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# Posted: 21 Apr 2016 09:48pm
dear Naturelover66.yes i am.some stuffs already in the ground. cabbages,broccoli,greens,onions.raspverries and planted cherry trees and apple trees. we got a green house up.now to use it. digging places for tomatoes tomorrow.wheee.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2016 12:12am
I hope your knees are feeling better soon cabingal3!
I love the idea of giving the work shed a hobbit look.
I am sure that new greenhouse will really help increase your veggie productivity. Our tomato plants are huge for this time of year. We will keep some in the greenhouse all summer and some will go outside. I'm hoping to make lots of tomato juice this year.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2016 08:20am
dear hattie.thank u.the knees feel better today. i am working on ways to use the greenhouse.i did not get the green house in time to start my seedlings in there.i put some tomato plants in and opened the door to the greenhouse and on a hot day of mid 70's...they seem to have wilted and some even died. so i am gonna have to learn to do this. i do want some tomato plants for inside the green house. GaryO made me a little porch on the greenhouse.its so cute. i will be getting into really using this green house soon. your tomato juice sounds good. we cant plant tomatos yet. thank u hattie.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2016 11:29am
Hi cabingal3, sorry your knees are hurting so. Both the hubby and I were having problems with knee pain. His were so bad he was thinking about getting surgery. I did some research on natural remedies and found out that Krill oil has been helping a lot of people with joint pain. I went to Costco and found that they sell a big bottle of their Kirkland brand at about half the price of other brands.
We both started taking them. It took about a week for the pain to subside. We are both without knee pain for the first time in years.
Glad to hear the weather is getting warmer and you can start your planting. It's been a long winter. It's so nice to be able to open the windows and hear the birds singing.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2016 11:34am
hi silverwaterlady.thanks for your thoughts and the tip.yes i have used some of those natural cures. i will look up krill oil.mostly i gained weight i had lost thru the winter.once i loose .the pain seems to not be so bad.grr.makes me so mad.didnt know what powers i had when i was younger. i will surely look up krill oil and use it. it has been a long winter gal.u got this right. hmm.put my tomato plants in the greenhouse and had the door open.burnt them up.sure sad. so i am learning to use the greenhouse. i am so happy u and the hubby arent in pain.hugs.cabi.
# Posted: 8 May 2016 07:14am
havent been on. had to make a run to the big city.the concrete jungle if u will.horrid place.horrible air,horrible water,no space to see beauty. the event?our 11ths grandchild was born.she is a pretty lil thing.her mama names her Hope.i nicknamed her RoseBud cause she is a little rosebud to me. we also had our 47th wedding anniversary.so it was a high time to be had for all. we were so grateful baby was healthy with no health issues.mama is fine. we were soo glad to be home.back to our cabin in the mountains. 8 days old
|  brothers with baby
|  grandpa's loving baby
|  |
# Posted: 8 May 2016 08:02am
Oh, what a beautiful baby!!!! I love her name, and her nickname, too! She's a pretty little rosebud! Congratulations to all, especially you, Grandma and Grandpa!
Happy anniversary, as well, Gary and Cabi!!! What a joyous time for you! And Happy Mother's Day, of course! It's a day of many good wishes!
Grandpa looks smitten! Before long, little Rosebud will be toddling along behind him to look at the birds and will be sitting up on a chair helping Grandma cook something delicious in the cabin kitchen. 
# Posted: 8 May 2016 08:39am
She is beautiful. Congratulations.  Happy Anniversary.  It's really hard for us to come back to the city after being at the cabin too. The sounds of nature are replaced with the sounds of the city. I always have to prepare myself mentally for that.
# Posted: 8 May 2016 08:42am
thank u Julie2Oregon. and thank u silverwaterlady.both of u have a wonderful mothers day. we are staying out of the big city now for a long time.so so happy to be back in clean air and land and space.
# Posted: 8 May 2016 10:26am - Edited by: silverwaterlady
TY cabingal3
# Posted: 8 May 2016 08:15pm
Hi cabi and Gary.. Congratulations... So happy for you and your family. Life is good!
# Posted: 8 May 2016 08:47pm
thank u so much naturelover66.she is a little pip.so cute.miss her so already.shes in good hands.PTL. today i dug and made more garden. planted more oregon grape holly bushes and also planted lots of strawberries and more rhubarb. its a beautiful day out. the mister is working on putting metal roofing on the cabin. its just so pretty out. happy mothers day to everyone.hugs cabi.
# Posted: 9 May 2016 10:57am
Congratulations on your 11th grandchild. She is adorable!!! Congratulations also on your 47th wedding anniversary!
I know what you mean about going back to the big city. We absolutely hate doing that here. We don't mind the smaller city of Penticton, but hate going to Vancouver. The traffic terrifies me. Everyone seems to be in such a hurry. We'll be going back in August after our 5th grandchild is born. 
Gary O
# Posted: 10 May 2016 12:02am - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: hattie I know what you mean about going back to the big city. We absolutely hate doing that here.
The city
Grandparents Agin ('leven er twelve) 250 miles north Grabbed a Motel 6 'for a couple days'..... Two days turned into ten or eleven. The room became a cell after day three.
But I kinda like Motel 6s Not much chance of leaving anything behind upon check out since everthing that's not nailed down is prolly yers. And they have HBO There's still nothing actually on HBO, but the coming event previews are exceptional.
Oh sure, there's reglr cable TV. But, the clientele is much more entertaining. Think it may have been a tweaker convention.
For most our stay, I just thought these people had maybe one too many caffé Mochas until I was clued in as to their hobby.
Never seen so many folks in such a hurry...and forgetful. Observed a slender young gentleman whip t'ward his car, then stop midstream, head back to his motel room, stop, fidget, feel his pockets, and turn right around, rushing to his car.
Hey, I been there.
'Dad, they're tweakers'
Sure, there's other types of clientele; The couple with a mess a' kids...and dogs, an aging SUV full a' wadded up clothes, crumpled nacho bags, puppy vomit, foaming pop cans falling out, and poop....somewhere. The mother seems a bit harried, wrinkled moo moo, hair pinned back into an undefinable wad. Enormous hind end, requiring its own room.
The father looks tired. Very tired.
Happy times.
The out of steady work machinist, grabbing temp jobs. The truck driver, sick to death of the thought of sleeping one more night in his cab. The twenty-seven giggling college kids prepping for the beer consumption challenge.
And us.
The most entertaining is what I now know as the tweakers. Went to the office to get more towels. Ahead of me was a lean young lady checking in. Seems her purse was a bit of a perplexing trial. Thought she was gonna vibrate into the floor while rifling thru it.
So, yeah, I'm thinking these 'tweakers' are nothing more than a real life version of The Walking Dead....only they're in much more of a hurry. New series; The Speed Walking Dead.
Anyway, the ten days were not totally misspent. I'm not a cooing baby guy, but this kid This kid.....is ....AWESOME! Here she is learning to pronounce the first letter of our last name;

Anyway, so glad to be back at the cabin
# Posted: 10 May 2016 07:56am
dear hattie.thank u. oh u got this right.the traffic is horrendously awful. Gary said we wont be going there for a long long time. aw but lil miss rosebud may need a hug from us.so who knows.lol. what a sweet lil baby. thank u hattie. i wish we could see all our grandkids. maybe on our 50th wedding anniversary all shall gather. that is a lovely thought.
# Posted: 11 May 2016 08:58am
I'm amazed that Miss Rosebud is only 8 or so days old in these pictures! How alert and expressive she is! Beautiful little girl! Her brothers are handsome young men, too! I'll bet they'll be protective of their little sister!
I do hope the Gary-Cabi clan can gather for your milestone! At the cabin!!! What a fun time that would be for all of you! 
# Posted: 11 May 2016 10:42am
Quoting: cabingal3 i wish we could see all our grandkids.
I know what you are saving cabingal3. We only get to see our grandsons one time a year. They come out here for a few days. I spend most of the winter getting ready for them by thinking up activities and baking and then, before you know it, they are here and gone for another year. *sigh*
# Posted: 12 May 2016 09:13am
thanks Julie2Oregon. that was a really good picture of her. when i was talking to her.i told her that they should have named her Matilda.i got smirk from her.so i know she shall have a good sense of humor.lol. we have alot of grands hattie. we have 11-some live in washington state.some in calf.one we never have met.one more on the way. we have the boys coming and they have not seen this place since it was one cabin built with nothing in the cabin but an air mattress and a ladder and coleman lamp. so it will be interesting to them. they are big guys now. the oldest boy is deathly afraid of spiders. he never ever has gone poo in our woods or in the outhouse.day 3 and he is out of here.lol. so now hes 16.we shall see how he is doing out here. the younger one is 13.hes easy.loves everything and helpful on all there is to do. we dont want to put him to work but all we do out here is work. so have to figure out what they can do. should be a blast. hattie.i know.we miss those boys.
Gary O
# Posted: 22 May 2016 08:49am - Edited by: Gary O
Doing the 'foundation' of the shop. Low work. Hate low work. I tend to remain in an upside down L for several minutes after attempting to unbend. I've found numerous small odd things in the ground whilst traveling to the tool crib in this position. Happily I can just plop in the camp chair without unbending.
The deer are back from a winter in Christmas valley. Quite tame. I hafta waive my arms and run at 'em like a huge bird to get 'em away from the garden. Sometimes they just stand there and look at me like 'what...the...heck is wrong with him?', then resume to mosey around nibbling.
Anyway, waiting for the rest of our metal roofing to come in. Did the two bump outs of the main cabin. Not giddy about the outcome but not unhappy either.  Gonna rain next few days. Proof in the pudding.
The shop; All angles w/be 45°, roof and all. Very smug about this decision. The miter saw is happy about it too. It'll be a tiny shop with hobbit like features. Sometime later this summer I'll add a bump out utility on the back (tub, sink, stove), and a carport affair to the front. Hopefully we can squeeze in time to lay the deck tween the cabins and add a porch to the second cabin.....and chop/stack wood before we are knee deep in the white stuff.
We'll post more pics in the coming weeks.
Y'all keep a fire.
# Posted: 23 May 2016 04:40pm
Oh, that looks wonderful! Your cabin looks exactly as I picture a cabin should, sturdy and sheltering yet homey and inviting. 
Do your deer really winter in Christmas Valley? I thought that was rather far away. Rather fitting, though. Maybe they work for Santa -- kind of have a franchise operation going. Geez, with deer from Christmas Valley and a bearded man with a workshop in the woods who makes toys for children, rumors are going to start, Gary. You may start getting letters from children in farflung places, lol!
# Posted: 23 May 2016 09:22pm
dearest Julie2Oregon. thats what the locals tell us...the deer head to christmas valley. yes everyone loves santa.lol. we have been busy building the work shop the last few days.chopping wood and stacking it and working in the garden. busy time of year. hope u are making a trip soon to get settled up here.
Gary O
# Posted: 23 May 2016 10:42pm
Quoting: Julie2Oregon Geez, with deer from Christmas Valley and a bearded man with a workshop in the woods who makes toys for children, rumors are going to start, Gary. You may start getting letters from children in farflung places, lol! Starting to get that more and more. Seems we haven't moved far nor flung enough away.
The shop is coming along without a hitch. Rains have scheduled themselves around us.

Waiting now for the metal roof delivery so we can finish the second cabin, so, as Cabi sez, we are chopping wood, meantime. Then framing the shop.
As for now, doing the customary floor jig;

# Posted: 25 May 2016 02:07am
cabingal3 How is your garden doing? I was thinking of you today! Went to buy a gate at Tractor Supply Co. and they had a couple of do-it-yourself greenhouses in the clearance section at great prices! If I felt inclined to add yet another box to my things that will be moving with me, I'd have picked up one.
I mean, a $130 little greenhouse kit marked down to $60 is a bargain I normally wouldn't pass up. But it's bad enough that I had to buy a new lawn mower and weed eater BEFORE I moved; that wasn't the plan, sigh. I'd hoped to keep my old equipment hanging onto life just long enough and give them a Texas burial, lol.
Now that my house is reroofed, things should start moving faster. All things going optimally, I have maybe two weeks worth of stuff left to do? But we'll see how long it takes for the sale/paperwork and closing. Fingers crossed that the property sale on the Oregon end goes smoothly, too! I think I have enough backups to my backup on that side of things. I hope!
# Posted: 27 May 2016 08:10am
Quoting: Gary O As for now, doing the customary floor jig; Dance...Dance I say.
# Posted: 27 May 2016 11:59am
dear Julie2Oregon. we did purchase a little greenhouse kit and i am learning to use it.i have my starter seedlings in it right now. a friend told us the temp.yesterday morning was 16 degrees.the highway road cam said 24 degrees but maybe our friend checked eariler than we did. got my garden in.praying. i pray things go well with your house selling and u find a wonderful place tobe in oregon.good luck.
# Posted: 28 May 2016 06:51am
everything looks wonderful! congrats on that beautiful new baby, too!
# Posted: 28 May 2016 06:54am
thanks abby.soon all the family is coming to visit us.yay.i can kiss some cute little cheeks.not just baby but grandsons too.
# Posted: 28 May 2016 01:25pm
WOW, you guys just never stop building! The place look GREAT!
Have fun with the family cabingal3. Bob's son and family are coming today. Three grandsons and their dog (who is Molly's half sister). Fun times ahead for this weekend. I've been planning all winter. *LOL* I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas right now. 
# Posted: 28 May 2016 08:51pm
thanks hattie.aw.that will be so fun to have your 3 grandsons and their doggy.what fun.enjoy.
Gary O
# Posted: 29 May 2016 12:08am - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: hattie you guys just never stop building can't....
Metal roofing;
There's tricks to the trade. I do not know them.
What I did find out was the well-meaning sales guy at the building supply center (not gonna say the name of the outlet, but it sounds just like a golfer's average) did not know his hind end from a hole-in-one. However, kudos to his ability to sell ignorant old men $900 worth of metal roofing. I hung on every word as he carefully explained how easy it all was.
Upon my second visit, I secured his attention by clarifying in great detail my frustrations;
'!!@#&!??&%##!' I explained.
'oh....well, it goes on like this' (he commenced to draw a little diagram using an edging shape I did not have since I'd ordered exactly what he recommended....)
Bottom line, my edging will mostly be laid under the roofing, contrary to the customary overlay.
Not ecstatic with the results, but as content as I'm gonna be;

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