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# Posted: 10 Jun 2015 02:05pm
+1 Gary, congratulations to you and cabi. You two are an inspiration. I don't think I have it in me to do what you have done.
# Posted: 10 Jun 2015 03:19pm
(Formerly trollbridge) Well thought out and verbalized, GaryO. I always enjoy reading your post......so don't go impaling yourself today, please....nor tomorrow....or the next day....or ever....please?
# Posted: 10 Jun 2015 06:45pm
Quoting: Gary O Thank you for reading this, fellow cabiners
I read ya'lls posts daily!!!! and ENJOY THEM !!!!
makes me want to go to my cabins more.....
# Posted: 10 Jun 2015 08:53pm
Like Bob said.. You are truly an inspiration. I hope one day to be as happy as u are. I'm forever hopeful.
# Posted: 10 Jun 2015 11:11pm
Beautiful post GaryO. Countless times Bob and I have thought the same thing. Then Bob will say, "I guess we must've done something good in our lives to deserve this," or maybe it's just dumb luck. Whatever it is, I wish you and cabingal3 decades of joy just like you are feeling right now! Enjoy every day. Treasure every moment.
Gary O
# Posted: 10 Jun 2015 11:40pm
Quoting: hattie Treasure every moment And that's the key, it seems.
Heh...moments Those fleeting things that never stay for long. Even when anticipated.
Thank you all for the comments
...more wood to abuse tomorrow
# Posted: 11 Jun 2015 05:17am
Speaking of wood/trees, what is that pretty orange growth coming out of the old tree?! It's lovely!
When I read your and Cabingal's posts, Gary, I feel a renewed sense of hope! If these dang doctors don't kill me -- and I'm too stubborn to let THAT happen! -- I feel as if getting to my land and getting my cabin done will be a lot more healing than what they're doing for me.
Haha, my new wound care doctor is from Washington State and I told him what my plans are in Oregon. He was so supportive and, on my way out, he patted my shoulder and said, "Don't worry. I'm going to do my best to get you to God's Country as soon as possible!" One of the nurses overheard and asked, "But isn't everywhere really 'God's Country,' doctor?" He said, "Oh, NO! God has His favorite places!"
I think so, too! And it's not in the cities!
Gary O
# Posted: 11 Jun 2015 10:21am
Well put, Julie2
...and, hey, if (I'm speaking to myself too) things go south, whether health or habitat, what better place?
If a tree crushes one of our cabins, I'll kick some pumice and curse...and rebuild (out by the meadow). If I happen to be slumbering in that cabin, well, it's been real.
The 'orange growth' are new pine cones...that, this time of year, generate clouds of pollen, yellow dusty pollen.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2015 10:51am
we had the little cute neighbor family visit us yesterday.they brought me plants. sage,cilantro,rosemary and pansies and succulents,and more.we had a lovely visit. today i am planting all of this. having a wonderful time getting the old garden going.its been such fun. i have a system.get up.get coffee going,computer,wash out clothes,hang out.tend to garden...then haul branches and limbs in the afternoon to the meadow and fill the trailer of limbs and branches. at two o'clock i end off mostly cause my old body cant take anymore.clean up.go to the meadow to sleep in the sun. beautiful life. then go take a nap and fix dinner and watch a movie.thats my day.pretty nice.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2015 05:07pm
I love, love, love your posts, so please keep them coming. we also retired and moved to our cabin. life is so GOOD!!!
# Posted: 12 Jun 2015 10:43pm
Quoting: abby I love, love, love your posts, so please keep them coming. we also retired and moved to our cabin. life is so GOOD!!! dear abby.yes it is good.love the routine and the chores and mostly love we are both loosing weight.love being active.love exciting plans we talk about doing and then go do. from chopping wood to hand washing clothes to planting the garden..all fun.hard but fun. i will look for yur posts too on your cabin life.it is truly wonderful.hugs cabi!
# Posted: 12 Jun 2015 10:46pm
i keep thinking of what i will make for all of our neighbors come xmas. i am excited.every time i clean up pinecones i am thinking of xmas.can i make some pinecone wreaths for the front cabin doors? or can i start collecting tins or baskets and filling with goodies as i go along more toward the holidays?? well this year it may have to be small gifts.later on when we have more room...i can think of better things to give. sometimes just talking with neighbors,and just sharing ideas and tips is pretty nice. i am thinking of xmas and snow but i am also enjoying all the seasons.we came here just past spring but this is our first summer here.love it so.the brilliant sky,the sun, the breezes.just beautiful.God is here in nature.
Gary O
# Posted: 12 Jun 2015 11:32pm
Quoting: abby we also retired and moved to our cabin. life is so GOOD!!! Abby, please submit some pics..and your story, of course
...and thank you
Gary O
# Posted: 12 Jun 2015 11:36pm
Quoting: fickle_serendipity I always enjoy reading your post......so don't go impaling yourself today, please....nor tomorrow....or the next day....or ever....please? Got a sliver in my thumb...but...I lived. (thank you f_s)
# Posted: 15 Jun 2015 09:19am
sitting in my little hand made breakfast nook having coffee and posting on my crochet group...i look up and a deer is in the window. i sure hope its stayed away from my garden. its going to be a lovely day. Gary O is going to put back together some old neighbors weed whacker.i am going to clean up a mess cause Gary O was tearing apart a camper yesterday. we got some pretty good parts out of the camper too. i am cleaning up surrounding camper to make it safer for someone i know.lol. i need to wash the clothes,get them out on the clothes line and also work in my garden. i got 5 new to me tires to plant more garden in...now to find out where i put my seeds!
# Posted: 15 Jun 2015 08:07pm
I've never learned how to post pictures here. I've had it explained, can post pictures elsewhere. so, just giving it another try. Cabi, the deer wipe me out yearly. last year I tried fencing, and don't you know they waited until those veggies were just right. cleaned me out in one night. [img=null]null[/img] if my picture works....one huge bear. I'd rather he not visit. lol
# Posted: 15 Jun 2015 09:18pm
oh my goodness abby.that is a huge bear.i would be so scared!! i hope i dont get wiped out.i see a little black and grey rabbit is hanging at our cabin.just stay away from my garden is all i say.

Gary O
# Posted: 15 Jun 2015 09:22pm
Quoting: abby I've never learned how to post pictures here The 'upload files' feature here is rather simple to follow, but I prefer IMGUR, even over photo bucket...especially over photo bucket.
Nice bear shot, glorious yard by the way.
# Posted: 16 Jun 2015 10:03am
learning more and more how to bake in my camp oven.made some bread that was really a cake but it was hardy enough to call it bread. it was sugarless.almost. i am finding out put it in smaller pans and then wait.only put on pan at a time in the little camp oven. then there is the altitude thing to consider and also they say the oven does not brown things. so this is one of the newer things i am learning to work around. come winter i may cook on the outside camp fire more. i am praying the animals dont wipe out my garden. those tricky little stinkers. we have a rabbit that i think lives under our cabin.hes waiting to nibble on my greens.i am keeping an eye on him for fall time. so much to consider with a garden. and day and nite care when u live in the woods.but its all fun.
# Posted: 16 Jun 2015 10:32pm - Edited by: cabingal3
i have to say we have the most wonderful neighbors all around. after living in bigger cities forever it is amazing. we lived in a manufactured home park for 20 yrs.u barely knew your neighbor.no one really even knew each other at all.u waved.said hello.this was about it. so here at our woods.our one neighbor has worked so hard the five years he and his family have been here.the kids are home schooled. they have an amazing garden.every day their daughter who is a sheer delight brings us salad fixings from the garden.we have a big bag of home grown lettuce,crunchy sugar peas,pansies,chives,green onions,sunflowers,herbs,fresh pulled carrots from the garden and spinach.the last several nites we have gotten these wonderful salad fixings. then the other neighbors have helped us figure out our well . the one elderly fella and his wife let us have water till we get our pump in. gar almost rebuilt the old fella's weed whacker but its all about sharing. when we moved here for retirement...we were told its a very sharing community. i am amazed at this little country mountain rural community.
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Jun 2015 12:16am
Quoting: cabingal3 gar almost rebuilt the old fella's weed whacker Well, sweetie, it's a bit more than a weed whacker. It's more like an overgrown lawn mower.
 Our good buddy, our 88 yr old good buddy, had one end hangin' from a rafter on a block and tackle...waiting for me Took a torch and some arm and shoulder to get those rusty bolts off. I'll tell ya right here, I hope I have half his energy and mind when I'm 78 as he does at 88. What a neat ol' guy. From NY...the city. Always a smile. Always an upbeat thought.
I hope he lives to a hundred (but he's killin' me).
He's got some tools, maybe as many as mine, but they're scattered all over his three acres.
He lost his cain...his wife found it in the front yard grass.
Anyhoot, we wrestled that thing most the morning, but got it back in operation.
Then I ran back home
...and hid.
He found me
That dang electric golf cart is quiet.
Thing is, he's gonna give us his HFT solar set up to play with. 45 watts should at least give us some quiet evening lights. I may need some guidance in getting it in operation (creeky), ahem...
# Posted: 17 Jun 2015 08:58am
sorry gar.i meant bush whacker.weed whacker,bush whacker.sorry...i knew it was bigger than a weed whacker.the word just went out of my mind.senior moments are coming more often.ew. u impress me every second with your skills that i didnt know u had...
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Jun 2015 10:12am
No worries, my lady, it really is just a giant weed whacker. And yeah, I amaze myself sometimes. The $350 Echo gas powered weed eater we bought, the one with seventeen thousand options, has been a mystery from day one. I hate hate hate vague instructions. I learn by sight, but if I have too, I can learn by printed matter. However, the author of the manual has to play fair, gimme a chance to keep up.
Echo got all busy with options and model types neatly compiled in one paragraph...drove me nuts!
'If you have model number wrtr8gu8dfhged7g, then use widget number sgje0f8e9g, as depicted in illustration A24-Z16. But if you have model number wrtr8gu8dfhged7h, then use widget number sgje0f8e9c, as depicted in illustration A24-Z16-B. CAUTION!!...be sure to not over tighten sprocket number fgijefigfgj until you've secured gizmo number fpgfhgergh to the confabyoulooter housing located next to the parabolic extractucobblationiter on shaft A.' If you need further help, please call 1-800-WER-NOT-HERE. " إذا كان لديك رقم wrtr 8GU 8dfhged 7G، ثم استخدام عنصر واجهة المستخدم عدد sgje0F8E9G، كما هو مبين في الصورة على 24-z16. ولكن إذا كان لديك رقم wrtr 8GU 8dfhged 7H، ثم استخدام عنصر واجهة المستخدم عدد sgje0F8E9C، كما هو مبين في الصورة على 24-Z16-B. caution!! ... تأكد من أن لا يزيد عدد fgijefigfgj شد الورق حتى قمت بتأمين ثقافيّة مصيريّة عدد fpgfhgergh إلى confabyoulooter السكن بجوار الدوراني extractucobblationiter على العمود ألف - إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مزيد من المساعدة، يرجى الاتصال على رقم 1-800-سعدنا بها غير هنا.
Si tiene el modelo número wrtr8gu8dfhged7g, y luego use widget número sgje0f8e9g, como se muestra en la ilustración A24-Z16. Pero si tiene el modelo número wrtr8gu8dfhged7h, y luego use widget número sgje0f8e9c, como se ilustra en la figura A24-Z16-B. CAUTION!!... asegúrese de no apretar el piñón más número fgijefigfgj hasta que haya conseguido número gizmo confabyoulooter fpgfhgergh a la vivienda situada junto a la antena parabólica extractucobblationiter en el eje A. " Si necesita más ayuda, por favor llame al 1-800-WER-NO-AQUÍ. " wrtr8GU8dfhged7g, widget sgje0f8e9g, A24-Z16. wrtr8GU8dfhged7h, widget sgje0f8e9c, A24-Z16-. !!... fgijefigfgj gizmo fpgfhgergh confabyoulooter extractucobblationiter ' , 1-800-WER--.
'Якщо у вас є номер моделі wrtr8гу8dfhged7g, то використання віджета кількість sgje0f8e9g, як зображено на малюнку A24-Z16. Але, якщо у вас є номер моделі wrtr8гу8dfhged7h, то використання віджета кількість sgje0f8e9c, як зображено на малюнку A24-Z16-Б. CAUTION!! ... обов'язково не затягуйте fgijefigfgj до вас під заставу зірочки номер номер Gizmo fpgfhgergh до confabyoulooter житло в розташованому поруч з параболічною extractucobblationiter на вал О.' Якщо вам потрібна додаткова допомога, будь ласка, телефонуйте за номером 1-800-тім ресторані-не-тут.

# Posted: 17 Jun 2015 10:39am
Gary O I've helped set up three solar systems this spring.
And the consensus appears to be that your instructions illustrated here are about equivalent to my efforts. but you forgot greek.
cabi. I have a chipmunk living under the studio right now. she chirps at me when I walk by. not concerned. just saying hi. it'll be cute until her and the little ones start eating my garden.
then I'll sigh and head to the farmers market.
# Posted: 17 Jun 2015 10:55am
creeky.ours chews on our cabin. so gar got a fog horn. they are so so cute though.we have a rabbit under the cabin too and a squirrel that runs across every morning about the same time and it sounds like a little gremlin! we just laugh when we hear the squirrel. too funny.yes! alls well till they get into my garden...
# Posted: 17 Jun 2015 12:14pm
cabi. stop smearing peanut butter on the cabin. 
# Posted: 17 Jun 2015 04:30pm
ha haa.too funny creeky! ok...here is pictures of bits of the garden.the rhubarb was from the city and in full bloom.then i ripped it out of the ground and brought it to freezing nites,hot days and pumice soil...but they are surviving. and my maters are doing good. as gar and i sat at the garden.gar points and there is a ground squirrel big as u please in my garden.i chased it out. i guess i am gonna have to sit with my gun and shoot them.
# Posted: 17 Jun 2015 05:40pm
Hey cabi.. We should start a seed swap. I can mail u some strawberry plants..i started my junebearing strawberries two years ago from a little tiny plant my neighbor gave me.. Now i have a beautiful 4x8 bed of stawberries. They are so sweet. I wouldnt mind mailing some with the roots moist in a plastic bag. I can send u my email address if youre interested. And u can tell me where to mail em. Happy gardening.
# Posted: 17 Jun 2015 07:21pm
ok Lisa.i can send u some seeds.i have strawberries .they did well in Portland,but not here so much. i saw the neighbors.they are massively huge leaves.he said it took him 5 yrs to work on getting them that way. ok. thanks.sounds fun.cabi!
# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 09:09am
cabi, I tried a fence last year, but the deer jumped it, and I seriously can't put up something 8' high. so...thinking about placing rope around with dangling things that make a noise if they bump it. like foil pans and even cans. (hub says he will provide a few beer cans for the cause and all. lol) for garden patrol. our deer are out of control. here is a picture of winter where they are feasting on an evergreen they don't even like. ugh. Gary, our story is too long. it spanned over 20 yrs. of us working here. my scanner doesn't work, but every step was a wonderful blessing. water....working bathroom! all done without debt, so now we live debt free.
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