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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / Need advice on colors
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# Posted: 11 Dec 2013 04:31pm

I am about to order metal roofing and siding and I am looking for advice on colors. I want to keep it fairly neutral so it doesn't stand out (from ground or air). I am using Westman Steel 936 Cladding which comes in 30 different colors. I am thinking green roof and brown sides, but I am open to suggestions.

Here is a link to the cabin details (the eves will be trimmed to 12" overhang).

Colors available:

# Posted: 11 Dec 2013 05:25pm

The darker the roof the more it will heat up and expand and contract, even in the far north. Are you advised by the manufacturer to install the product on furring strips to provide a ventilation path underneath? If so that will allow some of the heat to disipate rather than letting it come through the roof and walls. White tends to be too stark a color for a roof, so I would go for a light green roof and tan walls if you want to stay with those tones.

# Posted: 11 Dec 2013 06:05pm

get out the spray cans boys. camo time.


you fish for the jacks. why not medium green walls and stone grey roof. goes with the tundra/shield colours and keeps the roof cool.

For myself, it'd be the slate blue for the walls. going by the colour of the lake from the photos you've posted.

the ventilation path roof is a really good idea. not as worrysome for your climate. but. put a layer of 1" tinfoil polyiso foam under the metal roof. add purlins/furring strips. and then the metal. tremendous heat control.

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