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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / update on retirement
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# Posted: 2 Dec 2014 10:05pm

just an update on the cabin retirement.
its drawing closer.
we have a space to put our container here in town.we are going to fill our downsized belongings into the container.then come april retirement .we are heading out to the cabin with our container.
hubby and i have put in our filings for social security.and all is going along greatly.
once we get out there.we have part of the spring and all summer to get things done.
a sauna over the well and water pump.and a wood stove put in the newer cabin.getting my seaberry orchard started.
exciting times.

# Posted: 2 Dec 2014 10:13pm

Wow, I'm excited for you guys. I am so looking forward, under 8 years left for me. Can you still keep us updated via internet up there???

# Posted: 2 Dec 2014 10:29pm

I envy you. I want to get out myself but health insurance is the sticking point. I have 8 years before I turn 65 and I know I won't make it that long. That is a lot of years to pay full cost of health insurance.

I bet it is exciting for both of you to start a new journey and something both of you want. Good deal!

# Posted: 3 Dec 2014 02:37am

That is so exciting!!!!! I'm counting down the days until spring when I can get my house ready and sold here. You're making great progress!!!!!!!

# Posted: 3 Dec 2014 03:09am

Congrats and now let the real living begin Enjoy this experience and exciting new chapter.

# Posted: 3 Dec 2014 04:51am

thank u everyone.
there is so much to do.its overwhelming...but its working toward the goal and at the end of the line is our beautiful land.
theres a new movement in our culture.the maker movement and we all can be happy to know we are right in the middle of this movement of doing things for ourselves.
making our cabins,growing gardens,making our own power.pretty wonderful we all have these skills.
Pookie129 u have it so correct.
let the real living begin.praise the Lord.
neb-we are working out the health insurance ourselves.why do they make it so hard?
toyota_mdt_tech-we may for a while have to go to town to the library and check in till we get things going at the cabin.
we surely will be keeping in touch.thank u.

# Posted: 3 Dec 2014 07:23am

Quoting: cabingal3
neb-we are working out the health insurance ourselves.why do they make it so hard?

Because "THEY" know it's one thing we cant make ourselves,It's the one thing that will still keep millions of people imprisoned,Its control through fear at its finest. Congratulations on the new adventure, Everyone should be able to enjoy at least a few years of retirement, good luck!

# Posted: 3 Dec 2014 08:49am

Congrats on your NEW LIFE~~
no more alarm clocks

I talked to my personnel manager at my place of retirement the other day...he said and I quote... you were made for retirement

I keep busy and like not dealing with the people any more...

and being retired saves you $$$$ on stuff u would normal spend in a day...breakfast/lunch on the road/ dry cleaning/new clothes all the time....

I celebrated my 5 years of retirement this past summer....and at 54 I still have hope and pray I have many more years to enjoy it.

I wish you guys the best retirement ever!!!!

# Posted: 3 Dec 2014 01:16pm

thanks do sound like u were made for retirement.
i think gar is too.
i know i am cause i already
we are so hoping to sell our place in town soon.
we are still going out to the woods.the more we arent here in town running the city heat,water and all the city trappings we will save money right there.
it will be so nice to have a place to live and no is paid off,we have our own well,we have our own heat from wood.
not having to spend money on driving so far to work each day.we will just save alot.once i get the gardens planted and producing and get the orchards going and also..hunt.we will surely save so much money.
gonna be really wonderful.thank u.
i am packing up starting boxes.filling them up.each day gar brings home boxes.i fill them up.its gonna be grand.

# Posted: 3 Dec 2014 04:48pm

I am sooooooo happy for you and GaryO!!! I hope you will be able to keep us updated with all your adventures. These are exciting times for you and I wish you both all the best!!!

You will be shocked at how much money you will save living your new lifestyle. We are not off grid, so we still have that horrible electric bill, but we grow our own veggies and fruit, have our own well and live a very modest lifestyle.

I can't wait to hear more. Make sure you take lots of photos!!

# Posted: 3 Dec 2014 07:18pm

I am hoping that my jealousy and envy will turn into motivation and encourage me to get my own ducks in a row to partake in a similar adventure and experience, even thought I am in my early 40s.

The one thing I have learned and continue to process, is that I do not want to "wait until I am in my 60 - 80's to retire" from general society and I do not mean that in a selfish way or self entitled way. I want to work just not for the man or towards acquiring stuff but for my own self and families betterment, while living purposefully and practically, and fun of course. There is no promise in tomorrow and no guarantees about the shape we will arrive there in either, and it is far better to have less, but live fuller than to have more but be empty, lost or unfulfilled.

As I watch the people around me getting older, or getting sick in some way, or caught in financial hardships, dead end relationships, etc and for whatever reason not being able to enjoy those later years as actively or fully participate in the manner people hope or dream they will when they view their retirement. Anything can happen, and it is better to do things now and if I can figure it out, and take a cue from smart people like CB3, maybe i can also make it happen sooner rather than

I have nothing but respect and awe for people like cabingal3 who follow their dreams, goals, objectives, etc in living their stories and lives to their own soundtrack or beat, and personally, I also find it inspiring and encouraging.

Gary O
# Posted: 3 Dec 2014 11:05pm

Quoting: Pookie129
There is no promise in tomorrow and no guarantees about the shape we will arrive there in either, and it is far better to have less, but live fuller than to have more but be empty, lost or unfulfilled.

Man, Pookie, you got my backing.

Don't wait.

Cabi and I feel decrepit morbidity a sneakin' up behind us.
If we were to choose to remain in town, we'd be takin' dirt naps in five years. Not a doubt, not an argument.

Thing is, homesteading is hard, even for the hardy.
We move forward with little illusion about this.
There are few things to switch on down there.
Wanna get warm, better have wood...lotsa wood.
Wanna eat, better get ta growin' stuff.
Wanna have water, better get to totin' it (BTW, water is heavy).
But the main thing is, as you say, yer gettin' the middle man outta the way.
And there is a purity to doing these basics that hand a person immediate reward.

I tell you, there's nothing better than putting a few boards together and then stepping back and looking at yer handiwork.

Folks work all their lives to pay off their house, only to take some sorta reverse mortgage t'wards the end.

There's an element that's missing when you hire something done.
About the only thing you get your hands on is the sides of yer own yerself, because yer watching it get done while yer arms are folded.

The other thing is, gotta admit, we're usually not content with a lot of contract work some folks do for us, and that loan we took out to get it done just don't go away..usually hanging around waaaay after that fancy fence commences to lean.

I'm not the handiest of guys, but so far we are pretty happy with what we've accomplished these last few years.
And there's an inherent pride about whatever you build.

I could go on and on, but (heh) I think I'm preachin' to the choir...

# Posted: 4 Dec 2014 07:50am

There are many here with the same mind set as myself. That's the total opposite of where I work.

My wife grew up in a 1000sq ft home and her mom still lives in it today. I on the other hand was raised to live in large homes and my siblings all do that now. Am I glad we followed in my wife's parents' footsteps. Our little home was paid for with one salary in 20 years. We scraped and saved for all those years doing without. No cable, no fancy cars, no vacations that did not involve camping. Now, even though I am in the same job the money is piling up. Paid cash for a small piece of land with a small cabin.

I am doing everything myself and never get it right the first time but it's mine. I have 5 years before pension but that's not retirement since I will pick up something here and there.

I use to drink a lot to relieve the stress but gave it all up 15 years ago. Now that there is little stress there is little desire for booze (there are times though...).

I find the less we have, the less we stress about. Co-workers keep asking how we did it and I tell them they could do without this or that. They quickly reply with, "I cannot live without...."

I want to say back that they could they just choose not to but I realize they don't want to change. Too bad, live is blissful when you have less to worry about.

Live on less. Retire early. Tell your wife you love her. Sleep well.

# Posted: 4 Dec 2014 09:55am

thank u everyone.
yesterday i called our buddies who live by us.they are both elderly and in their 80's.
i was giving them an update cause they are impatient for us to get down there and be with them.
soo i was telling our progress so they would know we are serious about living down there.
so i told them we are gonna have a sauna.haa haa haa.Helen the little old lady yelled to her hubby and said Mel.they are gonna have a sauna we can go over there and be in the sauna.
so when u think of us.think of us all 4 in a sauna. haa funny.i got such a kick out of this.
Helen reported a black bear is running about in the neighborhood.she also told me her dog got sprayed by a skunk and when we move out there that we need to be sure to have lots of tomato juice just in case.
its going to be so fun.

# Posted: 4 Dec 2014 05:03pm

After destroying my ankle back in May, and being off work for the last 6 months. I've got a taste of what retirement would be like. Back to work now, but wondering if I can hold out and ride the engine or rescue for another 9 years...If I could afford to buy my military time, I'd go today.

# Posted: 4 Dec 2014 05:32pm

sorry about your ankle Bevis.
that sounds painful as can be.
i am glad at least u got a taste of the retirement life.
thank u.

# Posted: 4 Dec 2014 05:41pm

Best wishes to you both!! I am so glad you're following your dreams. I just hope you can keep in touch and update us of your adventures time to time.

# Posted: 4 Dec 2014 10:18pm

thanks naturelover66.we surely will.thank u.

# Posted: 7 Dec 2014 06:37pm

Keep us posted Cabin on how its going. We are still a few years,,,about 8-1/2,...before we can make the move. We are ahead of our original schedule so that helps keep us motivated.

Congrats and have a blast!!!!!!!!!

# Posted: 11 Dec 2014 12:14am

I am so happy for you. Dream being realized at long last.
We have 3 to 5 years before we follow in your footsteps.
Good news is the land is paid for and the cabin is paid for.
Now we just have to work on getting the last section of land and cottage paid in full.
Best of times to come for you

# Posted: 14 Dec 2014 04:56pm

us too Purplerules.have the cabins and the land the cabins are on paid and clear.then we went and bought the connecting to pay it off.its just 100$ a month.gonna try and buy the land on the other side too.takes time.
good luck to u too.thank u.

# Posted: 19 Jan 2015 03:56pm

more about retirement.
garyo is busy battling the powers that be to get our social security monies lined up for when we retire.
i got my award letter from now offically retired.
hubbys is coming in a couple of months.
we got a free shipping container.
we are loading up all our belongings and having it hauled to our woods.
then lo and behold.someone gave us a fullsize greenhouse.we have to take it apart.
things are falling into place like God is guiding us to our land.
He even dropped a stand of massive trees down in a topple .they were right by the cabin. i knew for sure they would fall and smash our cabin.nope.they landed safely in the forest pine needle bedding and never even broke any power lines.
so all seems to be that we are heading to the woods.

# Posted: 19 Jan 2015 05:43pm

I am convinced that the trick to retiring is to not let your body know that you have retired.Stay active and busy,every day.Don't slow down for nothing.I hope to be testing my theory in the near future.

# Posted: 19 Jan 2015 07:11pm

Quoting: rayyy
I am convinced that the trick to retiring is to not let your body know that you have retired.Stay active and busy,every day.Don't slow down for nothing.I hope to be testing my theory in the near future.

yes.rayyy! this is my thought too.
we want to get out there and move and breath that good mountain air and be drinking healthy water.
to us.this is our retirement.
not riches.not laying on a Florida beach sunbathing.not taking cruise ships to and fro.
out exercising,building a homestead.
thank u.i think so too.

# Posted: 19 Jan 2015 08:05pm

Cabingal, I retired in2005 and went back to work. I was going to retire again this coming summer, but I signed on for another year. I know I would love retirement this time, but something is stopping me and I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe I'm fearful of the unknown. Do you or anyone else have any advice for me? All of my friends are retired. I know it's a weird question. How do I take that leap into the cold water?

# Posted: 19 Jan 2015 09:21pm

Quoting: cabingal3
i got my award letter from now offically retired

congrats on your retirement....I know u will be glad when the 2 months get here and hubby is retired with ya!!! exciting news on the move and greenhouse for yall!!!! Enjoy!!!

Quoting: rmak
Do you or anyone else have any advice for me? All of my friends are retired. I know it's a weird question. How do I take that leap into the cold water?

I retired this August will be 6 years...amazing how time flies...I retired at 48 and keep busy some days...some days I enjoy the retirement life and do NOTHING......sometimes some of my WORKING friends call me and say don't ya miss your J.O.B.....and I say~~oh hell no!!!LOL

But I do stay busy!~I always have a project I am working on!!!

# Posted: 20 Jan 2015 05:05am

Quoting: rmak
Maybe I'm fearful of the unknown. Do you or anyone else have any advice for me? All of my friends are retired. I know it's a weird question. How do I take that leap into the cold water?

rmak.if u prepare the best u can.and have backup plans .thats about all anyone can do.
wouldnt u rather be free to work on your own projects?go fishing and do what u wish to do?
thats what draws me and trying to get better health.
maybe write down the pro's and cons of retiring and making that move would help.
i cant wait to be stomping about our woods.getting into a routine of what we shall be doing.
good luck to u rmak.

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