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# Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:52pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
I was going to just use large timbers to frame it, priced it all out, over $5000, was going to be pricey, well, darn beetle kills popping up, I have been cutting them down and skidding them out with the Kawasaki Mule (that was a good investment/tool) and then having this large log deck on hand, then a year later, with the help from the bugs, I grabbed a bark spud (Ames 4.5" floor scraper) and in about 10 minutes, I had peeled a log, then another and another. It was settled, was using logs.
I want to build more log structures, maybe some simple shed roofs at some of the campsites?
I know I will be building a log swing set for my grandkids. I found all the hardware in kits.
I recon'd the 40 acres and spotted 4 more nice beetle kills, 2 recent, 2 from prior. I tagged them with special colored ribbon, I will save those when my sister comes up with me, she loves logging and skidding. I promised her, I would save them for her.
Drop them off to the log deck and let the bugs get to work on loosening that bark. 
I'm in this about $300 where it sets now, fasteners, concrete and steel for brackets. Will jump up when the roof part comes. I suspect my metal roofing is going to be like $1500 total, plus rafters and plywood decking, 30# felt...
# Posted: 26 Aug 2020 06:54pm
Looking good , I want to build a few log structures too. I also have a band saw mill to help me out if something needs cut.
# Posted: 5 Sep 2020 09:00pm
OK, get the sign for my log shelter. I have given it a name like all parks usually do. I will just call it the TR shelter for short.
I have also had an official branding iron made, will brand some wood around the area, in fact, brand lots of wood. Inside the cabin throughout the wall, some upside down etc, some sideways, make it look as if some scrap wood was used to patch together the inside and of course, the log uprights on the shtler at the entrance. Maybe a wooden sign on the gates with the brand burned into it. TR sign (be placed above entance)
|  Branding Iron
|  JJ Iron up close.
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# Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:43pm
OK, starting to plan my April trip to cabin for roof on log shelter. Lumber prices are high. I'm doing 2X6 rafters, 24" OC $10.21 for each 8 footer. Getting 26 of them. '4X8 plywood in the 19/32, this is closer to 5/8 because of the 24"OC, I opted for thicker plywood. Almost $37 a sheet. I will buy all the lumber near the cabin, I did price it using that Home Depot.
I haven't even priced the metal, but thinking its going to be ultra spendy too. I will purchase this locally and drag it over. This all needs to be ordered in advance. Taking measurements from my model. I want to finish it all in a single trip. Have a full week off. Plan on painting it too.
OK, still time for prices to drop a bit. Keeping fingers crossed.
# Posted: 27 Dec 2020 09:52pm
Crazy prices. Hope they come down in time for you.
# Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:05pm
Metal roofing doesn’t seem to be much higher then what it was. It used to be about $2.40 a ft. Recently bought some for $2.65 a ft.
# Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:15pm - Edited by: gcrank1
Ive spent much of this evening reading this whole thread (and sorta watching the G.B Packers game; its a WI thing....) Beautiful! Impressive! And youve given me some food for thought on fire awareness, county foresters, etc. Guess I'll have no shortage of projects come next year either, lol 
# Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:39am
gcrank, I have my DNR forrester for the area in my cell phone, we have become pals, same with the thinner guy. I had a dead douglas fir, beetle attack, never seen this before, was able to call him, got an answer, it was a fir engraver, so hopefully, no more fir tree losses.
I have 4 ponderosa beetle kills now still standing. I save those for when I got up with my sister, she loves dropping and skidding trees out, give the bugs a year to work the bark lose, roofing spud clears them off in minute, boom, more building material.
grank, just remember, gravel doesnt burn. This of blowing embers too, get a metal fin screen in front of gable vents to keep out blowing sparks. Just be 2 steps ahead of a fire if one does show up.
OK, plenty of time for stupid prices to drop, but I'm building it regardless. 
# Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:48am
Just came to mind as I read that, my 50gal 'pane cylinder is on that woods side, it is kinda the 'backside' for the way our place is situated. Probably the worse exposure for gas supply/storage....I still have to finalize my piping to permanent so this is the time to be thinkin on it.
# Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:17pm
Quoting: gcrank1 Just came to mind as I read that, my 50gal 'pane cylinder is on that woods side
gcrank, the hot ticket is the ASME tank, you actually bury them below grade, never need to be recertified and you have a riser and lid to gain access for filling etc.
Just cut trees back a ways. If you have a way, you can plumb under eaves and propane with a water supply line for a sprinkler system, metal roof is a no brainer.
Trees you do leave behind, cut all lower branches off, to the 10 foot mark, trees around my cabin are cut up to the 20 foot mark. I bought a Honda UMC35 powerhead and bought the pole saw attachment with an added extension, so I can tdo lots of trimming standing on the ground.
# Posted: 9 Jan 2021 05:02pm
Genuine USFS salt and pepper shakers to add to my cabin decor.
# Posted: 9 Jan 2021 05:36pm
Watch out, that USFS thing might become an obsession....
# Posted: 9 Jan 2021 06:36pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: gcrank1 Watch out, that USFS thing might become an obsession....
Too late. 
This is really a fun part of my entire project. Sure, building cabin and outbuildings, shelter etc is fun, but the decor, its endless.
I am always looking, searching. I just picked up a genuine USFS hatchett, needs new handle, its on its way. I have genuine USFS green paint to paint the axe head and with my 3/16 letter stamps, I will even put in U.S.F.S. on the handle. Sure, it will look like I stole it from them, but I know I didn't.
The whole adventure has taken on a life of its own now. My sister has really enjoyed coming over there, we do a bro/sis long weekend (this is the 3rd year now) and I am gathering her a genuine park ranger outfit. I just need the straw campaign hat and its done. 
# Posted: 9 Jan 2021 07:14pm
Some time ago I had a USFS wooden pack frame with hd canvas straps. Very basic, you just cargo-lash stuff to it. I sold it to a young chap wanting to do 'vintage camping'. Ive seen a couple on ebay, think it is something most are unaware of.
# Posted: 9 Jan 2021 07:34pm
I do have a USFS backback, this one dates to probably early 30's to 40's. It was WWI military surplus turned over to USFS, same exact one used by the army, but with the USFS logo on it.
Like first picture, but excellent clean condition and both leather straps perfect (they are usually broken) and has the USFS logo on it.
Now what I'd love to find is a USFS fire phone. Surplus backpack
|  phone box
|  phone box opened.
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# Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:05am
OK, considering selling my back 20 acres I bought in 2015. Getting closer to retirement and its just too much to maintain. I did have it commercially thinned for fire protection in spring of 2019. Plan is to keep the front 20 with cabin, campground, solar well etc.
# Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:40am
Surely you're considering what could be done by the new owner. I have a small, second, empty parcel with it's own street access. I could get good money for it (and stop paying the taxes) but it's close enough that I'd be watching and hearing them come and go, and depending on where they built, more.
# Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:21pm
I'm rolling it around. I have the deed, I do pay 185 a year for dues and I pay $32 a year in taxes.
I can combine the 2 lots making it one parcel and cutting my dues in half, instead of 185 for each, but 185 for the one. Paulz, you make good points.
# Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:16pm
Imo, that is too cheap a tariff not to keep unless you absolutely need the sell money to survive on. As my dad often said, "Its land, they dont make anymore". Up until he died at 84 he was still wanting to buy up adjoining property to his land as it came up. Id do the same here at home except the young family that owns the n and w of us lets us walk their woods and field so we get to enjoy it, know it isnt going to be developed and not have to own it. Kinda the same at our cabin 9ac., where the neighbors own n and w, except the 'walk on' we've not talked about. We may ask if they would cut loose a few acres to the north to add to ours. They were initially worried about who would buy what ended up with it being us, and for the reasons mentioned, ya just dont know what the neighbors will be like (atv racing All Day Long!?). If we owned double of what we do there would be no way Id split it up.
# Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:29pm
gcrank, yes, its not the cost, mostly maintenance. I have decided to keep it. I will concentrate my efforts on the front 20 and when time permits, work on the back. If I dont get to it, then so be it, goes to a more natural state. Maybe another commercial thinning in 10 to 15 years??
# Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:02am
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Now what I'd love to find is a USFS fire phone.
Was perusing Ebay.... FIRE PHONE pricey but looks nice.
# Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:18am - Edited by: silverwaterlady
Glad you decided to not sell. I’m sure more than one member has horror stories about having neighbors to close. The most recent is Shawn James. He has two channels on YouTube My Self Reliance and Shawn James. He built a log cabin and out buildings with hand tools. Years of hard work and must get out of there and start all over. The circumstances absolutely insane. Check out his website for more details. This for me a long time viewer, his family and friends is heartbreaking to watch. Though I am excited to watch Shawn build a new log cabin. I’m quite sure he learned a lot with the first one and this cabin will be even better suited for his wife and adult children when they visit. I have shopped Ebay for my cabin. For items that would take me forever to find. One tip. Read the sellers feedback. Make sure it’s close to 100%. Some sellers do not pack the items they sell security. I never had a problem. But they do exist.
Edited to include the link to Shawn James and why he’s moving. Members comments and thoughts? https://youtu.be/gGbxhM7fv0I
# Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:17pm
Quoting: Nobadays Was perusing Ebay.... FIRE PHONE pricey but looks nice.
Nobadays, I picked up a few items within the last 30 days, looking for more, looking at the 12" platter next. Spendy stuff, there is old time Debeers and the newer Coors china. Im not interested in original, but the newer Coors stuff works fine for me.
Got a salt and pepper shaker and a cream pitcher. I'm always looking.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2021 09:19pm
Ordered roofing metal today, have it in a week or two. Cost was about $1200, about the same price/cost for metal since I did the container. Little over a month out for the shelter roof project.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2021 09:53pm
At least the metal suppliers haven't figured out a reason/excuse to raise their prices just because wood costs are out of sight. 
# Posted: 6 Mar 2021 04:52pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
ICC, yes, they didnt get the covid squeeze customer memo, looks like prices are rock solid stable.
OK, my sister and I had started a brother/sis time there, first time was 2 yrs ago, this is our 3rd trip and she absolutely loved the place, the theme, playing ranger, doing forestry work, logging and skidding out timber. So it goes without saying, she needed an official uniform. I have a design already, so made her one. The colors of the shirt and pants are from the NPS (our theme is USFS and US NPS)
I did make her a US PARK one too, but told her, this is for private use only and legally cant wear it in public. There is a code on official govt uniforms, state, federal, local etc.
So copied the shirt, and instead of the badge which I cant get anyway, I put a volunteer patch in the same location.
Did buy her a new Stetson hat, they are the company that makes then for the park service and no badge on the hat, but I was able to locate a genuine USNPS leather hat band from ebay. So I have to. That comes off, but more for looks. She will wear the JJ green ball cap with her JJ uniform. sis.jpg
|  sispants.jpg
|  sisNPS.jpg
|  ranger_hat_USNPS.jpg
# Posted: 6 Mar 2021 04:57pm
More of the official hat ranger_hat1_USNPS.jp.jpg
|  ranger_hat2_USNPS.jp.jpg
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# Posted: 6 Mar 2021 06:33pm
The closest I have to FS or Parks garb are my Nomex yellow shirts and green pants. 
# Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:05pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
I got my sisters ranger gear all done, she has a copy of genuine USNPS, but that is not for public, more just for fun and private property, there is a law of impersonating officials, this a includes even a park ranger.
But I made her one unique for my park, used the same colors as the US NPS, USFS but everything else was different. Turned out real well. Ranger with campaign hat
|  Ranger with cap
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# Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:07pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
OK, project went seamless, except I normally go over later in April, going 2 weeks earlier meant snow in mt passes, night time temps at cabin were 15 degrees F and we had snow flurries while building, but nothing stuck. I have a buddy also dragging an enclosed trailer same size as mine and he hauled my metal roofing planks, I hauled the rest, plus all the construction tools, I took quite a bit not knowing what to expect. We stopped at the local Home Depot at the town closest to my cabin and picked up all the 4X4X8 rafters. I was toying 2X6 or 4X4, 4X4 was a bit more, not much, but would look better (timber framed look) easier to land a sheet of plywood on a 3.5" surface vs a 1.5" surface and way easier to anchor them down tot he ridge log and the purlins using 6" ledge lock screws, I used one on each and then also tied the 2 opposing together at the top plumb cut. I had to shim a few at the rafter tails and had to notch in a few to get all the rafter tails even, a small price to pay using irregular shaped logs.
Because I used 4X4's, I did not do any blocking, at the ridge or purlins.
We started construction Friday at around noon, was all done Sunday around 6PM.
Played and did other projects while I was there. Installed a new solar charge controller, way better than the one I had and also used an Alaska chain saw mill to slab a huge old snag I drug out from my back twenty, well over 200 years old and been dead for 50 years and seen fire at one time too. oldsnag.jpg
|  slabbing.jpg
|  chainsawmill.jpg
|  planks.jpg
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