lever.
Yup My motto; 'Be Prepared'
(seriously, we're gonna be in shape...after about three months of cabining...whether we like it or not)
The goal is to not die 'tween now and then.....
Hookaay, I've polluted the forum enough for a few weeks. You can relax now, CabinBuilder. I really have things to do.
Cheers all
In the Hollow
# Posted: 21 Apr 2014 02:35pm
OMG Gary O you are too funny. I love your A frame! Check out my new thread "In the Hollow".
# Posted: 22 Apr 2014 09:28am
A man from Western Australia has just had a smile on his face and chuckled more than once in this thread. A lovely little cabin in a lovely spot! I feel your pain with building in the remotes. I'm attempting to build a good 340km away from home, but I'm tackling it a different way. I look forward to early releases of your book to be. ;)
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Apr 2014 08:49pm
Hey there 60766244
Yeah, it be a battle.
Western Australia, aey. Now I gotta look up a business contact from Western Australia.......but I gotta get back to the office to do that.
Meanwhile, I'd sure like to see what you have goin'....
# Posted: 22 Apr 2014 09:10pm
WA is a small place for such a massive one!
I've something brewing on Facebook named Building Arcadia, but I'll put a thread here soon enough once phase one goes up. ;)
Gary O
# Posted: 23 Apr 2014 09:03am - Edited by: Gary O
Well...crap. It's not WA, he's at Bayswater Victoria. Ol' Harry would have no end to scoffing me for this. Guess I better just concentrate on where I am.....and who.
# Posted: 24 Apr 2014 09:20am
Well there is a Bayswater here in Western Australia, it's about a 30 minute drive from here, if that.
I think cabins, philosophically are about just that. Concentrating on the now, and the who, and the why.
Sounds good to me!
Meanwhile, I found some time tonight to start brewing a thread about that cabin of mine that I'm developing.
Gary O
# Posted: 24 Apr 2014 06:45pm - Edited by: Gary O
Heyyyyy, that's a busy read......now I gotta find some time. I'm rather piqued on a container build.
# Posted: 24 Apr 2014 07:36pm
Woops. Overloaded yah.
# Posted: 7 May 2014 08:48pm
heading out to our cabin tomorrow.we are so excited.we just got back from home depot and have a truck load of building supplies for cabin number two.one cabin is main room,kitchen and little mud room.the next cabin will be the bedroom. then one more cabin by it for our storage. then we wil sort of connect them eventually. its going to be so good to get out of town. i get to drive my truck.never drove it too far before. gar said he will drive in the mountains.i told him i could.he assurred me it was ok.he will. so excited.this is our 45th anniversary ,mothers day gift wrapped up in one.going to the cabin. see u with pics when we get back.
# Posted: 7 May 2014 10:29pm
be careful, have fun, don't forget your level !!
# Posted: 8 May 2014 08:08am
ha.thanks Just. excited to be finally going to our cabin. glad u are doing better health wise these days.see u all when we get back!
# Posted: 8 May 2014 06:02pm
Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to seeing photos of your new build.
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