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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / I'm looking for some help finding plans.......
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# Posted: 27 Jan 2014 07:38am

I'm hoping someone can help me find some plans for the cabin in the attached picture. I found this on one of the forums here at Small Cabin and saved it but I have not been able to find it again and cannot seem to find any plans to support it. The design is simple and exactly what I need.
I have a very small parcel of land in a very popular cottage area outside our city. Its been in our family for almost 100 years. The original cottage had deteriorated to the point where we removed it several years ago and now have a 30 ft trailer on site. To me its the perfect piece of property with a small pond directly in front of the land with a larger lake within 100 ft. I have the usual toys, a boat, quad and utv, skidoo which I haul back and forth as needed but it's difficult and I'd like to be able to keep it on site. This structure was perfect. The land is not large enough for a septic and so I have to use a compost toilet. The layout of this structure to me was ideal as the portion on the rear (lower) I could use as a garage/storage; it could house the bottom portion of the compost toilet while the front could be the open kitchen/living area and the top rear could accommodate the bedrooms and a bathroom. I have learned they call this a shed style roof, actually learned that only this weekend. Anyways the plans are what I'm after and was hoping someone could help.
cabin design
cabin design

# Posted: 27 Jan 2014 10:53am

Perhaps this: Shaque du Bois
Or this: Finally got started...

# Posted: 27 Jan 2014 11:59am

These plans are similar, and inexpensive..... ..

# Posted: 27 Jan 2014 12:18pm

Many thanks CabinBuilder and VT weekender.. I'm going to write town and country plans to see if they can do a more specific set of drawing for me.

Guys I really appreciate your help here!


# Posted: 28 Jan 2014 05:52pm

This would be close:

Just narrow it up to match. I adjsusted minebefore submitting for permitting, just used some white out etc. Worked great. This way, basically structure is right and safe.

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