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# Posted: 16 Aug 2017 11:50pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Ok. Roof is done minus metal roofing and paint. I had trouble with a bear that stalked me all day tues. Have bear trap at my place now. Trap sprung last night but no bear. I went and reset ir (scary) and a few pix till i get home to hold viewers over. Im at cabin now. Loaded up for early departure. Stay tuned. It was quite the event. I will detail it all tomorrow
# Posted: 17 Aug 2017 07:15pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
OK, aside from being stalked by a bear all day Tuesday, went well. My container roof is complete minus the paint job and the metal for the roof. I had pre made the rafter and bird blocks to make it go quicker, but was short quite a few rafters and bird blocks. Dont know where I screwed up, but I did. No big deal, brought all tools with me to the site. Note the lack of OSB? Its wasnt by accident. And of course, H clips between all sheets. Really set me back, was $6 for a bag of 50  About $1200 into entire project. Could of been $1194 had I cheaped out on the H clips.   P1020898.JPG
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|  over built, but I am an HD guy. :D
# Posted: 17 Aug 2017 07:20pm
Few more pixs...
# Posted: 17 Aug 2017 07:35pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
OK, I was hassled by a bear all day Tuesday...
All was fine till Tuesday morning. Woke up (actually was woken up by a crashing cooler, but didn't know it yet) and stepped out of the cabin to go to the bathroom and noticed my EZ up was moved and one leg bent over (shot) so I figured, wind, but none was forecast. Got dressed, put on my shoes, stepped off the porch and to my right, seen my cooler was tipped over, knew instantly, it was a bear. Found my trash (wasn't much) strewn over in the thick woods west of the cabin. Went and picked up all the ice, and food, put it all back in the cooler, nothing missing, but teeth marks in cooler. Then noticed bear footprints all over the picnic table from his dusty feet on my gravel.
OK, now I have my sidearm holstered, always bring it, but just left it in the cabin, now I am packing and would the entire rest of the time I am there. OK, used the same trash bag to pick up construction waste, ie caulking tubes, spray foam bits etc. Set it up by container. BBQ'd some Mariner dogs for lunch that day, decided to go inside to eat for safety.
Came back out, went to work on container roof and later on, can find my trash bag. Again, its now in the woods behind the container, strewn all over the place. No food, just construction waste.
I pick it all up, then secure it inside my enclosed trailer.
Now I go down to the well, about 250 feet away, just around the corner, being loud, neighbor guy is helping me. Just about done, hear a loud crash, we get in the Kawasaki Mule, rip up there in 20 seconds, cooler is drug away and tipped over, now 2 rib steaks are missing. As fast as we got up there, still unable to see him. But now have teeth holes in cooler.
At this time I call fish and wildlife. The bear was watching me all day, knew the area he was in. As long as I went inside or away, about 30 to 45 minutes, he came in to steal food so after talking to agent, he decided, he would bring the bear trap up. He told me they could issue me a special permit to hunt it, even though bear season didn't open till 2 more weeks. I wasn't interested and he also said you can defend yourself and recommend I pack a side arm. I was, he didn't like the 40 but it was all I had.
OK, I go inside around 8PM, ate dinner, window open, I had set up game camera, point it towards trap. In about 45 minutes, I hear the trap door slam shut. Its loud.
I shine my spotlight on it (creepy, its dark) but the trailer is not rocking and see no movement via the holes. I check, no bear, he hit the door and set it off. So I reloaded it per wardens instruction.
Checking my camera, the bear approached it, pushed the door with his nose/head and it probably came around and smacked him. He left and I thought he didnt come back. But he did, caught him on my game camera, he was snooping all over the place. He managed to puncture 2 of my 8 gallon water jugs (now shot at $25 each) plus destroying a leg on my EZ Up, but EZ Up sells legs, so I will replace it. P1020892.JPG
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|  Even left fresh slobber
# Posted: 17 Aug 2017 07:37pm
Bear pictures ontable.jpg
|  lookingdowntable.jpg
|  climbingupleftbench..jpg
|  attablebench.jpg
# Posted: 17 Aug 2017 09:13pm
few more bear pictures. torightoftable.jpg
|  snoopingatbench.jpg
|  atlefttablebench.jpg
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# Posted: 16 Sep 2017 08:10pm
Hey there Toyota,
Just looking at this thread again and wondering something about your Sea Can roof structure... How did you anchor the roof to the container ? Any extra Pics of how and what you did ? I'm pondering revising how I topped mine and change things around and I really like how you did yours, so more info = better.
Thanks & Have a Good One. Steve
# Posted: 16 Sep 2017 09:19pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
I welded on brackets along the roof edge, was angle iron, 1/4" thick, 2" X 2" angle, cut in 3" lengths. I put these in place about every 2 feet, made them so the end would be even with the container edge. Then I put the 4X6 across the edges, ran them long out the door end (notched for the corner supports, I did lag underside past the notch to give more strength back from the shallow notch) for the overhang. So when I pre built all my rafters at home, I knew it would be a 5/12 pitch and I measured the width from outside edge to outside edge of my 4X6, think of it as the top plate of my wall. I drilled holes in the angle iron and used timberlocks to secure it to the 4X6.
Went across the front and back with 4X4 to secure the gable wall too. I shimmed under it with plastic shims and locked shims in with pink foam. I ran all the T1-11 just to the bottom edge of the flat part above the top of the corrugated sides. It looks and fits perfect.
Closed in overhang and added an access door
Below is a few different pictures of it with the timbers lagged to the roof, this was done in spring to give you an idea. Black primer was paint over the welded areas. The spots on the side was holes I had welded up. The 4X6 timbers were 3 10 footers for each side. I just butted them up and toe lagged with timberlocks where they met. I trimmed the 4X6 edges with T1-11, so its not visible at all and blended the wooden roof perfectly with the metal. I used firefoam to fill the gaps to keep bugs out.
I just picked up all my metal for the roofing today, including foam enclosure strips (top and bottom, plus the eve, gable and ridge flashing today. I head over next Sat to install it. I will take plenty of pictures for the finished project, then not much more activity till the snow melts next spring. Then it should be new Kubota time. Going to be a fun visit. P1020817.JPG
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# Posted: 16 Sep 2017 09:31pm
Thanks man, good info 
I'm thinking on 12/12 and mounting solar panels to it & running the other side long and turning that into a utility shed (lawn tractor etc) so I've got this floating in my thinking process right now. I only have a small 120V Mig and I somehow doubt I could weld much to the Corten Steel, let alone 1/4" steel. Pondering it...
# Posted: 16 Sep 2017 09:48pm
Steve, how about 2 containers, side by side, with space between them, then one roof over both with a nice covered breezeway between them. Just thinking out loud. 
# Posted: 16 Sep 2017 10:10pm
Hahahaha Ohh I thought about that ages ago... no can do now, wish I could... you know those should've, could've, would'ves ... well...
Just gotta figure out a 45 degree roof now and solve it. hehehe... gotta love challenges, keeps the brain perking.
# Posted: 17 Sep 2017 11:52am
Very nice.
Is that access to above in the front overhang?
# Posted: 17 Sep 2017 03:00pm
Quoting: ChuckDynasty Is that access to above in the front overhang?
Yes and the rest of the inside of the roof. The access is full length, front to back.
# Posted: 17 Sep 2017 03:41pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Steve, how about 2 containers, side by side, with space between them, then one roof over both with a nice covered breezeway between them. Just thinking out loud.
My dirt bike club did that, just like you said. The roof is on separate posts, doesn't touch. Kitchen on one side, storage on the other, BBQ and tables in between.
Good use of the sturdy container roof as floor space TMT. I'm building a deck on top of mine.
# Posted: 25 Sep 2017 06:59pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
OK, final project complete for this year, we are done with projects till the spring thaw next. Metal roofing is all on. This was my first attempt at installing metal roofing. It went well. Took half day for one side, then half day for next side and a few hours more to button it up. Went over with a few good friends, all who went, this was their first visit. Forest Service Brown paint will have to wait till next year, or the spring thaw. All closed up for the winter now.   P1030004.JPG
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# Posted: 25 Sep 2017 09:18pm
I love your attention to detail in everything you do! Nice work, it looks great!!
Gary O
# Posted: 25 Sep 2017 09:39pm
Looks outstanding, as usual, like skoot said
Great bear pics, BTW
# Posted: 26 Sep 2017 09:05am
That bear seems like a nice fella. I'm sure he doesn't mean to be a pain 
# Posted: 26 Sep 2017 09:15pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: Jabberwocky That bear seems like a nice fella. I'm sure he doesn't mean to be a pain
Yes, after seeing those pictures. Especially the first one where he is up on the table with his front paws up on the table, he looks so cute. Little gut poking out, just doing what bears do, trying to get fattened up for winter hibernation.
Quoting: skootamattaschmidty I love your attention to detail in everything you do! Nice work, it looks great!!
Thanks for the kind words Skoot. I am a type A/perfectionist, I know no other way. 
Quoting: Gary O Looks outstanding, as usual, like skoot said Great bear pics, BTW
Thanks "G", and where have you been? Getting all ready for winter?
Gary O
# Posted: 26 Sep 2017 11:41pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Thanks "G", and where have you been? Getting all ready for winter? ohhhhh, yeaahhh
I won't clog up yer fine thread with the details
everday ends up tired
and sore
an happy
All the best, my friend
# Posted: 27 Sep 2017 06:08am
Type A perfectionist is the only way to be! No sense doing something half assed and regretting it later!
# Posted: 8 Oct 2017 03:36pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
OK, I have come up with another idea. I am not sure I want to even tackle it. It will be spendy, time consuming and another item to maintain ie increased infrastructure which I an not too sure I want to tackle.
As most of you know, I have a theme, ie Forest Service, National Park, or State Parks. I have incorporated those designs and colors into my property which has been transforming into a large private campground.
A have toyed with building a lookout style structure. For maybe a guest cabin. Not necessarily up on a tall stand. Buddy of mine calls me and tells me has has acquired a prop from an airport, a smaller airport that host early warbirds, ie WWII era and they have a copy of the control towers as a prop they set up during these air shows. Its not functional, its in 3 parts, ie the cab, top and bottom of the stand. He told the man who operates the air field and built the tower I could have it (he knows how I plan on using it) and its free to me for the taking.
OK, not sure I want to tackle it. It wil need 4 heavy footers, then assemble the legs, and I would probably build my own cab. I want one that resembles the square ones with the hip roof, open porch all the way around, access from floor or porch via a ladder. This is the L4 design with the hip roof, earlier R4's had a gable roof. http://www.firelookout.org/fire-lookout-types.html Issue would be building it, its about 20 feet to the floor of the cab.
But how cool would this be, a lookout cabin. Metal hip roof, glass windows all around, a small woodstove (I would make one out of 8" well casing to look like a little pot belly)
It would get the same color paint as my cabin and same green roof. Large flip up shudders for all the windows.
Other issues, liability, greater chances of someone gettign hurt, trespassers gettign hurt (property if fully posted)
Anyway, if anyone wants to chime in with input. If I did do it, I would build the floor/porch first, so I could walk around the porch to finish the cab, but still spooky. CampAdams1.jpg
|  WarbirdTower2.jpg
|  WarbirdTower.jpg
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# Posted: 9 Oct 2017 08:14pm
Great way to integrate a container into your cabin property...well done, T! I need a solution myself....can't afford a garage 
# Posted: 9 Oct 2017 09:18pm
You're gonna be thinking about that tower all winter...get to planning and designing now. Go ahead and build it...
Gary O
# Posted: 9 Oct 2017 09:28pm - Edited by: Gary O
If anybody could...and would
what a place to kick back, with the binos, and unwind
# Posted: 10 Oct 2017 09:10pm
Quoting: Bevis You're gonna be thinking about that tower all winter...get to planning and designing now. Go ahead and build it...
Yes, you are dead on. Been thinking about it now, and its not even winter. I have been trying to layout the floor, the porch which I'd like to wrap all the way around with a rail. I think the stairs would enter in the porch area. Hip roof, windows all around, woodstove centrally located...
Still trying to figure out out I can have the porch extend out and have it strong in all sides without lots of gussets underneath. Obviously, one direction, I extend floor joist in 2 directions, IE north and south, but how would I built the porch strong east and west? I would want the wall to be as close to right over the frame of the tower.
So its looking like "Build the Tower" is the common reply? 
# Posted: 16 Oct 2017 12:57pm
Build It! 
# Posted: 16 Oct 2017 01:28pm
Zip line!
# Posted: 16 Oct 2017 07:15pm
Build it. You know you wont be happy until you do....and what a story....! I could see having a beer up in that tower!!
# Posted: 17 Oct 2017 10:22pm
Unanimous votes so far.
OK, so far, I plan on doing it. I will keep it undersized, 8X8 cab, 2 foot porch, hip roof. So no permit needed. I will put it up maybe 10 feet about the ground. 4 post in a 8'X8' square, a pair of cross timbers on opposite pairs, extending out 2 feet on each side. I will build 1/4" metal brackets to tie thee 2 cross beam pairs to each other. Then using heavy enough floor joist, able to handle 2 foot canteleiver al the way around, build a nice solid deck, with gaps between the decking. Then build the inside floor on top of that, using plywood for cab floor. Then the 4 walls wil be right over the 4 post. I am going to draw up a plan, but if Rockies wants to design something, I would appreciate it.
It wont happen next year. I may get the 4 post up (not sure if I wil use dimensional lumber of locally harvested peeled and treated logs from my property.
I have lots of Kubota work to do for my campsites. I will open an area up for the "Lookout" cabin which I will call this and put it in campsite space #6. Probably start to work on lookout in 2019. Once I start, wont be long till finished. I need to pre goat rope my son in law. (he is such an asset to the family) And when I do, i will put up all photos in here for the group.
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