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# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 05:23pm
silverwaterlady.no they know everything. they dont want our guidance.they want to guide us.lol. having said this.we directed several fella's out here who can help them build and clean up the property they own. i feel this is being a good neighbor right there. Julie2Oregon. u know it gal.we can help in our way...but we wont help them as they direct us too cause we can only do so much.we are old too.lol. just saying "some people are pushy".
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 05:37pm
Out here we call them "citiots". 
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 05:47pm
around here we call those folks crazy. lol
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 06:53pm
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 08:15pm
oh hattie.thats priceless. have to remember this. too funny. well silverwaterlady i asked Gary O what is OIC? as soon as i said it outloud.i said OIC!!  snowing again.Gary O just pix axed all the frozen thick ice paths up and now its snowing again.i dont think it will be alot.although its suppose to snow till 11 tonite and its 5:15p.m. right now.
Gary O
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 08:58pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: silverwaterlady I think they are at a loss on how to survive and are looking to you for guidance. They came on far to strong. Some people just do. Gary O's nice email set them straight without offending. Neighbors are important allies. We all know that. At some point we need our neighbors help. I think they can find people in your area to do the work they need. I personally would be hesitant to recommend anyone unless I had them do work for me and I was extremely happy. Because if something goes wrong they are going to blame you for the recommendation.The husbands health is bad and his wife won't be there most of the time to help him. I doubt he's going to want to spend much time there without his wife. Well said
It's a bit of an art form to construct an email that won't offend, yet get the point across (no question).
I feel I've done that.
These are nice folks, and in all fairness, may have been a bit misled by a not so well meaning neighbor. Omitting all the sordid details, I believe they have the picture, quiet and clear.
Anyway, we are experiencing large amounts of terra firma.
 Of course, it's snowing as I type.
In other news, had a nutcracker take a direct hit into our window. Quite the noise. Thought a tree had hit our cabin.
Outside, there he was. Stunned. Looked/felt for exterior damage. The window was fine. KIDDING!
Took him over to a stump. The little guy kinda sat there, accepting my touch. Wings seemed fine. Legs looked OK. Beak seemed a tad bent (maybe my imagination).

Had the shovel ready for a swift bonk.
....and off he flew.
We put the bamboo curtain back up.
# Posted: 7 Mar 2016 01:30am
Nothing like seeing a shovel at the ready for a "swift bonk" to get one flying once again! Hahahahahaha! Glad the little guy is fine!
Bly Mtn. is supposed to get up to 8 inches of snow with this winter storm. Hope y'all don't get anything like that! Stay snug!
Gary O
# Posted: 7 Mar 2016 01:59am - Edited by: Gary O
Well, we just got 2-3 inches, seems it's done.
Heh, after 3-4 months, the snow novelty has sorta worn off
# Posted: 7 Mar 2016 09:50am
me and the mister talked and we decided that when someone new moves out here.we are going to have a compiled list of contractors,general workers,where to call to get your road shoveled out and who to call for well drilling.we are going to make a list for those not in the know and needing help. so we are going to be the welcome wagon i suppose. and these new people that are moving across from us one day ...we are going to make them a list of people and phone numbers to help them out with all their projects. we can lend a friendly hand when we can and that goes with out saying.yay.good solution.i think so anyway.
# Posted: 7 Mar 2016 12:09pm
That is actually an excellent idea cabingal3! It will make them feel welcome and take any pressures off you two!
# Posted: 7 Mar 2016 06:44pm
thanks hattie.and i love the new word to my vocabulary... cidiots.
# Posted: 8 Mar 2016 12:53am
That's a great idea, Cabi! Well done, you two!
The guy I bought my land from compiled a list and phone numbers of utilities, pertinent county people, contractors, even churches and vital businesses near the land. He even included info on some ordinances regarding septic, burning, camping on your land, living off-grid, weather on the mountain, etc.
It's been a huge help. I belong to an Oregon relocation forum and I've often shared that information with others who bought land in the same subdivision who weren't so lucky as to have been given this information!
I sure appreciated the welcome you and GaryO gave me in October! 
# Posted: 13 Mar 2016 09:45pm
we were seeing ground.yes! actual ground. then snows came.we have had wet snow today,fluffy snow,blizzards and then rain.we have had ice bombs hitting the roof of the cabin and snow bombs.we have had it all today.even a little bit of sunshine. i am ready for spring. we got the old horrible mobile home torn down and have been pulling debris out of it and hauling to the meadow to burn. we did that one day and now more snow.suppose to snow till wednesday and then its suppose to be sunny out. i have a continual soup pot going. one day it was a cooked chicken in the pot.torn the meat off and used the broth to make chicken n dumplings soup. then the next day i keep adding more.more seasoning,more broth, more carrots,onions and spinach. today after i dug the soup pot out of the snow bank.i added tons of fresh new mushrooms and lots of onions and lots of spinach.it was soo good with potato dumplings. just hanging here taking it moment by moment. grateful for the neighbors who snow plow us out of here.grateful for friendship we have.grateful for our land. hubby is ready for summer.look.he and i wear shorts all the time out here even in mid winter.lol we got a cute wall sconce for 1$ at the goodwill. soup
|  torn down old mobile home
|  Gary O keeping snow off the tarport
|  candle light in our cabin
# Posted: 14 Mar 2016 11:01pm
It sounds like you two are having a great time. Spring is just around the corner. Great deal on the wall sconce!!!
# Posted: 14 Mar 2016 11:17pm
thanks hattie.hoping u are seeing ground . are u planting soon? it snowed all day here. thank u.have a good spring.i know u can alot and do alot that i like to do too.
Gary O
# Posted: 15 Mar 2016 12:14am - Edited by: Gary O
A lesson of the first year;
Living out, not near things, not having certain amenities most take for granted, demands you to take action before action is required.
In town, one can put things off, let things pile up, for weeks it seems.
Out here, especially in winter, if you put things off, you can immediately become more primitive than you were just a day, or morning ago.
you put off, say, fetching wood; the cabin can soon lose a certain ambiance...like warmth.
you put off getting water; a multitude of enjoyments can soon be effected, even coffee, or oatmeal, or washing.....anything.
You have a poopail privy affair, and decide to let that go for a week; you can possibly find that stick you've been using to poke down the contents can poke it down only so far before said contents commence to become intimate with yer pooper.
Those are the obvious.
You put off anything, something like a generator or vehicle (flat tire, dead battery) will surely convince you that whatever it was you put off should not have been delayed.
In winter, the weather is the main dictator of when you should do things. And the schedule is NOW!, not sometime tomorrow, not even first thing in the morning.....
The big lesson (of which I've applied to everything); Sometime late 2015 (Nov? Dec?, mid Dec...seems) we got dumped on. Four and a half to five feet of snow within hours. I recall sipping coffee looking at the tent out the cabin window that evening. 'Huh, guess I'll be raking snow off the tarport first thing in the morning' Meanwhile, down the path, a family of five took turns ever two hours throughout the night. Their tents (of which they have three) remain intact.
 I see this every morning, noon and evening...makes me sick to my stomach, especially when I'm raking it...
The alternate engineering of the interior is something less than a marvel, but has remarkably held up thru several storms;

Yeah, I've applied the 'do it now' theory to everything, stay on top of it, don't give a chance for anything to run low, even toilet paper.
I continuously eyeball wood piles, food stuffs, water jugs, poopails, gas, diesel, propane, generator oil,
.....the WEATHER
ps; the tarport initially survived a tree...may have colored my thinking

# Posted: 15 Mar 2016 12:35am
Quoting: cabingal3 thanks hattie.hoping u are seeing ground .are u planting soon? it snowed all day here.thank u.have a good spring.i know u can alot and do alot that i like to do too.
We have seen the ground for some time now. This winter was very kind to us. There was lots of snow up the mountain (good for our water supply), but not so much down low (good for our backs with not too much shovelling). We have planted the greenhouse and many things are coming up nicely. I've been picking spinach already. Our garlic is coming up outside and I think we will be putting up the cold frame outside mid-March so that the soil will warm up for April planting.
Quoting: Gary O Yeah, I've applied the 'do it now' theory to everything, stay on top of it, don't give a chance for anything to run low
Yes, we've learned that this is a crucial way to live. If you wake up to snow, you know you will be shovelling before breakfast. I keep our supplies topped up all the time in case we get stuck here (rock slide) or if the power goes out (twice in the last few days). Bob used to laugh at me....Not anymore...Now he uses the same approach with his shop supplies. Better to have more then not enough.
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Mar 2016 07:48am - Edited by: Gary O
Remember the trailer/hovel ensemble?

Well, we are on the way to making it disappear. The snows have melted enough for us to do some major damage.

The day seemed to do us in too, as we slogged away with hooks, shovels, sledge hammers, and hands....and arms....and legs.
By 5 pm we'd pretty much had it.
Winter has taken its toll on us ol' folks, so it'll be a few days before these relics we loosely call bodies will be able to simulate normal function again.
...there in the meadow
.....near the fire
there she was

She's a maniac, maniac on the meadow floor
and she's working like she never worked before
# Posted: 17 Mar 2016 08:22am
Did you burn it or just haul it away? I like the two story building that you had in the first picture. Was that your living quarters at one time?
I know about mussels that haven't been used for a while. lol
# Posted: 17 Mar 2016 08:53am
Awww, poor Cabi! Makes me want to fix her a nice cup of cocoa! And hand y'all a tube of Bengay!
That tall structure is/was pretty cool, to be honest. Kinda like a watch tower! Now, see, maybe y'all should have kept it. That way, if you were up there and saw a blue Saab with a blonde woman wearing tie-dye heading up your country lane, you could sound the alarm that J2O was on the loose. Hahahahahaha!
Gosh, I know you must be sick of snow but what a beautiful day it looked to be up there! So blue and white and green!
# Posted: 17 Mar 2016 06:32pm - Edited by: NorthRick
Starting a fire with gasoline I see. Good dangerous fun! Get's rid of unwanted hair too if you're not careful.
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Mar 2016 09:30pm
Quoting: neb Did you burn it or just haul it away Neb We inherited that structural monstrosity when we purchased the adjacent property. Heh, it wasn't as good as it looked (everything rotting or rotten). Burning the wood, recycling the metal.
Quoting: Julie2Oregon Awww, poor Cabi Yeah, my little flash dancer was enjoyin' the sky (passed out)
Quoting: NorthRick Starting a fire with gasoline I see Diesel/gas mix 70% diesel
However, I have been known to see how far certain things can blow. Enough fuel (gas), and well, things get interesting.
I'm not a patient man when it comes to getting a bonfire to take hold.
Gas, well, there's just not enough staying power. Now, diesel, heh, that stuff will burn til stuff takes hold.
# Posted: 17 Mar 2016 11:07pm
Do you still have eyebrows? 
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Mar 2016 11:28pm
Seems they came back with a vengeance.
# Posted: 18 Mar 2016 12:02am
Well, I'm glad the bonfire didn't claim them! I had my nose hairs singed by some errant firepit flames once!
# Posted: 18 Mar 2016 08:49am
Quoting: Gary O Seems they came back with a vengeance.
glad I'm not the only one. But that comment did make me laugh. I seem to have an issue with patience when it comes to getting a fire going also. I was a boy scout, I can make a fire from one match or a flint and steel if I need to. But it takes too long. Gas and lots of matches seems to be my go to method.
# Posted: 18 Mar 2016 08:55am
as always, I have enjoyed all your photos! oh Cabi...I think I will know that kind of tired all too soon. we have an old mobile home on our property that hub is determined to tear down this spring. egads..it's 65 ft. long and a huge mess. it's where he wants to put the new outbuilding, so here we go. soon. too soon. lol I am totally out of shape as per usual winter. I guess it will either do me in, or shape me up. we'll see. I want that soup you made. oh wow...looks like it was soooo good!! we often use the old oil from oil changes to get a big fire going. we call it recycling. some will probably call it bad, but those some don't live near........so we do what we need to! 
# Posted: 19 Mar 2016 10:03am
dear abby.i know what u mean about winter taking its toll on the old body and trying to get vigorous for spring and summer workings.thats me exactly. we finished the final bowls of snowbank soup.sure was good. we had a big barrel of oil and used it up. so now its other imflamables that get to be used.lol. Gary O always keeps things exciting about the place. i knitted and did my spinning all winter.and crochet. hope we get that mobile home gone sooner than soon. hope u get yours torn down too.good luck.
Gary O
# Posted: 19 Mar 2016 11:01am - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: FishHog Gas and lots of matches seems to be my go to method. we are now even in the 'made me laugh' category
One of the amenities we thought to add when winter was making its presence was in consideration of hiny heat retention when using the poophaus. We had saved this roll of closed cell foam. Cabi wrapped some around the seat.

No more hi pitched little girl gasps from seat shock, causing one to abruptly sit erect with bulging eyeballs and suddenly uncooperative sphincter. Even at -30°F
a warm hiny is a happy hiny
# Posted: 19 Mar 2016 12:39pm
Up here, lots of folks carve a seat out of the blue or pink foam board. It pretty much eliminates that initial thermal shock on a subzero morning.
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