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# Posted: 17 Oct 2015 05:51am
thanks dear Julie2Oregon.that will be so fun to visit u at your place.i can finally get to see Bly Mountain. and u are the awesome one... hugs cabi.
# Posted: 18 Oct 2015 12:55pm
It will be such fun, Cabi! And y'all will have a nearby "pit stop" whenever you'd like/need when you come to town. Albeit 20 miles east. 
Did you get much rain yesterday? It broke a daily record here, apparently! Still cool, damp, very cloudy. I was hoping to venture forth into the countryside and take some lovely photos this afternoon but we'll see. Tomorrow might be a better day for that. 
# Posted: 18 Oct 2015 05:54pm
we sure did Julie2Oregon. today its better.gars working on the sleeping quarters and i did the laundry.had to dry the clothes in the clothes dryer instead of hanging them out.it took so long on the generators power. i decided i am gonna get a wooden clothes rack for winter and hang the laundry by the wood stove and dry things for free. i hope u get to go froth with the business plans u have to do. hope u get back to Oregon soon.hugs cabi. good luck on getting some lovely photos.
# Posted: 18 Oct 2015 10:13pm
the mister helped me make my drop spindle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0elmg-X5QE i am so excited.still finger picking the wool. on wednesday we are having several families over here for an art festival.i will be teaching moms and all to sew,knit or crochet and how to wash raw wool and dry it and finger pick it and card it and spin it.i am making several spindles for us to have. my friend is doing art journaling. so it should be a fun time to be had by all.
Gary O
# Posted: 19 Oct 2015 03:10am - Edited by: Gary O
Oh, joy of joys. I can hardly wait....
Please tell me the children will be 'helping' me build, and how long I get to have them.
The nightmares have abated some from the last rendezvous, and I believe I still have a few meds left.
# Posted: 19 Oct 2015 03:34am

# Posted: 19 Oct 2015 05:47pm
Quoting: cabingal3 i am gonna get a wooden clothes rack for winter and hang the laundry by the wood stove and dry things for free.
Ask GaryO to build you a drop down drying rack. You can lower it from the ceiling, load it up with laundry and lift it back up (where it is hotter) to dry. I love mine that Bob built and use it all the time.
Quoting: Gary O Please tell me the children will be 'helping' me build, and how long I get to have them.
Oh, come on - everyone knows you are a softie with the kids. I bet you spoil them rotten and love every second of it! 
# Posted: 19 Oct 2015 10:14pm
Bwahahaha! You two crack me up! 
Set them to building a drying rack for Cabi, Gary! They couldn't mess that up TOO much, could they? Oh, maybe I should just keep quiet, lol.
I hope your Art Day is a big success!
Gary O
# Posted: 20 Oct 2015 06:45am - Edited by: Gary O
With this abundant sympathy, and the wonderful suggestion in regard to the remote possibility these urchins of the trees could put their grubby little mitts on my tools, there seems to be only one thing to do.
I'll be at the farthest corner of the property, cutting wood...with dangerously sharp tools, while laughing manically.
It's my only hope.
I hate you all.
# Posted: 20 Oct 2015 06:28pm
its not gonna be so bad.my artist friend is busy sewing up tiny art journals for each child.i am gonna bake cookies and pop popcorn. we have tons of pens and pencils and paint and paper.scizzors and more for everyone. if they get tired of the art journals.we will revert to me teaching them sewing as i already started to do and /or knitting. then if they get ancy.they can help me dump all the llama wool into the tub and fill it with water and soap and i can take them thru the process of how to make wool. i am even gonna make the kiddes some spindles to try to spin wool.so dont worry gar.its ok.snicker. hugs cabi.
Gary O
# Posted: 20 Oct 2015 09:00pm
Quoting: cabingal3 if they get tired of the art journals.we will revert to me teaching them sewing as i already started to do and /or knitting
 I...I...love everyone.
Truth be told, they tend to worm their way into an old man's heart.
However, next thing ya know, they're runnin' thru the woods with yer prize Ridgid cordless driver and a box of screws. And I'm left standin' there with a goofy look on my face.
Actually, I had planned on one of 'em to help me build a saw buck for that pile of limbs.
Just one of 'em.
Tendin' to three or four is a full time job.
And I don't get paid that well.
# Posted: 20 Oct 2015 09:03pm

# Posted: 21 Oct 2015 09:41pm
invited our woodland neighbors.kids and moms to come to an art festival in our woods today. my artist friend Penny was the teacher and she sewed everyone art paper art journals on her sewing machine. my cabin living room is so tiny.so u can well imagine 8 people piled in. we had so much fun.they came at 11 a.m. and left at about 4... after we talked and chatted ,painted clipped and glued by the wood stove.i made us sugar popcorn.it was a hit. then we went outside and i showed them the process of llama wool washings and dryings and such.made a cd spindle to share how to spin. i am not good at this yet but i showed them anyone.taught one girl to crochet. so now we are gonna have a once a week art gathering and have alot of fun.hugs cabi half of the crew
|  art teacher Penny
|  having fun
|  |
# Posted: 22 Oct 2015 05:50pm
Looks like great fun, cabingal3!!! The kids are lucky to have you there. 
# Posted: 22 Oct 2015 07:35pm
thanks dear hattie.i am lucky to have all our nice neighbors around and the sweet little children.right now i am crocheting big scary spiders to out n little halloween bags for them all. what fun.
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Oct 2015 11:01pm
So, I'm OK with leaving the bedroom unfinished for winter. Too many more important things to get done before it gets so cold ya just don't want to go outside...unless it's for more wood.
Here's some pics of our living room now;

I went with bigger, cut to desired width, fence boards for bedroom trim. Haven't stained it yet, and won't until spring.

Things is, unfinished wood tends to yellow, and that may be enough 'stain' to our liking, since the bedroom is a tad dark. 'Course a dark bedroom becomes more preferred the older one gets....
We stained the living room with 'redwood', and that sucked up a lota light, but the windows take care of that.
Gotta concentrate on firewood for awhile until we're in a comfort zone. Had a pile of limbs I'd set aside for making furniture.
I fancied me in my shop, crafting those neat chairs and tables you see in wood crafting mags. Then reality popped that bubble when considering the struggles I have with dimensional wood....
So, I made a sawbuck.

And tiny wood.
...for burning

Oh, I do need to put some doors on our bedroom closet, then I'll take a couple pics of that area.
Next, insulating the pump house, then building the utility addition.
So far, the days have been perfect for working outside, warming to the fifties and sixties (F) by noon.

This can't last.
AK Seabee
# Posted: 22 Oct 2015 11:09pm
looks good Gary
Gary O
# Posted: 23 Oct 2015 05:31am
Thanks AK. It's funny, when we used to visit the cabin, anything we added or built was great. But, since living here, anything we add, I mean anything, be it a room or a rug by the bed, is HUGE!
# Posted: 23 Oct 2015 06:02am
it looks so cozy and wonderful. all the books, the fire, a comfy chair, and big windows to sit and watch the snow fall. all my favorite things right there! your art festival looked like it was a great day. love all the photos!
# Posted: 23 Oct 2015 06:10am
thanks abby.we had the best time ever at the art festival. yes.that is all the things we surely love...in our little cabin in the woods.

# Posted: 23 Oct 2015 01:20pm
I just love all the bookshelves in the living room!!! It sounds like you two never stop! This new lifestyle is certainly agreeing with you both. 
# Posted: 23 Oct 2015 10:32pm
it sure is hattie.thanks. we love it out here. i am so happy to have such pure water to drink. and such good air to breath.anything past that is a major gift. wood stove.lots of wood.good exercise. makes me feel good to come in at nite and just sit and knit.
Gary O
# Posted: 23 Oct 2015 11:48pm
Quoting: cabingal3 lots of wood.good exercise.makes me feel good to come in at nite and just sit and knit. I generly flop and plop.
Heh, got a work out today. Split wood for a good part of it. Cabi hauled and stacked. Then commenced to clean llama wool.
Thing is, nobody cares to read about the work, or work out in regard to everyday living out here.
Water is heavy. Dirty water seems just as heavy.
Fuel (gas, propane, wood) is also quite heavy. And at end of day, we sit.
There's still the stoking of the fire, but mostly we sit, exhausted.
Sleep comes easy.
You cabiners know this feeling.
But, here's the rub; living here, seeing all that you want to do, the projects call you. Fore ya know it, the sun is casting long shadows and ya better git yer other stuff done before you run outta light.
Ever brush yer teeth in the dark? Tubes of Lanacane are the exact same size as tubes of toothpaste.
# Posted: 4 Nov 2015 01:34am
Beautiful pictures!!!!!! I'm so glad your art festival was a success, even though I had no doubt! 
I just love your "sitting room," with all of the books and the "natural stain" on the wood walls. Natural is the most beautiful, IMO.
Gary, I had to laugh at the Lanacane toothpaste! I started brushing my teeth with anti-itch cream in broad daylight once. It wasn't minty fresh.
# Posted: 4 Nov 2015 08:51pm
it was a fun time to be had by all Julie. thanks.i love our little living room.when my sister calls me she knows i am sitting in my little chair by the window drinking coffee,wood stove going and having a chat with her.its a cozy place for sure.thank u.

# Posted: 6 Nov 2015 12:11pm
when do you have snow? soon? stay snuggly!! 
Gary O
# Posted: 6 Nov 2015 01:40pm
Monday Three days of it
I can wait...
Gary O
# Posted: 9 Nov 2015 09:53pm - Edited by: Gary O
So, it's starting to snow here.
Finally got the siding on. Just need to calk and stain

Did I mention snow?
Had to thaw the darn pump once already Easier to keep it from freezing in the first place Insulated the pump house
 Covered the pipes with foam tubes Throw two sleeping bags on it all
 Gonna be in the teens tonight We'll see
If that keeps it from freezing...WHOOPEEEE! If not, well, that little round heater, set to low, will be its roommate. (yes, I'll remove the sleeping bags first)
We prolly have enough wood

there's more piles
But there's still several blow downs that are callin' me.....
I was going to build a little utility attachment.
Bought wunna those Costco canopy/tent/garage things $230 The lady at checkout said they tend to leak at the seams. Bought a huge tarp Tied it down

They also have a reputation for being blown over I see why They come with 'tent stakes' for a kiddie tent Went to town on a hard target search for circus tent stakes Seems there's a shortage of circus tent stakes Bought 4' steel rods that ardy have a point on the end And 150' of nylon rope Drove 'em three feet into the ground at around 45° Can't make 'em budge
 (I'm not done with the tarp, btw)
Come on wind....let's see whatcha got

Keep a fire, y'all
# Posted: 10 Nov 2015 07:44am
Hey there Gary !
Working hard I see. I have one of those Porta-Garage deals which Maggie & I setup last fall (day before a big snowfall, phew!) and it stayed put quite nicely. It's 32x11 which gives me room to store lumber etc and work in when it's wet. Found it on Kijiji for cheap and was still in factory packaging.
It came with a dozen or so 16" Spikes (giant Galvanized Nails) and brackets to nail it to the ground. The Covering is about 12" longer on the sides so there's a flap on the ground and we piled rocks all along the two sides. It's held up wonderfully through Winter & Summer but as soon, I'll have to "nudge" it over about 8' so it lines up more or less with the Cabin's front door.
You likely saw bits of it, in my pics on my build post. Harnois Shelters. These are seriously Heavy Duty and the retail $ is frightening, Thank Goodness I got mine for like $400 and the guy tossed in a 38" Lawn Tractor to boot.
Gary O
# Posted: 10 Nov 2015 08:23am
Quoting: Steve_S I have one of those Porta-Garage deals which Maggie & I setup last fall (day before a big snowfall, phew!) and it stayed put quite nicely. It's 32x11 That's huge! Ours is 10 x 20 Actually, I detest these things, but no choice this year. Got r-e-a-l tired of tarping stuff. Need it to last the winter.
Gonna fashion some sorta roof rake for the snows.
Putting the shop design together in my mind as I type....
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