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Gary O
# Posted: 1 Aug 2015 10:23am
Ohhhhh Like a moon pie....but better
Gary O
# Posted: 7 Aug 2015 08:42pm
We finally got busy with the addition to the second cabin. Boy, that Earth stove is huge...and heavy. We're pushin' ourselves purty hard for retired folk, but both of us have a desire for a warm winter, and a bit of elbow room for when the snow sets in.
Here's some pics of our frame up;

I'm gonna have a ton of questions in regard to stove pipe and stove placement. Never done that before. Just too tired to know what they are just yet.
Here's one;
What kind of wall covering do y'all recommend in order to have the stove as close as possible to the wall behind the stove? Is hardiebacker any good for that?
# Posted: 7 Aug 2015 10:17pm
Start with the installation manual for the wood stove. That should have clearances listed. More recent stoves have a label attached to the rear of the stove.
Reductions are frequently achieved by using sheet metal spaced out from the wall structure. A 12" air space meets the NFPA rules. I believe the metal should be a minimum of 24 gauge thickness. Spacers need to be non combustible and the best are ceramic tubes as they don't conduct as much heat as metal spacers. No spacers or screws immediately behind / beside the stove. Air space at the bottom for air to enter and an air space at top to permit circulation. Google NFPA wall clearance reduction.
Here's a link
Tile covered cement fiber board also works. The key requirements are to be non combustible and to have the air space and air flow.
Our cabin stove came with side clearance listed as 24". A heat shield would reduce that to 16". We kept it at 25". The gazebo stove uses metal heat shields around the corner walls. That work amazingly well.
Don't forget about the floor either. Again, check the mfg info.
Earth stove manuals They do charge a fee for them though
Gary O
# Posted: 8 Aug 2015 05:20am
Yes, it does have the little plate that is very descriptive with clearance detail for protected and unprotected walls. I'll study into the sheet metal and air gap aspect. Yeah, got the floor covered. Thanks Don.
Gary O
# Posted: 11 Aug 2015 11:08am
Remember this a few months back? http://i.imgur.com/B2gR7qO.png
We were in a quandary as to how to address the crater left from the root ball. Well, I've managed to get the stumps and root balls to plop back into the hole with a bit of persuasion The video sez it best; https://youtu.be/wVeF0WHHAIM
# Posted: 11 Aug 2015 12:10pm
The tree whisperer.....
Gary O
# Posted: 12 Aug 2015 05:28am
Yes, yes, thank you, thank you.
Akshly, that was my third tree doin' this.
Quite fun.
# Posted: 13 Aug 2015 06:43am
what a wonderful but busy time of year we are having here. our wild currants around here are pretty much done in for...but on the way back from town yesterday i saw tons of bushes so filled with wild red currants that the bushes were pure red,but between chopping wood and stacking wood,building and tons of company coming in august...there is no way i can think of berry picking right now. i added a new bush to our woodland home. its oregons grape bush.i am excited to think i will have these berries coming up next year.i got one plant.gonna go back and get more next trip to town. getting excited to have the mister get the addition up and going.get us some winter space. i feel so blessed to think my man made us a lovely living space with his own mind and hands and heart and skills. what a wonderful time.
# Posted: 16 Aug 2015 11:26am
really loving this area. yesterday we went to church and potluck and a couple invited us to their cabin.it seems that a whole horde of our church members live out here in the outbacks and we didnt even know it. such fun we had seeing this lovely charming cabin that this 75 yr old man and his 69 yr old wife built. they also upgraded the washer and dryer they had and gave me the old ones. whee.Gary O is hooking them up today. thank u Jesus.no freezing come winter. by the way.we are getting very cold nites now.so we heard from church that fall comes to our area on sept.1st...but they said it seems to be arriving early this year. my garden is pretty much on its way out.today i am cleaning it out and cooking what i can.saving what i can.transplanting some herbs to another spot..getting garden ready for next planting season.
# Posted: 16 Aug 2015 05:10pm
wow. wonderful progress on the addition! I am curious...is the stove in your main cabin or the sleeping cabin? isn't it a pain that we even have to plan for old man winter? (I say after all we've been doing is splitting wood) 
# Posted: 16 Aug 2015 11:42pm
abby.we are sort of hating wood right now.haa haa.theres so much of it. actually its a big blessing.we get exercise,we get warmed up many times over.lol. cant wait to sit in the sleeping cabin with the stove going.i told the mister to hurry up cause i am ready to have a living room and my chair by the fire and start knitting!
# Posted: 17 Aug 2015 01:26pm
I've looked forward to your progress reports and photos. Glad to see everything is coming together for the long winter.
# Posted: 17 Aug 2015 02:17pm
thanks silverwaterlady... so much.winters coming.hard to think of right now for sure.

# Posted: 22 Aug 2015 06:02am
lots of smoke here daily .we wake up in our cabin and u can smell the smoke from the wildfires. we had to go ask neighbors if we need to be alarmed. i found out some of the protocol on what happens if we ever needed to evacuate . i found out this is sort of normal for this time of year for wildfire season. interesting ...
# Posted: 22 Aug 2015 10:19am
Check with your county. They may have a reverse 911 you can register for and have automated calls to you for emergenciy warnings.
# Posted: 22 Aug 2015 10:58am
thanks so much MtnDon. good info there and what u have posted about wildfires. i used those links and found out so much from what u posted.thank u.
Gary O
# Posted: 24 Aug 2015 12:06am
We're inching along.
Lots to do; roof, siding, install the Earth stove, insulate, gawd knows what else, but...it's comin' along.
I always seem to have trouble with getting the top of the siding cut under a sloped roof to fit tight, so I'm doing something a bit different this time. I'm putting on the siding (exterior and interior) before I put the roof on. Heh, the 'interior' w/be T-111, clear. Unstained, no grooves. 'Course I'll post pics of how it turns out.
Not too worried. The whole place'll prolly burn down in a few weeks anyway. Lot's of fires in our area.
We'll get to have more fun building again!
Here's some pics;

# Posted: 28 Aug 2015 09:49am
looking good! hope all is well and no threat of fire. thinking of you.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2015 09:51am
forgot to ask, is everything connected? looks like it in the last photo, and I apologize if I ask a silly question.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2015 10:48am
abby.not a silly question at all. we did not connect them. one is going to be my crochet cabin to store all my craft books,yarn and knitting needles and sewing machine and fabrics the other will be hubbys writing cabin. we will meet for lunch. then we are going to build us a house on a trailer frame we have here on this property.
# Posted: 29 Aug 2015 05:58am
we had a neighbor hood wrecking crew here yesterday.so happy for the help.no more little red building. these guys are the greatest. all the kids got to have so much fun using the screw gun and crow bars and hammers. one of the fella's has a cabin and needed the salvaged lumber to build an add on bedroom for his kids. the other big guy needed salvaged wood for his projects of which he is always having alot of those. some of the crew is not in the picture.we all chipped in and pulled that old building down.torn it apart. the best part is.the one younger fella is coming back to take stuff from the old mobile home. he also found either bob cat poo or cougar poo up in the loft with the bones from a raccoon.sort of freaks me out to think me and Gary O would stroll over that way and to think a cougar or bobcat was up there watching us.ewow! some of wrecking crew
|  bye bye to little red building
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# Posted: 29 Aug 2015 12:34pm
Just love, love, love your place, pics and updates! You seem to be having the time of your lives and I'm so happy for you!!!
Maybe I'm being naïve, but if you've got a wildcat taking care of raccoons for you, he or she is doing you a service, lol. Pesky, destructive blighters raccoons are!
Gary O
# Posted: 29 Aug 2015 11:47pm
Quoting: Julie2Oregon Maybe I'm being naïve, but if you've got a wildcat taking care of raccoons for you, he or she is doing you a service, lol. Pesky, destructive blighters raccoons are! Heh, I'll trade you one bobcat for six of yer coons.
You sound on the mend, Julie2
Very happy for you
Hope to read yer in Oreegone, soon
Gary O
# Posted: 29 Aug 2015 11:54pm
OK, I've gone a bit 'round the bend. Guess I'm in work mode. Git 'er done mode. Take names mode.
Customer service folks at the building materials centers in the big city 50 miles south are given to running and hiding in employee restrooms when they see our pickup cruise into their parking lot. I even wrote a letter of mild reproach to one of the struggling outlet chains. The store manager called and thanked me. Even had a meeting and read it, 'word for word', to the employees...more than once...going over certain points.
I think they know me by sight now (dang it), as some are unusually attentive when I hit the door.
Unfortunately, my lady, yes cabingal3, has to ride shotgun. Even go in with me, and suffer some of the brunt. But, hey, in my defense, I expect a person saddled to a department to know their product. It's a do it yerself place, right?
However, my lady, my woman of 47 years, grandmother of my grandchildren, after being unusually quiet for an extended period, gave me some sage advice; 'they are only people, trying to do their job'
So, after verbally glorying in my righteous indignation, from inept store to inept store all afternoon, I have come back to my senses....she's one of them, and was carefully placed in my home 47 years ago for this very purpose, to infiltrate my impenetrable line of defense; 'I....AM....THE CUSTOMER!!!!', even to the point of bearing my children and sharing holidays...and eating my peanut butter.
Actually, I've obsessed on the upcoming yuletide season. The season of 37 below weather....yes, that's 'F' as in effing below 'ef' season.
So much to do.
Don't think I'll 'git 'er done'
My lady calmly gave me counsel; 'We'll do what we can.' ...then continued knitting.
So simple.
So matter of fact.
The veins popping out of my forehead have returned to the underside of my epidermis. My eyeballs are back to normal. I find myself no longer muttering words like 'insipid' and phrases like 'mfingsonsof Bs'.
I have come to the realization that these stores do not have MtnDons waiting at attention for my grand entrance.
So, next time we venture out, I'll be calmer, I'll make it a bit of a lark, being my happy go lucky, zippity do dah self.
I'll 'go alone'
Here's some pics of our progress (the shell);

The installation of....the es tee o vee ee
Gary O
# Posted: 30 Aug 2015 12:07am
You know what's neat? My iphone. Oh, sure, it's still smarter than me.
I'm taking advantage of that intellect.
I take pichers OK, pictures...of what I want to get at Home Dopey

Or hardware

Heh heh
Your move, smart phone

# Posted: 30 Aug 2015 05:47am
beautiful doors mister.good building. thanks for building us a little homestead in the wilderness!
# Posted: 30 Aug 2015 08:53pm
cute kids...in the woods. they come over with stuff they have made us. pretty nice things. they made us a log planter.a rock candle holder and a rock bird feeder and a mess of cookies. tooo too cute.
  candle holder
|  planter
|  bird feeder
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# Posted: 30 Aug 2015 09:04pm
ya'll are coming along great on the new addition
....the gifts are too cute!!!...like the bird feeder how they drilled the holes for cordage. Good jOB!!!!
Gary O
# Posted: 30 Aug 2015 10:13pm
Hey, TH. Ardy back from the hunt?
# Posted: 30 Aug 2015 11:08pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: Gary O Hey, TH. Ardy back from the hunt?
back from the great nawth!!! maine that is!!! gone for 3 weeks.
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