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# Posted: 4 Feb 2015 10:28pm
Amazing that the building is still standing two days after delivery :P It's still raining and cold.. I would take snow over cold rain any day... So I took three pictures of the inside of the new cabin. Not much to look at and it's time to get busy So, today I started the long task of caulking the building. I'm using DAP caulk and working all of seams. Here's hoping it only takes a few days   The Door
|  Left side of the door
|  Right side of the door
|  |
# Posted: 6 Feb 2015 01:50pm
\\WOOHOO// Diva ! The adventure really starts now. So now you have to give us regular updates eh! LOL.
A suggestion which I made in another posting as well.. When your standing in there and pondering layout etc... before grabbing lumber & a hammer, grab a roll of Masking Tape and tape out your walls, counters etc on the floor and "walk it" and move through it to see how it works for you first. Think about what furniture you want and where you think you want it and see if it works in place.
BTW: Here is a link to SweetHome-3D a simple to use home designer (FREE) which you can tinker with layouts & plans and fitting furnishings etc... Pretty handy for a quick planning tool.
# Posted: 6 Feb 2015 06:28pm
Hey Steve, Thanks for the awesome suggestions! Never would have thought about that. I will do that this weekend for sure! Thanks for the link too!
Yes, regular updates
Have a great weekend! Diva
# Posted: 6 Feb 2015 07:30pm
The days coming will be a fun time. The planning and the dream will not seem like work one bit. Have fun and I know your joy.
# Posted: 7 Feb 2015 05:03pm
How exciting!!!! Now it's ever-so-real and you have lots to work on, can see progress! Congratulations!!!!
# Posted: 7 Feb 2015 10:06pm
congratulations on the arrival of your building. You will enjoy making it your own. We went with a prefab as well. Its a 12x28. We use it as a weekend getaway and hunting camp with friends. we took pics along the way too, may inspire an idea or two. Lots of good info on this site its the best one I've seen.
# Posted: 1 Mar 2015 08:21pm
Update on 14x40 Hey all, Well we've been busy the last month, had some minor set backs but who doesn't Two of my sow's gave birth a week apart so we have 15 new piglets. Spring is trying it's best to peak through, but we got slammed again with some more cold weather. Not as bad as many of you of course. Hope you are all warm and toasty!! So, I have caulked all the inside areas that I can think of. Will be doing the incense air test soon to be sure. I will caulk the windows and floors again after they are completed. I've started putting baffles up to run the air flow from the soffit to the roof vent. We taped out the rooms and kitchen area, but I don't think I took pictures of that process. It was a great idea Steve_S!! We completed the Master bedroom wall today. We will be using window units for AC and electric heaters, so my " Manion" came up with idea of making vents in the walls to help with air/heat flow. This is our first building project so our ideas might not be conventional, but what the hay... Tomorrow it's more baffles and completion of the outlet boxes and such... So here are some new pics. Have fun all!! [img=null]null[/img] Hanging out at the local Home Depot
|  The man, putting up the wall (sorry it's kinda dark)
|  Standing in the middle of the MBR looking towards rest of building
|  Wall with vents. Wall is built with T.V. mount in mind