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# Posted: 24 Nov 2016 06:01am
I definitely have shop envy!! Nice job!
# Posted: 24 Nov 2016 07:54am
Fantastic Gary.
# Posted: 24 Nov 2016 12:32pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
Very nice workshop Gary O. I really like the double doors you built. We will be adding them when we finish the front of our cabin. Hubby has the dream of a workshop and we will build one when we're done with everything else,lol.
PS-I hope DH doesn't mind sharing his workshop with me. 
Gary O
# Posted: 24 Nov 2016 02:25pm
Quoting: silverwaterlady Hubby has the dream of a workshop and we will build one when we're done with everything else,lol. and that's the way it is..the shop.....last
'PS-I hope DH doesn't mind sharing his workshop with me.' (dear DH...be strong)
Thanks guys
Salty Craig
# Posted: 24 Nov 2016 04:21pm
Gary O
LOL!! Oh to only be half of that list. This fat ol' cupcake is doing swell.
I've been so busy voting that I haven't compiled my Christmas list yet. I'll get back with you on that. I'm sitting in a tree stand right now with my daughter.
This is my official salute to Steve Jobs for the wonderful iPhone.
Peace and hippy love, Salty
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Nov 2016 08:18am
Quoting: Salty Craig I'm sitting in a tree stand right now with my daughter. (note to self: Life; Salty lives it)
# Posted: 26 Nov 2016 08:59am
Gary - nice work. Love the workshop. Thanks for the updates and pictures. You have given me an idea for my shop build (date to be determined )
Salty Craig
# Posted: 26 Nov 2016 09:11am
Gary O
Today I troll for stripers in the Rappahannock River!! Outriggers with buck tails. Two deep drop umbrella rigs and two long lines with divers.
Work hard, play hard.
Meanwhile, my shop sucks!!
# Posted: 26 Nov 2016 12:50pm - Edited by: Tonir
I love this thread! Not only informative but funny! Look forward to reading more.
Gary O
# Posted: 27 Nov 2016 08:24pm
Quoting: aktundra You have given me an idea for my shop build Well, I'm piqued. Pics when it happens, please
# Posted: 14 Dec 2016 04:21pm - Edited by: cabingal3
snow snow snow.the white stuff is coming down fast and furious and wont stop.already shoveled out to the pump house three times to keep the route to the water supply available.nope.not gonna happen. i told the mister...we need a snow blower cause my back has had it. i think we are gonna have a white xmas cause its just dumping on us as fast as can be. worried about Julie2Oregon.wondering if she is warm.wondering what she is thinking of all the snow. the plow guys didnt come plow us out.not till this afternoon. so one of the neighbors did but i bet the roads are just as deep now as they were a couple of hours ago. got my soup pot going. staying in till the mister gets us a snow blower. beautiful
|  soups on the stove
|  snow days are here
|  lil shop in the woods
# Posted: 14 Dec 2016 04:59pm
It looks so cozy in your house! 
# Posted: 14 Dec 2016 07:53pm
thank u hattie.we are comfy. Julie2Oregon is great.her stove is working and her wood dry.i was praying for her.shes good. we battled the snow and won.the trail i shoveled three times today is not too filled with snow.we got like 17-19 inches. i think i lured myself into thinking we would have a mild winter.whee.that was wrong. today i made snow ice cream.oh my.it was sooo good. i made a mixture of cocoa powder ,sugar and milk in a pan and cooked a bit to get the cocoa lumps out of the mix.then added vanilla.then put the pot in the snow to cool down.then i went and got our bowls of snow and poured the cocoa mixture over the snow and mixed it all in. if u let it melt a tiny while.it becomes creamy.i have to tell u.it was really really good.
# Posted: 14 Dec 2016 08:05pm
Snow ice cream.....mmmmm sounds awesome! Can I steal that dea from you sometime?
# Posted: 14 Dec 2016 08:11pm
of course.its an old time thing to do but gosh it was good...
# Posted: 14 Dec 2016 11:55pm
I'm drooling
# Posted: 15 Dec 2016 10:00am
xmas in the woods! lots of snow.doing 12 days of xmas for the mister and i. one day i made him some winter hats. another day i made fudge. yesterday i made chocolate ice cream. he made us a xmas tree ...its a shelf cause we have no room in our cabin for a tree. i decorated it with the theme of "memories of xmas past". i dont know what i shall do today but we are having a wonderful holiday season.i hope u are too. i am filling big gift bags for our woodland friends with a bit of this and that.its very fun.some hats,afghans and more. spreading the joy of the season. happy holidays to everyone. one wool hat i made the mister
|  xmas tree hubby made
|  another view of shelf
|  |
Gary O
# Posted: 15 Dec 2016 10:13am
Quoting: skootamattaschmidty Snow ice cream.....mmmmm sounds awesome! Yes, it was really good…really good. Thing is, I get brain freeze. Milk shake, float, bowl of ice cream…killer. I eat everthing fast, like someone’s gonna take it away from me fast. This snow ice cream…no different. I’m like a dog with a chikin bone. And I don’t have sense enough to know its coming. Three quick heaping spoons. Moan Writhe Rub Contemplate stupidity Three more quick spoons
What I have found out, is, if I have a hot cup of something nearby, it will immediately relieve a throbbing skull.
# Posted: 15 Dec 2016 12:47pm
I love the wood Christmas tree! What a great space saving idea! You two are so talented! 
# Posted: 15 Dec 2016 07:46pm
Quoting: Gary O What I have found out, is, if I have a hot cup of something nearby, it will immediately relieve a throbbing skull. What I've found Gary, when banging my head against a brick wall, is that it feels SO GOOD when I stop.
Gary O
# Posted: 16 Dec 2016 01:08am
Tried it stopped...broke the brick wall
# Posted: 16 Dec 2016 01:30am
its with any ice cream though.not just snow ice cream.lol.
# Posted: 16 Dec 2016 01:12pm
Quoting: Gary O Tried it, stopped...broke the brick wall Now that's what I call a hard headed man.
# Posted: 16 Dec 2016 06:23pm
I've been thinking of you with all the snow. so happy to know all is well. also good to know Julie is well, too! love the shelf tree. it is wonderful. have a fabulous holiday!! we caved and found a man selling a big ole snow blower that was in perfect condition for a fabulous price. wow weeeee..........nice! dancing with that snow shovel gets old fast. we love that machine. lol
Gary O
# Posted: 16 Dec 2016 08:35pm
Quoting: abby we caved and found a man selling a big ole snow blower that was in perfect condition for a fabulous price. Yeah, well, I can’t pass one up that came available from the widow of the ol’ gent down the path that passed a year ago July. $200 Hardly used MTD brand…don’t care for $200 Heh, this last time we got dumped on and worked both our hind ends off all day and into the night to make paths before the deep freeze (of which it’s all solid ice now) we decided to break down and get it…before we break down.
# Posted: 16 Dec 2016 10:22pm
NOTHING WRONG WITH M.T.D. THEY MAKE GOOD WORKING MANS TOOLS a blower makes short work of most snowfalls , they do use a lot of fuel ,but they are doing a lot of work .. We are supposed to get 6 in. tonight i'll be out in the morning , tractor is plugged in..
Gary O
# Posted: 16 Dec 2016 11:44pm
Quoting: Just We are supposed to get 6 in. tonight i'll be out in the morning , tractor is plugged in.. there's just no quit in ya, big fella keep on keepin' on
# Posted: 17 Dec 2016 01:33am
LOVE the wood tree, the coziness, and festivity! You two know how to celebrate!!!!
I'm finding out that I know how to cuss. A lot. My woodstove is burning a place for me in hell. Hahahaha!
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:31am
Quoting: Julie2Oregon I'm finding out that I know how to cuss. A lot. My woodstove is burning a place for me in hell. Hahahaha!
is fuuuuunnny
# Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:42am
minus 15 this morning at the cabin. cant see the mountain in our back yard. all we see is white snow mist.white snow.no mountain. wood stove is going.crazy man is running around in shorts and no shirt.lol. we had a fella go missing yesterday.hes new out here.he got one of those cabin sheds dropped to his property.has a tiny military stove. left his stuck car on the main road way far from his property. so we heard his woman yelling.she never comes out here. so gary o and another good guy went to see what was happening.cops were called to find this fella. hope he is ok.his stove was pretty lame. no one went into the property.his cabin is way back in there. so praying for him to not be frozen. its cold this morn.brr. we are staying by the woodstove today except for a few quick runs to the outhouse. have my soup pot going continually. getting my gift bags ready for all woodland friends out here. i crocheted afghans,slippers,knitted hats and scarves for all.put in some pound cakes and candy canes.a bit of this and that. happy merry christmas to all.
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