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Gary O
# Posted: 15 Jan 2017 10:53pm
Well, here it is, middle of January and we still have six cord of wood.
…and ten cord of snow and ice on top of it.

Heh, its gonna warm me a lot more than ‘twice’
…….a lot more
# Posted: 16 Jan 2017 04:45pm
Shoot! How do you dislodge it all? And it the wood wet? 
# Posted: 16 Jan 2017 05:22pm
Julie u hit the wood that's frozen together with something. I hit some frozen logs that were frozen together with another piece of wood.gar hit his with some hard tool like his mad-ax. The wood is very covered on top and on all sides down to the ground. So it's not wet wood.
Gary O
# Posted: 16 Jan 2017 08:24pm
The woods dry, a few sticks are frozen, it happens. As cabi says, its all covered with tarps to the ground
The issue is the tarps themselves We put bricks and other logs on the tarps to keep them from blowing off Heh, its working....
problem is ice seems to love to cling to bricks and tarps
a mattock, a flat nosed shovel, and a sharp hunting knife will get you to the wood
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Jan 2017 01:48am - Edited by: Gary O
There’s anything I’ve learned While in these woods It is this; No thing Is useless
It’s the user The user that uses less Becomes .....useless

What I already knew?;
Today was tomorrow

Gary O
# Posted: 3 Mar 2017 11:34pm - Edited by: Gary O
Folks have asked me, ‘Gary, what are you doing out there? Don’t you miss all the conveniences?’
I don’t argue Don’t care to sell when what where why.
But It brings me to take personal inventory
So, I consider;
Lounging in the lazyboy, watching TV vs chores
Flipping on a light switch vs trudging out to the genny
Turning on a tap vs trudging down the path to draw/haul water
Adjusting climate control knobs vs getting wood in
Drawing a bath or stepping into a hot shower vs a pot of water or trudging down the path to draw/haul water for a bath
Driving 5 blocks for goodies vs driving 50 miles for provisions
Shoveling snow, while it’s snowing vs looking out the window, scratching my hind end, while congratulating myself for not being out in it
Hauling the poop bucket out vs pushing down on the handle
Then I consider;
Waking to the songs of prairie wolves midst the gentle sunrise vs waking to my neighbor warming up/revving his car for work while the glowing numerals of red digital time begin to orchestrate arousement of some sorta purposeful regimented schedule Walking, everywhere vs not walking, anywhere
Chopping wood, shoveling snow vs lounging in the lazyboy, watching people exercise on TV
Aches and pains from chores vs aches and pains from lounging in the lazyboy, watching people exercise on TV
A semblance of lithe vs a semblance of beluga
The symphony of nature, anytime vs the opus of clamor, all hours
I scrunch the comforter, nestle into the pillow top Let my lids begrudgingly close from the view thru the window

and fall back asleep,
# Posted: 4 Mar 2017 12:00am
Just the smell of the forest is enough for me.
Quoting: cabingal3 Julie u hit the wood that's frozen together with something. Like, say, my head...
Gary O
# Posted: 4 Mar 2017 12:41am
Quoting: bldginsp Like, say, my head... That'd do it
You comin' up er not?
This case of beer ain't gonna last fer ever
It's already March fer cryin' out loud
Like I said This five pack just ain't gonna last
# Posted: 4 Mar 2017 09:51am
Thanks for the invite. I'm coming up to my place near Lassen in May, and will try to fit in a trip to you friendlies in Oregon. At the moment I'm laid up at home in San Jose with a sprained knee.
Learned something new from the doctors. Ligaments in your joints get a SPRAIN, tendons in your muscles get a STRAIN, and the RAIN in SPAIN falls mainly on the PLAIN. That's what they told me, but it still hurts.
Hold onto that 3 pack.
Gary O
# Posted: 4 Mar 2017 11:05pm
Quoting: bldginsp Hold onto that 3 pack. Well, now it's BYOB
safe travels
# Posted: 5 Mar 2017 07:35pm
Love your snow pics. You could share a little of that for us PA guys.
Gary O
# Posted: 7 Mar 2017 02:19am - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: Shadyacres You could share a little of that for us PA guys.
I'm ready to truck you some
7 more inches last night S’posed to snow all night and tomorrow morning
I’m pretty much done with the snow photos So, only for record’s sake Here’s today’s;


so I can use this for wood and water
but our sweet little friends are still here breakfast at 9a ever morn

# Posted: 7 Mar 2017 07:39am
Wont be long now til all that white is replaced with green 
# Posted: 12 Mar 2017 08:14pm
WOW , you work fast. Supposed to get 12 - 18 inches starting Monday night.
Gary O
# Posted: 12 Mar 2017 09:35pm
Quoting: Shadyacres # Posted: 12 Mar 2017 20:14 Reply getQuotation('Shadyacres');Quote WOW , you work fast. Supposed to get 12 - 18 inches starting Monday night. I do what I can.
In local news, we’re on a warming trend, highs mid 50s (F) and ready for some spring thaws. It IS shrinking, but there’s plenty more to go.
Standing on around four feet here.

Different this year. More ice pack than snow. I can walk around on top like I was on stilts. No woopsie doo fall thrus.
Blaming the ice pack on the rain ‘tween snows then freezes. Temps stayed in the low 20s for a very long time. Ya git used to it. Wandering around outside in T-shirt and shorts. Unless the wind picks up. Wind at 20 and lower will rip yer face off.
# Posted: 17 Mar 2017 07:53pm
I love all the photos. now, Gary, we are people that don't live as you perhaps, but we also do not sit in recliners. where did you get that notion?
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Mar 2017 09:34pm
Quoting: abby but we also do not sit in recliners. where did you get that notion? Only relating to me, Dear abby....only to me.
Gary O
# Posted: 19 Mar 2017 12:15pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: Gary O Quoting: abbybut we also do not sit in recliners. where did you get that notion? Only relating to me, Dear abby....only to me. Matter of fact
here's mine

and I'm in it now
# Posted: 19 Mar 2017 03:15pm
A lot of exercise happens in my recliner. That is, the recliner is exercised by 230+ lbs on a very regular basis. Its held up well.
Salty Craig
# Posted: 19 Mar 2017 03:25pm
My lazy boy has a similar struggle. 
Gary O
Hi buddy!
Gary O
# Posted: 19 Mar 2017 10:23pm
Quoting: Salty Craig Gary OHi buddy!
HI ol' Salt
Keep a fire
# Posted: 19 Mar 2017 11:08pm
Is your place by Sand Creek Station? How are the neighbors in there? Train noise? I've looked at a few lots in that area and have been tempted. The well water is good, right?
Gary O
# Posted: 19 Mar 2017 11:42pm
Quoting: BadgersHollow Is your place by Sand Creek Station? How are the neighbors in there? Train noise? I've looked at a few lots in that area and have been tempted. The well water is good, right?
Is your place by Sand Creek Station? Within a few miles
How are the neighbors in there? It's good to be armed
Train noise? We can hear it on a calm day
I've looked at a few lots in that area and have been tempted. The well water is good, right? Never have I tasted more pure It could be bottled and sold Yet, 10 miles from here, the water is more like methane
# Posted: 19 Mar 2017 11:57pm
It's good to be armed, both funny and not so much! A couple of those lots got burned a few years ago by fire, no?
Gary O
# Posted: 20 Mar 2017 12:06am
Quoting: BadgersHollow A couple of those lots got burned a few years ago by fire, no? Yes, by fire, as a rule
OK, serious meth shack exploded burnt several acres
# Posted: 21 Mar 2017 03:16am - Edited by: cabingal3
i guess i have to get my two cents in. gardening up here in high desert. the snow fell and turned into ice banks.the ice is slowly melting. i am seeing the tops of my little apple trees,cherry trees and such. they are broken. i have to duct tape one tree back together in hopes it will mend. Gary O made me window shelves and i have seeds planted from last years tomatoes.they have all sprouted up. of course we probably cant plant them till june so i will pot them into bigger pots and try to keep them growing. i have pepper seeds planted.and lettuce is growing.all in our garden window.
Gary O is making me a wooden bread dough bowl made from a log that emerge out of an ice bank.
i am spinning wolf fur.its for a fella out here.making him a knitted pillow out of the fur he gives me.
we had a crazy winter as far as it was not easy to get in and out of here.the old fella that usually keeps it pretty plowed is ailing. so we have had many a wild and scary ride in and out of our property.
seeing peeks of our garden feels wonderful. we have alot to do this spring. its nice to have projects to do. wishing all a happy spring. white whale.the dough bowl
|  spinning wolf fur
|  taped up apple tree
|  |
# Posted: 21 Mar 2017 03:17pm
so much for spring. it was snowing like crazy a while ago. i am sure ready for spring. cant wait to get to my clothes line.
Gary O
# Posted: 23 Mar 2017 11:57pm
Gettin’ a jump on spring stuff (‘nother half foot of snow predicted tonight)
Bucked up the leaner I had fell awhile back.
Heh, split one round to see how sappy;

Took about a hundred swings with the maul and wunna them wood grenades. These rounds’ll keep til Aug/Sept before I split ‘em

Gained 10-15 lbs over winter It shows And feels
Once I get 8 cords split and stacked, the blubber will be gone.
Gonna be a busy spring/summer
# Posted: 24 Mar 2017 05:06pm
Quoting: cabingal3 i am seeing the tops of my little apple trees,cherry trees and such. they are broken.
We had a rough winter here too, cabingal3 The snow is melting but it is still on our grape vines. When the snow slid off the roof it landed right on them and we are afraid what will will find (or not find) when the snow finally melts.
We have planted in our greenhouse and have veggies popping up. I can't wait until we get fresh vegetables from our own gardens again.
Spinning wolf fur sounds really interesting!! Good luck with it!!
Quoting: cabingal3 cant wait to get to my clothes line.
I can't wait to use mine either. I hang our clothes inside on a line in our laundry room, but nothing beats the smell of clothes hung in the sun outside.
Quoting: cabingal3 its nice to have projects to do.
My son is getting married this summer so I've offered to make some things for the wedding. So far Bob and I have made their invitations and some wedding fans. We will also make table numbers to fit over wine bottles and place tags for the guests during the meal. Exciting times and fun projects to keep me busy 
# Posted: 24 Mar 2017 05:18pm
dear hattie.nice to hear from u. i am excited to hear of your son getting married.oh my.how wonderful.congrats hattie. would love to see some of the pretty wedding to do's. well today is snow.they said 3-5 inches. so its about 3 and 1/2 inches. i was so excited to see the rhubarb coming up. i have alot of tomatoes growing on my garden window sill. they are seedlings. i have lemon trees.pepper seeds arent coming up. i got them out of sweet peppers from the store.lol.its worth a try. oh i miss washing the clothes in the washing machine.i miss hanging them out n the fresh sunshine. i miss our garden salads everynite. i surely know what u mean. hugs and stay warm.
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