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# Posted: 15 Dec 2015 11:07am
that's when it's so wonderful to be looking out! brrr! we're still warm for this time of year, but know ole man winter will find us soon enough. great photos. 
# Posted: 15 Dec 2015 01:09pm
So glad you are ok Gary O..sorry about your structure. Glad to see you can shore it up.
Aside from this mishap,the snow sure is beautiful. Your cabin looks so warm and inviting.
Gary O
# Posted: 15 Dec 2015 09:50pm - Edited by: Gary O
Thanks abby and silver
'Shore it up' is prolly not the correct phrase
Gonna re-frame while what's there is standing (I hope)
it's starting to list to port side
more snow coming
nobody said winter wuz easy
but, worth it
Gary O
# Posted: 19 Dec 2015 10:12am
Three and a half feet of snow Still snowing

Winter won't officially get here for three more days
Locals are saying so far this is the worst winter in several years
I wouldn't have it any other way
Hey Ma Nature; Izzzat all ya got?!
My bet's on a white Christmas
# Posted: 19 Dec 2015 10:27am
Gary O >>> those are some great pictures my eyes see beyond the snow depth you have. I actually love winter and could not imagine living life any where that it doesn't snow. Yes there are the not so good parts of winter in the north but over all I enjoy the season.
Yes Merry Christmas to you and your better half. Lol
# Posted: 19 Dec 2015 06:22pm
Looks beautiful and cozy. No snow at all here in Michigan... Yet. Merry Christmas to you and Cabi.
# Posted: 19 Dec 2015 07:56pm
I love looking at the snowy mountains from our snow free high desert mesa... 
AK Seabee
# Posted: 19 Dec 2015 08:41pm
Wow! Send some snow our way please.
# Posted: 19 Dec 2015 11:09pm
Couldn't agree more MtnDon! Looks so purdy from a distance. 
# Posted: 19 Dec 2015 11:48pm
I lived in Manitoba until I was 39. I had plenty of day to winters day experience with snow and cold. I chuckled to myself all the way through my first winter here in NM.
Gary O
# Posted: 20 Dec 2015 08:29am
Hey, guys, thanks for the Christmas tidings. Looks like it is gonna be a merry one;

Merry Christmas everbody!
# Posted: 20 Dec 2015 03:05pm
Love the picture GaryO!!! I guess Santa thinks you've been good this year. Your place looks so beautiful with all the snow around. Merry Christmas to you and Cabingal3.
# Posted: 20 Dec 2015 04:42pm
Merry Christmas! I'm jealous of your snow! Looks wonderful!
Gary O
# Posted: 20 Dec 2015 07:25pm
Quoting: hattie I guess Santa thinks you've been good this year Uh, well, akshly, I haven't been all that good, but cabi, she deserves a really good santy gift, delivered by santy hisself.
Oh, wait, here he comes now....

Gary O
# Posted: 20 Dec 2015 07:26pm
Quoting: skootamattaschmidty I'm jealous of your snow! I could ship you some, skoot fcst shows another 6-8 inches on it's way (got three inches this morn)
# Posted: 20 Dec 2015 09:19pm
Beautiful!!!!!!! And what a boon this is going to be for your water supply! What a dent in the drought! I sure wish I could see my land and trees all gussied up in their winter finery. Well, next year.
I'm so glad you and Cabi are wintering well, safe, and warm. Santa will be good to you both, I'm sure.
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 06:36am
looks like you two are having all the Christmas snow this year! stay snuggly and have a very Merry holiday.
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 09:10am
Quoting: Julie2Oregon And what a boon this is going to be for your water supply! Got that rightQuoting: abby looks like you two are having all the Christmas snow this year! uh, yeah; the stroll to the meadow (after shoveling/digging of course)

then to the burn piles

there's a couple saw horses in there somewhere

and an A Frame cabin (pretty sure)

it's always good to find the door

Merry Christmas, ladies
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 11:00am
wow, Gary!! it truly is like the north pole!! I hope we have some snow after Christmas. I do love a good storm when we're just hanging around to enjoy it!!
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 05:31pm
Ha! Snows like that are why I advocate putting exterior doors on the gable ends of a building.
We had about 3 ft and then it rained so now it is about a foot and a half and crusty. Wishing for some more.
Good time to set your burn piles on fire though.
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 05:37pm
Holy moly. Thats alot of snow. Can u get out if u need to? Did u stock up on food ?
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 08:35pm
Our doors are fine (they open in) Food is stocked..running quite low on peanut butter, though. Propane tanks are full. Gas and diesel cans are full.
We've got a neighbor about a mile away that snow blows the lanes. We chip in $20-$25 a run. He's happy, we're happy.
Plan on a trip to town tomorrow, but snow is in the forecast for the next three days...and nights. If it's a dry snow, no prob, but the wet stuff gets dicey for blowers.
Plans change in winter.
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 08:38pm
Quoting: NorthRick Good time to set your burn piles on fire though for sure this last one created it's own vent, so should take hold without too much gas/diesel coaxing
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 09:10pm
Glad u two arent shoveling ... Be safe..
# Posted: 23 Dec 2015 01:00am
Just be careful not to overdo things shovelling those paths!! Remember what the cardiologists say - wait an hour after eating before doing any heavy work. I know I sound like a broken record but remember this is experience talking. 
Sending Merry Christmas wishes to you and cabingal3.
Gary O
# Posted: 23 Dec 2015 06:16am - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: naturelover66 Glad u two arent shoveling ... Well, that was misleading.... 'the lanes' I meant the little roads carved out to get to folk's places. We've been shovelling paths to the meadow and well pump hut since the first heavy snows.
It's almost as fun as chopping wood. I could do it all day...I've done it all day. The wet snows are heavy...actually aerobic along with muscle building. The dry stuff is like shovelling air, good movement, but not near as tiring. Heh, I just put my head down, shovel like mad for several minutes, then look up to check progress...and direction (if I throw it left I tend to go left).
Funny thing; my chronic back pain I've had for years is darn near non-existent. Months ago my doctor set up an appointment to see if I needed surgery. The spasms were killer, crippling. Now gone. Screw doctors. I'm becoming an exercise freak. Not work out with weights, treadmills, but work out. Work....out....side. Do productive things. It could very well develop into my new religion.
Yesterday I helped a couple grumpy old men (these guys are so lovable...and grouchy) get their wood into their house, several loads. Made it look like play. One old guy asked how old I am; 'Pushin' 67' 'Incredible' These guys don't say nuthin' in the positive. They even told me to not stack it cause I was doin' it wrong.
They begrudgingly thanked me and shuffled back in the house, pissed that they could no longer do their everyday chores.
One old guy, a legend in these parts (can drop a squirrel several hundred yards away, was a sniper in nam) is so colourfully verbose I must set aside some time to video him telling stories. I was so enrapt, as his baritone voice carried with ease, words rolling out. Gonna be a treat for me...hopefully others.
Anyway, we're going to town today, and I'm going to eat whatever I want. Know why? Snow is scheduled in the forecast for the rest of the week.
Quoting: hattie wait an hour after eating before doing any heavy work No, Hattie, I don't jump into anything too strenuous after a meal. Heard ya the first time. I sorta trudge around, sizing up what I can accomplish in a certain amount of time (before dark, so I can get our wood in)
# Posted: 23 Dec 2015 06:57am
oh no, simply cannot run out of peanut butter! I never realized just us two peeps eat so much until I stocked up 4 big jars for winter. well one went for peanut butter cookies. if my man loves it so much, obviously this is his favorite treat. lol seems I'm down to two jars. hope we make it. yes, nothing like the outdoors to keep you in shape for sure. even just to take walks in snow is a nice work out most people wouldn't consider doing. stay safe and keep those photos coming. Merry Christmas!!!!!
# Posted: 23 Dec 2015 08:37am
Quoting: Gary O ..running quite low on peanut butter, though
glad you are headed to town for Peanut butter......a must have ..lol...
Wishing you and Cabi a Merry Christmas...
btw we had a good frost this past weekend...brrrr got down to 30 deg!!!!
Gary O
# Posted: 25 Dec 2015 12:09am
Thanx TH
Merry Christmas to you and all
# Posted: 26 Dec 2015 11:55am
we had a beautiful simple xmas.usually all these almost 47 yrs...we prepare so much food that one huge table cannot hold it all.we need sideboards even. this year we had cabbage soup and quiche.it was simple,easy,good and yummy.we went for a xmas walk and we fed the birds.our xmas tree this year was the pine tree outside our window.i cut oranges in half and tied strings on them to form a hanging loop to hand in the trees.i filled them with seeds of various sorts. i strung popcorn and garland and hung on the trees.we watched the birds all day long eating and being so happy. its 15 below this morning.so cold your nose hairs freeze when u go outside. we are staying inside for the most part today. hope everyone had a good xmas as we did.i knitted caps for all our here.all our off gridders.so we are all warm.
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