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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / Cabin north of 60
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# Posted: 28 Dec 2013 11:26pm

Why would he put all that time, work and love into the place to not be there?!? Lol! Love the pictures and the explanation of all you are doing. Please keep them coming!

The Northern Lights...amazing!

# Posted: 4 Jan 2014 12:55pm

Very nice location and will be a great place for the kiddos to roam.

# Posted: 13 Jan 2014 10:14pm - Edited by: SubArcticGuy

Made another trip out yesterday. I have been fretting for nearly a year about how to get the windows out without breaking them, especially the front window that is 9'3"x49". I was successful....of all the windows only 1 pane was broken...and that was when the bush pilot moved my truck to load a couple of the small windows into the plane.

It was -25°C yesterday with a bit of a wind. (BTW, you can type a ° by holding down the ALT key and typing 0176 on the keypad). It was manageable but I was underdressed and got quite chilled by the end of the day. Without insulation the woodstove doesn't do much to add heat to the place. I started stuffing the eaves with insulation and it helped a bit....but getting some walls insulated in the next priority. I also ordered the metal for the roof today too!

It is supposed to be very warm this week. I may have to take a day off work and try and get that front wall closed in.
One load
One load
Last Window!
Last Window!
Cold cabin
Cold cabin
high sun
high sun

# Posted: 13 Jan 2014 10:57pm

Quoting: SubArcticGuy
(BTW, you can type a ° by holding down the ALT key and typing 0176 on the keypad)

Shift+Option+8 on a Mac
Some of the most beautiful places on Earth I see here.

# Posted: 4 Feb 2014 01:43pm

I got out for another day on Sunday...a couple of friends came along for the ride and helped a lot of the walls insulated...the metal roof hauled out and some more framing done. Next time it will probably be time to pull down the poly and try and get that front wall closed in. Maybe even put in a real door.

I am still trying to figure out what to do for interior finish. I would love to do t&g pine over the whole thing but it would probably be too pricy. Good one side plywood is another option (stained/varnished in a natural wood finish)....but I am also going to look for paneling options later today too. I am also thinking about converting the loft into a full upper floor with a hatch. That might make it easier to control the heat up there and help the main floor heat up faster in the winter.

Any thoughts?

# Posted: 4 Feb 2014 05:24pm

What about doing maybe one focus wall in T&G pine. Would not be as expensive as all walls. I would do some looking at images for ideas. Google, Bing, Pinterest, etc. are all good places to just scroll through looking at images for ideas. As for the loft, having more room is always better in my mind, especially in a small cabin.

# Posted: 18 Feb 2014 03:17pm - Edited by: SubArcticGuy

Here are a few photos a buddy took yesterday while we were working on the cabin...about another 900 lbs hauled out....door installed and front wall closed in.

Cabin Photos

I have decided I will definitely be closing up the loft and putting in a hatch (two hatches for a steep staircase and another smaller one above the woodstove (to allow heat up and to check on the woodstove). I will probably use strong magnets on the hatch panels to allow them to stick to the sloped ceiling when left open.

Next trip out I should have a few windows in. I ran into an issue this time...took off the top piece of stovepipe (above the roof line) and knocked all the snow off the roof. When I lit the fire all the smoke was dumping into the cabin. I didn't realize that the stovepipe had filled and packed full of snow. We had to pull the pipe apart, clear the snow and reassembly while the stove was smouldering....lesson learned for next time.

# Posted: 6 Mar 2014 03:06pm

Awesome story-build and pics.Looks like an amazing place to escape to.Been fortunate to have spent a good bit of time in some backcountry places here in the U.S. and your place looks AWESOME.Keep up the good work!!

# Posted: 17 Mar 2014 04:31am

We covered the top of our stairwell when we left on a short trip this winter, so that all the heat would stay on the lower level, and hopefully keep pipes from freezing. Fortunately temps stayed nice, and downstairs held all the heat.

We did some of our walls in sheetrock and paint to offset the (testosterone) t&g. It worked out nicely. Even my husband liked the look and is glad we didn't go all wood.

# Posted: 17 Mar 2014 11:20pm - Edited by: SubArcticGuy

Spent a night at the cabin this weekend...thankfully a couple of extra bodies showed up to visit and we managed to get the big bay window in. All the windows are in now, the next big step is getting the roof on. I did manage to get temporary supports on the front beams that will hold the trusses for the overhanging roof. The eventual plan is to have natural logs for the vertical posts and then build a small deck on the front.

My buddy had a great idea of building a small deck up above as well and then screening it in so that on nice nights you could just climb through the upstairs window and sleep out there....I think it is a definite must do.

I also found a used wood stove in town. It is a small Drolet...much better than the big stove I was working on. I am really looking forward to getting a real chimney in there...the airtight and single-wall stovepipe through the studs gets hot and makes me nervous....We let the fire burn out before going to sleep....still couldn't even see our breath in the morning...imagine when the window seems are insulated and the vapor barrier is on!

Coming home was an adventure...we decided to come back via a different route which included an unbroken trail that was 9km of deep snow. I quickly realized I had to drop my sleigh due to the deep wet snow...we opened the trail and then had to go back for the sleigh...the trail that is supposed to be 7 km shorter turned into 27 km longer. My tank was showing empty while on the way back to get the reserve amount must be huge.

# Posted: 2 Apr 2014 12:57am - Edited by: SubArcticGuy

I spent another 3 nights out there this past weekend. We got the rest of the roof trusses up and got the tin on one side. Of course I booked off the entire week to go to the cabin because it is spring and should be nice warm working weather. It was windy and below -30°C on the day we put up the tin. It made for a harsh day...but the one time I hit my finger with the hammer I didn't feel it until my hand warmed up .

The 12:12 pitch also made it interesting to get the last piece of tin on....I rigged a rope harness and had a buddy belay me down from the peak screwing as I actually worked quite well, but I did build a roofing ladder for the other side.

I also rearranged the inside and put the opening in to the upstairs in a back corner. That freed up quite a bit of space. I am looking at building some offset stairs to go up there. I also found a nice small wood stove (a used Drolet). I cleaned it up and repainted it and then promptly put a knee through the glass while tying the door into the sleigh....very angry! My own fault though....$150 later for a 9" square of glass!

I am finally going to be getting the family out there this coming weekend for 3 nights (kids are 5 and 6 so I have been holding out for warmer weather to get them out there). Hopefully they catch some fish and have a good time....otherwise I might not see them much while they grow up because I plan on living out there every chance I get .

# Posted: 13 Apr 2014 10:25pm
Reply is April 13th and barring a good snowfall I think I am done for the season. I shut the camp down and put up the bear boards. Shouldn't get back there now until summer. I managed to get the roof on, but barely had enough screws..thankfully I counted partway through the day and realized I had to cut back. The trail is getting icy....melted the sliders a bit on the way out on Friday but I put bolts through the skis on the way home and it help quite a bit (scrapes the snow up).

Roof is on, new chimney is in. I also have a load of materials out there so I can do some more work this summer while I am there, though now that it is closed in the pace can slow down a bit and I can enjoy my time a little more. Not bad for 2 seasons work though. I sometimes forget that I just started shoveling snow out of here last January!
King of my domain
King of my domain
Fire Pit
Fire Pit
Heading home
Heading home

# Posted: 17 Apr 2014 09:13pm

I admire what you are doing, that's hard work just getting there let alone building.....good job!

# Posted: 9 Nov 2014 09:17am - Edited by: SubArcticGuy

Well, I figure it is time for another update. We made it through an epic forest fire season. I have done a pile of fire abatement work and more will be done this winter. We made it out to the cabin once in the summer and again in the fall for a hunt. Outhouse was put in, the insulation inside was mostly closed off and a lot of paneling done on the inside. I am very happy with the decision to close off the loft and turn it into a complete seems to be controlling the heat much better. I will have a better sense this winter when the wood stove is going good.

We had 3 moose come into camp this fall....I went outside at 5:30am and noticed the sound of "a LOT of ducks" in the bay just beside the cabin...went back to bed for an hour and then came back out to try calling for a moose...they heard me close the cabin door and were already heading off when I realized how big the "ducks" really were! Took the bull and left the cow and calf for future generations.

There is a lot of ice coming down the big river now...hopefully a few more weeks and it will be frozen. I am firing up the ski-doo today to go install culverts on some ski-trails....I guess winter is here!
The big river separates me from the cabin (and about 20 km of bog).
The big river separates me from the cabin (and about 20 km of bog).
Fire abatement behind the cabin...I am building a helipad too.
Fire abatement behind the cabin...I am building a helipad too.
The inside is coming along.
The inside is coming along.

# Posted: 11 Nov 2014 05:24am

wonderful pics.wonderful progress.great cabin.good job!

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