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# Posted: 10 Nov 2015 06:29pm
I was knocking the show off mine last year from inside with a "soft broom" so as to not poke holes in it.
Right now it's storing lumber, insulation, sheathing & plywood plus I have a couple of saw horses in there with room to work around in case it get's wet outside.
# Posted: 10 Nov 2015 06:41pm
I can commiserate with much of what you two are going through although we are not living at our place full-time.....yet. I know all about brushing teeth in the dark. Our son once used my brothers' tube shaving creme for toothpaste. We all had a good laugh. He didn't see the humor. Looks like you've got lots of wood. Good luck for the winter and really love your place.
Gary O
# Posted: 10 Nov 2015 10:42pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: Steve_S I was knocking the show off mine last year from inside with a "soft broom" so as to not poke holes in it. Yeah, I thought about doing that too. Y'know, I think I'll start a thread on these things....
Quoting: beachman Good luck for the winter and really love your place. Thanks, beach Doing all I can to make luck... Summer, of course, was a snap. Almost too easy. Never lived in the sticks off grid in winter. Always knew I'd get home, and warm, in a few days. This This will be different....
Outside all day today. Got bone deep cold. Didn't know it til I came inside.
nuthin' better'n a wood stove to warm ya
# Posted: 10 Nov 2015 10:57pm
I dunno, Gary. In that picture, you have your "Go ahead, Winter, make my day" look on your face! How much snow did you end up getting? Looked like my neck of the woods was going to get about an inch or so.
Doesn't look like that shelter you put up and secured is going anywhere! Good job! Glad you got the well pump warm and snug. Frozen-up water intestines are no joke. I went 3 days without water a few years ago when a bad snow/ice storm and very cold temps froze up everything for me on the grid here, grrrr. I was outside filling up containers of snow to melt for toilet flushing and basic washing up.
You and Cabi have this. You're smart, resourceful, and have good senses of humor. Key attributes. 
Gary O
# Posted: 10 Nov 2015 11:27pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: Julie2Oregon How much snow did you end up getting? Ended up getting just a trace. But it'll come.
Quoting: Julie2Oregon You and Cabi have this. You're smart, resourceful, and have good senses of humor. Key attributes. It's carried us, dear Julie. Surely has.
Heh, there's been times. Then we gather ourselves, laugh our hind ends off at the situation, ourselves and each other...and move on.
# Posted: 10 Nov 2015 11:40pm
Gary you might art to paint the top of those stakes a bright color or mark them...I forsee a shin raking them or a trip and fall.
Gary O
# Posted: 11 Nov 2015 12:07am
Good point, Beve
I pee in the oddest places
at 2am
# Posted: 11 Nov 2015 11:56am - Edited by: hattie
The best way to warm up your innards is a polar bear: A mug of hot chocolate spiked with some peppermint schnapps; stir with a candy cane and throw on some marshmallows. That'll warm you up after cold work outside!
# Posted: 11 Nov 2015 05:42pm
Quoting: Gary O It's carried us, dear Julie. Surely has.Heh, there's been times.Then we gather ourselves, laugh our hind ends off at the situation, ourselves and each other...and move on.
You two are awesome, a great team! 
Gary O
# Posted: 11 Nov 2015 08:44pm
Quoting: hattie A mug of hot chocolate spiked with some peppermint schnapps; stir with a candy cane and throw on some marshmallows Well, if nuthin' else, the coziness of a deep hypoglycemic coma sounds a comfort.
Gary O
# Posted: 11 Nov 2015 08:48pm
Quoting: Julie2Oregon You two are awesome, a great team! Oh, we have our times. But they are few.
Missed my lady today while she was finger painting, or whatever they did at her art session.
But she's back now.
all is well
Gary O
# Posted: 15 Nov 2015 11:59am
ran outta stain
just bought more
Starting to snow again
got this little bit and a whole 'nother side

game on
old old buddy
# Posted: 15 Nov 2015 09:08pm
Nice looking cabin for sure....Do you have it insured? We can't insure ours since it has a looked gate, nearly impassible road for emergency services AND our principal heating source is a wood stove. For that reason I refuse to put more $ in it. It is clean, warm, dry and meets our needs and I love staying there. That is all that matters to me.
Old Old Buddy
Gary O
# Posted: 15 Nov 2015 10:25pm
Quoting: old old buddy Do you have it insured? Naw, we just have assurance
....that we can build another
Quoting: old old buddy It is clean, warm, dry and meets our needs and I love staying there. That is all that matters to me. We are of one mind on this.
Thank you, Old Old Buddy
Gary O
# Posted: 23 Nov 2015 10:13pm - Edited by: Gary O
Got the tent/carport/canopy tarped to my satisfaction (re-named it 'tarport')

Cabin addition is calked and stained

Wood is bucked/chopped/stacked...and now re-stacking (getting it off the ground) 

and tarped

We have a bit more to do...

Been hard at it ever day
Ever day
Havin' lunch outside lately (burning ban is lifted)
Had a day of ease, an ever so slight feeling of 'we got this' Hadn't felt that since we moved here last April
That was yesterday
Cold has hit
Couple things have been niggling the back of my mind all summer; The pump The genny Keeping them in operation thru the winter is rapidly moving up the priority scale
Gonna be a few degrees below zero by end of week
Gonna snow tonight, and tomorrow
Vehicles are PM'd and now tarped
One thing I've come to realize, I'll never be totally on top of things.
There will always be something pressing
The beauty of it all is
I have nothing else to do
It's my life.....
I love it!
# Posted: 23 Nov 2015 11:43pm
Below zero? Wow! Hooray for that stove and lots of fuel for it! Your place looks great! Will you have Thanksgiving Dinner at the cabin?
# Posted: 24 Nov 2015 04:29am
hi Julie2Oregon. no we wont have thanksgiving at the cabin but at a little family in the woods cabin. they are setting up a big feed. i have to make some things for the dinner too.i am out of eggs. we are expecting a big snow to blow in on tuesday and wendesday. hoping we can get thru to the little store for a dozen eggs or two. hoping your thanksgiving will be grand.
# Posted: 24 Nov 2015 02:36pm
Thank you, Cabi! It will be fun! I love to cook Thanksgiving Dinner so I invited some friends to join us. May your bellies be full and your hearts light! I'll email y'all later this week! Keep safe and warm!
Gary O
# Posted: 24 Nov 2015 04:48pm
Quoting: Julie2Oregon May your bellies be full and your hearts light! I'll email y'all later this week! Settling for a light belly and full heart
Looking forward to yer mail, Julie2 good to get in this season
# Posted: 24 Nov 2015 09:40pm
Quoting: cabingal3 the little store for a dozen eggs or two Cabi you need to order 6 hens for spring delivery. lots of fun
# Posted: 24 Nov 2015 10:52pm
thanks Just.we just might be doing this come spring.eggs being at least 5$ a dozen at the little store.
# Posted: 25 Nov 2015 09:31am
happy Thanksgiving! everything looks wonderful! stay snuggly. we are exceptionally warm, which I will gladly take for as long as possible!
# Posted: 25 Nov 2015 10:31am
thank u abby.snow and winds and cold here. we are very warm too. glad the mister got the wood stove in.yay. all is well.happy thanksgiving to u and yours too.
AK Seabee
# Posted: 25 Nov 2015 11:13pm
Very impressive!
Gary O
# Posted: 29 Nov 2015 11:03pm
Aw shucks, AK (toeing the dirt), for a guy with a gorgeous cabin in the outback of Alaska, I'm quite honored.
Heh, two old fogies gruntin' around can do things, turns out.
Had to spend some money this weekend. Thousand dollars later; Got a real good genny after ours crapped out yesterday. Got the pump house squared away for winter to my satisfaction.
Should be done re-stacking wood this week. Then on to making Christmas toys for the children of the trees. I ain't no Santy, and I got no elves, but scrap wood can become some enjoyable things if one puts their mind to it.
This winter I plan to do some reading, some writing, and some photogging. Prolly will do some snow shoveling too.
Overall, we plan to sock some land buyin' money away this winter. Five acres has a better sound to it than 2.5 acres....
Takes a bit of discipline to save money. Gotta be creative in your sacrifices.
Anyway, if any of you guys get a book from me for Christmas, just know it'll be due back at the library by the time you get it.
Merry Christmas everbody

# Posted: 30 Nov 2015 08:48pm
I don't think you have enough wood!  Great photos / great life...so glad it is working out for you guys.
Gary O
# Posted: 30 Nov 2015 08:58pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: bushbunkie so glad it is working out for you guys. bushbunkie???!!!! Man, what's it been, half a decade?
...and how ye been?
# Posted: 30 Nov 2015 09:21pm
Holding on to the dream.....despite crazy building codes here in Ontario! Your place is awesome.
Gary O
# Posted: 30 Nov 2015 09:24pm
no, your place is awesome
still composting poop?
# Posted: 30 Nov 2015 09:29pm
You got it...still poopin old school in the "luvable loo!"!
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