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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / SE Kansas 12x28
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# Posted: 1 Jun 2014 01:56am - Edited by: bukhntr

Its been a while since I have posted but a lot of progress has been made. I can't say enough about all of the information and ideas I get from here. Great for someone like me who is always two projects ahead of where I am really at. In two weeks hopefully the air mattress will be replaced with a real bed that I hope to start this week.

# Posted: 1 Jun 2014 02:22am

could not get pics to load works now
where we started Oct 2012
where we started Oct 2012
where we started
where we started
where we are now
where we are now
where we are now
where we are now

old old buddy
# Posted: 1 Jun 2014 05:52am

Looks good! What do you use for heat or are you in a locale that doesn't get too cold? I like you choice of interior colors. We haven't touched our interior yet. We (my son and I) are going up to the cabin today after church for a few hours to check things out. It's been just over a month since I was there.

I hope you get a lot of use from it and great memories

Old Old Buddy

# Posted: 5 Jun 2014 11:42pm

Thanks, about the colors gotta give my wife the credit. Nothing makes her happier than getting rid of white walls As for heat I am going to start out with a ventfree propane and maybe switch to vented later. I know all the bad rap about the vent free but have not found the moisture to be much of a problem yet. I think my vented attic and t&g celing breath pretty well. I have co2 detectors and we have not ran it while sleeping mostly out of fear of what you hear. I think most problems are from using the wrong type of heater for the space. Our unit at high setting is only needs 1/3rd the cubic feet of air we have in our cabin If we get it up to temp and shut off it usually stays ok all nite

old old buddy
# Posted: 6 Jun 2014 06:37am

Sounds good. If you ever get in doubt, I'd just crack a window or two to keep fresh air coming in. I wouldn't think it would take much. Good luck and enjoy it!

Old Old Buddy

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