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# Posted: 7 Dec 2023 01:30pm
I like 1104...
# Posted: 8 Dec 2023 08:23am
Quoting: ICC 231102_Double_J.png -izzy
Have a poll at work also and that is by far, the most popular by a long shot.
# Posted: 9 Dec 2023 06:38pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Well, got a few pictures, just of the road condition after the plow came by. May have to groom it slightly after its all settled back in place.
It crossed the road in 3 places, last one, you can see a vault just inside my fenceline. I will need to do some dirt work in the ditch too.
All I will have till spring. power crossing road from source vault
|  crossing road at sharp turn
|  up spur into my property
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# Posted: 10 Dec 2023 08:43am
Appears to be a predominantly young forest. From previous timber logging or more recent thinning?
# Posted: 10 Dec 2023 11:18am
TMT, Finally got a screen big enough (at the cabin) to go back and review all 17 pages of your thread. Good way to spend Sunday morning. You’re one of the few I still see posting who’s been here longer than me (2010 vs 12 or 13..).
Glad you’re still at it!
# Posted: 10 Dec 2023 04:58pm
ICC, the entire area was logged probably thinned 30+ years ago, what was left is now the bigger timber. The rest is just natural reprod stuff. Minus all the real small thick stuff taken out (ground up) from my thinning in 2019. In my very first picture of my cabin foundation, its amazing to see how much the trees have grown since from where I started.
Paulz, yea, I thought after the cabin, I was done posting, but in reality, that was where is really took off. I just figured I could work/decorate the land into a theme and it just grew legs and took off. Still a ways to go.
# Posted: 11 Dec 2023 04:02pm
OK finalized my logo/design, colors flipped, designer is making me an 8 foot long sign using heavy gauge sheet metal and a plasma cutter for my gate. He photoshopped it onto my gate. final
|  sign photoshopped on gate
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# Posted: 11 Dec 2023 04:13pm
# Posted: 11 Dec 2023 06:03pm
Do you have a color picked for the gate sign? Or maybe COR-TEN steel?
# Posted: 12 Dec 2023 07:50am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Izzy, I want to do the gate itself in the forest service green, found a perfect match, Spring Green" from Krylon.
As for the sign, I would like it to just rust, its bare metal, so will go fast. So your corten, you have the right idea.
# Posted: 12 Dec 2023 10:41am
Maybe degrease it and wipe down with vinegar to get a start going?
# Posted: 24 Dec 2023 11:35am
Got my first power bill, was only half a billing cycle, $20. Have account number now, set up in my bankeronline now and with a single mouse click, the check is in the mail. I may scan and copy the bill, blot out the important info, kinda of a milestone, my first power bill over there. The biggest investment I made short of buying the 2, 20 acre lots being a little more each, but not much.
# Posted: 17 Jan 2024 08:32am
OK, embroidered patches next phase after final design chosen.
# Posted: 21 Feb 2024 08:43am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
OK, only source of heat at my cabin is woodstove. Now that electricity is in place, I am thinking of maybe a 4 or 6 foot 220V electric baseboard heater with thermostat on one end. Found one that has an "off" position too.
I cant set it so if the fire goes out and cabin cools off, baseboard kicks on and I wake up to a still warm cabin. Its extremely well insulated.
Plenty of times I want to knock the chill out and not build a fire. They seem to come in white, I will paint my a brown to hide it and match the wood inside.
Just bouncing around some ideas. I can get the heater and the add on thermostat for under $100. Made by Cadet.
# Posted: 21 Feb 2024 09:19am
I use them in my cabin, they are cheap, easy to install, work well and give off good heat. They are not cheap to operate though, but it sounds like your use will be minimal so I'd say go for it.
Nate R
# Posted: 21 Feb 2024 09:26am
I use a 3000w Cadet in-wall fan heater instead. For me, it has several positives over baseboard ones:
Higher up off the ground, doesn't collect as much dog hair/dirt as the baseboard ones seem to. Doesn't block wall space as much from putting things next to. Heats up air fast, which is handy when I want to warm up the cabin from cold. Can use better/more precise (exterior/outboard) thermostats. Some of those baseboard ones are +/- 6-8 degrees.
Downsides: May be slightly les reliable over time? Noise when it's running. Up front cost may be higher.
# Posted: 26 Apr 2024 03:31pm
Cabin run was a full success. Got all big task done and some smaller stuff. fenceline repaired from power entry
|  10.0CF fridge installed
|  camp hose site made with 30A RV hookup
|  Trimmed wi th gravel, gravel doesnt burn
# Posted: 26 Apr 2024 03:33pm
More items Pilot Rock BBQ grille/griddle installed
|  full 50A RV hookupsite 1
|  above hookup inside well enclosure, can run well off transformer now.
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# Posted: 26 Apr 2024 09:46pm
Nice! Chain link fence to keep the big 'rodents' from chewing on important stuff?
# Posted: 27 Apr 2024 06:54pm
Quoting: ICC Nice! Chain link fence to keep the big 'rodents' from chewing on important stuff?
No, we used to have free ranging cattle and they rub against things and destroy it. Also protect well itself from vandals dropping items into well. By just putting site 1 box in there also doubled as power source for well too.
# Posted: 27 Apr 2024 07:27pm
I've had elk using solar poles to rub velvet off antlers.as well as smallish trees.
# Posted: 16 Aug 2024 08:42pm
OK, solar livestock well system decommisioned, in its place is a full 220VAC 1HP Grundfos well pump, in well bladder tank, Grundfos CU301 well controller with soft start. Slick system, also added the pitless adapter too.
Pitless adapter had a special extra port in it for a pressure sensor. I can adjust pressure at the control panel. Se it as 40PSI, disturbing well, running cloudy again, time to clear it all out.
Dug a pit, set in an old wash tub, drill larhe 1" holes in bottom, set over drain rock, fill tub with drain rock also. So now no splash, erosion or mud when running faucet.
Extra roofing metal, roofed my meter base. 20240815_084142_resi.jpg
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# Posted: 16 Aug 2024 08:45pm
Picked up a small Blackstone griddle, everyone has been fussing about these, figured I'd try it. Pretty slick.
Ice maker worked all week, flawlessly. Crock pot makes another gallon of extra thick and hearty beef stew. 20240814_082605_resi.jpg
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# Posted: 16 Aug 2024 08:49pm
And picked up a few cans of Rustoleum Spring Green paint, tested it on back gate to make sure it looked OK before main gate. Well, 100% perfect IMHO, so did both and also painted post on front gate to match. Repainted all the signes while there, post etc. Few more to do, but most done now.
Next spring I an taking my Kubota up there, doing some dirt work, fence line service road. Adjusting gravel piles, cut in one more campsite and all done.
I have a middle gate so access back 20, will paint it green also. Next year. Done this year. Back gate
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# Posted: 16 Aug 2024 08:50pm
Front gate 20240815_094836_resi.jpg
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# Posted: 16 Aug 2024 10:35pm
Great well pump. 
It's nice to coordinate gate color. I went with a shade of red. I have 11 between cabin and home.
Nice gate sign too. My son made mine; flame cut steel plate.
# Posted: 17 Aug 2024 02:06am
Thanks ICC, my back and middle gate are both 16 foot, while the main or front is 12 foot, live and learn, get 16 foot gates people. Everything fits in a 12 foot gate but you better be hitting it straight on, or you will scrape the side. Tight squeeze. So will do 16 footer in time.
I went with my green to look like USFS of course. Then the USFS brown really made things pop. Front gate, I painted round treated gate post. I should say "stained", I do not use paint, always water based stain. Solid stuff. Behr one coat. N150-7 chocolate therapy is the color mix. I use deck stain custom mixed for all my stuff, ie picnic tables, log shelter, signage, signage post etc.
I want to paint my house in the USFS brown and the green for trim. It would look great, she says no way. I have not given up yet. She said if I do, she is gonna leave me. Man I'm gonna miss her. (OK, last part is not real, reminded me of a picture I saw where a woman told her hubby if he goes fishing one more time...)
# Posted: 17 Aug 2024 02:49am
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech I want to paint my house in the USFS brown and the green for trim. It would look great, she says no way. I have not given up yet.
Nobody gets to win 100%. At least that is how it seems to me. So we/I know the meaning of compromise. It's a two-way street.
It's sort of funny, you mentioning the color difference preference. Sri and I had very similar likes in color choices. However, I compromised and let her have the lemon color she wanted for the laundry and garden rooms. Yellow is one of my "rather not" colors. However, since she passed away I have had no desire to paint it over. Now the lemon color is special.
# Posted: 17 Aug 2024 06:18pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Yeah, gave her free reign on the inside of the house. I am certain she would like my outdoor color once done, but i have gone goofy with this USFS and USNP theme, she kinda dug her heels in for home. I dont have a trim color for the cabin, just all brown, but I may just paint the trim in my spring green color and see if she changes her mind. Its going to be on my spring maintenance list.
As for your lemon yellow, fully understand reason for leaving that for sure.
Wife does give me freedom on anything at the cabin.
# Posted: 26 Dec 2024 04:16pm
OK, having a sign made for the cabin. This is about 12" long, will hang from porch post. I'll make a metal bracket for it.
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