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# Posted: 8 Feb 2015 03:55pm
You have done a lot of work and looks good. Keep the pictures coming.
R9R Photography
# Posted: 24 Mar 2015 09:40pm
Update: Wall insulation hung. Yay, just in time for Spring lol Plenty left to do the ceiling too!
Still haven't ordered the lamp. I need to. I just need to frame up something for insulation since it'll get kind of tucked into the rafters.
Warmer weather = land clearing time again. Woohoo! 
R9R Photography
# Posted: 8 Apr 2015 07:22pm
Ceiling insulation done! Now to finish the walls 
Got my rain barrel kit/pieces/parts. Picking up 2 barrels the next few weeks.
If we can get a week or so of dry (yes, I know, it's Ohio AND spring...) weather we'll rent a brush cutter/bush hog and cut all the thorns and crap-ola down.
R9R Photography
# Posted: 13 Apr 2015 05:14pm
SE Ohio
# Posted: 13 Apr 2015 05:55pm
Looking good!
R9R Photography
# Posted: 16 Apr 2015 05:21pm
Thanks SE. Nice to have, esp since the old ones the top step was a doozy! 
R9R Photography
# Posted: 25 Apr 2015 05:01pm
VC - Random follow up. I was re-reading my thread and I ran across your metal roofing post. I ended up buying it local. I'm only a few miles away from an Amish sawmill at the site, and I got copper-colored steel roofing, 2 ridge caps, and a bag o' screws for right around 1/2 price of going with Menards.
+1 to the "it pays to shop around" philosophy!
R9R Photography
# Posted: 18 May 2015 06:05pm
Spent the weekend at the cabin...got some stuff done in between the monsoon's...
Interior walls, gettin there. 2 sections complete, made what I could for the rest between the materials I had and what wasn't soaked yet 
Rain barrel set up. Kinda works. Got some fine tuning to do for sure.
View off the porch (such as it is) was nice too, with the humidity making it kinda foggy/hazy.
Friday night - grilled BBQ chicken. Mmmm-mmm!
Also hung the new oil lamp, which I failed to get a picture of now that I think of it. Bummer. Really works well though   Interior corner
|  Rain barrel
|  View
|  Dinner
R9R Photography
# Posted: 28 May 2015 07:48pm
got a picture of the oil lamp this time. And worked on wall sections - again. Detail shot of the wall/window area. It's gettin there! Oil lamp
|  Wall butting to window
|  |  |
R9R Photography
# Posted: 7 Jun 2015 04:42pm
Progress update:
Still plugging away at the walls. Slow but sure. My Dad came out and bush hogged some for us - yay!   Finished wall corner
|  More on the arched window
|  Side & front wall
|  Brian pooped
R9R Photography
# Posted: 24 Jun 2015 06:47pm
Stove came yesterday! Box was a tad beat up, but stove looks all good. Went with the same one Neb has, we don't need anything super duty as the cabin is fairly small, and insulated. And for $65 shipped it's hard to say no Waiting for Menards to have their next 11% sale to get the stove pipe.
Went out and mowed what I could, that wasn't swamp, with the riding mower. Worked great till I found a chunk of misc crap, jammed the mower blade, and burnt the belt. I'm gonna have to buy stock in whoever makes those 
R9R Photography
# Posted: 1 Aug 2015 08:41am
Decided to put ag tires on the back of the mower, hopefully that'll help on the hills. New belt (I bought 3 this time ), inner tube in front tire, ready to mow! Again 
Got the quad back together too, moved the fuel pump back where it was supposed to be so you don't kick it every time you shift. Just sayin.
R9R Photography
# Posted: 9 Aug 2015 08:04pm
We are the proud new owners of a 60" pull behind mower now. Craigslist deal too good to pass up! Need a coat of paint but it runs and will cut grass. Woooohooooo!! 
R9R Photography
# Posted: 17 Aug 2015 05:25pm
Productive past few days! Made 1 pass with the swisher and started throwing a belt, the tensioner that engages the blades was rusted through the deck mount and was all wobbly, now it's detached. Gotta get that fixed.
On the plus side, the rider is really stepping up out there. Finally found a belt that will stay on it, it's mowing stuff I can barely see over sitting on it. Woot! Planning on going back tomorrow and string trimming all the way to the creek. Made it as far over with the rider as I'm comfortable with in a few spots. Hooray for progress!   Big tree, cleaned up!
|  Neighbor's fence line
|  In progress :)
|  |
old old buddy
# Posted: 28 Aug 2015 10:29am
Your build reminds me of ours in the early stages, particularly. We used 6X6's and 4X4's for uprights. It took two man hours for each hole we dug due to the heavy rock content. I would run the spud bar and my son, Old Buddy, would clean out the hole with post hole diggers. We would switch up every few holes...lol. What part of eastern Ohio are you from. We are in Jefferson County due west of the Ohio River about two miles, west of Mingo Junction......Old Old Buddy
R9R Photography
# Posted: 30 Aug 2015 02:16pm
OOB - we're in Coshocton County. I had some sandstone to break up but nothing too crazy. I think I was doing about a hole an hour at the beginning, then it was about 2 hrs for a hole after I had been going for a bit lol.
It's nice to be in the home stretch of the cabin getting finished. Got to get the stove in & ceiling finished and that's about it.
old old buddy
# Posted: 1 Sep 2015 10:38pm
I'll never forget our first fire in the wood stove! After a few hours we had to leave and I was really hesitant to leave the cabin with a fire blazing in the stove. I just knew the cabin was going to burn to the ground while we were gone. When we returned a week later...everything was fine. It never bothered me to leave the cabin with a fire in the stove, after that.
Good luck with yours...
R9R Photography
# Posted: 4 Sep 2015 06:56pm
It'll be nice to sit in the heated cabin and look out at all the snow this winter. The view should be nice for fall colors too 
Plus ya gotta have somewhere to make the coffee! 
old old buddy
# Posted: 4 Sep 2015 08:12pm
I have a small Coleman percolator coffee maker. Only holds about four cups. By by golly...I'll tell you...that little percolator makes the best coffee I have ever had. I make it on a propane stove and drink it out of those red and white speckled steel coffee cups ! I haven' t had a cup up there since last December and I miss it! Hope you have yours soon! Old Old Buddy
R9R Photography
# Posted: 11 Sep 2015 06:57pm
OOB - I can't wait to sit there this fall & winter with the stove going and a coffee!
I'll attach a picture of the cabin from last weekend too, took some more stuff up the hill for the cabin. Might try to get the washroom framed up this weekend, we'll see.
R9R Photography
# Posted: 11 Sep 2015 06:59pm
Forgot the picture!
R9R Photography
# Posted: 14 Sep 2015 09:02pm
Got the washroom framed up and tarped this weekend! Hopefully next trip I'll get the sink plumbed. Also did the inaugural burn for the stove to get all the fumes and junk out. Install for that thing on the to-do list for the near future too. At least it wasn't blazing hot this weekend for a change. Was wonderful workin' weather!   Washroom framing (1)
|  Washroom framing (2)
|  Nice view!
|  |
R9R Photography
# Posted: 28 Sep 2015 08:44pm
Well...got the wood stove mostly in this weekend. Have to cut an interior section to length, and trim the roof a little. At least the roof trimming won't cut into the living space or anything, it's all in the overhang anyway. Hooray for no flashing! 
old old buddy
# Posted: 28 Sep 2015 09:12pm
You're coming right along! We had to cut a huge cherry tree out of the middle of our road that came down sometime in the summer. Anyway...we finally made it up to the cabin. All was well. Need to weed wack....bad! I love being in the cabin when it's frigid cold outside...look forward to it this winter. Don't forget the coffee! Old Old Buddy
R9R Photography
# Posted: 29 Sep 2015 07:52pm
It'll be nice to have a cup of coffee and look out at the fresh snow. Maybe watch the horses run next door. Can't wait! 
Glad all was well on your end. I completely understand on the land maintenance comment. Geez-O-Pete's do weeds grow out there. Neighbor said he was gonna try to come up and bush hog some soon, we'll see. I told him if it'll cut it, cut it. Please 
old old buddy
# Posted: 10 Oct 2015 09:32pm
R9R Photography We made it up to the cabin this past Wednesday and weed wacked for an hour and a half. My buddy has a huge commercial Stihl and I have a large 23 year old Stihl. We burned up some gas but got it looking good. The yard looked like hay! I wanted it to look nice for some pictures we took today, with the grand kids and my son. These pictures will be the last ones taken at the cabin to be included in the book I'm having done about the cabin. It will have well over 400 color photos in it and I thought the 3,6,8 and 11 year old grand kids should have several photos included!
I'm still thinking about that good old cup of hot coffee this winter!
Old Old Buddy
R9R Photography
# Posted: 19 Oct 2015 09:03pm
Wood stove installed & functional. Efficient operator, not so much. Workin' on that one lol.
OOB - had to get a pic of the coffee on the stove! Was nice to do that inside   Chimney pipe
|  Frosty morning
|  Coffee on!
|  |
old old buddy
# Posted: 19 Oct 2015 09:47pm
Your chimney looks great,..now all you need are a couple "steel" coffee cups. They sure make the coffee taste good but dang near burn your lips they get so hot. Old Old Buddy
R9R Photography
# Posted: 22 Oct 2015 08:02pm
Yep I had those in Scouts. And you are absolutely correct lol!
# Posted: 23 Oct 2015 03:07am
Make sure you burn that Chinese-made stove with the windows open a couple of times. They didn't use high temp paint.
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