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# Posted: 22 May 2014 07:35pm
My wife and I finally pulled the trigger and bought a cabin. We had talked about building one ourselves but we are both impatient. Then we heard about this local company that builds cabins and sheds at their facility and deliver the buildings to your lot. This was the easiest and fastest way for us to get our piece of heaven.
It is basically a 14'x32' camping cabin (which includes a 6' porch). The interior is 14x26 divided into two rooms - a small bedroom and the other main all purpose room. The whole interior is already wired with receptacles, ceiling lights, an outdoor receptacle and a porch light. It is also a finished interior. We talked about buying it unfinished and gradually finishing it ourselves but we just went through 2 years of renovating our home while we lived in it and decided to take the easy way out. We wanted a place to get away and relax. It also has a loft above the front porch which is accessed by an interior ladder - perfect for my sons "bedroom". We are currently in the process of getting electric - hopefully soon so we can get a fridge and not have to haul food each weekend. We love it and look forward to many great weekends in the future! Here are a few pics.

# Posted: 22 May 2014 08:42pm
Love the rainbow. May I ask- total cost?
# Posted: 23 May 2014 08:47am
Welcome to the neighborhood! Did your cabin come from Shawnee Structures, or some one else?
# Posted: 23 May 2014 12:07pm
@ bldginsp - It was in the mid teens range. But the 1.5 acres we have it on was given to us at no charge so we were able to justify spending the money.
@ PA_Bound - Yes it came from Shawnee Structures! Very nce people that work there and really great to work with. I take it you're from that area also?
# Posted: 23 May 2014 02:17pm - Edited by: PA_Bound
I live in Maryland now (born and raised in Central PA, though), but my cabin, also from Shawnee, is in southern Bedford county.
We bought the cabin shell several years ago, and have been working on the finishing ourselves. Due to unforeseeable circumstances that have really slowed down progress, I sort of wish we had gone your route and bought it finished. That's one of those "if I had it to do over"...
But we keep chipping away as time permits. But instead of building it for the enjoyment of my kid, realistically I think I'm building it for the enjoyment of my future grand-children- as I'll probably have it done about then. But in the interim, I'm still having fun with it and enjoy being there, so it's all good...