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# Posted: 25 Jun 2016 02:29am
the first picture is horseradish. the second is cabbage and the third is rhubarb. onions
|  all squash covered for the nite
|  greens of various sorts
|  raspberries
# Posted: 25 Jun 2016 11:54pm
got a major pest today of the garden. shot that little booger.no more eating up my garden. yay
# Posted: 26 Jun 2016 07:47am
And then one day, you find these character's in your garden:

# Posted: 26 Jun 2016 08:56am
ha.thats them alrighty Steve_S.
# Posted: 26 Jun 2016 12:37pm - Edited by: NorthRick
Squirrel meat is good. I'd keep any shot and consider the meat part of your garden's harvest. Cube it up and use it in soups/stews along with vegetables from the garden. Win-win, unless you're the squirrel.
# Posted: 26 Jun 2016 11:54pm - Edited by: hattie
Your plants are looking great cabingal3. Just keep those critters out and you'll be all set.
Frost got our veggies and fruit bad this year. Our grapes were hardest hit. I don't think we'll be harvesting grapes for wine this fall. Our tomatoes, potatoes, beans and cukes also got nailed. We replanted the cukes from plants we bought at a store. I'm hoping the others will come back. Then a deer got into the garden. He chopped off our peas, ate our lettuce and dug up some radishes. GEESH!!! Bob reset the scarecrow deer chaser to go off at an earlier time.
Apple trees are loaded with fruit and the strawberries are just starting. Looks like it will be a good year for raspberries too.
We canned 40 lbs of cherries we bought and dehydrated 20 lbs of apricots we also bought. 
# Posted: 27 Jun 2016 08:19am
thanks hattie.i am sorry frost and critters got your garden. funny u should say this about a scarecrow cause i surely was thinking of this. Yesterday,we got feeder troughs from a fella who runs a 3000 acre ranch .they are so big. i guess the tips for growing garden in these troughs is...1/3 gravel,1/3 pumice dust,1/3 mulch and u are set to garden. i need a top cover for this feeder trough though or the squirrels will get in there too. oh the cherries sound good.i always love your canning and pantry.
Gary O
# Posted: 1 Jul 2016 02:55am
We finished the sub roof/ceiling. As mentioned, everything with an angle is 45°. Very happy with this decision. The roof slope is severe enough to slough off snow accumulation yet not so steep it dictates a high peak or short walls. And there is no mystery, no calculation as to what setting on the miter saw.

I don't know about you guys, but when I design a building, I pencil in basic structure only, and even that is subject to change. And the change I see now is more windows. I'd envisioned hanging hand tools on the walls. I mean, if this shop was in town I'd be hanging tools in place of seeing the back of the neighbor's garage.
Once the roof came together, and the sun streamed thru the shop,
no decision.
Windows both sides. All the way Tools be damned. They can go in drawers. I'm gonna see the sights of this natural surrounding while I whittle away, Spring Summer Fall Winter.
aaand It's a natural light...the best.
Oh, sure, I'll put a triangle window at each end of the peak, and large, hinged windows under them. That's a duh decision.

The windows along the walls,
it screams so loud I can do no other...

y'know, folks can buy many fancy things expensive things rare things but you know what's the rarest and most prized of them all? The thing that comes from your own hands.
I'm no craftsman
I do know satisfaction
...and beauty

It's why I'm here
# Posted: 1 Jul 2016 03:32pm
Looking awesome, Gary. You will never be accused of cutting corners on wood supplies! The peak looks great.
# Posted: 1 Jul 2016 05:40pm
I'd say you are quite the craftsman! Looks great!
# Posted: 1 Jul 2016 08:13pm
Nice work! Have a happy 4th Gary o amd cabi!!
Gary O
# Posted: 1 Jul 2016 10:34pm
Quoting: bushbunkie The peak looks great
Well, bush, this one was somehow blessed. Didn't have to fiddle much with joining the two slopes. Heck, this whole build has been somehow blessed, at least as much as the others had their curses.
Thanks guys.
Just got the metal today.
We'll be so glad to be done with the roof...
# Posted: 7 Jul 2016 07:23am
being busy around the old homestead. deer have been into everything as well as all the other critters.some friends came to visit and gave us a huge sack of garden seeds so i replanted to give me a new chance at gardening this year. good year for rhubarb. Gary O has been up on the roof all week now it seems.i am at the bottom handing him things.scared for him. i gathered and stacked firewood into ricks.want to get the feeder trough filled with pebbles and dirt but that will take time. so much to do.got a new stove and love it. slowly improving and making headway. hope your summer is good  Gar and cabi
|  Gary on shop roof
|  rhubarb
|  new stove.i can do home canning on this stove.
# Posted: 9 Jul 2016 08:38am
woke up this morning for a quick trip to the outhouse but i felt something was wrong in my garden.went to garden and two shiny eyes were staring at me. i shined my flashlight on the eyes.a bobcat was sitting on a log.i said get on out of here.it did not move. ok.i got scared and thought if it chased me.i had gars flip flops on.they are huge and i would be overtaken in a minute. soo i got back to the cabin fast. gar got up and shot his gun in the air.i saw it slinking about in the woods. just living in the mountains.always an adventure. then what did i see?snowflakes in july.just slight but still there. exciting times.
# Posted: 9 Jul 2016 09:06am
Makes you feel really alive but small , doesn't it ?
# Posted: 9 Jul 2016 09:08am
makes me feel scared...for sure.
# Posted: 9 Jul 2016 05:21pm
YIKES!!! Bobcats are supposed to be really mean aren't they? Don't mess with them. Is it legal to shoot them on your property if they are threatening you? If so, I'd dispose of it. You guys be careful out there!!! 
# Posted: 11 Jul 2016 10:41am
hattie.i dont know but we surely would shoot them if they were coming after us. i asked gar where would we dispose of it at?he said on the wall.haa ha haa!
Gary O
# Posted: 15 Jul 2016 07:39am
Roof is coming close to being done I'm coming close to being done in.
Heights used to bother me when I was young. Got used to it. Now? I get bothered. Still I climb Two, three stories. Still I get bothered.
Today I got real bothered.

Ladder on a scaffold. The scaffolding gave way while I was screwing the ridge cap on.
Creepy feeling, the ladder inching down.
Nothing to hang on to
But the ladder.
I'd strapped it to the rafter tails

Good thing
Had to gingerly scoot down from rung to rung til I could stand on the failing scaffold.
Old white men don't...can't jump, so I traversed my way to the adjacent scaffold.
Rather exciting way to end the day.
The freshly drawn water was extra cold, extra good, as I strolled around and thru the shop last evening.
It's a good build
It's a good feeling to see everything square
In line from timber to timber 

Y'all have a good day.
# Posted: 15 Jul 2016 08:15am
Very nice build.
Gary O
# Posted: 16 Jul 2016 09:29am
Quoting: neb Very nice build. Thank you, sir neb.
Thinkin' you're retired by now (?)
Life is so good, here...on the other side
# Posted: 16 Jul 2016 04:40pm
Your shop looks fantastic! Excellent, excellent work! Soon you'll be happily sawing and building away in there. And thinking deep thoughts. 
Cabi, OMG. You are too brave! I think my screaming would have curdled the blood of every beast in the county, hahahaha! What was it DOING there? Just exploring curiously or was it sniffing out a food source (aside from you and Gary -- kidding!)?
How's your garden these days? I've been meaning to email y'all but have been crazy-busy with this house selling thing. I am SO itching to have a garden again!!!! Hot, hot, dry summer in Texas this year so even if I wasn't moving, I wouldn't have planted.
I've been longing for buckwheat -- buckwheat flour for pancakes, bread, etc. It's supposed to be easy to grow just about everywhere and very hearty. Have you ever given it a try? I will def be game in Oregon!
Stay safe, you two! Besides that bobcat story, Gary, that ladder/scaffold contraption you rigged up made my jaw drop! LOL
# Posted: 17 Jul 2016 12:45am
dearest Julie2Oregon.the house selling thing is so daunting.i told u we had been thru it for a half a year. goodness....good luck.u sort of are living in limbo till u sell. its very unsettling.if we didnt have our land already...and had to hope on hoping to sell our house before we could make a move to get land.we may not have been here at all. so good luck. oh my goodness.Julie...gar almost fell off the roof when he was on the scaffolding.it worked out ok but i was horrified.glad we are done with that project. so a coyotes been in our meadow now seen by another fella three times.he wanted to know if we wanted him to kill it.we said no cause it gets these ground squirrels. the gardening has been tuff this year.grass hoppers,deer and ground squirrels. caught one today.gar shot several the other day. we have bald eagles and hawks and lots of birds of prey flying over head in our meadow. they need to step up their game and get those dog gone ground squirrels. hugs and good luck on finding your cabin.
# Posted: 17 Jul 2016 12:02pm
We've been fighting ground squirrels too. Heck the entire town is on the hunt for them this year. I think Bob has managed to eliminate all the ones near our property. The weather's been horrible. Rain....rain....rain...Did I mention that we've had lots of rain? Nothing wants to ripen up. We put the game camera on the strawberry patch to see if something's been getting them, but no...So I guess it's just been a bad year for them. The raspberries are also turning out to be a disaster. *sigh* We will get through it even if it means buying some strawberries for jam. Bob's not happy because he won't be making any wine this year unless he can find someone selling grapes (which may happen). Come on sunshine....we need sunshine.... Your new building is looking AMAZING! I'm glad GaryO didn't fall off the roof though. Geesh you guys are quite the daring couple.
# Posted: 18 Jul 2016 09:47am
hattie.oh those ground squirrels.what boogers. i was in the garden last nite.i dug a bunker raised bed.it goes into the ground and is built with a wood floor and sides way down in the ground.i cover it every nite with windows.i go to put a window on for the nite.out jumps the biggest fattest ground squirrel. been eating my cabbages and broccoli down to the nub i tell u. we just got rain and hail/ i hope to think on the brite side of gardening in the wild. i am trying to learn from this and go forth. seems our fruit is doing good this year.thats a positive.no.we havent gotten one raspberry.this is true.the deer ate the tops off of the raspberry plants. we have gotten a couple of strawberries. but the whole newly planted strawberries are thriving in spite of it all once i decided to cover them every nite. here is some of the positive things growing.i am keeping a mental journal of all that grows here that the animals seem to leave alone. good luck on getting wine and strawberry jam. my big fall back to everything was a good wild currant season.now i see there is none.its an off year for wild red currants.lol.go figure. rhubarb
|  more rhubarb
|  greens
|  more greens.
# Posted: 20 Jul 2016 08:29am
last nite we had our first salad from our garden.it was so good.curly mustard greens,spinach,onions,other greens all mixed in.store tomatoes.surely was good. hmm.we had a fella and his wife visit this weekend.they are all talk about how great he is and how hes built a mall in his lifetime and how he can do everything and anything.he does seem to know all the building codes.hes got those down. he,wife and their teen built a cabin in one and a half days.it looks like a little kid built it. sort of interesting cause we can not imagine him thinking this building is ok.wow. they want us to build for them and we keep saying no but they keep persisting.sort of crazy. the fella is almost 70 but then so are we.we cant build for him.so we keep telling him in every way that we arent gonna build anything for them. they are gonna build another cabin and then a house. well thats about all from our little homestead.
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Jul 2016 01:50am
I seem to have exhausted our ready cash fund.
Had to.
The shop not only beckoned, but screamed, 'FINISH MY ROOF!'
So, whiling my time cutting wood, cleaning up the property, getting the place ready for more trees and limbs to fall. This caretaker stuff can feel a bit lowly at times. Me, picking up whatever a pine decides to cast off....
I wonder if trees snicker, tell each other jokes about us.
It's like the humorous analogy of aliens thinking dogs and cats are the leaders of this planet, after observing humans pick up their poop, then ceremoniously put it in a plastic Ziploc bag....
'Hey, Jack, watch when the loud talker comes outta his cabin this morning and sees the mess I made.'
These are the thoughts one gets out here.
I would be making window frames right now, but gotta wait til Uncle slips us another wad of cash so we can scurry to Home Dopey for more 2x2s.
Here's the deal. I love making windows. Yes, I used scavenged aluminum ones on the second (living) cabin I'm typing from now. Had to. No time. Winter was pressing.
Now? Now I'm making them all for the shop. Nuthin' fancy, mind. But mine. I love them. I love looking at them. I love using them. I love making them.
I know, the white vinyl ones are sexy, especially in contrast to a color like olive drab, or cedar shakes.
But, for me anyway, they are not cabinesque. They do not fit in the rugged nature of this natural setting.
Making windows
I've taken what, for me, was an arduous adventure and made it into a simple one;
Straight (try to find them, heh heh) 2x2 SPF. (cedar is straighter but rather expensive)
Rip a half inch channel on the edge. Two passes thru the table saw. Cut the lengths you desire. Add yer 45s. Staple the edges.
 What made life simpler was a thin alignment jig. Slap down the two pieces Push together Staple Don't forget to stain first

Oh, and the beauty of this is using the strip from the channel to secure your glass.

The glass company advised their tolerance was plus or minus 1/4", thus another reason for a half inch channel.
Drill, screw tween the studs; presto, cabin windows. I happen to hinge mine, so I added screens.

OK, OK, I'm no Proenneke,
I figger if I keep this up,
I'll be whittling logs into dining utensils with my two bit axe 'fore Hillary has us speaking Mandarin.
# Posted: 22 Jul 2016 08:36am
love the windows, Gary! just perfect!!! 
# Posted: 22 Jul 2016 09:33am
yes my mister does pretty good building for sure. thank u abby.
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Jul 2016 04:23am
Wintertime advice
OK OK, nobody out here discusses winter until winter. I talked to an ol' boy a few days ago, mentioning somebody on farce book stated winter is 17 weeks away. His facial expression and reaction was priceless. Bottom line, Out here we all savor every precious moment of summer. Even when chopping wood. And, hey, hell is comin' too, but you do what you can to enjoy the gratification of the moment...
Anyway, everbody, even folks out here, have adamantly advised me to have two items on hand. A snow blower And a wood splitter
A wood splitter is considered a gas powered hydraulic device that, once you plunk a chunk of round on it, will split yer wood for ya.
A snow blower is a largish gas powered device that, while you walk behind it, will blow snow onto the side of the path for ya.
Both these items have a tendency to break down.
I, on the other hand, have yet to break down.
But, If I had these life easing devices, I bet I too would break down much sooner than scheduled.
 Is my wood splitter
 Is my snow plow
If I didn't have my snow plow I'd lose my exercise regimen and gain anything I lost in the weight dept the previous summer.
If I didn't have my splitter, I'd gain the weight I wouldn't lose the following winter....
What Has happened to people???!
It's the same mind set in building an air tight home. Then Installing an air exchange unit (or whatever they call them) because yer house needs better air...
OK, enough rant, I'm going outside
While summer is here
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