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# Posted: 1 Jan 2016 10:35pm
we are out of strawberry jam but u have the quart of eggnog. we have forgetful blather all the time gar.thats our full circle insane conversations we do have to offer to each other.sort of like right now.
Gary O
# Posted: 1 Jan 2016 10:51pm
...you do realize we are sitting right next to each other, right?
# Posted: 1 Jan 2016 11:07pm
 now i do!! 
Gary O
# Posted: 1 Jan 2016 11:11pm
say g'nite Gracie
# Posted: 1 Jan 2016 11:13pm
nite George!
# Posted: 2 Jan 2016 01:09am
ROFL, you two crack me up! Happy, happy New Year. Ten minutes late where I am but just in the nick of time where you are! ;)
Gary O
# Posted: 3 Jan 2016 12:00pm - Edited by: Gary O
Thanks, J2
It's funny. A month ago, if I looked at the forecast and it showed 10°F as a low, I'd be in a bit of a dither, stocking up wood in the cabin, checking the propane pump hut, making sure we had plenty of water, starting the Wrangler, checking tarps...
But after going thru this last cold snap, reaching a low of -25°F,

 and the stark possibility of freezing things that, well, shouldn't be frozen (thas' right, afraid to shake it), well, ya get sorta inured to it all and begin to enjoy the wimpy lows of 10°F, basking in the sun in T shirts and shorts.
When it warmed to -10 yesterday, I went out and shoveled to the burn barrel, then to the pump hut.
My hands got cold
My feet got cold
Like frostbite cold
Had to take breaks
My neck didn't get cold
My lovely cabi made me the most beautiful scarf. Used to think scarves were for wimps. Not They're for smart people....with wonderful wives. Yeah, we are slowly inching from noobs to sourdoughs. That 'we got this' feeling is not as fleeting. Less than 80 days til spring....
Oh, one thing I did wuz get out the ol' Nikon
Took pics of the seasonal migration of the rare tree climbing albino mastodons;

 ....and the (obviously male) sheep dog that herded 'em up the tree;

Then '51 Nash hood ornament;

And the icicle people, standing there having a nonchalant chat by the stove pipe;

Anyway, does anyone know the symptoms of cabin fever?
# Posted: 3 Jan 2016 12:18pm
No, but I think you may have just described some!  Stay safe Gary and Cabi!!!
Gonna be a Balmy 73 today.
# Posted: 3 Jan 2016 02:24pm
lol...I would want your wonderful way to have cabin fever! gorgeous and great fun photos, Gary! you really must write that book. I would buy in a heart beat.
# Posted: 3 Jan 2016 05:18pm
Oh, man, another book? Gotta gave it and another autograph, please?
Gary O
# Posted: 3 Jan 2016 07:25pm - Edited by: Gary O
Thank you, fine people of exquisite judgement.
(Note to self; sales HAVE TRIPLED!!) Now, all's I gotta do is write the dang thing........
Quoting: upndown Gonna be a Balmy 73 today upndown, I l-o-a-t-h-e you (in the most loathable way)
# Posted: 3 Jan 2016 07:28pm
Quoting: Gary O And the icicle people, standing there having a nonchalant chat by the stove pipe;
That's no icicle! Now THIS is how we grow 'em in Canada, eh!
Gary O
# Posted: 3 Jan 2016 09:33pm
That puny thing?
Shoot, I can crap one bigger'n that

OK, everbody, put up yer cicles.
# Posted: 3 Jan 2016 10:49pm
Gary ! Ohhhh shivers up the spine just LOOKIN AT THAT ! Only -20c here right now...
# Posted: 4 Jan 2016 01:25am - Edited by: hattie
HAHAHAHAHA!! Okay..You win...
Just for you GaryO - People vs. Winter https://www.youtube.com/embed/xKy2lLNQYrI?rel=0&iv_load_policy=3&showi
Gary O
# Posted: 7 Jan 2016 08:05pm
Dang, hattie, that is one scary video.
In all actuality, I'm sure most places in Canada can outdo what's prolly considered a puny winter we're havin' here.
It's just that we are not used to it....yet.
Y'all'll hafta show us the way in regard to the fine sport of icicle watching.
# Posted: 15 Jan 2016 10:35am
I think it's been long enough, so how are things in your neck of the woods? 
# Posted: 15 Jan 2016 09:03pm
Quoting: Gary O I'm sure most places in Canada We got the first real snow storm Tuesday ,all but gone now as its been raining for the last 6 hours . I did however get to try out my new blower , man can that thing move snow!!
Gary O
# Posted: 16 Jan 2016 02:31am - Edited by: Gary O
Got another foot of snow last night. trees are getting shorter
 'Nother foot on its way. Gonna discover how high I can throw snow with a snow shovel. Considering attaching the extension of my roof rake to it.
penned a few days ago;
I don't have cabin fever
w-a-a-a-a-a-y past cabin fever
it rained yesterday ice, snow, mixed with rain make trekking somewhat entertaining
one more bird lands on my shoulder while I'm peeing I'm gonna tear its throat out with my channel locks
we got out a bit (had to)
The Jeep ride is rodeo like
helped a guy fetch his water
since we live among our native American brethren, I've been given to naming folks what I think fits their character
this fellow gets around with the help of a putter (back is out)
calling him Walks With Iron
didn't know what was involved with fetching water
if I had, I'da just slew Walks With Iron... with a large rock (mercy)
'where's the water'
'oh, it's just up the trail a piece'
'a piece' is several hundred paces
'up the trail' is up (gravity fed don'tcha know)
turns out I'm in pretty good shape
I can twirl, tumble, scream and flail during fractured cartwheels several times in succession without losing a dogged trudge
He normally does this on his own, but his back is out His little woman is a little woman
Does art, needle work n' things that's her contribution
thought about slaying her too, but she has those needles He did hand me a pair of snow shoes
never worn snow shoes Of late, reglar shoes have been enough challenge
I'm a bit of a shuffler
One does not shuffle, mosey, amble nor stroll in snow shoes One should stride as though slogging thru deep quicksand rife with alligators when in snow shoes
When turning in snow shoes, one should be aware of what can occur when stepping on the back of the adjacent snow shoe
Snow angels are overrated
When picking one's self outta four feet of snow, one should remove at least one snow shoe Long brightly colored scarves could become essential to body discovery
Walks With Iron now has 77 gallons of water in his indoor tanks, 80 lbs of dog food in his feeder, and a big wheel cart load of blood stained wood on his porch
We have owed Walks With Iron much, for many moons Feel better about that
Home now
Our water is only a hundred paces away
On flat land
Anyway, how's everbody doin'?
Waltzes In Snow
(yer snow is cute, Just)
# Posted: 16 Jan 2016 05:27am
Glad ya'll are enjoying the SNOW!!! Was worried you gave out of peanut butter and was walking to town to get it!!! Since no updates lately!!!!
We have had 4 nice frosts this winter....brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Was in the mountains last weekend saw a few snow flakes and some freezing rain...this WINTER event lasted about 15 min.
# Posted: 16 Jan 2016 07:16am
best read ever, Gary. and that's why we don't like you gone too long. and don't like to worry that you got buried in all that snow. wowzers!! that is some kind of freakin deep snow! you are a great neighbor.
# Posted: 16 Jan 2016 06:25pm
Lol! Man you have snow, We have about 2 inches and now I hope we don't any more for the year.
# Posted: 16 Jan 2016 07:30pm - Edited by: copperhead1971
since we live among our native American brethren, I've been given to naming folks what I think fits their character
brings to mind my neighbors son, he came up to the cabin this last year and everything he brought was broken or didn't run ie chain saw, 4 wheeler, guns ect we named him broken arrow , he laughed and took it well... his dad was laying on the floor laughing ... have fun in the snow gary..
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Jan 2016 03:05am - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: abby wowzers!! that is some kind of freakin deep snow! 
# Posted: 17 Jan 2016 11:17am
Wow! When did you move to upstate NY??? 
# Posted: 17 Jan 2016 04:48pm
Waltzes in Snow, Now I have an image of you and Cabi outside in parkas dancing to the music of a whistling wind! 
I was glad to hear from y'all! I was beginning to think a Yeti had gotten you! Gosh, you're so good-hearted! Please be careful! Suffice it to say that you two are now winter-tested to the extreme and "you've got this!" 
But if you insist on persisting with the mountain rescue missions, at least keep some brandy, whisky or other warming spirits on your person. Those St. Bernards know the score! 
# Posted: 17 Jan 2016 05:58pm
I'm with Julie2Oregon. nobody would leave here without letting word where the hounds could find us with the bourbon. Gary, you are the master at photo shop! 
Gary O
# Posted: 19 Jan 2016 10:06am
Quoting: abby Gary, you are the master at photo shop just ms-paint too stoopid and poor for ps
self: we need a dawg...big one....a big scotch bearing dawg
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Jan 2016 09:48am - Edited by: Gary O
When tiptoeing thru the snowflakes, with camera in hand, seeking the white whale of picturesque gems, one can discover things not normally observed.
Like, saaaay, a white whale.....

One does not hafta sneak up on these snow laden inert objects, so I took my sweet time in setting up the tripod.

Anyway, what were those cabin fever symptoms agin?
Oh, took a couple mornin' pics
this is our view from the bed (we don't deserve this, but it'd take a mighty stout elderly lady to wrest it away from me)
down the path a bit

# Posted: 22 Jan 2016 12:34pm
Beautiful sunrise pics GaryO!!!!
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