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# Posted: 28 Apr 2013 10:15pm
Toyota...you done good!!!!!!! Great in fact! Such a terrific cabin you have...really, your workmanship is fantastic and you have a great use of space. I like your decor-nice touches, very cozy. You ought to be very, very proud! If you build again, you'll do a super job! Congratulations 
# Posted: 29 Apr 2013 07:05pm
It looks very relaxing. Great finishing touches. Tell me about your kitchen stove, please.
# Posted: 9 May 2013 06:02pm
is that dining counter granite? is that even allowed really lovely place.
# Posted: 9 May 2013 08:25pm
Erin, its a Magic Chef, from an RV. I bought it used. No electricity needed to make it work. Has a "pilot off" feature which is great for saving propane. The top closes over the burners so you can have some more counter space. Top is stainless. Its a 4 burner and the oven is about a 21". Kinda small, perfect for a small cabin.
Creeky, not granite. I chose that formica because it looked like granite. Wife gave me grief over the choice, but now she wants the same stuff on our counters at home. (means she likes it much more then she is letting on but not willing to admit my choice was perfect) 
# Posted: 10 May 2013 10:17am
when will the ladies realize we're smarter than we look? 
# Posted: 24 Jun 2013 07:02pm
OK, an unfinished area has been the crawl space access. Unable to get T molding to stay put. So I bought some flat bar, 2" wide, cut and welded to fit the opening, drilled screw holes, used a 90' countersink, then picked up 20 of the #8 wood screws in brass. It was one of the few areas that was unfinished. Its now done.
I added a 16" flat screen TV with TV tuner and DVD player and the new swivel scissor mount too, along with a digital TV antenna up in my attic. It works great. Its an LED tv. I wasn't sure of the severe cold in winter would affect the LCD. Crawlspace trim
|  Cabin TV on digital antenna.
|  |  |
# Posted: 1 Aug 2013 12:35am
Nice work toyota. What a beautiful place you got there.
# Posted: 13 Aug 2013 12:56pm
Your cabin looks fantastic. Love the finishes and the use of space. Well done!
# Posted: 14 Aug 2013 11:09pm
Great job. Love the look with plywood sheeted walls. Great idea on the cabinets, the look amazing. Great ideas and well executed.
# Posted: 15 Aug 2013 03:29pm
Beautiful cabin! I love the setup you did for the tv and all your decorating.
# Posted: 5 Jul 2014 01:11pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Some more rustic landscape stuff. I have picked up an old hand truck. I'm going to build a small flower box to put on the truck platform, it will reside near the cabin. Got an old cycle (like the grim reaper uses) and will hang it inside, probably behind the stove. Really old unit. I built and installed a sign to look like the ones found in the early west. As a weary traveler, been on a dusty trail for days, comes upon a nice welcome sign to point him in the right direction.
Many of the names were of old ghost town, some no longer even exist and some is an early version of an existing towns name, prior to its change. I have done lots of research in the area. Its rich in gold mining history. The pictures were taken end of June, the grass was very lush and green still. Usually like that in April, and more brown that time of the year. We must have had enough rain.
On another note, I mentioned earlier I am about to pick up 20 more acres to my east to make my total 40.52 acres total. Well, its planned to be finalized this month (within a few weeks). I had zero debt (debt to income ratio is 0% for now) and about to go back into debt. I'm putting 10K down and will do no less than 1K per month or more. Should have the deed within 2 yrs max. Owner is carrying the contract, title company is servicing the note and holding the deed (middle man) I walked it last week, found and marked my new corners with my GPS. Makes for one heck of a huge yard, fortunately no yard work! Told the wife, going to need a John Deere Gator or some sort of small truck. I have my first 20 fully fenced, with a 16 foot gate on the fence-line between the 2 places. Next step to fence the new 20 in. I need to hire a professional forester to draw up my forest management plan to keep it in timber status (tax breaks for timber farmers) which makes the taxes about $32 a year on it.
Gary O
# Posted: 5 Jul 2014 03:49pm
You've come a ways since I last peeked at yer project, T-Tech.
As always
# Posted: 5 Jul 2014 03:52pm
MDT, love your build. And now you truly do have a back 40. 
# Posted: 11 Jul 2014 08:52pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Its official, the new 20 acres closed just today. Now the ranch grows to 40.52 acres. 
# Posted: 11 Jul 2014 11:21pm
Awesome!! I happy for you.
# Posted: 13 Jul 2014 09:35pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
OK, excited about the 20 acres expansion, built my large overhead sign that will hang under the tall log arch entry (like found in the early American cattle ranches out west) over the gate/entrance. Its unpainted now, but will sport the Forest Service scheme, ie the forest service brown and the white/creme lettering. It will hang using 3 eye bolts on the log arch, 3 on the sign and the screw type chain couplers to fasten it. I used a 2X10X 10 feet long.
I actually have a small brand just like the ones at the end of the sign, its made for branding steaks on the grille. I will use a propane torch and burn a few throughout the inside of the cabin too, strategically, and maybe upside down, crooked to look like we used scraps of wood to build the inside.
Got the steak iron from these guys: http://www.brandingirons.com/steakbrands.html
Told ya I was going to keep making stuff up to do after I finished the cabin itself. Now its accessorizing the cabin and the acreage. P1020372_2.jpg
|  P1020373_2.jpg
|  P1020374_2.jpg
|  |
# Posted: 18 Jul 2014 01:27pm
Wow, this cabin is amazing. I love looking at all the in progress photos.
# Posted: 31 Jul 2014 12:01am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Signage is painted. Using the "Forest Service" color scheme. I also found the source for those fire pits and BBQ grilles you see in state parks, national parks etc. http://www.parktables.com/category/32-pedestal-park-barbecue-grills.aspx
OK, pictures of the painted signs. The long one goes overhead on the log arch at the entrance, and the trapezoid ones will go at the gate and the new gate on the new back 20.
# Posted: 31 Jul 2014 06:41am
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Told ya I was going to keep making stuff up to do after I finished the cabin itself. Now its accessorizing the cabin and the acreage. I'm so looking forward to when I get to this stage! Why the name "Double J"?
# Posted: 31 Jul 2014 08:16am
oh those are so cute toyota_mdt_tech. love those outlet covers. i have a metal bear bottle opened on my kitchen wall that is similar. really nice kitchen.
# Posted: 31 Jul 2014 08:56am
Quoting: razmichael Why the name "Double J"
My last name starts with a J, and just so happens, so does the wifes. 
I have lots more signage to go. Plans are for those space numbers like in a park, the fire pits, BBQ's, sign showing direction to the restroom, water, shower. Working on water tower and livestock pump for well. But that is a ways out yet.
I even bought the domain "thedoublejranch.net" It was the only combo left. Be surprised at how many double J ranches there is out there.
# Posted: 31 Jul 2014 09:00am
Quoting: razmichael I'm so looking forward to when I get to this stage! Why the name "Double J"?
Yes, I'm past the build stage, I'm into the playing/decorating stage now. Its fun, my mind is always going too. I'm getting some of those old "wanted photos" now, have one for Jesse James, and Billy the Kid. Hang those inside. My theme is western (the area is ponderosa pines, like in Bonanza looking terrain) and colors is national parks or forest service.
# Posted: 25 Aug 2014 03:00pm
I'm jealous.........
# Posted: 25 Aug 2014 08:38pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
OK, added a gate across the end of the spur road in my southern boundary, its only job was to give the owner access to the lot next to me, being as I own it now, no need to have it open anymore.
Added my signage. The large overhead sign on the log arches is coming, we rounded up 3, 20 foot logdepole pines to peel and plant across the driveway entrance. Added the gate between the 2 twenty's. (I call it front and back 20 now)
Few shots of gate, signage, fence line etc. new gate to back twenty
|  north from new gate
|  looking south from middle gate
|  looking north from midle gate
# Posted: 25 Aug 2014 08:44pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Few more photos of fence line. I have finished my cabin, so not much to add, so I can show my improvements anyway. Hope you guys dont mind.
These are all on the front twenty, none of the new place. No fence there yet. Suspect wont be fully fenced for a few years. North boundary of the back 20 (new place) will be the first section I will do on the new place. NW corner looking east
|  NW corner looking south (last section to finish)
|  NE corner looking west
|  NE corner looking south
# Posted: 25 Aug 2014 08:48pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
I picked up some real cool gate latches. Very heavy duty and allow the gate to be opened either in or out. Made by SpeeCo. Got it from the local "Big R" stores. Any of you guys ever been into a Big R store? Its a candy store for adult males for sure.
# Posted: 26 Aug 2014 07:27am
Nice latch. Nothing seems to work up here in the wet clay, everything moves, at least after winter. I've even had someone ram my gate with the rear bumper of a big truck or something.
# Posted: 26 Aug 2014 08:59am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
The soil at my place is rocky with glacial silt. It looks like moondust when its dry or gray colored flour is what it looks like. Those post were premo rail road ties (not used at all) and cemented in place. They are solid, full of creosote, be there long after I'm long gone. 
# Posted: 16 Jan 2015 01:47am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
I just got my square nails in from amazon.com. I will use these to pound into the hearth and wall to hang old beaver traps and other items I have been collecting for decor. Keeps it looking rustic and period correct. I just need to install the patina (rust) 
http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B005THUSFQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&p sc=1
# Posted: 17 Jan 2015 03:01am
Your cabin is WONDERFUL, Toyota!!!!! You did a smashing job!!!! Love the kitchen, especially!!!!! That's the sort of stove I have selected, as well, so it was a treat to see it installed in a cabin kitchen!
I can't recall -- are you using solar? The lighting fixtures look great!
What is the size of your cabin? It's such a good design!
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