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# Posted: 24 Mar 2017 06:27pm
Has it been snowing up there, Cabi? I was wondering. Just some sporadic rain down here. The sun peeks out sometimes. My snow is almost gone in most places. Thankfully, it melted slowly and the soil absorbed nicely so mud is minimal.
I do have a "pond" near the aspens, though. Froggy symphonies and geese chiming in. I will miss this. 
I was going to head into town today but nah. I have my pre-op appointment, labs and a CT scan Tuesday so I'll make a day of it with errands. It was snowing on Doak this morning and will likely get icy later.
I've got some awfully pretty rounds of all sizes -- y'all should come by and see if there are some Gary can envision becoming something lovely for you!
# Posted: 24 Mar 2017 08:10pm
Quoting: Julie2Oregon Has it been snowing up there, Cabi? I was wondering. Just some sporadic rain down here. The sun peeks out sometimes. My snow is almost gone in most places. Thankfully, it melted slowly and the soil absorbed nicely so mud is minimal. julie.we have lots of snow.snowing today.2-5 inches.gars outside making sort of wooden run ways for us to walk on cause of ponds all over.its been sunny and rainy and snowing.all of them to day.[/b I do have a "pond" near the aspens, though. Froggy symphonies and geese chiming in. I will miss this. [b]oh it is beautiful out for sure.I was going to head into town today but nah. I have my pre-op appointment, labs and a CT scan Tuesday so I'll make a day of it with errands. It was snowing on Doak this morning and will likely get icy later. good luck.we stayed home cause all our snow plow guys are gone or out of commission.i peeked at your roads this morning on odot to see how it was there.u were colder than us this morn.praying all goes well with your health issues.I've got some awfully pretty rounds of all sizes -- y'all should come by and see if there are some Gary can envision becoming something lovely for you! that sounds very lovely gal.we pretty much stay home in winter but our trip to kfalls.and then in summer -we are working.if u move to kfalls.yay.we can see u.hugs and praying all goes well.
# Posted: 24 Mar 2017 08:12pm
hattie i hope your grapevines are ok.
# Posted: 24 Mar 2017 09:52pm - Edited by: Julie2Oregon
cabingal3 It will be great to see you two. That's in my "advantages" column of living in kfalls. 
I know you're busy and each season brings stuff! I've noticed that as the snow has melted, it's uncovering "work." Hahahaha!
Yep, it was cold here this morning! I waited until well into the afternoon to do some chores.
# Posted: 24 Mar 2017 10:18pm
Quoting: Julie2Oregon It will be great to see you two. That's in my "advantages" column of living in kfalls. for us too  I know you're busy and each season brings stuff! I've noticed that as the snow has melted, it's uncovering "work." Hahahaha! yes my apple trees broke.i duct taped it.gars been out making wooden plank walk ways cause of new snow and water too.for sure.Yep, it was cold here this morning! I waited until well into the afternoon to do some chores. we were worthless ones today for most of the day.we didnt get up till noon.we didnt get out of our jammmies till about 3.haa haa.whats the point of getting out of them at all.i washed up and just put my jammies right back on .lol.u have a good weekend.hugs cabi
# Posted: 26 Mar 2017 07:57pm - Edited by: hattie
Quoting: cabingal3 would love to see some of the pretty wedding to do's.
Hi cabingal3: I've attached the folder for the wedding invitations we made, the invitations (names, etc. whited out) and the back of the fans. There were lots of fun to make   blacked_out_invitati.jpg
|  Blacked_out_invitati.jpg
|  Fan_back.JPG
|  |
# Posted: 26 Mar 2017 08:26pm
oh hattie.those are so lovely. good job. u did a really good job. thank u. what an exciting time for ur family.hugs.
# Posted: 27 Mar 2017 01:09am
Thank you cabingal3. Exciting times for the family! We also had our 6th grandson born recently. Six grandchildren and all boys. *LOL* We are truly blessed. 
# Posted: 27 Mar 2017 01:27am
oh thats wonderful hattie.
i love boys too. u are blessed. we just added two girls to our tribe of grands. we have 13 grands. wishing u a happy celebration hattie.hugs cabi
# Posted: 13 Apr 2017 11:06am
beautiful morning. sliver frosty moon on one side. sun coming up on the other side. i was out early trying to get some photos of the beautiful morning. feeling so blessed even if it snowed last nite and i am soooo sick of snow. the motion lights kept going off and on last evening.think it was a raccoon.saw prints this morn, seedlings in the cabin window are ready to get in the ground but nope.snow still.grr!
today we are busy.we got an animal trough to use for a raised bed.gary o is building cold frames over the top of them.so we can keep critters out and heat in for raising our veggies.
today i am making granola and also coleslaw. we are busy with the outdoor cabin life.we love it.so filled with nature. hugs cabi wild red currant bush this morn.
|  moon this morn
|  photo gary o took of this morning.
|  little pesky raccoons
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:22am
We inherited a couple water troughs from a kindly local rancher

Presto Raised beds

See, here in the high desert, critters love love love gardens. We’d see deer of a morning, or any time of day actually, and we’d start runnin’ at ‘em, waving, flapping our arms, and yelling. They’d stop eating for a bit, raise their heads, lettuce bits stickin’ outa their chewing mouths, look at us like, ‘what….in….heck….is wrong with you guys?!’, then commence back to dining.
And The ground squirrels It’s a freaking army We actually watched our green beans sink into the ground, one by one, like in the cartoons.
Seems they are preparing for this year’s feast Ours are a bit advanced Their holes are fortified with sticks, like tiny adits.

Well, not this year, you little gluttonous varmits
Not this year
Got one more to do before my lady starts playin’ in the dirt
…also, gotta get dirt…soil…gotta get soil
as far as my frame design See, the ignorant yet not totally steeped in the halfwit gene tend to overbuild Of which I am their king
It’s an inherent fear of lending anything to chance…or ‘wasting time’ to study.
Home Depoe loves me for it…
y'all keep a fire
# Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:15pm
Hmmm... interesting approach. Of course the squirrels might just jump into the trough and live there, with a ready supply of food from those silly humans who keep putting in seeds and watering them.
My overbuild gene set compels me to build concrete walled raised beds with expanded stainless steel panels embedded in the concrete below ground level to keep out the critters.
But that wouldn't stop them climbing over the concrete walls. At least with troughs you can turn them over to flush out the squirrels.
Hey I see snow on the ground in your pics! Did you guys get much snow this year? (snicker snicker)
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Apr 2017 12:24pm
Quoting: bldginsp Of course the squirrels might just jump into the trough and live there Once I enclose the ends, they'll have to be a half inch wide to do that
Quoting: bldginsp Hey I see snow on the ground in your pics! Did you guys get much snow this year? (snicker snicker) It's down to clumps here and there Still gettin' evening sprinkles However shirt off 58°F yesterday ...funny guy
# Posted: 24 Apr 2017 10:11am
happy birthday Gary O. wishing u a most wonderful birthday ever.u old fella.hugs and love.cabi.
# Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:00am
Happy birthday young fellow
# Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:11am
Have a beautiful day Gary O.
# Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:39am
Remember Gary- you're not old, you're chronologically challenged.
Wishing you and Cabi health and happiness.
# Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:45am
best Wishes Gary. From reading your posts, I suspect your doing exactly what you want to be doing on your Birthday.
Gary O
# Posted: 24 Apr 2017 11:59pm
Quoting: FishHog I suspect your doing exactly what you want to be doing on your Birthday did that aaaaallllll daaaay
Thanks everbody
and a special thanks to my very own cabingal for making a birthday the happiest
Gary O
# Posted: 27 Apr 2017 08:22am - Edited by: Gary O
Our off grid anniversary
We were sourdoughs up until today April 27 2015 Moved here full time I think, this our third year, we’re now full fledged sourpusses
We still get our share of visitors, curious folks from when we were townies Here’s what we now advise; Stop at the gate Honk loudly Sourpusses are hard of responding Noon is optimal most days Best to call first Not that we hover over the phone Sourpusses, ya know
We’re now committed to saving to buy adjacent properties Not eatin’ out so much when we go to town We did, however, buy two T-bones Thick Savory Yummy Bone gnawing yummy Next time we may even cook ‘em
So, we inherited this little wash machine from some fellow off grid folks down the path.

Tough, simple, efficient, easy.
Wintertime my lady hand washes (with Zote soap) and puts two pair of socks, two skivvies, and a couple wash cloths on a drying rack I built behind the stove….ever day. Bigger stuff gets rare attention in winter months.
After spring thaw we strip the bed, toss in the levis, sweaters, flannels, towels, everthing big, in our little washer, then hang stuff outside on tree to tree lines. Takes a couple days. Best smellin’ laundry, ever. Not the manufactured smell from a box. You folks that hang yer laundry out know what I’m talkin’ about.
Anyway, the little sucker developed a leak in the internal flex hose. It was pretty much rotten. I’d taken this thing apart before (why we got it), and discovered it’s not really built to repair. Psyched myself up, and dedicated the shop to rebuilding the innards if I had to. The hose fittings are molded on. Custom diameter Seems there’s not a huge selection of hoses in Klamath Falls. What was available was expensive And not the optimal size Hose clamps come into play Needed the hands of a small child So Commenced begrudgingly taking everything off, everything, to get at the flanges. This included taking apart the manifold. Of which contains an O-ring
Laid everthing out in sequential order Took pics beforehand (this became crucial the following day)

Slept on it
Yesterday Put it all back together The nuts on the hose clamps are three revolutions beyond reason (I did NOT wanna do this again)
The re-assembly took less time than I’d imagined
Proudly…anxiously set the unit back on the stand on the back porch of the shop. Hailed my lady to gather a load of laundry.
Stepped back into the shop to put away tools, hose pieces, shop towels, and an O-ring
An O-ring???!!! A MFGDSB%#@?! O-ring??!!
It really didn’t take that long to re-unassemble the unit and the manifold, reinstall the O-ring, re-assemble everything, and find, retrieve the thrown tools.
The washer is back on line, washing, not leaking
Today, I’ll build a stand for the 50 gal container I bought
 Gravity feed
Is heavy
Back to putting the finishing touches on the cold frames
The sun shone yesterday
Gary O
# Posted: 13 May 2017 08:22pm
Ever try to get a hummingbird to exit yer shop?
My top windows do not open. The windows under them are screened.

Heard a buzzing sound.
Looked up.
First thought it to be a huge moth (critters out here come in large and extra large). Then noticed its tiny beak/snout banging on the top window. Tried to gently coax it out with a long board. It just flew along the ceiling peak, back and forth, banging, then resting. Once exhausted and clinging to the beams like a bat, the smelt dipping net I’d hung in the rafters became my ‘go to’ tool of choice.
He’s now free
As a bird
In other news; Saw a pterodactyl come low yesterday, or a large hawk
And yes, it’s snowing
Keepin’ a fire
# Posted: 14 May 2017 11:44am
Glad to hear you got him out. We had a chickadee get in our garage and despite leaving the door wide open I could not shoo it out. It eventually died, I presume from dehydration.
Interesting thing about humming birds is that at night they enter a comatose like state called torpor. You can literally pick them up and they won't wake up.
Gary O
# Posted: 14 May 2017 11:37pm
Quoting: NorthRick Interesting thing about humming birds is that at night they enter a comatose like state called torpor. You can literally pick them up and they won't wake up.
Gary O
# Posted: 14 May 2017 11:45pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: NorthRick We had a chickadee get in our garage
We have families of Chickadees love 'em cutest little guys

The Nuthatches are almost as cute

both keep us good company most the year
'course the gluttons of the place are these guys

# Posted: 15 May 2017 12:10am - Edited by: darz5150
Quoting: NorthRick at night they enter a comatose like state called torpor. You can literally pick them up and they won't wake up. My ex son in law used to have the exact same symptoms after all day family get togethers. He is not a hummingbird, and we didn't call it torpor, more like; stu·por [ˈst(y)o͞opər] NOUN a state of near-unconsciousness or insensibility: "a drunken stupor" synonyms: daze · state of unconsciousness · torpor · insensibility · oblivion
Gary O
# Posted: 20 Jun 2017 11:01am
I do believe I've already posted a form of this in a thread somewhere here
It'll be in the intro page to my next book of our tryst with cabin living
as they say
it's not required reading
A few years ago a lad from Scotland I’d gotten to know asked me how my Dad was doing, as I’d shared with him Dad’s failings in what turned out to be his final year. Maybe some of you folks can identify with what I wrote him. In any event, I feel compelled to put it here. You see, my Dad was my hero. Oh, I wasn’t his favorite, but that didn’t matter. For many years he was God to me, could do no wrong, I hid my wrongs from him. Sure, as I grew, I saw his faults, but, heh, they were few. And mine became less as I used him as a life model.
Here’s what I wrote;
He’s a gamer, Rick. Days ago he was on his death bed. Chemo and infection was taking him down...quick. He’s on the rebound. To where... I have no idea. I visited him last weekend while he was staying at the rehab center (nursing home). Didn’t readily recognize him. No hair Tiny head Sunken eyes Chair stickin’ half way outta the room, lookin’ out into the hall. He looks like wunna those children with an aging disease. He really lit up when he saw me. I immediately felt real bad for not coming sooner. He got up and scooted his chair back into the room, shuffling, pushing. He invited me to sit. There was only one extra chair I think it had a piece of [censored] smeared on it. He had some sorta string of dried drool and blood comin’ from his lower lip, ending at his chin. It made me sick to my stomach to look at him. My Dad My finicky Dad The guy that remained well scrubbed, no matter what he did. The guy with the weakest of stomachs. The guy that just couldn’t eat if he thought the cook hadn’t washed his hands. There he was...disgusting and so very happy to see me. I wanted to stay and leave at the same time. We went on a conversation loop. He has about ten minutes of thought processing, then it starts all over again. I grabbed his attention by saying I was thinking about going to church. He did a feeble punch into the air, and displayed a flash of his tenacious old self, gritting his teeth and smiling with delight. His old eyes lit up again, then welled, spilling tears as he told me how happy that made him. Now I was disgusted with myself. I wanted to cry along with him. I just can’t. It’s not in me. I hadn’t lied. I do think about it. I think about conversation with rabid religionaires, and know why none of it is for me. It was a visit of diverse emotions. The nurse’s aide came in. He questioningly introduced me as his cousin. Well, in twenty minutes I’d completely muddled what’s left of his blithering mind. I gave him a slight hug and left him with the aide.
Driving home my thoughts were fixed on him. What he is What he once was What I am What I’m going to become I recalled him and his cousin, his brother he never had, and how they talked about their aged parents There is no fairness There is just fact Inescapable inevitable fact It made me realize my own fallibility I really don’t want to see him again I will though As long as I can make him happy, whether it’s a veiled lie, or just being there, I will see him, hug him, chat with him. He has earned that...at the very least. He’s a withered dying old man. Cancer will take him. I don’t think I have the guts for this, and what’s next, deteriorating visits What have we done to think it good to keep my hero existing in his filth with confounded thoughts for as long as medically possible... The Aleuts know what to do The long walk and the bonk on the bean. It’s much more heroic...respectful.
Thanks for asking, kid.
Enjoy thy youth
I started to write more about his last days;
Dad As I look at you there, a bit shriveled, somewhat vacant eyed, I wonder, wonder why you struggle so. What’s left for you that’s so precious? I think about you and me, so many years ago now. Visiting grampa in the nursing home. You, yelling in his ear. Hoping for a sign, a flicker of recognition. Him, shallow breath. Not moving a muscle. I can only think that the prevailing reason for the struggle is the love of life itself
I have yet to finish this I will someday But I’ve come to know The experience around my father The good years The latter years Seeing him drive, hard, for the next goal Living in the future Existing in the present Brought me to a realization And a recognition Of a deeper why my lady and I are living in a cabin Our childhood dreams, yes But even more so, a more deliberate life One of immediate reward
Been two years out here
No regrets
Cutting wood today
Gonna be gorgeous
# Posted: 20 Jun 2017 05:40pm
Lord save us all from a hope tree that has lost the faculty of putting out blossoms. Mark Twain
Gary O
# Posted: 21 Jun 2017 10:19pm
Quoting: Just Lord save us all from a hope tree that has lost the faculty of puttingout blossoms.Mark Twain
You didn't git old by accident, Sir Just
Gary O
# Posted: 23 Sep 2017 11:00am
Been awhile
How y'all doin?
Been the summer of the roof
I Hate Building Roofs (rooves?)
Needful things they are Nothing redeemable though No beauty Ugly can happen, however, and rather easily
The aged RV was first Didn’t care to erect a garage Not worth the investment Designed a light web like structure (engineering marvel) of 2x2s to just rest on the beast Laid metal on that Plan on nylon rope (maybe) to hold down what could become a metal sail if the perfect storm happens Will install soffits in a bit May just screw them with bolts to the trailer roof frame
Heh, the thing now looks like it’s wearing some sorta party hat for it’s last hurrah

Moved on to the well house
I contended with a short hut like structure for two winters Built it in a rush tween building the second (main) cabin Of which was a real rush to have a place to live
This winter I will; stroll inside switch propane tanks fire up the genny draw water all while standing fully erect (much like modern man)
I’ve come to the conclusion our sea container is gonna be a long living unsightly fixture in my forest haven, so decided to use it for wunna the walls
Anyway, I’m not thrilled with it But not entirely unhappy, either Used cedar fencing for board and bat siding

before staining;

Found the 'door handle' hiding in a kindling pile Zipped off a flat to fit snuggly on the door hit it in places with the dremel flap wheel Fits nice in the hand

In a nutshell, this aged critter has toiled most the summer with regard to winter, and with dogged determination to completely rid any forest feng shui I’ve been able to retain up to this point
Next A ‘thing’ that will keep snow off the truck while mothballed for winter Maybe a crude A frame ‘roof’ (there’s that word again) Maybe a hoop affair Whatever it is, it’s not gonna cost much and will be easily torn down come spring
Tired Quite tired And sore And happy
Next summer, a roof for the container
Our third winter here is looming What we’ve come to know is there will be surprises Used to think one day we’d know what to expect Now we know to expect the unexpected Winds with gusts of 80 mph Snows of 4 to 5 feet Even rain Then wind again to make sure a tree will take out whatever one just built Then deep freezes of -40°F
One does what one considers necessary Just to get a fair chance It all has become our entertainment Our episodes Our own versions of Naked and Afraid; Heavily Clothed and Apprehensive
Getting to be a veritable compound Not gonna be another structure here Until we buy the bordering parcels Then The main house Less than 600 sf Wrap around deck, some of it screened porch Edge of the meadow My last build Gonna take my sweet time Live edge trim Hobbit tones here and there Window hell
Keep a fire

# Posted: 23 Sep 2017 11:30am
I love the way you write my friend, it seems as though I know you, although I know that I do not...
The previous writings about your Pops made me think a bit, we are all heading there at a rapid pace it seems at times Makes me more determined to wrestle every single bit of joy out of this old life as much and as often as I can.....
Good work at yer place, reminds me of mine (except I am in the desert, but they're much the same anyway 
Your season is wrapping up just as we are getting ready to head out to our paradise next week to clean out the cabin and start another season of wonder. I too have much work in store....as you said, I always end the days tired and happy, odd combination.......
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