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# Posted: 3 Nov 2013 01:32pm - Edited by: gersus
Hi! This site is great and has been a great help already in our journey. Thank you to all who have contributed. The short story of how we ended up here is my family loves the river and the country so we decided to buy/build a little place on or by a river. We live in central Missouri. We really wanted a riverfront property but those are hard to come by around here without buying a large tract of land for several hundred thousand dollars. Either that or they are way overpriced or there is problems. We have been looking and trying to decide what exactly we want for a couple months now. We have decided to buy land and build a little cabin. There isn't even much of that around here either but we have located a couple properties. The main property we are looking at is 18 acres 30 miles north of us. It's all wooded, somewhat hilly with a flat area on top of the hill for a building site. It isn't riverfront but it's part of an old subdivision from the 70's that never did develop so there's only two other people who live there. River access is down a little road about 1/4 mile from the property. The woods is mostly nice mature, tall trees. We went in to our realtors office to make an offer and we need to work out some details before signing anything. Currently the property corners aren't marked (I don't think the sellers realtor actually knows where the corners are) and we want to be sure the river access is deeded. The sellers realtor thinks we're being picky... We hope we get the property, we're super excited! Anyway, we're super excited to begin this journey. We've been reading a ton on here and looking up cabin plans and such. There are so many options! We considered taking out extra money to build but presently we're thinking of just buying the property and saving up for a cabin, that way we can build it ourselves. Will build a road soon and begin clearing out the small stuff this winter. Probably camp there next year and enjoy the river. We don't want a permanent residence, just a getaway.
Thanks againg, love seeing all the pictures and reading the stories!
# Posted: 3 Nov 2013 02:32pm
Welcome to the forum and best of luck with your new adventure! 
# Posted: 3 Nov 2013 02:35pm
Good luck. It's exciting looking at land.
And no, you are not being picky asking a lot of questions before you buy. You are, however, making more work for the agents. I feel so sorry for them, if you know what I mean.
# Posted: 3 Nov 2013 04:04pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
I hope you have also done some research on the permit process. Are you going to be allowed to build the cabin you want on this property?
Edit: I would be wary of a agent that is thinking you are being to inquisitive. It would make me think they are hiding something.
# Posted: 3 Nov 2013 07:21pm
lol, yeah... more work for them.... I think he just doesn't want to do the paperwork than hiding something. Ya never know though, if he is, we'll find it.
# Posted: 3 Nov 2013 08:03pm
He says you are being picky? Tell him if he'll buy the land for you, you will be alot less picky.
BE PICKY! We probably looked at 20 or more parcels before we chose the one we have now. I ran one agent all over north Arkansas looking at places. He was cool with it and in the end, I wish we could have bought from him but he just didn't have "the one."
We figured we would live, either full time or part time, on the land we bought for at least the next 30 years or so. Given that, we wanted what we wanted and nothing less.
Enjoy the ride!
# Posted: 3 Nov 2013 08:45pm
Yes, welcome and good luck on your journey, we'll look forward to seeing the pictures from your project...
# Posted: 3 Nov 2013 09:42pm
Silverwaterlady, no permits needed here. I can't imagine needing a permit to do anything in a rural area. Even in the small town where we live there is not many permits needed. 
# Posted: 3 Nov 2013 09:57pm
Welcome to the site. We are on a similar journey. We live the NE mo. but are working on our property in the Ozarks.
Lots or parcels for sale, be picky and find what you want.
# Posted: 4 Nov 2013 12:24pm
Quoting: gersus I can't imagine needing a permit to do anything in a rural area. Even in the small town where we live there is not many permits needed.
You are very lucky. We live in a fairly remote area of BC and need permits for everything it seems. They even send out an inspection truck every couple of weeks just to drive around looking for people who didn't get permits. We often have people move out here assuming no permits are needed but then are shocked when they get a stop work sign slapped on their building. When anyone here is in the building process, the inspectors come on a regular basis to watch over their shoulders to see what they are doing. Quite annoying!!
Keep us posted as you progress with your exciting adventure!!!
# Posted: 4 Nov 2013 06:49pm
Nothing better than owning some land and putting up a cabin. Enjoy your Journey, Be picky after all you are buying it. We had to have them mark the property lines as like you it was a development that went south in the 80's. We lucked out to get 3 1/2 lots that made a total of almost 3 acres. And both owners on either side thought they had more land than they actually had. All nice and legal so there was no problems with them in the end. Not sure that would have been the case if we had not had it survyed.
Have fun.
# Posted: 4 Nov 2013 07:02pm
Hattie, what an easy job driving around looking for people without permits lol.
Purplerules - Exactly. I can't imagine buying a property without having the boundaries identified by someone who knows what they're doing.
Here's the update - sellers realtor seems a bit shady. Can't get anything out of him. My realtor is trying to work around him to obtain info. She's going thru the courthouse and a title company. Most of the issue is making sure we have access to the river. If it doesn't shape up soon we'll move on. 
# Posted: 7 Nov 2013 08:36am
We also don't need any permits where we are. I was told we can do anything we want!
Our family has tent camped all over the US and MO has always been one of our favorite places to be. Paddy Creek state park ( SW ) is our top fave.
Good luck!
# Posted: 7 Nov 2013 10:30am
I've really enjoyed reading on this forum. The info has been amazing and made me realize I want to live the cabin life even more than I thought. Initially we were looking for a property with a cabin already on it. I'm very glad we've changed our minds to building our own. Like other things in life, I enjoy the experience as much or more than the end product.
# Posted: 21 Nov 2013 09:42am
It has been two weeks and no real progress. My realtor finally got the sellers realtor to look into getting the easement issue looked at. He swears there is an easement to the river but if it isn't in writing we're not interested. I even went out to the property to talk to the neighbors about the easement but they were never home, three times! Guess that means there wouldn't be much traffic if we do purchase it lol. I figured if there was an easement dispute or lack of easement they would let me know right up front haha. We're supposed to be hearing something from the title company/attorney but who knows... that was supposed to happen Monday...
# Posted: 21 Nov 2013 12:21pm
If the easement isn't in writing, it doesn't exist. It doesn't matter what anyone will tell you. You need that piece of paper to prove it.
An old timer (now passed) up here had been using "his" road to get to his house for decades. He maintained the road year round. One day a real estate agent came to him and said he was selling some of the land that was at the beginning of the road. He told the old timer that when the land was sold, he wouldn't be able to use the road anymore because he didn't have an easement on it. The poor guy tore his cabin apart trying to find a piece of paper that gave him an easement but to no avail. Without road access he couldn't get to his house!!
He was our dear friend so we went to the company that owned and was selling the land at the beginning of the road (we decided to bypass the real estate agent). We sat down with the big boss and told him he needed to get an easement for our friend. Luckily he was very sympathetic and did just that.
Our friend came over one day with tears in his eyes saying that just out of the blue the company decided to give him an easement and he now had the paperwork. We never did tell him we had talked with the company to get that easement for him. 
Make sure you have all the paperwork you need before you sign on the dotted line. It will save you headaches in the future!
# Posted: 21 Nov 2013 12:35pm
That's awesome hattie!
# Posted: 23 Nov 2013 05:29pm
Lesson we learned, w/o any financial pain: find the corners of your lot before you sign. We had eyes on a lot with quite a bit of slope. Turned out the road easement went well down the undeveloped slope, so our building options would have been problematic. And the view would have been much less than at road level. The realtor was a little surprised at the locations, too -- he was working off of flagging along the road.
# Posted: 26 Nov 2013 06:00pm
UPDATE: According to an attorney who is familiar with the property looked over the paperwork and told my realtor that there is no guarantee we would have access to the river. We would only have access to the river if the people who live there let us.... We are really bummed, we really liked the property.
# Posted: 27 Nov 2013 08:57pm
Friday we're going to look at another property! 17 acres all wooded, riverfront with DEEDED river access. Why would there need to be river access if it's riverfront? Because it's mostly bluff along the river. Access is basically along one boundary down to a flat nice area shared by one other property. So, probably an awesome view, out of the floodplain, and river access to boot. the bad part about this property is that it's an hour away where the other property is half that. I know that nothing to some of you but we're wanting a property to use A LOT not just a couple times a year. The other bad part is this new property is listed at $61,900 where the other property is $39,000 for the same acreage. We'll see how it goes, the wife still likes the other property even with no documented river access.
# Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:30am
We went and looked at the new property yesterday with the sellers realtor. It was a really nice sunny but crisp day. The property is 45 min of interstate and 10-15min of gravel road. Are all realtors slow drivers??? I found out why the realtor wanted to go with us as opposed to just us driving out there. I would've never found it! You go out a gravel road for awhile then it's like you're driving across someone's farm, past two houses and you're there. The property is 17 acres all wooded and triangle in shape with driveway on one side, bluff on the longest side and woods that join the neighbor house on the other side. River access is along side the neighbors yard down a steep hill to a really nice flat picnic type area. The property has been logged about 20+ years ago. Nice mature big trees near and on the bluff where they couldn't get to to cut. Otherwise it's brushy with scattered smallish trees. The good about this property: In my opinion it defines the small cabin experience with the amazing view and seclusion. Very little road expense since it has road already the length of the property. Potentially easier to clear versus other properties. Definite seclusion, no one should be out there that isn't supposed to be there. Secure location due to very secluded setting but has the full time neighbor to watch over things. Good road to the property. Nearby property owners have done a good job of maintaining the road. Deeded river access. Very little river traffic. This location is way up river so no boaters. A few canoers but this is not a heavy canoe rental area like a lot of the rivers around here. The sellers realtor was awesome unlike some other realtors we've dealt with... Did I mention an awesome river valley view?!
The bad aspects of this property:
THE DRIVE. 1 hour is pushing it for us. Would love to have a place 30 min away. At least it's mostly interstate though.
Price. It's 21,900 more than the other property and pushing what we want to spend. BUT I mentioned that to the sellers realtor and without coming out and directly saying it he said the owner was very motivated and to not be shy about throwing out an offer. He made that VERY clear.
The woods. Scrubby immature trees. It would be plenty ok though.
My wife and I are torn about what to do. If it weren't for the drive we'd for sure place an offer on this property.
Thanks for reading my long winded post!
# Posted: 30 Nov 2013 11:42am
Here are pics of the road that goes along the property and a view overlooking the river.
# Posted: 2 Dec 2013 04:05pm
We just placed an offer on the property we looked at on Friday!!!! Fingers crossed!
# Posted: 4 Dec 2013 03:42pm
We have a contract!!!
After a bit of back and forth we sealed the deal. 
Listed at $61,900, contract price of $50,000. Now on to the loan, paperwork stuff...
# Posted: 4 Dec 2013 04:13pm
Congrats ,best of luck with the bank ,cant go wrong with land..
# Posted: 4 Dec 2013 04:28pm
I used to drive an hour just to get to work every day. If you can drive an hour and be at your new land and cabin I'd say "congratulations". 
# Posted: 4 Dec 2013 06:21pm
Thanks! Can't wait to take my son out there and start clearing brush!
# Posted: 12 Dec 2013 09:54am
So far so good. Talked to our banker and everything is going well.
We're getting excited about the property! Closing is a month away though so I'm not getting toooo excited yet.
Our plan is to save up until we can build our cabin. So hopefully 2-5 years from now. I sure hope it happens. I see too many people buy properties with that intention that never happen. The lady that owns this piece of property did just that.
Anyway, in the meantime, we want to tent camp. Some friends of our have a spot in a campground of sorts and they have one of those metal carports that comes in real handy. I'm thinking of putting up one of those, one with vertical oriented metal so I can harvest rain water. We'd like to have a sink and a shower. Will probably do a composting outhouse. I think I'll buy one or two of the harbor freight solar kits and a decent controller to power the pump and some lights. Will need to clear the under brush and build a driveway first though. Can't wait!!! Also thinking about building a temporary platform to put the tent on since we'll probably be there a lot.
Sound good?
# Posted: 12 Dec 2013 04:51pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
First I would just set up a regular tent until you find the perfect spot. We did that and camped at three different spots on our property until we found the perfect spot(25 years of camping until we built our cabin)This really helps with cabin placement.
Than I would build a platform for the tent. You could use the platform after you build your cabin as the deck. I would also build the outhouse ASAP, if it is allowed.
Edited to add: building a outdoor shower is also a good idea. Going to bed without one after working on the property is not fun. I had the lake as my bathtub and even in summer it was cold!
# Posted: 12 Dec 2013 05:15pm
Good idea silverwaterlady! Yeah, outhouse will be built pretty quick so my wife will be happy ;) A shower is also in the plans with the rain water.
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