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# Posted: 5 Oct 2015 08:00am
thats a great photo abby.its wonderful.we are sitting here drinking coffee and Gary O is tending the fire.sure is nice nice.
# Posted: 5 Oct 2015 09:17am
A wee gift for Gary O
Gary O
# Posted: 5 Oct 2015 01:10pm - Edited by: Gary O
That about says it all, Just.
However, there are two sides of me that I fight this time of year. One part of me wants to hoard, keep, add to the wood piles.
The other part wants to build the fire, keep it raging. Before the day is done, we'll be lounging about in our swim trunks or skivvies.
To be successful at this enigmatic antitheses one must forage for what wasn't already stacked ....so, at dead of winter, I can be found deep in the forest, picking at dead limbs and scrub brush....in my skivvies. This practice has also been found to keep wild animals confused and at bay.
Gary O
# Posted: 7 Oct 2015 08:04am - Edited by: Gary O
regret posting this...sorry
# Posted: 7 Oct 2015 11:40am
Quoting: Gary O No, it's not for everyone.
And I thank god for that. They can have it, I like the truly simple life.
Louis Vuitton poop.........LMAO
# Posted: 7 Oct 2015 12:26pm - Edited by: cabingal3
well i cooked beef stew and made coleslaw and homemade cornbread and chocolate cake. i invited all the children who live out here to come eat with me and my sister and her hubby and Gary O. we really did have a good time. they were nice enough.sister did not want to see the cabins.i cant blame her.shes probably seen enough in pictures. she wanted to wash the children up and wants to buy all the kids brand new clothes. i said oh sister.their parents would be so offended.they are having fun.they are country kids. they dont understand any of it. they did have fun though.we had a wood splitting contest.me and Gary O and all the kids took turns. it was so much fun.everyone was laughing. the kids ate and ate . i am so grateful for my life with Gary O. we pay 22 cents a day to live out here with all the fire wood for heat and cooking .theres alot of living going on out here for 22 cents a day. i would never trade my life for anything in my sisters life ever. i am so blessed. the sister and bil did get a real kick out of the children.
# Posted: 7 Oct 2015 01:55pm
makes me chuckle. we've had our share of people stunned that we gave up the big house in the burbs. I love our life, and I happen to think we live fabulously. but....when company does make the trek, the eyeballs (a sis-in-law in particular) roll. she can't get past my tiny kitchen. go figure! lol I've had moments when I felt annoyed, but I'm past that now. some folks get it, some don't. all that matters is a person living the life they choose to be happy. you two are so blessed, and I love reading about your adventure. I get it.
# Posted: 9 Oct 2015 05:55pm
cabingal3 >>> I get it also and very fun read. I consider myself a luckiest man alive. I have been so blessed in life that sometimes when I'm at the land I really can't believe it is mine. Rural cabin life is something many don't dream for so we are unique in a way.
# Posted: 9 Oct 2015 09:30pm
Quoting: neb I consider myself a luckiest man alive. I have been so blessed in life that sometimes when I'm at the land I really can't believe it is mine. Rural cabin life is something many don't dream for so we are unique in a way. neb and abby-my sister and her rich hubby are gone now.last nite we spent the nite with them at the 379$ a nite log cabin on the river.it was so lovely of a place.sister told me "sissy i got your back,one day i am gonna get u a big log cabin"...i said "sister thank u but i am fine-i want to live in the cabin my hubby and i built."no amount of money can make a house a home unless u love the home. we had fun at the log cabin but we were so happy to get back to our place.they wanted us to stay at the log cabin til the sunday rental ran out but no... we just wanted home.they had a bathtub at the log cabin. it was so narrow and it was ok.we get our baths here.we are fine. i got up in the nite to go to the bathroom and i missed going to the outhouse in the nite.looking up at all the stars and the moon. and it was too hot in that log cabin.instant presto turn on heat from a wall switch. i like Gary O starting our fires to get warm by our wood. whatever makes your home special that maybe cant be seen by others is what makes it so special.

# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 06:28am
Oh my word, $379-per-night cabin?! 
Yes, it's warmth, welcome, and generosity that make a home, and the Cabi-Gary homestead is brimming with that. I'm glad you had a good visit with your family. Despite the differences, clearly there's love and caring.
I have had to distance from some people here in West Texas who clearly don't "get it." I got so tired of the condescending comments such as, "Well, I hope this all makes you as happy as you *think* it will" and "You can always come back!" Um, REALLY?! They're ladies who have wealthy husbands/family and spend their days meeting at luncheons, and can't imagine why I'd move from a small city not too far from Ft. Worth to rural Oregon. (Um, because I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and also lived in rural New Hampshire, maybe? )
Truth be told, I don't really know why they bothered with me at all except I think I was a curiosity and they saw me as their different little "hippy" friend. And I was a teacher and writer. But the constant remarks got to be too much, especially when they weren't really interested in the details of my plans and progress. Only in making remarks.
One of them told me two weeks ago that I just HAD to write a daily online journal with pics of my trip to Oregon next week to share with them. And I said, well, no, I really don't! I'm going to be busy and having fun!
Speaking of which, Cabi, is Friday still a good day to meet up with you and GaryO? I'm going up to my land on Bly Mtn. in the afternoon to chat with some neighbors at 1 p.m. but have nothing else! That's the only day of the week that ODOT isn't out there doing road construction around the mountain, they said! I'm meeting a builder in Medford Saturday morning.
# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 04:28pm
i e-mailed u Julie2Oregon at your email posted on this site.hugs cabi
# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 06:55pm
Got it, Cabi! Yay! My silly email didn't send me a message alert and I'm bad about checking it on my own. Will reply!
# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 11:34am
something i am doing right now i never could have done in town. i was at the log cabin where sister stayed and they had llama's. i asked them what they did with the shearings...they said nothing.i could have them... so i have three huge bags of llama wool.one in black.one in white and one bag of blonde and white. i washed some of the black after shaking it out.rinsed it and dried it. so i am making my own yarn.i have no spinning wheel or drop spindle.just using a knitting needle to spin onto from the wool. sort of fun. and free but time consuming for sure.
# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 12:48pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
Wow,that is interesting. I think there may be a market for the fibers to people that have the equipment to do the spinning.
# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 12:56pm
https://books.google.com/books?id=GTjGabFKznoC&pg=PA256&lpg=PA256&dq=llama+shearings+ uses&source=bl&ots=HN0lZr6B8p&sig=m-t5Vf4-wNv8KJsKbvUgInbOwDM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CBYQ6AE wBWoVChMIu4qJ-fG_yAIViBseCh2HiAg6#v=onepage&q=llama%20shearings%20uses&f=false
# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 05:56pm
well got some yarn spun but only using a knitting needle.u can use a plain pencil ... it just takes longer. only got the wool one time on a fluke . so washing it up and drying it outside now on racks. then i will fingerpick all the gunk out and card it.spin it . just wanted to try this and to say i had done it and to have some knitted and crocheted items from my own yarn making. thank u sliverwaterlady.
# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 08:13pm
thanks silverwaterlady for the info. here is what fun times i am having.the mister is helping me.sure nice of him. here is a sample of my yarn so far.its whats on the knitting needle.soon i will make me a drop shuttle and see how that goes.i can make one from a pencil and put a hook in the eraser and put a cd on the pencil and a gromet in the cd hole.well i could have done this sooner but did not know the mister had rubber gromets.  llama black wool
|  tubs soaking
|  spinning onto a knitting needle
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# Posted: 13 Oct 2015 10:57pm
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 05:05am
finger picked wool yesterday.any woods neighbors who come over are subject to me giving them a clump of washed and dried llama wool to finger pick. here is the result of some finger picking going on.i have white wool,black wool,blonde wool and light grey and dark grey wool.this is bag number one.have two more to go. need a way to spin this stuff faster.
  all kinds of wool.washed,dried and finger picked
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# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 06:38am
wow, cabi, that wool is beautiful!
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 11:04am
thanks abby. i am getting a real eye opener to how nice and lovely acrylic is.lol. cheap n easy but this has been so fun and interesting.i am trying to decide how i want to spin this stuff. i found out i can make rolags of unwashed wool if i crochet them.so i may make some for each side of our bed.and one before the fireplace and some wall hangings.
Gary O
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 11:09am
Three bags full. Yessir.
Cabi had a clump of this black wool by the wood stove a few days ago. Swore it was our blockheaded dog we had awhile back, layin' there taking a nap.
Here she is now;

Still have a trace of PTSD from her mindless capers.
A Tibetan Terrorist...Terrier.....Tibetan terrier
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 11:16am
yes.i surely see now i could have used our old dogs fur to knit and crochet with...if she would have stayed still for me to shear her.lol.
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 12:20pm
You are one talented lady, cabingal3!!! I had to google rolag to see what it was. *LOL* How do you even know this stuff?
I've heard of people using dog hair to knit with. I can't imagine having winter mittens that smell like wet dog when they get wet though. 
# Posted: 15 Oct 2015 10:26pm
Quoting: hattie You are one talented lady, cabingal3!!! I had to google rolag to see what it was. *LOL* How do you even know this stuff? I've heard of people using dog hair to knit with. I can't imagine having winter mittens that smell like wet dog when they get wet though.
ha.hattie i am so not.just interested in things. i didnt know any of it.i am having a crash course.lol... i have had to learn how to wash this stuff,dry it.i had to learn about finger picking and then carding this stuff.and then spinning.i only have a knitting needle to spin the wool onto...so far. i may make a spindle tomorrow.so i can try to learn to use it.as far as everything goes.i have one bag washed and dried for winter.now two more big bags to go. well on the dog hair.i guess it doesnt smell if u can believe this one. we knew some friends who had a dog with long white hair.they saved the hair and made sweaters for their kids.they were lovely sweaters. i just met a lady online and she got free camel hair to spin from a zoo if u can believe this one. so i am just learning and doing as i go. thanks hattie.
# Posted: 16 Oct 2015 09:01am
I just lost my beautiful husky this past May at the age of 14. I always said I could make blankets out of the fur she shed. lol who knew?!! when I brush my shepherd (otherwise known as a German Shedder) I toss all the fur for little critters to use. it's fun to see some in bird nests, and I imagine I'm keeping some mice warm. hey...that's all good with me as long as they don't come in!
# Posted: 16 Oct 2015 11:35pm
aw abby.that is always so sad.i am so sorry for your loss. yes.i have spread some of the llama wool for the critters. i heard they love it.so far no takers.lol.but its there for them.
# Posted: 16 Oct 2015 11:38pm
well the mister and i met up with Julie2Oregon. we had a delightful time .she is a wonderfully charming funny lady.we enjoyed her so much. thanks Julie for the fun time. we met at Dennys and ate and talked and talked.it was a great time. on another note...i got my dowel,hook and cd and gromet and gonna make me a spindle so i can spin me some yarn up.

Gary O
# Posted: 16 Oct 2015 11:48pm
Quoting: cabingal3 well the mister and i met up with Julie2Oregon.we had a delightful time .she is a wonderfully charming funny lady To second that, Julie2 is even more of a delight in person than in this here forum.
The real deal.
Oregon stands proud to have her grace Bly Mountain.
Thanks, Julie2, for the get together.
Won't be the last.
# Posted: 17 Oct 2015 02:14am
Oh, what a fun time it was!!!!! An absolute pleasure visiting with y'all, sharing good food, stories, and lots of smiles! I can't wait 'til we can visit again and I can offer hospitality at my place on Bly! You two are awesome!
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