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Gary O
# Posted: 14 Feb 2019 10:21am
Quoting: manny I could stand it if you make it Masochism looks good on ya, manny
# Posted: 14 Feb 2019 10:30am
Life looks good out there. How could we not want more?
Gary O
# Posted: 14 Feb 2019 10:49am
Well, OK
Gimme some days
Snow tending is eatin' up large chunks of daylight
Y'know, you guys could do the same....
# Posted: 14 Feb 2019 04:53pm
Gary O there are people on YouTube making money on videos and if they get enough subscribers companies are sending useful things to them in the hope that if the product is something great a little review is done.
I see how many views you have here and on a few other web sites. I know people are extremely interested in full time off griders. Something to think about......
Gary O
# Posted: 14 Feb 2019 09:25pm
Quoting: silverwaterlady Gary O there are people on YouTube making money on videos and if they get enough subscribers Well that’s a thought Thing is, I don’t really care to get too into it as to attract sponsors (or whatever they’re called) I just thought it fun for friends Doing another book is enough
Who knows
Maybe I could get into it
Just for funzies
Tiz a thought
Right now a nap is a bit pressing
Gary O
# Posted: 15 Feb 2019 11:52am - Edited by: Gary O

This time of year dictates a different focus Getting out Getting to the well Getting wood Getting anywhere Even to the poophouse Especially the poophouse
Gotta keep the paths clear

The roofs have their special needs Glad for the slick metal And for roof pitch
The A frame cabin is at 58° A turkey to cut those angles (took two runs thru the saw), but worthy I did use comp roofing, but no matter at that pitch

The shop is at 45° (12/12 pitch) Easy peasy with the sliding miter saw
and slick

The main cabin? Design dictated a low roof pitch So, I built it for ten feet of snow

Same with the two bump outs on the A frame (snow is a good insulation)
The pines have these not so small tree bombs
Gotta wear something with a hood after a good snow Their little joke is filling yer neck if you don’t

The nice thing, tending to the snow is my winter workout
Critters are up early this morn

Zippy is gettin' a bit chubby

May invite him for dinner (heh heh)
I shoulda done a vid of the Steller’s jay attempting breakfast at the suet block
Heh, snowing again

You’d think its winter
Y'all keep a fire

# Posted: 15 Feb 2019 06:56pm
Gary I greatly enjoy your posts and humour Up for the weekend at a friends cottage and it took us a full day to get paths to everything important. The poop house took a bit of work as the bottom of the door was frozen in from some freezing rain a few weeks ago but made it before it got urgent
Seems to take all day just too keep alive. But hope there is time to fish tomorrow
Gary O
# Posted: 15 Feb 2019 08:48pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: FishHog The poop house took a bit of work as the bottom of the door was frozen in Y’know, when I built the bucket loo, I put a little trap door in the back for bucket removal

Thought it to be rather ingenious
Until it snowed
And snowed
And iced over

Took only the first part of the winter to redesign
Hinged the front of the seating area

Now I just lift the lid from the back of the seating area, and presto

Even screwed in an overspray shield (piece of 1 gal milk jug), that naturally goes into place when the lid is dropped back down

It sits quite comfy too, with the cloth seat cover

Gary O
# Posted: 2 Mar 2019 09:55am
Yesterday looked decent Decided to go the twenty five miles south to pick up mail, and get 15 gal of fuel for the gennys
Got out unto the hwy 97 skating rink
Feathered the brake to check ice content…just slid
Eased into the throttle….didn’t gain speed, just spun
Decided to go the two miles to the little country store and get my gas there, where the price is only double and they have the uncanny ability to mix water with their gas, screw the mail
On the way, about a mile down the road, a limping wolf hobbled across the hwy Musta got into a rancher’s trap Man, they’re gettin’ a bit too plentiful
Spent the rest of the morn and into the afternoon helping an ol’ gal blow out her road Actually, she and my lady talked about chikins and tumors on dogs while my young buddy blew out her road….rather shoveled, had to use the bucket, too iced up to blow

She gave us some eggs in payment, and is settling up with the kid
Barely had enough light to do my own chores, but they got done
Today looked better
Decided to get the mail, and jaunt the other 25 miles into the big city (gotta take the opportunity when it comes, even though it’s been less than a week)
Man, the roads were dry as unbuttered popcorn

Sweet trip
Looked at guns (always look at guns)
Ate at the Asian buffet Loaded up on hot and sour soup Seems a great laxative
Stopped at DMV to get my license renewed
Posed for a horrendously comical mug shot Funny, how when young it matters
Anyway, we picked up a few more groceries and cracked corn for the critters and juncos And headed back to the cabin
In the snow
Wasn’t supposed to snow
Once we got home, the sky cleared

Supposed to be nice tomorrow Gonna change oils on gennys amongst the other chores, then check on a hunting friend’s cabin and property to see if any trees did any damage
I’d like to take some space here to expound a bit on how well Little Joe the Wrangler has held up.
It’s only got a quarter million miles on it, but it has always taken us where we needed to go, including a bit of stump jumping
Funny how, when one keeps the fluids and filters changed, how long a hunk of machinery can last
I’ve only had to change out the oil pressure sensor and a couple other incidental wear type things
Oh, and it’s on its third rag top
A bit of a time to install a new one, but worth it Summers, with the top down and doors off, become exhilarating…at any speed (aged greying hair can get tousled at 27 mph)
Paid $11,999 cash for it back in ‘99 Anyway, Little Joe still looks and acts like he’s young Maybe that’s why we get along so well
He even posed for some pics

after hearing the song dogs tonight, I took some night pics for fun
not a big deal, turns out

still, thinking about that wounded wolf gets one's imagination going about what's beyond the darkness

Keep a fire
# Posted: 2 Mar 2019 12:19pm
Really like your gig here. Just went through the pictures of the snow . Too cool man ! I really like this time of year. I've been working remote from home for a while and haven't been able to get to the cabin in a while. I know the snow is pretty deep. I still need to get a bunch of supplies in. 8 miles by snow gos. So thats always ok. The snow should have been shaken off the roof from all the earthquakes. Like weekly. Any more folks don't even care to acknowledge a 3 .o . I regress . Oh well hope you don't mind, kinda. It's easy for me to slip into cabin mode. I may not be able to be home or at the cabin but I'm still in Alaska. Reading scf , drinking coffee with my squeeze , beautiful wife, and watching the sun come up over the Pacific surrounded by snow capped mountains sitting in the tongass national forest. Sounds like you know how to live on your wins !
# Posted: 2 Mar 2019 12:23pm - Edited by: Aklogcabin
Oops I think I should have hit the green button more.
Gary O
# Posted: 2 Mar 2019 11:36pm
Quoting: Aklogcabin watching the sun come up over the Pacific surrounded by snow capped mountains sitting in the tongass national forest Got a lifelong buddy south of you near Klawock on Prince of Wales islQuoting: Aklogcabin I regress . Oh well hope you don't mind, kinda. It's easy for me to slip into cabin mode. Never a prob on this thread
# Posted: 3 Mar 2019 12:03pm
Thanks Gary O . I can get along in the woods pretty well but computers, not so much . Took me over 6 months to figure out how to answer my phone when my beautiful wife would call without hanging up first. My beautiful wife and I want to spend a month or so this summer at the cabin. I’m hoping to be able to fly home for Easter weekend and load the family up and head out to the cabin for a couple days. The chores are mearly a part of it all that makes it great. I suspect that those aches n pains didn’t happen because you were sitting on the couch. And you live in the middle of the woods because , well you really like the woods, but you really want to keep your squeeze all to yourself. And there’s always something that you can do together. And you kinda dig that.
Gary O
# Posted: 7 Mar 2019 12:10am
Quoting: Aklogcabin And there’s always something that you can do together. And you kinda dig that. Yeah, I did a little poetic prose thing that talks about what you’re saying (I’ve post this before, but, hey)

# Posted: 7 Mar 2019 02:03pm
You got the touch, my lad
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Mar 2019 10:46am
Someone said ‘we only live once’ I couldn’t argue with that …until I read what someone else said ‘we only die once, we live every day’
Gonna be another great day

gonna live it
....to the fullest
keep the fire...within
# Posted: 30 Mar 2019 05:59pm - Edited by: rockies
A picture is worth a 1000 words   Before Joining Small Cabin Forum
|  After Joining Small Cabin Forum
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Gary O
# Posted: 1 Apr 2019 09:04am

Gary O
# Posted: 29 May 2019 01:15am
May 26, twenty nineteen….it snowed

not a bunch
 but enough
Even though covered, the freshly planted tomato plants froze Pulled the pathetically limp things outa the soil They are now compost
It’s my busy season
But, this is my sorta diary, so
I best post some, here and there
In late spring, one forgets the harrowing winter And the winds that come with it Cold wind is….colder Blowing down trees wherever it wishes Trees that never were considered would snap, snap like dry twigs
One learns
Breathes sighs of relief
Begins repairs
Dawns seem to keep coming
 weather can be predicted just by going outside

Things are settled at present
back to 'normal'
 The chippies are basking in the morning rays
Seem very deep in thought
 when in reality

We get the birds Never knew how much I enjoyed them They are truly a pleasantry
Some comedic, some gloriously regal, some quite tiny
Have yet this spring to have the large shadows float over me
But they’ll come
Hawks of all kinds
A baldy here and there
Turkey vultures are fun
Took a moment to make a sound vid of a little guy with a pretty voice He had some things to say in his charming tune
Here’s some lyrics
Gary O
# Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:48pm - Edited by: Gary O
We are moving
…..to town
It’s time
Just not really into another winter
Five winters at five/six feet of snow and ice is enough
The challenges have been met
The discomfort of getting warm has begun to outweigh the pristine beauty
For the first few years, we’d sit here, looking rather smug at each other, all warm and cozy, with the confidence that we weren’t going to freeze to freaking death in our rockers after all.
But The toil of that seasonal achievement has worn a bit
Time to write about it all
Gonna miss some things here
The view from the shop will be no more The simple glimpse out the shop door, giving a rush of memories of design and build of doors I had no idea would work so well, let alone the aesthetics to my complete satisfaction

A lota happenings occurred during this leg of our being
‘Course I’ll always have the memories…well, not always, probably
For awhile
Even during the most arduous of chores, I’d pause a bit, rest, look, enjoy
I won’t have a goodly portion of that in town
There will be joys
New experiences
Time to actually write
I’ve compiled scads of events, thoughts
Heh, I’ll prolly scrap those and start all over
I will use those for memory jogs, however
Anyway, getting close to moving day
Nothing will be the same here
And it shouldn’t be It’d be a bit of a bore And THAT…would be a travesty
Our little bungalow will become my writing venue

Need that
Otherwise, I’ll never put another book together
I’ll miss some things
You bet I will The unsettled morning sky

The hovering mist over the marsh beyond our tiny meadow, cradling that steadfast little mountain dubbed Yamsi by ancient natives, ‘North Wind’ to you and me.

The grazing deer most afternoons now

The crunch of fresh fallen snow in early winter
The absolute stillness when winter is deep and mature

The brightness of the myriad of heavenly orbs on a moonless midnight
A full moon on the summer horizon

The cool evening shadows on what my lady and I built

But what I know I’ll miss most… . Is my little buddy
All Goldens flee in my presence
But this one

He came up to me just moments ago, walking t’ward me on his hind legs
Little hand outstretched, ever so gently caressing my finger to steady hisself while carefully mouthing the peanut shell
We’ll be gone soon
…and so will he

But, I’ve come to realize, missing things are not losses
They’re realizations
And I will surely write about it all
# Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:16pm
Good Luck in All that you do.
# Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:55pm
I'm sad for you both that you have to leave your homemade paradise. Nothing can take away the amazing memories you have made! You lived the life many just dream of!
Best wishes to you and Cabingal. Keep us posted on your new adventure!
# Posted: 19 Jun 2019 09:17am
Gess we are all waitng for that apifame that says its time. I hope I know it when it comes . Or did I miss it??
# Posted: 19 Jun 2019 09:25am
Well life should be about adventures. So let the new one begin
Have enjoyed your presence over the years so I hope you stick around
Gary O
# Posted: 19 Jun 2019 11:21am
Quoting: hattie Keep us posted on your new adventure!
Surely will
Quoting: FishHog Well life should be about adventures. So let the new one begin
Truer words have not been typed
Thanks, guys
Keep that fire
# Posted: 19 Jun 2019 11:27am
going to enjoy my kitchen at our little new place. gonna binge watch Naked and Afraid. gonna have my spinning wheel inside our living room so i can sit and spin more. love our woods but we sold it to our son.he said we can come out here anytime and stay. so all is wonderful. we keep in touch with julie to oregon.she has a cute little house now. wants us to come over and see her latest decor. so we will be in town near Julie. lots of fun times ahead. i am taking my plants and planting them in the raised beds Gar made.winters are not as bad where we are moving to.i can actually garden. thanks everyone
# Posted: 19 Jun 2019 03:51pm
Just read the entire 51 pages, and realized I arrived just in time for the new beginning. I'm 49 years old and aspire to live half as well as you both have in the last 9 years! Loved the whole journey; don't stop now!
Gary O
# Posted: 19 Jun 2019 07:27pm
Quoting: ckary I'm 49 years old and aspire to live half as well as you both have in the last 9 years
It's always a hope that our doings are some sorta inspiration.
...I mean, if we can do it...hey.....y'all got this
# Posted: 19 Jun 2019 08:03pm
Quoting: ckary Just read the entire 51 pages, and realized I arrived just in time for the new beginning. I'm 49 years old and aspire to live half as well as you both have in the last 9 years!
I'm a few months away from 49 and going on 4 years into my cabin journey. My cabin (and my family, of course) is my passion currently. I hope to have a solid 30+ years of cabin life ahead of me and I hope I have 51 pages of posts to show for it.
Love this forum and it's been great to draw inspiration from you Gary. Best of luck. I'm sure many good times await you.
# Posted: 19 Jun 2019 08:26pm
Your doing s are very inspirational Gary and Cabi. Ive admired your bravery and dedication and team work for years here. Im a little sad that your leaving the cabin but at least its your sons now and you can visit ! I wish you both good health and much happiness in your new home. Youre a great team. Hello to Julie !! Lisa. ðŸ˜
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