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# Posted: 20 Jun 2019 12:57am
Good luck in your new ventures!
# Posted: 20 Jun 2019 10:16am
The Very Best to the both of you Gary and Caby.
# Posted: 20 Jun 2019 10:20am
OH And please say hi to julie
# Posted: 20 Jun 2019 11:02am
You two have allowed us to watch for so many years as you have gone on this amazing adventure. We have laughed together and watched in awe at your creative solutions to off-grid problems.
I feel like I have been reading a huge book for many, many years and now the last page is turned. It makes me very sad. 
What do ya think of this idea - a SEQUEL!!! This adventure is over, but your new journey is only beginning. How about starting a new thread and letting us know how you are doing in your new place? We can read about the ways you are making this home more efficient and we can marvel at Cabingal's knitting skills (I swear that given enough wool that woman could knit you an entire house! ) So what do you say? A Sequal - GaryO's and Cabingal's New Adventure? Come on....you left us hanging...we need more....
# Posted: 20 Jun 2019 12:30pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
Gary O and cabingal3,
Thank You so much for taking us along on your cabin adventure. For sharing so much of your lives with us. The two of you have been an inspiration to me and many others living or dreaming of a cabin in the woods. I have learned a lot from the two of you.
Your post has made me very emotional. Sad that this adventure is ending yet also happy that you are moving into new adventures and a sweet bungalow.
I’m so very happy that your son is carrying on the tradition. My BIL and SIL (they are in their 80’s) sold their cottage two years ago....to their daughter.
I’m also emotional because I love both of you and I don’t want to say goodbye. Please keep posting. I would and I’m sure all of us following would love to see photos and hear of all your new adventures.
Please say hello to Julie for me.
# Posted: 20 Jun 2019 10:25pm
I love Hatties idea of a new thread. Your story doesnt have to end. Its just a different adventure.... Right ?
Gary O
# Posted: 20 Jun 2019 11:31pm - Edited by: Gary O
You guys….
You guys are a big reason we found this adventure doable.
Quoting: hattie I feel like I have been reading a huge book for many, many years and now the last page is turned. It makes me very sad.
Quoting: silverwaterlady Your post has made me very emotional. Sad that this adventure is ending
Hats, Sly do NOT be sad!
We are not losing, we’re gaining.
It’s time for our son and his wee ones to enjoy some of this. Sure, we could will it to them, but then we wouldn’t experience their joy.
They’re quite excited about it.
No, we’re not sad at all. More fulfillment than we’d even hoped.
And sharing has been as much fun as anything.
I’m not quite done in writing about our experiences here, as I’ve somewhat protected the down sides. So, I’ll continue a bit about our tiny cabin experience, and alllll the events, good and not so good.
And I’ll keep it to the fractured funny side, as that’s pretty much how I see most things. So, it’ll be quite easy for me.
The difficulty I’ll have will be typing as fast as the thoughts come, as with me, writing is much akin to speeding thru the curves of a windy country road…with the throttle stuck to the floor.
It’s all I can do to maintain continuity with these two fingers when thoughts come, one after the other.
But now…now I’ll have time…heh heh.
And after that? Yes, I’ll create another thread.
Because folks are so freaking interesting to me. Not the headliners so much, but the everday ones, the unheralded ones, the plain folk. Because, well, they are so much more than that. They are the true keepers of the fire.
Now...you guys quit bein' so damn wonderful.
...I'm starting to well up
Y'all know I'm so freaking emotional anyway
My sad face

My happy face

My meh face

My OMG! face

Y'all get the picture
Gary O
# Posted: 20 Jun 2019 11:36pm
..and Julie sez 'Hi'
Gary O
# Posted: 21 Jun 2019 12:28am
Quoting: Just Gess we are all waitng for that apifame
I just realized you meant 'epiphany'
There is only one Just...AND WE HAVE HIM!!
Yogi Berra, eat yer heart out
# Posted: 26 Jun 2019 06:24pm
Hi to all! Now that the cat is out of the bag ... 😊
Gary and Cabingal are wise and wonderful souls dedicated to inspired living. That will never change and there will always be adventures and stories to tell!
Town may be town but, this being rural Oregon, we're not removed from the natural world. I've got forests just blocks away and deer walking down the street all of the time, lol. Oh, and the views! An interesting juxtaposition.
There's a lot to be said for flush toilets, electricity without working for it, and medical care a mile away. And not having in the back of your mind if this might be the day or event when the dream turns into a potentially fatal nightmare.
A toast to Gary and Cabi, for all they built, shared, inspired; the advice, help, and friendship they generously gave; and for the many adventures and creative pursuits their new home base is sure to spawn. 😊
Welcome to town, my friends! Julie
# Posted: 27 Jun 2019 01:07pm
To Gary and Cabi.
# Posted: 27 Jun 2019 01:09pm
And to you to Julie
Gary O
# Posted: 28 Jun 2019 08:02am - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: Julie2Oregon A toast to Gary and Cabi, for all they built, shared, inspired; the advice, help, and friendship they generously gave; and for the many adventures and creative pursuits their new home base is sure to spawn.😊Welcome to town, my friends!Julie
Quoting: manny To Gary and Cabi.
Quoting: manny And to you to Julie
Hey, thanks for the warm welcome, sweet neighbor.
...and while we're raising the glass, here's one to you, manny, for being a long time cabin guy and a great asset to this site.
Here's a few more thoughts on our decision;
I’m only content for so long, no matter where, and it’s time for new adventure
I had thought this place to be my last, but five seasons is more than plenty
One gets stale
Sure, visiting my son and his fam here will be fun But that’s really just a side benefit (and I’m really not all that noble….sounded good tho)
I’m more than ready to move on
It gets a bit complex, as I’m no townie
But I need to steel myself for a bit …and write
Who knows, maybe another place out on the edge is in the future
A place on the coast
A place here in town, on a heavily treed, quiet little well established lane
Just a place in my mind
Don’t rightly know
But that’s how adventures are
# Posted: 28 Jun 2019 09:48am
Good luck in your travels to the next abode. Here's hoping you find some place with better tree openings for solar. smile.
Gary O
# Posted: 28 Jun 2019 09:54pm
Quoting: creeky Here's hoping you find some place with better tree openings for solar. Trees will always win out with me, creek
Yer the sun dawg
# Posted: 8 Dec 2019 08:50pm
Once you are a cabin dweller...always a cabin dweller...it’s a state of mind...a way you look at life...the lens you use to find your peace...whatever that means to you. Give us an update an your new adventure Gary O...If you’re still checking in...cheers!
Gary O
# Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:37am - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: bushbunkie Give us an update an your new adventure Gary O...If you’re still checking in...cheers! Hey, Bush
I do 'check in' from time to time
Can't not
We put an earnest money on a little cottage at the edge of town
It's got two garages, one of which will be my shop
Many projects
'Tween now and then, I've been busy creating avian abodes
They're intentionally whimsical, and accidently a bit quirky
I've incorporated pine tree roots from blow overs at the cabin
They're selling faster than I care to make them

We may just keep the cabin
Buy another piece of land
...and (heh) build a cabin
Move back, after I refurb this new place
There's always something...and you guys know this
# Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:15am
Very cool....I used to make rustic bird abodes, feeders, shelves, etc. out of rusty metal and ol barn beams from barns we would tear down...that’s when I had time and energy...but it funded all the tools in my shop! Great way to keep the creative process goin!ðŸ‘
# Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:17am
I’m a year off retirement, so looking forward to getting time back again. Just made these “beer flight†paddles for my brother for Xmas. 48F0B1C9FDB044F0A.jpeg
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Gary O
# Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:34am - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: bushbunkie I used to make rustic bird abodes, feeders, shelves, etc. out of rusty metal and ol barn beams from barns we would tear down...that’s when I had time and energy...but it funded all the tools in my shop! Great way to keep the creative process goin! N-I-I-I-C-E! Yeah, creative juices..gotta keep em goin' Boy, barn wood is at a premium these days. Right now I'm using cedar fence brds and shakes.
Not raking in the big bucks, but it is some sorta positive cash flow. I think it's funding the wood, linseed oil, and shop towels.
Here's another quirky one;

Gary O
# Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:38am
Quoting: bushbunkie Just made these “beer flight†paddles for my brother for Xmas. Oh, those are very nice

# Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:26am
No kidding re. the price of barnboard...since it became "trendy" price has gone through the roof. Those are cool...great detail.
Gary O
# Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:32pm
Quoting: bushbunkie the price of barnboard...since it became "trendy" price has gone through the roof Yeah, some hobbyists have switched to pallets. But, the ones still in existence are mostly oak. Good for some stuff, but for me, in regard to bird house, cedar is THEE way
# Posted: 16 Dec 2019 12:05am
if we get the house we are trying to buy.we will live a block or two from Julie to Oregon. shes a wonderful lady. we might be going to her house for the new year day celebration and meet some of the neighbors where we might be moving to. should be fun. still in all.its gonna be hard to part with our land. we may keep it or we might sell and get different property and built us a cabin to just camp on when we feel a need to get out of town. thanks everyone.
# Posted: 16 Dec 2019 06:17pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
Hi Gary O and cabingal3, It’s great to hear from you. Happy you two are doing well. Wow Gary, I love the bird houses, they are very creative and beautiful. Cabingal3, have you entertained the thought of sell your beautiful creations on Etsy?
# Posted: 16 Dec 2019 09:13pm
It is so great to see posts from you two again! It hasn't been the same without you both. I love your birdhouses GaryO! I agree with silverwaterlady - you should sell some of your creations on Etsy, cabingal.
I bet Julie is excited at the possibility have having you so close. It is sad she doesn't post here anymore. You all need to come back....we gotta get the band back together again!
I can't wait to see what your next adventures will be cabingal and GaryO! Merry Christmas to you both!
Gary O
# Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:11pm
Hey, we're excited about our next adventure. And, we're now pretty solid on buying another piece of land and building another cabin, but only for visits.
Done with living year round off grid, and so far from town. Too treacherous in winter.
We flirted with disaster for almost 5 years, met the challenges, got as comfy as we could. The fourth year became redundant.
No regrets. Glad we had the experience.
We're both looking forward to our new adventures. A place on the edge of town, and an escape in the mountains. Just one cabin this time. But one with a view. Looking at buying 5 acres atop a mountain;

I can see our cabin there. Huge window Sipping coffee on the couch Throw a log on the fire

Then...go home
Quoting: hattie Merry Christmas to you both! Back at y'all

Gary O
# Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:21pm
When we moved to town, we grabbed a little bungalow to rent while we did our search for a place to buy.
 The garage had an ideal spot for a shop, so I donated a couple hundred bucks in material to the owner and built a workbench. It's soooo nice to have on grid power...so nice

# Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:15am
hmm. we have 17 grandchildren and two great grand babies. i cant even make enough knitted and crocheted items for all of our family much less others. i am crocheting scarves for the homeless people right now though. and crocheting household items right now for our new house. thank u Hattie and silverwaterlady! wishing all a very Merry Christmas.
# Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:33pm
That mountain top looks beautiful....and the workshop is sweet!
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