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Gary O
# Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:14pm
Quoting: cabingal3 i was a crazy woman yesterday.i meant i needed to go take a nap.so sorry i was wild. No complaints, my lady wild place wild woman saw yer tracks out there claws in...good to go
# Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:47pm

# Posted: 21 Nov 2017 01:17am
Quoting: cabingal3 we are looking for larger acreage.come spring we want to have enough money saved to purchase bigger.
Are you two going to sell your paradise and move? 
Gary O
# Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:23am
Quoting: hattie Are you two going to sell your paradise and move? Not this decade Prolly not next decade Maybe not ever But Can't not find, buy, build Goin' thru wood butcher withdrawal And this place is gettin' a tad populated like a neighborhood neighbors with big lots I mean, we don't mind coyotes or herds of garden munching vegan deer or the occasional garbage can foraging bear or even folks...on rare occasion However, our elbows a gettin' cramped
Old people don't like cramps
# Posted: 21 Nov 2017 12:15pm
I hear you loud and clear GaryO....Every once in awhile I will look online at places in the next town over from us. Then I think how it would be with people so close and there is no way. Bob just shakes his head and says we have everything here so he's not going anywhere. The main reason I like the winter so much is that there are fewer people around.
Good luck to you both no matter what you decide to do. As for us, I just want to hunker down and do some serious hibernating for the winter.
Gary O
# Posted: 21 Nov 2017 07:38pm
Quoting: hattie Then I think how it would be with people so close and there is no way.
Thing is, these new folks are nice No hooligans Still
Gary O
# Posted: 1 Dec 2017 10:32pm
Third Year Synopsis;
Going into our third winter Not sure if ‘complacent’ is the word, but....
Chores, the first year, were an adventure, and mostly triumph
Git anything done, and it turned out right, well, the smile would not fade
The second year was more determination and commitment than anything, as building essential structures like a shop were all consuming
This third year things are beginning to become repetitious Oh, I still offer a prayer of thanks ever time I draw water
...and one swells in me during the morning rise

And still have that somebody pinch me feeling while butchering wood in my shop, or even tossing a log in the stove
We are, what is it...settled in, yeah, that’s it, settled in
...and it’s a mighty calming thing for this soul
Y’all keep a fire
I'll be in the shop

# Posted: 24 Jan 2018 08:11pm
Man, I'm really liking your second cabin concept. I might add a little arctic entry or something but I like the concept.
Gary O
# Posted: 24 Jan 2018 11:11pm
Quoting: BadgersHollow Man, I'm really liking your second cabin concept. I might add a little arctic entry or something but I like the concept. Hey neighbor. It was an evolution
...that happens to work
# Posted: 25 Jan 2018 09:41am
I too think about selling up to move. But only so I can build again with all the knowledge I've gained from "rev 01".
Gary O
# Posted: 25 Jan 2018 10:02am
Quoting: creeky But only so I can build again YES!
It will never end
...I hope
# Posted: 26 Jan 2018 12:55am
You should check out my side of the desert forest when spring rolls around.
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Jan 2018 01:03am
We just may, Badge
we just may
# Posted: 30 Mar 2018 07:16pm
Hi Gary, with spring rolling around how did you (the original homesteaders!) fair this winter? Can't wait to get up to our cabin. My honey had her third hip replacement this winter, so we've been stayin close to home...savin up the brownie points and bein a god hubby 
Gary O
# Posted: 31 Mar 2018 09:04pm
Quoting: bushbunkie Hi Gary, with spring rolling around how did you (the original homesteaders!) fair this winter?
Hey Bush
Beginning our third year here next month Little has changed our outlook, our expectations Enhanced? Yes Winters are long They have their rewards not enjoyed in spring, summer But spring It’s what’s looked for, waited for And it’s now here Bugs have yet to hatch The sun has yet to burn like summer I can work all day, not just the morn The air Mountain air at 4550’ is so pure, so crisp in spring
The day started like most

But It’s spring now
I did work outside all day Started in the shop, opened both doors Ended up outside, answering the call of this new season Uncovering things, prepping garden spots for my lady Ma nature laughs during spring It could snow here in June But today Today was what one looks for, waits for The first days of spring let you know just how outa shape a lazy winter can make you Tonight I ache in places I forgot I had Last thing I did today was make a screen door for the main cabin Previous seasons I just fashioned a weighted screen that hung from the top of the jamb, vowing to ‘make a real one next year’
Heh, it’s now next year I’d hoped, in my head, to fashion a sliding affair, as there’s not much porch room, and I hate contending with light swinging doors that don’t quite close flush, inhibited by the wind The slider works better than I’d hoped

simple handles can be fun things

plopping into the lazy boy has it's own rewards
but after a day of toil (fun work), it seems fittingly worthy

Not unhappy
oh, and throughout the winter I butchered wood in the shop making crude things like jelly cupboards and pie hutches

or doing PMs on things, like replacing bearings on well used carts

seasons bring change, of which my lovely lady kept pace in places like the breakfast nook

whipped out a three way mirror (for ear hair removal) after seeing how much they went for in the store
 then promptly found one for $18.99
Anyway, we enjoyed ever minute this winter
Spring, however, has sprung
I'll be outside
# Posted: 31 Mar 2018 10:32pm
Love Cabis breakfast nook. That centerpiece is beautiful. And that sliding door is amazing! Glad you had a productive winter. Spring hasnt sprung here in Michigan yet but we are close. Cant wait to get to the cabin in 3 weeks. Have a happy Easter. 
Gary O
# Posted: 31 Mar 2018 10:51pm
Quoting: naturelover66 Have a happy Easter You too, Lisa (no foolin')
# Posted: 1 Apr 2018 08:44am
Glad to know you guys are alive and well and enjoying it all. Nice cupboard BTW! Makes me pine away for my place.
Happy Easter to you both.
# Posted: 1 Apr 2018 08:51am
BTW...knowing your sense of humour...thought you would appreciate this. My wife on the other hand thinks I need therapy! Happy Easter! spittin image of my pup...
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Gary O
# Posted: 1 Apr 2018 09:57am - Edited by: Gary O
Labs make the best friends..... and pics
and yes, you do need therapy...cabin therapy
cheers, mate
Gary O
# Posted: 18 May 2018 10:20pm
Writ April 25
Was most glorious

Near 70° F Bathed outside in the glory of this warm spring day Then splayed myself on the lounge, drying, naturally Soaking in water then ol’ sol is a unique extravagance afforded by most but taken by few I cannot put into words how I feel today Maybe I just don’t wish to It’d be like grabbing and holding the morning’s rays

And it’d cheapen this present sensitivity
Dined on ribeye at the table outside With my mate of 50 years

Did some trivial things the rest the day
But this feeling, this feeling has yet to leave me
Our place is less than simple

But yet so much Each piece of wood, so cherished

Is my mind that simple? So easily touched? If it is….God, I pray you never change it
My lady was remiss at the meagerness of my birthday 'gifts' yesterday She felt better after reminding her of her gift...of herself At least I think she did...tears are sometimes hard for me to interpret
Can heaven be better?
‘Contentment is great gain’
Read that somewhere
It….. is….. profound

Keeping this fire that burns within
# Posted: 19 May 2018 08:25am
I hope you had the Happiest of Birthdays Gary. Lisa
Gary O
# Posted: 19 May 2018 07:35pm
Quoting: naturelover66 I hope you had the Happiest of Birthdays Gary. Lisa a happier one does not come to mind
Thanks. Lisa
Gary O
# Posted: 16 Jun 2018 11:01pm
wood...is in

# Posted: 17 Jun 2018 10:06am
Going to stay a bit longer are you two ? Got it all cut and split before it gets hot , way to go Paul.
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Jun 2018 08:12pm
Quoting: Just Got it all cut and split before it gets hot we did this year..one learns take what the seasons give ya had an early spring...took it
Cheers, sir Just
# Posted: 17 Jun 2018 08:51pm
Job well done Gary!! After seeing your post last nite, I have wood envy!😋 Here in the Midwest we are having a heat wave with heat index of over 100 degrees. Seeing your wood pile gave me enough inspiration to wake up early, sharpen all the chainsaws and make sure I have enough gas and oil to last the whole year. Then when I started sweating profusely, I went back in the air conditioning and made sure that I had the propane delivery service on speed dial. Lol.
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Jun 2018 11:10pm
Quoting: darz5150 Then when I started sweating profusely, I went back in the air conditioning and made sure that I had the propane delivery service on speed dial.
Been there no choice
We certainly got lucky this spring
working on fun projects now
I'll post some pics when they become more worthy
keep a fire, darz (later in the fall)
# Posted: 18 Jun 2018 11:07am
Good job, GO.....that's a lot of wood for an old fart......
# Posted: 18 Jun 2018 06:39pm
Looking forward to the pics!
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