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# Posted: 20 Sep 2015 06:37am
i am looking forward to winter snows Julie2Oregon and us all tucked into our little cabin...and me knitting away by the fire and the mister writing . should be a cozy sweet time.
# Posted: 23 Sep 2015 01:35am
cabingal3 Oh, it will be, I'm sure! Did you get any snow lately? I saw posted on the Klamath Falls Facebook page that Crater Lake got some snow! Other elevations did, as well! It looks like this might be a promising winter! Yippee! Wish I was already living there, sigh.
I miss snow. We mostly get thick ice for winter precip in West Texas. No snow to speak of, for some reason. We miss the pretty and only get the treacherous!
# Posted: 23 Sep 2015 04:16am
Julie2Oregon.i see where there was snow at Crater lake but we didnt get it. its a beautiful time of year. the temps are so mild in the daytime for working outside.its lovely. the nites are cold but its good sleeping weather. hope we get alot of snow this winter so we can burn our piles we have from clearing off the land.
Gary O
# Posted: 24 Sep 2015 12:38pm - Edited by: Gary O
Clear skies are a norm out here, but the clouds, resentfully resisting early rays of the sun's brilliance, give a measurement that enriches the morn like none other.........

I have a much anticipated project today.
Picked up the rest of the exterior components for the wood stove.
my next feat will be to see what I can do to $700 worth of pipe and components.
Now to find my cobbling tools....
Here's some pics in regard to my definition of finish work;

things not considered (like needing a groove for the goofy locking device on the slider)

wood putty w/be next

turns out, if one is diligent, one can create several shades of high heat black on cement board
 the stove position needs a bit of a nudge for pipe alignment, then I'll screw the sections together
Gary O
# Posted: 24 Sep 2015 10:49pm
T'was a good day. Turns out the stove pipe wasn't the daunting thing I had in my mind.

And, the floor staining turned out better than I'd imagined.

Ever so often things come together, sometimes as planned....
If the schedule remains on point, moving day will be Sunday..or Monday

# Posted: 24 Sep 2015 11:24pm
been busy
# Posted: 25 Sep 2015 06:15am
looking good you two! Gary, I was just curious why you didn't go straight up with the stove pipe? I only ask as having an elbow makes it more a bugger to clean. our garage stove has straight pipe, and it never even gets residue. in the cottage we had to put an elbow as we backed the woodstove up to existing fireplace. we just cleaned that one, and lots more gunk. I've always wished we put the wood stove in instead of the regular fireplace right off. anyway long ramble, but wanted to say it looks wonderfully cozy already! love those long windows!!
Gary O
# Posted: 25 Sep 2015 06:16am
Y'know, Sir Just, I don't believe we'll ever be unbusy.
This retirement gig has given us full license to play.
And, well, 'work' is play...if you like doin' it.
Gary O
# Posted: 25 Sep 2015 06:27am
Quoting: abby I was just curious why you didn't go straight up with the stove pipe?
Hey Abby, a couple reasons; I'm rather fond of my renditions of ceilings, and if cobbled, I'd have to look at that for a very long time. The other, main, reason is I plan on using that stove in the cabin I plan on building out by the meadow. This thru the wall design has a neat plug at the base of the exterior that makes cleaning a bit easier. It's big enough to stick my head in (will letcha know how that turns out).
...and thanks
# Posted: 25 Sep 2015 08:02am
lol, we have that base plug, too, and don't want to be sticking our heads there! you can tell I spend probably too much time on facebook, cause I always want to hit the 'like' button. 
# Posted: 25 Sep 2015 08:03am
also, my hub says the same as you, Gary. it's how we 'play'. he says if you consider it work, don't do it!
Gary O
# Posted: 25 Sep 2015 11:26am
Quoting: abby it's how we 'play'. he says if you consider it work, don't do it! So true.
Heh, my Dad was the flip side. He could take a normal golf club in hand and do several pirouettes in succession, literally screwing himself into the ground trying to make contact with that dimpled white orb.
Quoting: abby I spend probably too much time on facebook I'm not a facebooker, but cabi, on the other hand....
# Posted: 25 Sep 2015 08:39pm
what does cobbled ceiling mean?
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Sep 2015 12:23am
take perfectly good material decent tools get plenty of rest drink coffee whilst pondering seemingly sound thoughts
proceed to cobble (cut, chip, gouge until whatever you're working on is mostly unrecognizable)
# Posted: 26 Sep 2015 08:08am
Love your hearth... Floors... It all looks very nice. Good work.
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Sep 2015 11:00am
thank you, nl able to squeeze in another trip to yer cabin before the snows?
# Posted: 26 Sep 2015 09:37pm
Yes... We visited alot this summer... Plan to visit at least two or three times more before winter. Its been a very productive summer.. Life is good!!
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Sep 2015 11:10pm
Quoting: naturelover66 Life is good!! that it is, fellow cabiner
we had our first fire in the stove this evening
gonna get a bit cold by early morning.....outside

# Posted: 26 Sep 2015 11:34pm
Very nice! It is nice to just have to work at your own pace and happy for both of you.
I have about 5 or 6 more pay checks and I'm a free man I hope. I hope to enjoy my time as much as you are. Soon!
Gary O
# Posted: 27 Sep 2015 12:04am
Quoting: neb I have about 5 or 6 more pay checks and I'm a free man I hope. I hope to enjoy my time as much as you are. Soon! Seeing your posts and threads, you will Sir Neb. Without a doubt.
# Posted: 27 Sep 2015 06:55am
first fire is always so wonderful! I still really love the first fire of the season, altho I don't want to rush cold weather coming here just yet. soon. looks fabulous you two!
Gary O
# Posted: 27 Sep 2015 11:46am - Edited by: Gary O
thanks, abby
we've been sitting here this morn considering what we've done since we got here
Since our move, back on April 27 (five months today);
Cleared (pick axed) land for a garden spot (this ain't no easy feat, tearing out root systems by hand)
Planted the garden, including Seaberry trees with mesh fencing
Cleared land for the container
Cleared an acre or so into a 'park like setting' Then cleared it again after the big storm
Bucked, split and piled five cord of wood
Blazed a Jeep trail to the meadow
Gathered, hauled and piled a half dozen rather large slash piles in the meadow
Tore down a camper by hand and hauled that stuff to the dump
Built a tool crib
Put the well pump in
Built a pump house
Took out the french doors and extended the kitchen Added home built pantry doors and a partition
Built table/benches for the breakfast nook
Built a rather large picnic table
Enhanced the outdoor shower a bit
Set up a somewhat meager Jenny powered light/elect system for both cabins
Oh, and framed, sub sided, sub roofed and finished the interior of the addition to the second cabin Including building the custom windows (this also included installing the wood stove, hauling that 500 lbs of steel and brick from the container to the cabin via trailer and a sheet of stout ply atop small pipe rollers)
Assisted the two families in razing the old red hovel on our adjacent property
During respites we helped our octogenarian neighbors with things such as getting their brush muncher going...then said goodbyes to the old guy a few weeks later at his memorial
(all the while doing chores, such as scrubbing out clothes by hand and hanging out to dry...and baking things...like cake...aaaaand making granola...and meals from our garden... and hauling water before we got the well going)
Somewhere in the process we lost over 100 lbs (I think we left them back in town)
This retirement off grid stuff ain't for sissys
Come on winter!
Got slash piles to burn and snow to shovel.
aaand a stove to stoke (heh heh)
# Posted: 29 Sep 2015 10:42pm - Edited by: cabingal3
here is a seat cover for our out house.its for having not frozen buns in the winter time...i wrapped small cell foam around.sure soft and comfy. covered seat for winters cold
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Gary O
# Posted: 2 Oct 2015 11:16am - Edited by: Gary O
So, in building this addition, I added as many windows as possible, without making it a greenhouse, or making it a clandestine event when dressing, or undressing, or washing, hiding in a dark corner....
But hadn't really considered the view we'd get from the bed and favorite chairs. We don't get the sunsets, as they fall behind the mountain on the other side of the cabin, but we do get the sunrises...and (something I just didn't figger at all) the moon rises.
Oh, sunsets are quite gorgeous, and unmatchable in beauty at end of day. But the moonrises, and sunrises are beginnings.
I like beginnings.
Guess it reflects where we are in our initial endeavors here and now. Don't think I'll get used to everything very soon. Hope I never do.
 yes, that's the moon
I looked out beyond the meadow this morn, gazed on the silhouette of the distant mountains, the fog blanket covering the marsh, the brilliant horizon, and I was overcome by a pressing immediacy of the inescapable understanding that; 'Man, do I ever have to poop.'
Another reason I've liked beginnings is; Nothing's messed up....yet.
# Posted: 2 Oct 2015 12:38pm
what is this??
# Posted: 2 Oct 2015 09:07pm - Edited by: cabingal3
ok.i see u give up.lol. its a bit of bark dust the mister thought was a mouse. ha ahaa.it looks sort of like a mouse.not so.You have a rare Dead Bark mouse!!!

# Posted: 2 Oct 2015 09:28pm
Well after the post just above the photo where GaryO said he had to poop I was a bit concerned about what it was. *LOL* I'm glad it is just a rare dead bark mouse. *LOL*
# Posted: 2 Oct 2015 09:35pm
hha haa haa.theres reason to be concerned hattie. haa haa haa. we both cant see.we were both bent over looking into that bucket and i thought well it does look like a big ole mouse. it was bark .haa hhaa with a tail. i told gary and he and i both looked and looked. yep.bark.haa haa
# Posted: 4 Oct 2015 06:32pm - Edited by: abby
first fire of the season happened here. life is good! so funny about the mouse/bark!!
# Posted: 4 Oct 2015 07:41pm
life is good.u got this right abby.
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