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# Posted: 22 Jan 2016 01:17pm
I'm jealous! Looks beautiful!
# Posted: 22 Jan 2016 11:50pm
It's so, so beautiful there!
# Posted: 27 Jan 2016 08:53am
havent been on much. busy with winter.knitting,baking and cooking. i realized something this morning.it is this. winter is long.lots of snow. the daily chores seem to be based about washing clothes,hanging by the wood stove to dry. getting meals prepared.i have been doing alot of one dish meals.easy stuff. Gary O hauls the fire wood to the door and i stack it inside by the wood stove. he also fills our water jugs and hauls them to the door and i gather those up and stack inside too. make the bed.sweep the floors. easy housekeeping chores.no bathroom to clean.sort of nice. busy happy times. lots of time for knitting. hoping everyone is safe and warm.
# Posted: 27 Jan 2016 09:07pm - Edited by: pizzadude
Quoting: cabingal3 havent been on much. busy with winter.knitting,baking and cooking. i realized something this morning.it is this. winter is long.lots of snow. the daily chores seem to be based about washing clothes,hanging by the wood stove to dry. getting meals prepared.i have been doing alot of one dish meals.easy stuff. Gary O hauls the fire wood to the door and i stack it inside by the wood stove. he also fills our water jugs and hauls them to the door and i gather those up and stack inside too. make the bed.sweep the floors. easy housekeeping chores.no bathroom to clean.sort of nice. busy happy times. lots of time for knitting. hoping everyone is safe and warm. It's a wonderful life!
# Posted: 27 Jan 2016 09:08pm
pizzadude.it is so wonderful.gentle,quiet,animals and nature all around.lovely as lovely can be on this old earth.
# Posted: 27 Jan 2016 11:11pm
Glad when you two poke your heads in here and add your stories, photos, wisdom, and humor, Cabi! Especially happy that you're content and enjoying the life! 
# Posted: 28 Jan 2016 10:06pm
thanks Julie2Oregon. cant wait for u to get here.we want to see your place.visit u and have a fun time.

# Posted: 28 Jan 2016 11:41pm
I can't wait, too, Cabi! We're having a pretty mild winter in Texas so far. If it weren't snowing so much in Oregon, I could put my house on the market and move up sooner. But I can't build in those conditions, lol.
Oh, well, I'll get there and we'll have good times ahead! So looking forward to seeing y'all! 
# Posted: 29 Jan 2016 05:57am

# Posted: 29 Jan 2016 09:22pm
I am curious, do most of your neighbors also live off grid? also, do you have a wood stove in the A frame cabin? and........if you could say one thing you'd pay more attention to before winter, what would it be?
# Posted: 29 Jan 2016 09:53pm
yes some do abby... some dont. we dont have a wood stove in the a-frame.we have a big buddy heater. hm.well i think the mister would say...keeping the tent raked off would have been important.thats about all. we have done famously.
Gary O
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 11:21am - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: abby if you could say one thing you'd pay more attention to before winter, what would it be?
The one thing...
There are a few, but, yes, the tarport. Ever time I look at it, ever time, I think about that decision at dusk back in December; 'I'll wait til morning to knock off that snow'.... Next morning I saw that thing sagging, stepped in, gave it a nudge, then...it all fell in on me.
 The neighbor down the path has several of these, stayed up all night, two hour shifts, pushing snow off
Retrospect; These are not fit for this part of the country We don't have enough bodies in our compound for two hour shifts...whenever it snows.....all winter....
Judgement; We had priorities. Made well thought out decisions as to what we could do before the snows. Not unhappy with the results so far.
Spent ever waking moment last summer making our cabins, putting in the pump, setting up gennys, and getting terrain habitable for winter, cutting wood. When the woods were shut down for chain sawing, we stayed in touch, finding out we could cut from 8A to 1P...and we did. We've used 2 ½ ricks out of the 19 we were able to stack. I think we're good.
Going into February, the 'we got this' feeling happens more often. Knowing things can and will happen is forever in the back of my mind. We stay on top of everything we can, keep things topped off. Tomorrow is today because tomorrow ain't even for the birds here.
Good question I ask it myself, often Gonna be sun all day today

Got water to git Wood to bring in Oil to change Poop to burn
Cabi is gonna do the wash, prepare something delicious, and knit something wonderful.
I may take a few pics
Tonight we'll fire up the genny and watch old VHS movies that we buy at the little book store in town ($.42 ea) until we git so bleary eyed we can barely stumble off to the pillowtop.
The other feeling I get is that 'we don't deserve this' feeling
I'll take it
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 12:31pm
Gary O....glad ya'll are doing well ..really like all the pic's.......
SPRING signs here below the Mason Dixon Line....yesterday I saw my first Daffodil of the year...trees in my orchard are budding..72 here today.... BUT calling for cold temps by the weekend. I know we still have about 4 or 6 more weeks of winter..
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 12:39pm
I love hearing about everything. I know we had learning to do our first winter. the obvious was we thought we had lots of wood split, and of course we didn't. nice to see January coming to a close. we've been so mild, but we all know how that changes in the blink of an eye. I learned to plan for the worst winter can dish out, and then feel gifted when it doesn't. bummer about the tarport. is this an unusual amount of snow in your area this year or the norm? I know you are staying warm and happy!
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 07:12pm
abby this was 2014 at crater lake,oregon.not too far from where we live now. but actually the last few years the dog sled races were cancelled cause of lack of snow. so this year we got it good...
Gary O
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 07:35pm
Quoting: abby is this an unusual amount of snow in your area this year or the norm? 14 ft drifts a bit over a decade ago Usual is 3-4 ft accumulated Last 4 yrs have been scant Heh, took a few folks unawares Cut, seasoned wood is a commodity here So are snow blowers on tractors
# Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:24pm
we had not seen our friends in so long cause they are further in the woods than us.me and Gary O hiked into the woods thru ice and snow(on the snow road)could not get thru not long ago.we tried in the jeep.so today...we got tired of not seeing our friends.we hiked in. 2 and a half miles in and out.five miles.not bad for some old people. we got to see their kids who have grown.we got to talk and visit with the kids mom.the dad was gone...but we had seen him alot already. theres a cougar running around out here. we see signs.torn up rabbit fur strewn all over and bird feathers all over. everyone out here is saying cougar cause they saw the tracks. they told us the cougar scared the coyotes away. i thought that was funny but come to think of it.we have not heard the coyotes lately. gar says we should carry a gun when we go about cause otherwise we are slow meat. thats it for here.making it thru the winter pretty good.
Gary O
# Posted: 11 Feb 2016 10:48am - Edited by: Gary O
Yes, we hiked over to visit the neighbors yesterday. Young family. Nice people.
Yes. we were a bit edgy since there's been evidence of a cougar hangin' around the last few days, and the coyotes weren't yippin' that morning. So, about half way there, cabi sez, 'we should be packing'. My razor sharp mind flashed to a small suitcase. My other thought was, 'well how long is this hike, and does she think we'll need to stay overnight?'
The kids had gifts for us. A sorta gift exchange from last Christmas when santy here made cribs from scrap wood to fit the dolls my lady had for them. They were little sun catcher thingies that they'd painted.
Cabi gushed over them. Said, 'we'll hang 'em in the cabin window'
I'm not attracted to this kinda stuff, even though shiny things do catch my eye. They're just not cabiny, and my buds would definitely flick me stuff about it. Thinkin' I'll sneak 'em over to the outhouse (heh heh), where my lady's other trinket stuff and the rest of our 'stuff' is.
Seriously, I should 'pack' more,
but won't.
I mean, yeah, having a toothbrush, deodorant, and underwear at my immediate disposal would be handy, but find it tedious....carrying.
# Posted: 11 Feb 2016 02:59pm
ya, if you're going to be out hiking and think a hungry cougar is around, might be a good idea to take a gun. I have this strange fear of running in to a rabid raccoon. it's very odd, but they can be so wicked! the gifts sound lovely, Cabi. I would also treasure them....and keep Gary's hands off. 
# Posted: 11 Feb 2016 05:31pm - Edited by: Julie2Oregon
Cougars are my biggest fear. They're silent, cunning stalkers. Unlike bears who lumber around and can't/don't hide their presence, if they're even around. The cats are another story. I want to keep chickens but the possibility of cougars makes me hesitant. Nothing like providing an "all-you-can-eat" establishment for them at my cabin!  Has anyone called the Wildlife Department? They can track and relocate (or something) said cougar. Might not be a bad idea for them to know. They keep statistics on and manage such things.
So glad you had a lovely visit with your friends! Spring is on its way and you've wintered like champs! Well done! 
Gary O
# Posted: 11 Feb 2016 07:14pm - Edited by: Gary O
Well, I like the wild life. Kinda why I'm here. I like letting beasties do their thing. I like doing my thing. And my thing is curing the hide of a large cat. Or dining on venison. And I'm a fractured photog.
So I don't call any authorities of anything. And if any running off is gonna be done, it'd be authorities, not that they would come even if called. They're kinda skittish in these parts.
Oh, we thought about chickens and such, and decided KFC was just fine.
But we are a bit wary, especially at night, and keep an eye out for each other when a trip to the outhouse is required. I mean, if cabi or I go promenading past the window with a cougar attached to our hind end, I s'pose gun fire will ensue.
Quoting: abby ....and keep Gary's hands off. and here I thought we were pals....
Quoting: Julie2Oregon Spring is on its way and you've wintered like champs! Well done! Yes, the 'we got this' feeling is becoming more sure. We'll prolly get another cold snap, but it doesn't have to happen.
Thanx, ladies.
Keep a fire
# Posted: 11 Feb 2016 08:14pm
ever since i read this i have been thinking to self...how could such a bear hide for so long to grow this huge? this was in s.oregon in 2014. i have been scared of bears now.haa haa haa. http://koin.com/2014/04/22/massive-490-pound-black-bear-killed-oregon/
oh i am just aware not scared.well,sometimes i have come puffing into the cabin in a hurry.a bit scared.but i am getting over it now we hear the coyotes again.
# Posted: 11 Feb 2016 09:05pm
A bear like that gets that big by being an ace at avoiding people. But, eventually they get old and can't hunt/find food so well anymore. Then, out of desperation, they go after easy stuff - trash, livestock, pets - and that's when they get shot.
Alaska fish & game radio collared a number of grizzly bears around Anchorage a few years ago. It was a real eye opener to see where in the city these bears went. Over 300,000 people and these large bears could move about undetected.
# Posted: 11 Feb 2016 09:10pm
wow NorthRick.thanks .amazing info.makes sense.
# Posted: 11 Feb 2016 10:11pm
The longer you are out there the more you can see , hear, smell ,taste and feel ,what's going on around you .
# Posted: 11 Feb 2016 10:47pm
Just.i believe this.one time last summer i was on the trail going thru the garden.i stopped in my tracks.i smelt something wild and gamey.i looked and there was a rabbit sitting there right in my garden.so yes.i surely do feel this is so.
# Posted: 12 Feb 2016 06:21pm
you smelled rabbit? interesting. I walk our woods endlessly, and I can tell you I haven't honed in that smell thing. I can say I know the sky, the sounds. the sound of anything. but smell a rabbit.......you go girl. lol
# Posted: 12 Feb 2016 06:43pm
Quoting: cabingal3 ever since i read this i have been thinking to self...how could such a bear hide for so long to grow this huge?this was in s.oregon in 2014.i have been scared of bears now.haa haa haa.http://koin.com/2014/04/22/massive-490-pound-black-bear-killed-oregon/
Wow, 6 ft. 5 and 490 lbs.!!! A missed draft opportunity for Chicago! 
I will admit to being a bit partial to bears. And moose. I love to watch them. Amazing creatures. I used to live in Northern New England and my husband and I went tent camping frequently in Maine. Yeah, even when bears tried to get up trees after our food, I found them amazing, lol. From a distance, of course. 
I respect cats but I'm not fond of them, truth be told. Not even the domestic variety, although there are some exceptions. I guess I find them less predictable and that unnerves me, especially in the wild.
Be careful, you two! Or if you do bag that cougar, put aside some meat for me! I'd happily make some gato tacos out of it, hahahaha! 
# Posted: 12 Feb 2016 07:22pm
abby.yes.i surely did.hubby saw me stop in my tracks.look all around and then i spotted what i was smelling. there sat a little rabbit. dont know what to tell u about this.its weird.maybe i have a really good sniffer.i dont smoke or drink and the mountain air is very clean smelling.so i guess i have a good sniffer.
# Posted: 12 Feb 2016 08:21pm
ok. we don't smoke or drink either, altho I don't know how that played into this. but since you insisted..........I can tell you I drink in our clean air also.
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