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# Posted: 8 Feb 2018 08:52pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Ok, just ordered my new DR woodchipper, its the 16.5 ft lbs (420cc, right around 20HP or so) self feeding and I also picked up the optional extended chute and an extra knife kit for it. I didnt get the electric start, I dont want to deal with dead battery. This price/size was the best value. There was one bigger chipper and I didnt want the chipper/shredder combo. I actually have an 8HP chipper/shredder combo now at home, but will be a real workout for it over there. These DR units are pretty HD units, no one compares to these unless you get into commercial and those are super pricey.
I am going to head over in spring to do fire mitigation work, this is high priority, before the fire season over there. I am going to spend a week over there and start working from my cabin/container area and outward. Like to see a good 60 feet minimum, I am also thinning the forest too, this is needed to get the thick dense small clumps of trees opened up and growing better and preventing a firestorm. I wont chip anything over 3", will make firewood out of the bigger stuff, just run all the branches through. The rotatable (180 degrees) taller chute should allow me to blow the chips over a wire area vs a large pile in one spot. This is it: https://www.drpower.com/power-equipment/chippers/wood-chippers/self-feeding-wood-chip per-16-5.axd
That one in the add is shown with the optional road tow kit. I opted NOT to get that kit, it has taller tires and will pull funny behind my Kawasaki Mule. I want it to tow level Picked up a brush grubber and a T post puller and with the Mule, I should be able to pull the smaller stumps out. The T post puller and brush grubber should be able to crank out stumps along with the Mule. Getting all my gear lined up ahead of time. 16.5 self feedhing chipper
|  Brush Grubber
|  T post puller
|  |
Gary O
# Posted: 8 Feb 2018 11:20pm
Well, lookit you
keep a fire, pard ...keep it away
(good on you)
Salty Craig
# Posted: 9 Feb 2018 11:39pm
Don't git yer hand in it.
Nice machine!! Would love to get one
# Posted: 16 Feb 2018 02:22pm
Just a thought on your lookout cabin! Other wise then being awesome!! I would suggest bigger then 8x8 for your floor plan. My ice fishing shack is 8x8 and with a small wood stove its pretty cozy. I wish I had built it bigger!
# Posted: 26 Apr 2018 05:59pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Took the new 16.5 DR chipper to work at the cabin with the optional extended chute. What a chewing animal/workhorse.
Major thinning done, 2 days, cleared and chewed everything. Lots more work to do. Moved Sani-Can to different location. Added some more signage, cleared a trail for the Kawasaki Mule to access a logging road behind cabin and marked the trail. Made some fence repairs, large pine fell across it, met with DNR manager, signed contract to get in line for the total thinning operation, this is done with grant money. It looks good as of right now. Few pictures of youngest grandson driving my Mule at night to close the gate. I made him turn on the rotating light bar to give in that park ranger look. A few pictures. 20180422_174221.jpg
|  20180422_174143.jpg
|  20180425_142954.jpg
|  20180424_201033.jpg
# Posted: 26 Apr 2018 06:01pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
A few more pictures 20180423_154821.jpg
|  20180423_154908.jpg
|  20180426_063512.jpg
|  20180422_174241.jpg
# Posted: 26 Apr 2018 11:43pm
Super awesome!
# Posted: 16 Aug 2018 06:44pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Ok, spent a bunch of time at the place, lots of updates. door knocker
|  door knocker 1
|  Ranger Uniform
|  Solar trickle charger/tender
# Posted: 16 Aug 2018 07:05pm
some more pictures fire_danger.jpg
|  habitat_warning.jpg
|  ranger_station.jpg
|  sanican_warning.jpg
# Posted: 16 Aug 2018 07:11pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Notice the memorial marker by the rock, I added my beloved little Gizmo, the french bulldog I lost last Dec. He was family. Now I have little Nugget, new frenchie, almost a clone to Nugget, just 8 months old now.
That green flag under the 4X6 US flag is a USFS one. Solar light at the top too. Pole is 25 feet tall. flagpole6__Copy.jpg
|  ranger_station1__Co.jpg
|  flagpole4.jpg
|  logo1.jpg
# Posted: 16 Aug 2018 07:13pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Ok, all for now. fires and smokey drive back
|  another sign on container entrance
|  solar charger panel
|  solar panel mount
# Posted: 15 Sep 2018 05:59pm
OK, have loads of PTO at work (personal time off) banked and the dispatcher showed me a bunch of days available for us to burn if we wanted too. Well, I saw a Thurs and a Friday which makes for a nice 4 day weekend and early enough before it gets too cold to paint so I signed up for them and just got back. I couldn't of timed it much better. Probably had the last of the real nice sunny days. Anyway, left at 3AM and was diverted a long ways because of a pass closure, was still there early enough to prep the metal and wood, this included sanding, masking. Then primed it with about 6 gallons. Dried fast then applied the Forest Service Brown paint all in one day. This left a full extra day.
What to do? Easy, had a large beetle kill Ponderosa pine, felled it this last August and skidded it out, cut it up into a few sections, debarked it and installed a hitchin post. container_painted_fr.jpg
|  container_painted_fr.jpg
|  container_painted_fr.jpg
|  hitchin_post.jpg
Gary O
# Posted: 15 Sep 2018 09:22pm
You do great work, Toy Best lookin' container setup I've ever seen (and I've seen a bunch)
Hitching post is top drawer (not a surprise)
Nicely done
# Posted: 18 Sep 2018 03:04pm
Very nice...doesn't even look like a container.
# Posted: 31 Dec 2018 04:33pm
OK, being a member of the NWOA, picked up 4 of their signs, 2 will be mounted on front gates, front 20 and one for back 20 gate, 3rd one will be on a post near the cabin and 4th inside the front 20 near the rear middle gate as I call it.
The mount is made from 1 1/8" plywood MDO, I ripped a cedar fence board and made a little "roof" over each one to keep water off the open end grain of the plywood. The wood part will be painted in my trademark forest service brown.
I inquired about the other green diamond family tree farm, organizations, but they were way to controlling over my property before they would issue me signage, I have to have a forester check it out and give them loads of plans that must meet their requirements.
I didnt feel like giving up my sovereignty of my property. I used NWOA to get my insurance to protect me, already a member, so why not.
# Posted: 1 Jan 2019 06:12pm
A Christmas gift from a good pal...
Gary O
# Posted: 1 Jan 2019 07:36pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech A Christmas gift from a good pal...one man saw sign
# Posted: 2 Jan 2019 01:38pm
Gary, she told me it was rusty, I said don't you dare sand it clean. She cleared it and locked in the patina. 
# Posted: 18 Apr 2019 08:41am
OK, headed to cabin in a few weeks, I have signed a contract with my states DNR with a cost share program, they have obtained federal grant moneys and I think some comes from the state too, to help small forest owners make their place more fire resistant. Its also serves to allow the larger trees to grow faster, gets rid of lots of bark beetles, dwarf missletoe etc. Anyway, I was approved last year and I mentioned my second 20 acres butting up to my easy boundary, and my DNR guy who has been top notch did some leg work and next thing you know, my contract was amended. Work started a week ago, my place isnt even going to be recognizable. Heavy thinning, I have some pictures now, but I will take better pictures when I get there.
Cost was $1200 per acre, grant is taking care of 75% of it, I am picking up 25% of the tab. There is always a 50/50 split, but they have deals like this from time to time. They had a 90/10 and a 100/0. I'm just thankful to get it done ahead of fires season. I wont have even much grass thsi year which is ideal, next year, grasses wil be back (pine grass)
Kubota will be there for camp site work too, plus other grooming work.
One small sample picture or two:
# Posted: 18 Apr 2019 01:03pm
Wow with all that pine understory of the forest i can see how it would be a tinder box. There looks to be a ton of dry needles under there too.
Are you allowed to spot burn your property?
# Posted: 18 Apr 2019 03:45pm
Brett, its been heavily thinned now, that was phase one, more cutting to come, 15 feet between trees, all branches removed up to 10 feet. He has another crew hand cutting trees, will pile them up, he will chew through them with his machine (skid steer with a cutter/mulcher up front.
I should have more finished product pictures shortly.
# Posted: 21 Apr 2019 01:31pm
First picture, to the right of the fence, all thinned. More to come, but hand work, ie cutting more smaller trees, then trimming branches to the 10 foot mark, but not to remove more than 50% of the crown, otherwise, cut less. The property to the left side of the fence is my back 20 and that will be next, so it will look like the right. The remaining cuttings will be piled and the skid steer will drive over and grind everything up.
Local taking pictures for me, I will be over there soon and take better photos and post. More of the finished product too plus bringing my new Kubota over for campsite work, making more campsites, grooming fence line trail and other misc including the spreading of 20 yards of gravel. 21584.jpeg
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|  21580.jpeg
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# Posted: 2 May 2019 09:43pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
OK, front 20 is done and paid in full. This was a cost share program with the state DNR (dept of natural resources) and funding came from the state and federal level, my obligation was 25%. There is always a 50/50 split, but often, they run a better deal for landowners. There was A 100/0 AND A 90/10. Its tough to get inline. I finally made it. Was doing my front 20 and I had mentioned my back 20 and the DNR official amended my application to include my back 20.
While I was there, front 20 was all done. About 2/3rd done in the back 20. I brought my Kubota to groom more campsites and moved 20 yards of gravel, could of done more, but ran out of gravel, I like to always have 20 yards on hand.
Anyway, out of pocket cost were right at $13,000, but going into fire season, I feel much better now. The deadline for this cost share program, All work must be done by June 1st. Been a spendy month, just bought the wife a new RAV4 Hybrid 4WD. (41MPG in town, 38 Highway )
Some pictures of groomed campsites. I added 2 more, so now need to build 2 more tables. First pic, convoy of all Cumming diesels, except one white Duramax 3rd back. I'm white truck in front, red truck is buddy hauling my flatbed trailer with ym Kubota
Forest mulcher is a wicked machine, it just tears everything all up.Fresh cutters is $3500 but last a long time.
More pics to follow Breakfast stop convoy
|  new campsite
|  Forest mulcher
|  hammers
# Posted: 2 May 2019 09:49pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Thinned forest, notice wood chunks on forest floor. Pine grass all knocked down for this year, will be all lush and green next spring, then turns tinder try yellow my summer. Yes, that si snow in one of those pictures. Was cold as heck Sunday and snowed most of the day, no accumulation, but had to keep the cabin fire burning all day so we have a sanctuary to warm up at. Give you an idea of the thinning
|  More photos of thinning
|  4 New family forest signs added
|  Kubota ready to start work...
# Posted: 2 May 2019 09:57pm
Oh, wifes new Rav (Ravioli)
Millimeter wave radar, lane keep assist, land departure, eco, sport and off road modes and if she is ready to ass end someone, it will stop itself with no input from driver.   2019 RAV4 Hybrid
|  Star Wars Storm Trooper look in front
|  Panel
|  Combo meter
Nate R
# Posted: 3 May 2019 10:47am
Woods looks good! Nice that you're able to get that thinning done. The mulcher is a POWERFUL tool.
I paid $200/hr for one to grind up some of my red pine slash. (And would've been $100/tooth for any broken hammer teeth due to rocks.)
In action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JhLbpmaRVM
Interesting on the Rav4 Hybrid! Nice MPG!
# Posted: 3 May 2019 11:15am
Wow, exact machine, exact mulcher too. The owner of company said he went with the ASV because the Deere, Case etc were only 100 HP, this was the only 120HP unit. He had a large crawler chipper last year that required felling trees, then feeding them into chipper. Slower going, 5 people to operate, but did chip it all up into chips and dispersed on forest floor via a oscillating chute. This mulcher left my forest floor full of chunks of wood, but they will break down in time.
They had one guy running machine, another cutter cutting small stuff near larger trees and branches on the lowest parts of the trees, dragging them into piles. Then the forest mulcher comes through and grinds those all up.
He avoided dead stuff, drier, harder?? I did request he grind up a decent stand fo small cluster of beetle kill pines clustered together, he was going to do that for me.
Also, I put a no cut order on douglas firs, and the DNR said no cutting of Tamarack AKA western Larch. Well, I didnt think I had any Tamarack, but cruising back 20 in my Kawasaki Mule, I found one small Tamarack, cutter spotted it also. I taped it with blue ribbons (blue means no cut, pink cutting boundary, white means must cut)
Cutter came over to me and said he saw one other one. He knows along with mulcher operator to cut no Tamarack, I added the no cut on douglas firs also.
I wished I could of stayed to see the back 20 finished. It was kind of wilderness, never developed, all natural, thick, I bought it in 2014 and did nothing with it since.
I can see where a home on my northern boundary where the resident had encroached and cut some trees for firewood. Been several years ago. You can tell by the un-professional cut stump, then only the prime part taken, tops and all branches left. About 8 trees I seen. So that section of fence will be first to be put up. I will mark it with signage ASAP.
Oh, did find an ant hill too. Way north in the front 20.
# Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:39pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
OK, as most of you know, I did get my entire 40 acres thinned with help from the state who help private forest owners. They appreciate timberland owners for providing wood fiber as they call it and also habitat for wildlife so make it easier to do in addition to fire resistant.
Anyway, the man who did my acreage loved my forest service theme (I met him in person, showed him around the cabin etc) and he was a USFS employee with the hot shots fire team before going into business for himself.
I gave him a cap, a coffee mug and an ID badge making him an honorary lifetime member of my establishment. We have become good friends.
That was after he made a commercial for his business and sent me a email with a link titled "do you recognize this place". I was humbled. I will post the link, about 90% of the footage is shot on my property and you can see he is standing close with my cabin in the background and some drones eye views too. Video
Also, a few more pictures of my new signage warning of my french bulldog...
I will add my 18 foot flatbed car hauler trailer build, cloning mine for a good buddy, about 1 more days worth of work left and we will be done. This one was to...
|  compliment this one.
|  20191027_164802_resi.jpg
|  20191027_164745_resi.jpg
# Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:40pm
And a few more trailer pix (hey, its my project still)   20191027_164730_resi.jpg
|  20191027_164828_resi.jpg
|  |  |
# Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:43am
Toyota.... loved the video! Nice place too by the way! We are originally from eastern Oregon, John Day valley. Your area looks a lot like Central Oregon... but I see the company that did your thinning is out of Peshastin, beautiful country there on the eastern side of the Cascades!
We have got our community here in Colorado kind of fired up about firewise work. There is so much dead fall in this area and that coupled with a lot of standing beetle killed spruce and fir in the surrounding forests, it is just a disaster waiting to happen.
I found a study that was done last year in the county by the Colorado forest service that has a little red "x" on the house's that they feel wouldn't survive and a purple check mark on those that would. Out of approximately 100 houses there are only 13 expected to survive. Sobering. I posted the link to the pdf on our community website (jaspercolorado.com) and asked the question, are you a red x or a purple check? A lot of folks have looked and a few responded. But the best thing to come out of it is the HOA board is now looking to establish a burn pit in the area so land owners have a place to bring their slash.
The problem is most of the land owners don't get up here but once or twice a year, to play and relax.... they are not going to be doing any firewise work. Without the HOA requiring everyone to clean up - and yep I too have a disdain for anyone telling me what to do on my property - it just isn't going to happen. I guess we just pray for no fires!
Since you are really up on firewising, I have a question for you. The forest in most of the community is Aspen with interspersed pockets, and scattered spruce and fir. Would the FIRST step, before cleaning up dead fall, be to go through the community and trim up the low hanging limbs of the conifers? Here they tend to hang right down to the ground.... it would seem to me this would be a good first step that maybe we could get people behind. The dead fall is pretty thick and overwhelming.
Anyway thanks for your great posts and help here!
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