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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / Log Gates
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Tyler Danann
# Posted: 28 Dec 2014 03:17am - Edited by: Tyler Danann

Been a long-time project to get this ready and I'm NEARLY there.

The story so far:

It all started back in 2012 when I first arrived up at the Mountain. I could see there was a perfect spot for a main gateway and a secondary one as well.

The private road was quite busy from time to time with traffic, some which would cheekily drive up the entranceway or nose about.

So with Mike permission and blessing I set about getting a set of gates constructed.

This was no mean feat though as I had to use what materials were about to hand, and until 2014 didn't have access to a chainsaw!

So I hammered, sawed and measured as best I could and got the secondary set of gates mounted and partially ready.

The main gates were only partially done at this stage:

Then I had to leave but return I did and got working on finishing off the primary gateway. This time I had two chainsaws and experience from the first time, yet it was still a challenge. I hadn't had time to add bracers to the original gates so had to do that first!

The outside-looking boards have since been painted green.

Also I added a REBAR locking mechanism. I finished it off with some hooks and cord for holding the gates open when needed.

# Posted: 28 Dec 2014 10:51am

Great looking project. It is nice to step back and admire the finished product when you send a lot of time and energy to produce an improvement to your property

# Posted: 28 Dec 2014 09:02pm

Nice project and looks good.

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