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# Posted: 10 Jun 2011 04:32pm
Yep should work !! Now do you have anything to treat that first drink of water with ?
Gary O
# Posted: 10 Jun 2011 04:53pm
Quoting: Just Now do you have anything to treat that first drink of water with ? Single malt Scotch........Irish test kit....I keep it handy
Oh, serious...getting a real test kit...they're everywhere...Home Dopey, everywhere
# Posted: 10 Jun 2011 09:33pm
I would pump or have cabi pump as long as you can before you test . just to get out the spiders . You can always add a cup of bleach and let it sit over night if you get a bad test . I'm sure it will clean up . not much pollution up there .
Gary O
# Posted: 11 Jun 2011 12:36pm
Quoting: Just I would pump or have cabi pump as long as you can before you test For sure
All the neighbors brag about their sweet water, of which it really is, and I'd like to be one of them......but bragging kinda looses it's punch when crowing about your water to someone while they're perpetually affixed to your facilities. I figure to pump a few gallons, then try a test. The kit runs around $8-$10 (one time shot at bacteria), so I think three should suffice....fumble around and ruin one, bad test after secondary fumble, read directions, presto.....2nd thought, I may get ½ dozen or so......as I'll be testing every visit anyway. Strapped to corporate happenings (year-end), but plan on escaping in a couple weeks, before they put the kibosh on pit fires down there (July-Oct). Just, thank you for your input...I'm sure I'll have more questions.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2011 09:43pm
I had alot of snakes when starting to clean up property in WV Neighbor told me to put out some moth balls to keep them away I really dont like putting moth balls out because they contain naptha But I really dont want any copperheads suprising me either..LOL After clearing off the site and putting out MBs have not seen any snakes since ..knock on wood ..I will probably see one now after telling you this LOL Your place really looks great!!!!
Gary O
# Posted: 13 Jun 2011 09:20am - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: shotgun But I really dont want any copperheads suprising me either Oh-h-h-h-h-oh, Copperheads, Mocassins, Rattlers...all nasty mean critters. I'd much rather put up with whatever they're purported to keep down.
Quoting: shotgun Your place really looks great Thanks Shotgun, it's easy to say the same about yours.
Happy trails (with moth balls)
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Jun 2011 07:03pm
Quoting: Just I would pump or have cabi pump as long as you can before you test Did that, all good. A couple things, however; 1) The test kit did not contain one for bacteria...so not sippin' quite yet 2) The prime won't hold overnight Took the pump off and examined the built in check valve. There was some debris. OK, cleaned it out and the prime held, but not overnight. I'd think the prime should hold for (at least) days, right? erectus pumpasaurous
|  Tested AOK (less bacteria test)
|  |  |
# Posted: 26 Jun 2011 08:18pm
Quoting: Gary O I'd think the prime should hold for (at least) days, right yes it should hold forever............until the pressure leaks back down , airtight is watertight.....
# Posted: 20 Jul 2011 12:15am
I apologize if I missed this somewhere, but do you have a heat source in your cabin? I didn't see any sign of a chimney and you posted about visiting in winter. I was curious how you stay warm (especially when you forget the bottle).
# Posted: 20 Jul 2011 06:54am
it's a big buddy heater, but we are adding on, and there will evenually be a small wood stove the large propane tank stays at the cabin
# Posted: 20 Jul 2011 08:52am
Quoting: Gary O I'd think the prime should hold for (at least) days, right the seals my need to soke up a bit of water befor they work . not sure ???
# Posted: 20 Jul 2011 10:05pm
Naugh, the dealer said it's not designed to hold a prime (the no freeze feature....) my bad for not picking up on the small print.....
Gary O
# Posted: 4 Jul 2012 07:56pm
Been awhile.
I'm sure cabi has kept everyone updated, so just to give this thread some continuity. Here's some pix, and a little sumpm about our last trip slash burn....sometimes referred to as dash burn
|  preparing to scare the beeheysoos outta cabi
|  homemade postcard
|  photo of my Jeep….one nanosecond after a chickadee left the limb
Gary O
# Posted: 4 Jul 2012 08:00pm - Edited by: Gary O
to continue
had some scrap 2x2, so built custom size windows built windows
|  with hinges
|  happy with 'em
|  |
Gary O
# Posted: 4 Jul 2012 08:06pm
Did I say it's been awile?
Made half doors outta the scrap 2x2s Half doors
|  half doors on cabin
|  half doors in cabin
|  shakes on cabin......happy
Gary O
# Posted: 4 Jul 2012 08:08pm
tired now....need a nap
Kitchen warm kitchen...even happier
|  |  |  |
Gary O
# Posted: 4 Jul 2012 08:18pm
So, we whipped down to the cabin to do a little shake, rattle and roll.
OK, we didn't whip. There's really no way to 'whip' 250 miles...on land....in a Jeep.....with a trailer......and two lithe aging geriatric boomers. But once there, we set to work. Yup, right away. And our first task really didn't take that long...about fifteen minutes of flailing of limbs and screaming of lungs I'd say, but it was quite the relief to actually get ourselves out of the Jeep and stretch those jaws of life that keep following me around. (My hind end you say.....yeah, my hind end)
OK, seriously folks, my lady and I have a regimen. We both get a good nap in on the way down, mine usually occurs somewhere half way into the mind numbing 100 miles of straight away on I-5....quite refreshing, really. I s'pose the wife should drive during those times.
Once at the cabin, we both start unloading the Jeep, trailer, and the cabin.
'The cabin you say'
Yeah, the cabin. The cabin that's full of tools, and a large generator on a four wheel cart. Our lovely generator of which we dubbed 'Jenny'. Good ol' Jenny. And what a trickster she is. She always likes to confuse me by having her fuel valve in the wrong position. Yeah, the fuel valve. The one that is like none other, because it is right smack on an 'L' connector, so if you're a weary geezer like myself, you won't remember if you turned the sucker off or not, and the pointy thing that's present on all vavles but this one, no matter which way you turn it is not in parallel with anything. Yeah, that valve. So, I crank my ever loving guts out (and that's a lot of guts), and all she does is chuckle a bit. Then after oh, say, five minutes, five minutes of wheezing, wheezing from twenty minutes of my wonderfully aerobic rope pulling ceremony, a light goes on. Yeah, a light. Because during my flailing of arms, and when I might have possibly done a little Irish jig on little Jenny, the valve may have been moved, and the little darling fired up, thus turning on the lights, yeah the lights.
Shake, rattle and roll you say.
Well, we put on some shakes. Then we noticed the rattling of our bones as we rolled into bed.
That wasn't the fun part.
The fun part you say.
Yeah, the fun part. We loaded up a second table saw that I'd picked up from a friend for just $100. One'a those Craftsman jobs, thats worth, oh say, $50 at HF. Full of glee that we now had something that would produce a straight cut, I picked up my guts and plugged 'er in. It ran, or rather turned maybe two revolutions. There was a flash.
A flash you say.
Yeah, a flash. My brain flashed onto page seventeen of Jenny's manual, showing that if anyone was dumb enough to think a generator of her size would have enough juice to handle the power surge of a table saw, surely that same person would forget the air compressor.
The air compressor you say
yeah the air compressor So, after unrolling the airlines, and setting up the staplers, I noticed they were curiously missing the female connectors that I was ready to deftly press their male connectors into. The ones that happened to be connected to Ol' Pancake the air compressor....that happened to still be in the corner of my shop, just a whippy 250 miles north. It suddenly dawned on me that I was giving my wife a wonderful example of an incredulous look, holding two empty male connectors.....(don't even go there)....
The jaunt to town really didn't take that long, what with a tidy round trip of 120 miles....and a $169 new Ol' Pancake, and whatever the #$%&!+ price of gas jumped to (I no longer look), we were ready to shake. Turns out I needed a small crane to install the shakes.
A crane you say.
Yeah, a crane, and some sorta belly bag that I could lie face down on, so my lovely wife could hoist me up and down to the level of row I was on, and she'd apply oxygen whenever I had to bend over for, say, ten seconds....yeah, a crane. Aftrer getting back home, I had a soak
Soak you say
Yeah, a soak. Soak in a tub of scotch....OK, it was water, but the Irish Spring did give it a kick.
Truly, the trip was, as usual, a grand distraction, and we can't wait to go again.
Actually, we're headin' back down there in a couple/three weeks....be still my heart.
# Posted: 4 Jul 2012 09:25pm
hahahahaha.....Welcome back Gary O!! You were missed!!!!
Gary O
# Posted: 4 Jul 2012 09:30pm
Hey Hats!!!
Missed you and Mr Hats too!
Gary O
# Posted: 2 Sep 2012 11:19pm
We're back from the cabin. One word.....
It's a 250 mi (400 km) trip. Half way there the aroma of burning motor oil woke me up. Popped the hood. The engine is throwing oil. Not good. Dip stick reads full. Huh. I drive 30 mi. Stop, recheck. Now there's a fizzing pinhole leak in the radiator housing.
Turn around?
....what would MacGyver do?
He would build a helicopter out of the fan, generator, flashlight battery, and discarded garbage can he found on the roadside and proceed to the cabin.
There's no garbage can.
I have a plan
I drive 300 yards and order a senior coffee at McDonalds.....
......and leave a rather hefty McPoop in their McToilet.
So, I'm not MacGyver.....but all obstacles of thought blockage have been removed.
Now I can proceed to the auto parts store and get some trusty JB Weld, 2 gal of antifreeze, and 8 quarts of oil.
We ARE going to the cabin. But first, we ARE getting over the mountain. But, even before that, I AM going to wait for the JB Weld to cure.
So we set there and finish off the bag of grapes we were going to munch on at the cabin.
Of course it's dark, and after finishing off the grapes, I realize the fingers that so gingerly popped grapes in my hirsute gaping yap are the same ones that so delicately kneaded the piece of JB Weld to activate the catalyst.
The flashlight is securely packed deep under food, clothing, books, guns, tools, and toilet paper. So, my MacGyver like instincts direct me to the head lights, reading the caution statement in the MSDS about washing your hands immediately after kneading the JB Weld, and something in so many words about kissing yer hind end g'bye if you are stupid enough to eat grapes right after using.
Actually, it reads:
Whew, nothing abnormal.
We get to the cabin. All is well.......with the exception of the niggling feeling of angst about the trip home.
I steeled my mind to think happy thoughts....
What would Bob Ross do?
He'd paint happy trees....... and take six more hits, then paint happy clouds.
I have nothing to hit but the bed. ....and read, and flop, and moan, and read.
Pancakes and sausage in the morn, at the picnic table....good coffee. (happy thoughts)
We create huge slash piles for burning after the 2nd snow.
That night the moon, the 2nd full moon this month, a blue one, shows the way without flashlight as me and my fair lady walk the meadow....I stepped in only three gofer holes. (happy holes)
Truly, once there, it was, as always, a wonderful, much needed, experience. And........, we made it back. ...and it only took two quarts of oil.
My Wrangler now sits in the carport, mocking me, dripping oil from every surface of the engine compartment, onto two of my fair lady's cookie sheets, while I contemplate happy thoughts of steam cleaning said compartment tomorrow to find the source of true happiness.......and a good brazer....day after tomorrow.
So, tonight, as we rest, and both peck away at our keyboards.......watching (no kidding) 'Survivor Man', cabi will occasionally look fondly in my direction, with a tender look of admiration ('My MacGyver'), and I.....I return the look of affection ('My Lady of cabin and kitchen') with the happy thought that she'll be even that much more fonder (grammar check) when she finds out I'm pre oiling her cookie sheets.
Happy thoughts, my lady, happy thoughts.
# Posted: 3 Sep 2012 12:06pm
hmmm MacGiver, Batman ,Superman ,,,noooo it's Cabinman able to leep-.....??
Gary O
# Posted: 3 Sep 2012 03:16pm
You got it, sir Just.
The ol' giddy up ain't as quick as the giddy down, and it takes a bit more effort to git off the porch, but us ol' dawgs can still git-er-done.
Take now, it's nap thirty, so gonna take care 'a that right away......
Gary O
# Posted: 11 May 2013 11:04pm - Edited by: Gary O
Tired Three days 600 miles Finicky generator Cobbled building thought patterns Add on is near completion However, I did manage to get my cabi so pissed, she called me a 'grouchy ol' buzzard'....it only took 44 years. I laughed so hard, pumice dust blew outta my nose. Just wunna those times where your hands are full, and you want her to move the 4x4 to the left....'TO THE LEFT....LEFT!'....your head is bobbing to your left.....her right.
Anyhoot, we worked sun up to sun down for two days. But in between those two days, I filled 'jenny' (the generator) with gas...two cycle mixed gas. She ran, but she didn't like it. She didn't like it for, oh, say, 2 hrs. I shut 'er down for lunch. After that she wouldn't budge. Turned, had spark, fresh oil. I didn't know what was the matter with her....until I poured a bit of gas in a tuna can. I usually don't make two cycle mix in a 5 gal can....usually. I usually label the can 'TWO CYLCE MIX'......usually. So I wrung my hands until she drained out. Examined the gas in the other can. It's not bluish. Only took, oh, say, 35-785 pulls to get her to respond. I've discovered a new workout machine.... Was I ever so happy, ever so appreciative; listening to her hum, as I sat by the fire, gasping and heaving....there may have been some sobbing and maniacal laughter. It's my usual procedure, post gnashing of teeth, falling on and kicking and beating the ground with my feet and fists.
Here's some pix gonna make the door and add more windows next trip (MTn Don...I know....just don't say anything right now, you grouchy ol' buzzard....it's just a tiny cabin...that has grown to 200sf).....and....I....I....love you... (we'll get close, mighty mighty close when I attempt to build the main house).
Oh, I'm also giving strong thoughts toward solar energy, so I've got some reading to do in this here forum.
It just hit me. I'm beyond tired now, so this grouchy ol' buzzard is gonna forage for some road kill.
Cheers DSC_0810.jpg
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|  DSC_0816.jpg
|  DSC_0822.jpg
# Posted: 12 May 2013 12:26am
oh my.i got to see my favorite family at our woods.they are the cutest family in the world.they have goats and kids and dogs and chickens and a ton of buildings on their bit of land.they are doing it.they are wonderful.the father stays home and home schools the kids.wonderful.so today as we were leaving the woods-there they were.all the five goats,4 dogs and all the kids and the dad...going for a walk.i wish i had my camera ready. some people-we found out who-stole our wood stove,pipes and such from the old mobile home.we were going to use the wood stove in gars work shop.they think the place is abandoned even though i put a block in the drive.stinkers.when i leave the cabin i wrap up gennie rator...in my kitchen with windows all covered up.i even leave out chairs alot of times with a can of soda to look like we are coming back soon. we got alot of work done.its very wonderful.like creating our special place.so fun.
Gary O
# Posted: 27 May 2013 05:17pm
Well, we completed our last addition to the cabin. It's as complete as it's gonna get, since it's now at 198 sq feet. The windows were afterthought craig's list finds, but we're happy with them, even though they are heavy. I know, I dropped one on my foot. The swelling and purple hue will recede. Next the bedroom (120 sf lean-to style) a few feet away. Then the utility/wash/sauna facility a few feet from the kitchen. Then Serious building (to code) of the shop Then The main house
Here's some pix; whistle while you work
|  worky worky worky
|  custom cut (skinny) shakes fit...happy
|  bend-grunt-staple
Gary O
# Posted: 27 May 2013 05:19pm
more pix
# Posted: 27 May 2013 05:38pm
like the cedar 
Gary O
# Posted: 27 May 2013 08:22pm
Me too. The scraps start a hot fire
Gary O
# Posted: 30 Dec 2013 09:58am
So, we escaped to the cabin for a few days before Christmas. Slash pile burning season. Got tired of waitin' for the snow to pile up. I did my usual of pouring a cup of diesel at the bottom of the pile and tossing on a lit chunk of paper. Usually it takes several tries to get the pile going.
This time, this time the pile went WHOOOSH!...game on. Immediate thought; Do our best to at least to save the cabin.
No kiddin'. The slash fire rose to approx. 15 feet in what seemed seconds. My lovely wife started tossing snow on it like mad. I, in my X-man/MacGyver action mode, immediately looked on......I may have had my mouth open. My mind drifted to the incident of winter 2012....and 2011, 2010, 2009...aaaand the spectacle of '76, where I discovered combustible flaming garbage could fly.......rather far.
I finally went into action, piling snow around the perimeter, then sitting back down to enjoy the fire/wife show.
Fire is a funny thing. Not haha funny, but oddly determined funny. One slash burn season we'd poured gallons and gallons of water on the coals...no smoke, just black swill, swimming bits of tiny pieces of charcoal. We went to bed that night, all tucked in our cabin, rather happy, and congratulating each other on our accomplishments. As my custom, I usually wake up around midnight....stroll outside, scratch my hind end, and pee. I awoke to my lady shaking the crap outta me, shrieking something in my good ear. 'LOOK OUT THE #%&*# WINDOW!!' she cooed. The once drowned pile was ablaze. Huh So, this year, my lady would not go to bed. Every 15-20 minutes she'd go out and drown the piles. Did this both nights we were there. I know this because I'd occasionally pat the pillow beside me, remarking how soft she felt. She was a tad grouchy on the way home. But, heheh, slept most the way back...so did she.
# Posted: 30 Dec 2013 06:01pm
LOL... Glad you had a safe trip !! As always, very good reading .
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both !!
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