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# Posted: 28 Mar 2010 01:23pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Ok, a few pictures. I sub contracted out the foundation. First picture is where I started from, foundation in place, lumber package delivered the day before. Foundation in place, lumber pkg delivered
|  Floor in, some framed walls in place
|  Installing rafters (2X6, 16" OC)
|  Rof in place, vapor barrier and sheating installing
# Posted: 28 Mar 2010 01:28pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
The dried in shell took 9 days to build, not including the porch. We ran into 3 quick lightning and rain storms which drenched everything. This set us back a few days. Should of been able to do it in 7 days instead of the 9 days. We did use compressed air for nailing. I made a trip back to finish the porch, steps and soffit over the porch area and collar ties in the attic. Along with some slight backfilling and hand grade work. Most backfilling was done with a locals tractor, I just did the finish work by hand with a rake and shovel.
I'm headed over again soon, adding wiring, insulation, woodstove and some interior sheating. Will add photos as I do the inside. Then small kitchenette. I have purchased a small camp trailer appliances, ie stove/oven and the small double basin stainless sink. Sheated below, now the gable ends
|  Bascial dried in shell, metal roof was subleted out. No porch yet
|  Metal roof in place, porch all built.
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# Posted: 28 Mar 2010 01:52pm
Wow that is very nice! Plans or a kit?
# Posted: 28 Mar 2010 06:54pm
wow, that looks great. where are you building? it looks lke a great sight.
# Posted: 19 May 2010 12:26am
Quoting: steveqvs Wow that is very nice! Plans or a kit?
Steve, plans I had purchased online
# Posted: 19 May 2010 12:29am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: larry wow, that looks great. where are you building? it looks lke a great sight.
Larry, I 'm north central Washington State. I'm up at about 3,500 feet in elevation amongst the Ponderosa Pines. Very close to a National Forest. More pictures. I have insulated and sheated the inside.
Its so well insulated and small, I can heat it with a candle. Insulation in place
|  additional plastic vapor barrier in place, sealed air tight
|  Sheated interior
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# Posted: 2 Oct 2010 11:36pm
Ok, painted the outside in Forest Service Brown. Trimmed out all the wiring. Stone mason doing the fireplace hearth and wall next. I will install flue and start more interior work in the spring. Pretty much done for this year. painted1.jpg
|  painted2.jpg
|  painted3.jpg
|  painted4.jpg
# Posted: 2 Oct 2010 11:38pm
Here are a few more pictures. The horseshoe over the door was the final touch. painted5.jpg
|  painted8.jpg
|  paintedporch.jpg
|  horseshoecloseup.jpg
Gary O
# Posted: 3 Oct 2010 09:38am
Great work t-tech Very professional Can't wait to see that fire place
Love the green metal roof. I'm giving it strong consideration for my next cabin. Any angst to installing?
Gary O
# Posted: 3 Oct 2010 12:26pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Thanks for the kind words Gary. This was my first time ever pulling a permit. I was nervous, didnt really know what to expect or what to do. It was much easier than I though. But I was also in a very freindly county too. Between planning dept and building dept, I was in there 20 minutes total. They did have to review my plans, ie snow load etc, and in 2 weeks, go the call to get my permit. I did sublet the concrete out, and the metal roof. I did everything else with the help of a buddy. As for the roof color, I had the color panels from the showroom and match as close as I could to the Ponderosa Pine foliage as I could, then the dark brown walls to keep it somewhat hidden. ;D
I will post up the stone work on the fireplace as soon as its done. Otherwise, no more work this year for me. We will have the snows showing up soon, coming and going. Around Dec 1st, it never leaves till around May, then melt off, usually all gone in April sometime.
# Posted: 3 Oct 2010 12:40pm
Here is a preview of the woodstove in its final corner minus the stone work and pipe. I just set it where I wanted it for the stone mason. I may ride over with him if he does it on a weekend. ANd I 'll add a picture of it lit up at night, power courtesy of a Honda EU2000i. That little generator has been a blessing. Without a doubt, the best purchase I have made in a long time. I liked it so much, bought the bigger Honda EU6500is, it has electric start and is just as quiet. But the little Honda has been so handy... Fireplace in its final resting spot, stone work next...
|  Power by Honda EU2000i
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# Posted: 3 Oct 2010 12:47pm
Quoting: Gary O Love the green metal roof. I'm giving it strong consideration for my next cabin. Any angst to installing? Gary O
Gary, I sub'd mine out, but after seeing it done, its a snap. You just need to measure the length and width to get the correct amount. Then they went along the bottom with the flashing, then the roof panels, then trimmed the gable ends with another trim, then capped it. I have a ridge vent in mine for additional ventilation. It has a screen to keep out bugs and some foam over the openings at the cap to keep out blowing snow. Its all screwed down with color matching screws. The screws go in the valleys on the roof. Screws are all lined up perfectly, they must of used a measurement because if one was off, it would be really noticeable looking at it from a distance, and they all look perfectly spaced.
Gary O
# Posted: 3 Oct 2010 03:15pm
Thanks t-tech. I'll talk it around some more, but pretty sure I'm going with metal. The next structure will not have a very steep roof, so I feel the need to help the snow slide off as much as possible.
S'pose I don't need to tell you to enjoy that sweet little cabin. Savor it all.
Gary O'
# Posted: 3 Oct 2010 05:27pm
Gary, I can hardly wait till the work is all done and I can go to just relax. Though, I'm sure I can fine some little detail to always add. :D
So far, its been a week long work week, truck loaded with all tools, food, 310 mile drive from my home to the cabin site, etc plus the many drives into town from the cabin which is a 50 mile round trip adventure in itself. Thank goodness the "town" build a Home Depot a few years back.
When they did my roof, they wanted the length from peak to peak (gable end to gable end) then they just wanted a measurement from the peak down to the end of the sheated area. We did this 4 times, ie all 4 corners. Then the roofing was ordered. They will then know how much end trim you need (where the roof sheating ends at the bottom) and the gable end caps (done the fascia on each gable ends, keeps wind and rain from getting under the roofing) then the cap, be is closed or vented. I remember the price being reasonable.
With metal roofing, the snow can tear off your gutters. I have no gutters on mine. Also your chimney can get torn off especially if its in the lower part, better chance of survival if its up closer to the peak. But there is options for that also. I will go with: http://www.metalroofsnowguards.com/Vent-amp-Chimney-Guard_p_21.html
Now with a metal roof, one would think it would be noisy, I cant hear rain at all. Quiet as a mouse. I do have attic space and insulation and ceiling, but I never hear the rain even before the insulation was in. I actually like hearing the rain though.
Gary O
# Posted: 3 Oct 2010 09:03pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech I can hardly wait till the work is all done
That will be when the dirt nap commences
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech With metal roofing, the snow can tear off your gutters. I have no gutters on mine. Also your chimney can get torn off especially if its in the lower part
Boy that's good info. I won't have gutters either, but trying to decide where to put the stove, thus the pipe.....
please take a peek at my thread 'Our Tiny Cabin Experience' and let me know your thoughts, as I've just added photos of a new design of the larger next cabin.
# Posted: 23 Oct 2010 10:44pm
Quoting: Gary O ...Can't wait to see that fire place...
Gary, its done. I did some horsetrading. We have a motocross race team and I overhauled 3 dirt bike engines on a guys kids bikes. We have become great friends and he is a stone mason by trade (owns his own business) and we got it done all today. We pull out of my driveway at 4:15AM this morning, drive time was reduce because little traffic. Got there, stopped into Home Depot, picked up some backer board and screws. Headed out to the cabin. Got there at 10AM. Was done and all cleaned up and pulling out by 2PM. Got home at exactly 7PM this eve. First time i have went there and back all in one day. 620 miles round trip. He drove, used his Duramax truck. Anyway, here is some pictures. The mortar between the stones will turn more of a light gray. Mortar is still green. I will trim the perimiter of the stone work. The top will be finished with a wooden mantle. All the walls upper corners wil be finished in 2X2 cedar. I'm beat. I have been up for almost 16 hours now. Should sleep good tonight.
Here is some pictures. The hearth I called and just bought. Its code and has the fire protection it needs. These range from 300-500 each. He was locating one for me, tells me he has a damaged one he would sell for 150 out the door. I said sold. It has a crack in the grout, only noticeable in you bent it. Once installed, laying flat, it disapeared. I told him its a rustic cabin and all that give it character. cabin_hearth_002.jpg
|  cabin_hearth_005.jpg
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# Posted: 23 Oct 2010 10:46pm
Stove i s a Fjord and I bought i t off of craigslist. Its a little trashburner style. Got it late last year. Its small, and the cabin is so well insulated, its going to run my out of there easily.
# Posted: 23 Oct 2010 11:38pm
Nice looking work.
Gary O
# Posted: 24 Oct 2010 12:49pm - Edited by: Gary O
Sweet! You got 'er done, t-tech! I've seen a lot of hearth set ups in cabins, and a lot of them look like after thoughts. Not this one. Everything you do to the cabin, you'll be looking at for a long time. That's the reward or the penalty....... Your's is the reward.
Gary O'
# Posted: 6 Nov 2010 09:03am
I have always liked that color combination -- Forest Service Brown with the green metal roof. It reminds me of the state parks I visited so often as a kid. Really nice work on the cabin. Can you tell me who makes the Forest Service Brown? Do you have the paint code for it? I web search on this got me nowhere. Thanks.
# Posted: 7 Nov 2010 12:55am
I had it custom mixed. I have the paint spec tag on the can. I can take a picture of it and post it here if you like. You can take it to Home Depot and they can mix you up the exact color. I had it custom mixed from a picture I had taken just for the reason of duplicating that color. I have always liked National Parks and National Forest, so I went with the same color paint. You should see my driveway sign, I replicated the trapezoid shape also and the color scheme. Here is a picture of my driveway sign. I smudge it slightly to retain some of my privacy, but you can get the idea.
# Posted: 13 Nov 2010 08:32am
Nice driveway sign. It's a very beautiful place you have there. You have taken such nice pictures of the painted cabin in different light -- I think the color is ideal. If you wouldn't mind posting a picture of the color code, I would really appreciate it.
I have purchased land and plan to start my own cabin next spring. I am currently looking for a local supplier of rough sawn lumber. I am going to do vertical board-and-batten siding and I think your color would look great. Thanks.
# Posted: 13 Nov 2010 08:55am
Quoting: Anonymous I think the color is ideal. If you wouldn't mind posting a picture of the color code, I would really appreciate it.
Anonymous, you bet. I will post it this weekend. Another member was asking also. I have to work Sat, then motocross race Sunday. I will post it Sunday late afternoon/evening.
# Posted: 14 Nov 2010 07:45pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
OK, for those who have requested the "Forest Service Brown" paint code, this is the tag to get it. (see photo) I used satin finish (dont like flat, dont like glossy) so this was perfect. But you can get any finish you like. I used Behr. But the color code, I suspect you can get it in any brand you like. I always use water base laytex. Just for ease of cleaning. If any of you use this color, post a picture of your painted project. My main reason was twofold. I liked the color of "Forest Service" and National Park bldgs, and it help to conceal my place. The fresh bright wood made it stand out. Now you dont even notice its there. Forest Service Brown "paint mix code"
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# Posted: 8 Jan 2012 09:03pm
Hey Toyota, I love your place. I'm new to the forum. What brand of siding did you use. I found some "certainteed" brand on craigslist that looks like yours and was just curious what you had and how you like it. thanks Matt
# Posted: 8 Jan 2012 11:32pm
Quoting: tcmatt Hey Toyota, I love your place. I'm new to the forum. What brand of siding did you use. I found some "certainteed" brand on craigslist that looks like yours and was just curious what you had and how you like it. thanks Matt
Thanks Matt for the kind words. I got it from a local lumber supply place near my cabin. It is 5/8" thick, its real plywood, rough cut finish on the outside. Its not that fiber, chip board or OSB stuff, its real plys of wood with a veneer outer surface. Its T1-11 on 8" It was spendy. I think at the time, like $35 a sheet.
# Posted: 9 Jan 2012 01:04am
Awesome! Hope to see some finished pics.. both interior and exterior
# Posted: 9 Jan 2012 09:07am
OK, I did post them, probably in another thread. I suppose i should of kept them in this thread on my project. I'm headed back in April for hardwood floors, then I will be technically done (not sure what I will do now, ie bored...) Kitchen
|  Kitchen
|  Kitchen
|  Dine counter
# Posted: 9 Jan 2012 09:09am
Few more pixs main.jpg
|  stove.jpg
|  tv.jpg
|  Bunkroom (bunks left, ie 3, pantry shelves right
# Posted: 9 Jan 2012 09:11am
My outlet and switch covers varies, ie bears, moose, pine cone etc. My Cabelas outlet and switch covers
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