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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / Weasel Creek
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# Posted: 7 Dec 2013 11:21pm - Edited by: kimtodd

Just purchased 60 acres of bush with 2 ponds and a creek which winds through the property. Place is 1 hour from my door in the city and I'm in heaven Can't wait to start building - calling the place Weasel Creek.

Any advice would be appreciated !!!!

# Posted: 7 Dec 2013 11:44pm

Saturday Nov 30 2013

# Posted: 8 Dec 2013 12:44am

that's a lot of the name.weasel creek.cant really give advice cause I don't know your situation but I welcome u and cant wait to hear more.good luck.

old old buddy
# Posted: 8 Dec 2013 07:33am

Welcome to the forum! From the looks of your photo, most of your land is fairly level,Yes? I don't know where you're located but it has to be north of Ohio....with that much snow

We have 65 acres, most of which is a very large hill and we're within 10 minutes of our home. It's pretty handy when you forget something really important!

Are you planning on starting construction in the spring? There is a lot of good info on here and a lot of people that have built some beautiful getaways. Again, welcome and keep us updated!

Old Old Buddy

# Posted: 9 Dec 2013 06:48am

Welcome to the forum! Looks like you have a great building site congratulations. Like you my place is a good distance from the house so the advice I have for you is to make lists of things you need to take with you and pack the day before you leave to go to the cabin. That way its less stress and you can think about something you may have forgotten. Last but most important is to purchase a good "blow out" first aid kit and know what is in it and how to use it. We had a chainsaw accident this year that could have been deadly if it wasn't for my training and the fact that we had a blow out kit. Third bit of advice enjoy it. My 21 year old told me that "this is the best thing you have ever did buying this place. That is what its all about. Cheers Sarg68

# Posted: 9 Dec 2013 08:53am

Congratulations! I'm sure it will be a source of great enjoyment for years to come.

Not sure what you are looking for with advice, so here's a few questions:

-Where, generally, are you located?
-Do you want to put in a septic?
-Are you near power or off grid?
-How do you plan to supply water?
-Do you want a small cabin to just stay in for a week or something to eventually live in?

Lots of people on this forum with experience in all those topics.

Got pictures of weasels?

# Posted: 9 Dec 2013 12:54pm

Welcome to the forum kimtodd. I look forward to watching your adventures as they unfold. Best of luck!!

# Posted: 13 Dec 2013 10:38pm

Hello - off grid and will be a retreat - a few years until retirement and then who knows outhouse and water carried in. Climate here goes from plus 30c to minus 30c . Going to be solar with a backup generator. Wood heat .

# Posted: 27 Dec 2013 10:33am

Google map of Weasel Creek - "push pin" for cabin is real but cabin is not yet haha.
weasel creek
weasel creek

# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 11:36am

Looks like great potential for a nice little getaway.

Good luck with your planning and build.


# Posted: 16 Mar 2014 01:40pm

Update - application for building permit and application for development permit sent in to RM. Now to wait for approval. Ministry of Health approved Out House. Sask Watershed Authority says we don't need a permit for the culvert to gain access across the creek. Estimate approved for materials. Waiting for snow to melt. C'mon Spring !!!!!!!!

# Posted: 18 Apr 2014 02:59pm - Edited by: kimtodd

Weasel Creek News - Development Permit Approved! Thanks Admin Sheri. Building Permit should be approved and in the mail next week. There was no need to go the RM meeting. There was no need for RM Council to approve as it was not a hospital, hog barn or any sort of business. It is only a Cabin hahahahaha. Thank goodness the Admin came back from maternity leave when she did or we would be in limbo forever. No if it would only stop SNOWING

# Posted: 27 Apr 2014 07:01pm - Edited by: kimtodd

We were able to walk in this trip. Creek is running high and very fast tho. Had my camera ready in case one of my friends decided to go swimming lol. Saw 2 rabbits (turning brown already), grouse, squirrels, lots of birds and tons of deer and moose tracks and poop piles. Small fish are visible near the edges of the beaver ponds. We didn't see the weasel but I bet He saw us
weasel creek
weasel creek
weasel creek
weasel creek

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