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# Posted: 12 Feb 2016 08:37pm

# Posted: 12 Feb 2016 08:42pm
Cougars are about as dangerous as they come. Bears pretty much are afraid of people - not cougars. I read a news report about a man on Vancouver Island who was attacked by a cougar. He suffocated the cat by stuffing his fist down its throat!!! Now that takes cahoonas!!!!
Gary O
# Posted: 12 Feb 2016 11:56pm
I like that story, especially if it was actually the other way around; the cat choked to death on the hand after chomping into it.... His is the better story of course....good writing.
Anyway, I'm counting on a brave cougar. Good pics, and a good rug. I also count on cabi's sniffer and hearing. I've only got hearing outta my left ear, so every time I hear something, my head turns left. Then I kinda keep slowly turning until the sound gets loudest. Frustrating. As for smell, cabi can sniff out a fib before it even gits outta my mouth. So I quit lying (almost)...wasn't very good at it anyway.
# Posted: 13 Feb 2016 12:08am
i always lay and think what would i do if a cougar tried to get me. i always thought i should cram something close by down its throat.a garden hoe or some such tool. only u dont carry those around everywhere. so i suppose we should have a gun. gar...
Gary O
# Posted: 15 Feb 2016 09:03pm
The snow is slowly leaving us The wood piles mostly remain Started with the equivalent of 19 ricks, or face cords 12 are left Oh, it'll snow again, in two days according to the forecast But, we feel like we'll have a substantial amount left over for next winter

Heh, strange creatures have been hiding most the winter They are rather shy Like this albino sea lion hiding behind the wood pile

We've been feeding the birds all winter

.....and one squirrel we call 'Nutzy'

# Posted: 16 Feb 2016 03:27am
Great photos, Gary! You have the eye. Now that you've been through all 4 seasons at the cabin, perhaps you can put together a book of nature photography with a bit of descriptive verse! I'd buy it.
Gary O
# Posted: 16 Feb 2016 05:18am
Hey Kiddo. I'll send it to ya...or, when you move up here, hand it to ya...for the price of a meal....from yer cabin...or campfire
# Posted: 16 Feb 2016 05:29pm
Quoting: Gary O Hey Kiddo.I'll send it to ya...or, when you move up here, hand it to ya...for the price of a meal....from yer cabin...or campfire
It's a deal! I'm busily preparing for my move. And waiting for it to quit snowing up there so I can actually start building something! Can't wait! 
# Posted: 26 Feb 2016 10:14am
how goes things you two? you can't mention cougars and then not post. have you had a warm up? what is the first thing you want to do when warm weather finally arrives for good? hope all is well!!
# Posted: 26 Feb 2016 10:58am
They are probably out sunning themselves on a rock . Weather man says its 42* there today .
# Posted: 26 Feb 2016 06:01pm
LOL, Just! Absolutely balmy!
I'll be a bit southeast of Gary and Cabi, and my location has hit the 50s a few days lately. But it did snow a bit last week. It's the 20s at night that I just can't do. I'll be living in a camper on my land while the cabin is built. 
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Feb 2016 10:02pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: abby how goes things you two?
Well, cabi is knee deep in twirling wool into yarn with her new Little Meggie (she'll hafta tell ya about it, I just wear the stuff)
as for me;
two months to 67 heh, sixty-seven couple candle laden cakes from starin' at 70 remember back in the year '67 laughed our hind ends off at thinking we'd even make it to 2000 didn't care
Now I care
Winter here at the cabin consists of haulin' a toboggan full of water jugs from the well a hundred or so paces at the south end of the property, bringing wood in (thankful we chopped/split what we did, when we did), shovelling snow, chipping ice, and burning what we ate a day or so ago.
And taking pics
Concentrating on the local birds now The juncos come in flocks, ground feeders
The jays come and survey, peck at the ground, never quite grasping the suet cage theory. Great personalities, these birds. They often cock their heads in what seems WTF moments.
 The nutcrackers have all but taken over the suet bricks.
The chickadees and nuthatches (my favs) get the droppings, but have their main course on the brick in early morn and evening.

the varied thrushes are the shyest so far, so if I ever get a good pic, it'll be by chance

nutcrackers are NOT early risers

here's my little buddies, I so enjoy their little minion sounds when they mingle together

The crows have disappeared for the winter, seems. I miss their incredulous caws. One day last summer, a flock of maybe a hundred or so flew low overhead. A great slow flap flapping sound. Incredible.
Stopped me from roofing for awhile.
This, this retirement gig is as much or more than I'd hoped. Happy for that. Sad for folks that live in town. This cabin living thing is about getting back in shape. Not trying, really. Its just what happens here.
Heh, after losing 50 lbs, I discovered a bit of sinew, in places. The other thing is hangy skin. Not in the places I imagined. My gut is tight.
the underside of my arms are, well.... Scared myself a couple times while splitting wood with my shirt off last summer. Glanced admiringly at my arm while raising up the maul. Immediately became horrified, seeing what appeared that my scrotum had somehow flopped up onto my bicep.
Oh well Way it is now
The kiddies that come visit in summer still seem to admire this grizzled ol' coot. And my lady does too..of which, that's all I ask.
The deer have gone to the valley for the season I'd fancied setting out salt licks upon their return in preparation for fall diners But
Oh, I'll still shoot 'em But with my Nikon
Yeah, all settled in to this way of living Can't imagine any other way now
I'll die here
But for now
Got a whole lotta livin' to do

# Posted: 26 Feb 2016 10:34pm
That cabin life is a full time job! Lol Nice pictures and do you have snow. I forgot what snow looks like. We have had very little and melts in a day or two.
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Feb 2016 11:02pm
still one to two ft most places, but it's goin' fast
walked on terra firma today w-e-i-r-r-r-d
# Posted: 26 Feb 2016 11:08pm
been teaching myself to spin wool and baking granola on our wood stove.just cabin things... planted a mess of seeds inside the cabin on the window sills and they have all popped up.  spinning wool on my little meggie
|  granola
|  seedlings started
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# Posted: 27 Feb 2016 02:22am
YUM, GRANOLA!!!!!! Please give me your recipe when I get there!!!!!
Is that the llama wool you're spinning, Cabi, or have you gotten wool from baaa-baaas?
The bird pics are so lovely! What a variety of birds you have? Boring selection here in West Texas -- mostly grackles (ugh), mourning doves, an occasional cardinal, and some finches. I used to have hummingbirds. Don't know where they went. ONCE, a roadrunner was about and somehow got into my fenced in backyard! The dogs went nuts and gave chase but, yep, it outran them and got away. Without explosives. 
# Posted: 27 Feb 2016 08:54am
oh Julie2Oregon.i have never seen a cardinal.oh how pretty they are. hmm its the free bags of llama i am working on. granola i will share with all.smash banana's and add peanut butter and some sugar or honey or syrup and some oil to the oats and roast over the stove top.then add a package of trail mix from the dollar store.thats it. waiting for u to get here.
# Posted: 28 Feb 2016 06:42pm
I'm plugging away, getting ready for the big relocation! Can't wait to see you two! 
# Posted: 2 Mar 2016 10:43am
your photos are just so gorgeous, Gary. great shots for sure!! Cabi, I am hoping to also try making your granola. sounds so yummy! spinning wool is a wonderful art. I wish I could knit! I am also envious of your plant starts. I don't have a window where mine do well (tried too many times with a huge fail), so just staring at my seed packets waiting until early May.
# Posted: 2 Mar 2016 07:31pm
hmmm Crater Lake 4.30pm March 2 70 F Hmmm
# Posted: 2 Mar 2016 07:44pm
Quoting: Just hmmm Crater Lake 4.30pm March 2 70 F Hmmm where we are its 55 degrees.snow is on the ground still.its suppose to snow lightly on sunday and sunday nite it snows heavily. we are in a votex and if the weather says its gonna be 55 that day it usually ends up being 45... we were hoping to be able to get to the clothes line but nope.not yet.one day i can hang out clothes. i knew we would be getting more snow .its just March.stil time for plenty of snowings. 
# Posted: 2 Mar 2016 07:48pm
Quoting: abby your photos are just so gorgeous, Gary. great shots for sure!! Cabi, I am hoping to also try making your granola. sounds so yummy! spinning wool is a wonderful art. I wish I could knit! I am also envious of your plant starts. I don't have a window where mine do well (tried too many times with a huge fail), so just staring at my seed packets waiting until early May. dear abby.thanks for the compliment of gars pics.he is always looking for pictures to take. i am finding out my llama wool has no elasticity to it.now they tell me.u can make things from it but it doesnt hold a shape.so i have to really block the things i make really good.i can make shawls and scarves and such.just not things that are fitted like a sweater.good to know ...now.haa haa haa. yes.i get my seeds from walmart for 20 cents.i have tomato plants up.we shall see.they may just be inside plants. granola...so good. now i got my rome off grid waffle iron.made waffles this morning on the top of the wood stove.sure worked grand. take care abby. 24804b94fa8846a38.jpg
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# Posted: 2 Mar 2016 08:32pm
crater lake web cams for today. http://www.nps.gov/crla/learn/photosmultimedia/webcams.htm
Gary O
# Posted: 2 Mar 2016 09:42pm
Quoting: Just hmmm Crater Lake 4.30pm March 2 70 F Hmmm Yeah, the crater is only 15 mi from us as the crow flies, but things change a bit tween here and there, even from the road cam two mi away the temp can be 10 or 15° different. An ol' boy down the path, that's been here since the early '90s, says we're in a vortex, like the bottom of a bowl even though we're sittin' at 4550'. No tellin' where the wind comes from, because what comes from the east in our region may hit us where we're sittin' from the south, or even north. It's good to listen to folks that's been here awhile. Course ya gotta have enough sense to sort out the weird stuff. And hold yer tongue about most the lore, 'specially when they get that far off but starin' right at ya look. I'm practicing that look now...keeps folks back a ways.

Seems to be workin'.....
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 10:05am
dusting of snow last nite. nothing to write home about. going to be some more in the morning. heading more and more toward spring i think. snow is melting. today some fella's come over to help Gary O tear down the old horrible mobile home.we surely will be glad.then gar will saw it up and we will haul it to the meadow and set i on fire. progress is always wonderful.
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 10:29am - Edited by: cabingal3
dont understand people at all.just saying. we had this couple over for the day. took them to dinner.listened to their plans for the woods they bought long ago across from us. only their plans included us doing everything for them. they said they want Gary O to help build their cabin.they will pay him. they said they wanted their cows on our property.we would have to get fencing all around costing us alot of money. they wanted to join up their septic tank to ours which we wont ever do. then as they were leaving the parting shot was...take good care of her husband while hes out here.seems he is really in bad shape.had a heart attack a few years back and has a huge belly and i can see we are the ones who will be doing most of their work. i told them we have to many plans of our own come spring when she said gar could build their cabin.she said u will be paid. does not get it. so gary o wrote them an email .so nice telling them no... of course we shall help them in our way when we can. i think it is weird.i think its funny.when we bought our woods.we had plans for our woods and what we were gonna do. funny to me...they buy woods and they have plans for us. this guy is a bit older than gary o by a couple of years.he is gonna move out here and the woman stay in town working. they will make a huge green house and we can put our plants in it...well we are going to have to deal with telling them no alot. have u ever ran across situations such as this?
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 12:00pm - Edited by: neb
Interesting! I would have done and said the same things you told them. My guess they will try the cabin life but my guess is they will never be able to take living away from city life. It may last for a while but it won't last long.
If I may ask how much land do they have?
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 02:46pm - Edited by: cabingal3
[i][/i]Quoting: neb Interesting! I would of done have said the same things you told them. My guess they will try the cabin life but my guess is they will never be able to take living away from city life. It may last for a while but it won't last long. If I may ask how much land do they have? neb.they have 2 acres.i am starting to think u are right about the city life thing.the man of the couple is coming out here as soon as the snow melts.we have to call life flight out here and i think its only if we pay the 60$ a year to get help out here. anyway.surely we want to be a good neighbor and we like these people.just i dont want to join up as in a communal situation or...babysit.probably not nice of me but we have seen it out here too many times.people joining up their resources.then later being mad and not speaking.lol.so just trying to pick our way thru and being wise.
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 03:54pm
Holy Pete, Cabi!!! How nice of them to plan their life, and yours as well! (very strong sarcasm)! I don't understand people, either.
Being single and having Lupus, I totally get not being able to do the actual work yourself. But that's why you have to plan, research, and hire contractors to build what you can then manage on your own!!! Geez, not expect to arrive at the forest and say, "OK, here we are, now take care of us!"
If you want, I can give you the names and phone numbers of the companies I'm using. It doesn't matter to them if you're going through the legal permit process or not. That way, Gary can present them with a list of people who will build for them and he can reiterate that he's just too busy to help out -- since that fact seems to be escaping them!
Boy, with their mindset, though, I think it's going to be tough to be their neighbor if they don't wake up. 
# Posted: 6 Mar 2016 04:24pm
I think they are at a loss on how to survive and are looking to you for guidance. They came on far to strong. Some people just do.
Gary O's nice email set them straight without offending. Neighbors are important allies. We all know that. At some point we need our neighbors help.
I think they can find people in your area to do the work they need. I personally would be hesitant to recommend anyone unless I had them do work for me and I was extremely happy. Because if something goes wrong they are going to blame you for the recommendation.
The husbands health is bad and his wife won't be there most of the time to help him. I doubt he's going to want to spend much time there without his wife.
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