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# Posted: 24 Oct 2013 12:49pm
Hello, my name is Jason, I have had this dream since I was a kid. A cozy little cabin out in the woods. I married a real fine woman and we had a little boy, we were so happy together, but a couple of years ago she passed suddenly. I have not really been the same since. My little boy is a very special young man, smart as a tack and a personality everyone falls in love with. We are currently on our own and have decided this would be a fun thing to pursue!! I am looking at the Derskin sheds that are around here for rent/sale. I love a couple of the designs, and am wanting this to be the basis of our dream. I have questions about a few things though, and I am not navigating around the site as well as I would like. I really would like your thoughts and ideas to think about, because I thought I had figured out once, but I was floored when I seen a simple idea that was probably going to work even better.
# Posted: 24 Oct 2013 01:07pm
Welcome backwoodzboy
Things you'll need to consider-
What kind of septic disposal will you have? Are permits required for your cabin in your county? Fresh water source? Hot water source? Is electric close by? If not, do you want it? Do you want to heat the cabin?
The Derskens look interesting. Some appear to be cabins for habitation, rather than just storage sheds. I wonder if they can be permitted as habitable structures, that is, if you plan to follow the permit route at all.
# Posted: 24 Oct 2013 02:30pm
We too are going with a shed that turns into a cabin that the Amish build.
We have just bought the land and are in the process of putting in a driveway and leveling off the site location.
We are building and using a sawdust outhouse. Our town requires a permit on any shed over a certain amount of square footage, which I know we will be over. We are going to use rain barrels, and put in a pond. We don't know about heat yet. Probably a wood stove because that's what we use in our main home now. We do not ever want electric.
A 12x24 shed that is 288 sq. ft costs $4,320 and we will finish the inside ourselves.
old old buddy
# Posted: 24 Oct 2013 08:38pm
Welcome to the forum! If you look over enough of these sites and read about how they started out and where they went from there...you'll have some kind of idea what YOU want.
There are some absolutely beautiful cabins on here but ours isn't one of them
Because we're in the woods on top of a huge hill and we have to put a large chain up, it obviously is not insurable. Therefore....we can't afford to put as much money into it as I would like. Ours is a basic structure, no running water, no power but it is a fabulous place to spend time in the summer or winter Generally....if we're staying overnight with the grandson or grandkids.....we always take the generator for lots of lighting inside. (I wired the cabin and left a pig-tail hang out underneath the cabin and plug it into the generator).
Believe me....you'll figure it out.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 24 Oct 2013 09:02pm
Welcome backwoodzboy! If I can ask, what state are you building in?
Several of us (including me) on this forum have purchased derksen/amish-type sheds and are converting them into cabins, so I'm sure we can help you navigate that process. Just let us know what you need.
# Posted: 24 Oct 2013 09:53pm
Sorry to hear about your wife. I wish you the best and welcome.
# Posted: 24 Oct 2013 10:05pm
Sorry to hear about your wife. Was a cabin a dream of hers also? Then that would even be more of a reason to follow through, in addition to it being for your son and yourself. Build it in her honor.
If you do the shed deal, do it in such a way it can be changed over to an official cabin. In other words, lets say insulation for a cabin is min R19 in the walls for the area, but the shed kit comes with 2X4 walls, use 2X6 studs so the R19 wall insulation would be obtainable etc. Build it like a cabin, ie 16" centers on the stud walls vs the 24" centers like a toolshed, but classify it as a shed, and when you decide to turn it into a cabin, then it wont take a restructuring, just the fun finish work and a few more inspections along the way.
Then give the place a name in memory of your late Mrs.
Keep us up to date on ideas and progress. Lots of great talent on this site, one being a Mt Don (engineer mind, not me, I just overbuild to be certain. )
Bounce ideas off of all of us. 
# Posted: 25 Oct 2013 12:01am
Well she didn't like the cabin idea, she was a girly girl who liked houses, lol!! I live in Arkansas, I have land available out in the country, I don't think the county has a code when it comes to dwellings. I don't ever remember anyone out here having to have a permit. I have access to electric here, but in a spot I don't want to place the cabin. Water is also there but again with the location. I figure I would have that done sometime down the road. Septic, I thought I would install a small septic tank or research some other options I had seen. I had concerns about the steel roof that comes on it, and about condensation collecting on the inside and possible damage or mold growing. But I went and looked at them again and was relieved to see they hung the roof over top of osb, which looked to be covered in tar paper. So that tells me I will have a proper thermal brake. I figured i would use a foam insulation in the ceiling and fiberglass in the walls and floors. The loft area is a little tight, but for sleeping, it should be just fine. Windows will be replaced later down the road. I will be reading more about this, wherever it's available. And will navigate the site more.
old old buddy
# Posted: 25 Oct 2013 06:50am
backwoodzboy As far as a loft.....about the only time you'll be able to use it for sleeping is in the spring (before it gets to warm outside) or in the late summer (before it gets too warm inside). I can guarantee you that you will not be able to use a loft for sleeping is you have heat inside the cabin...especially in the winter!
As far as septic goes...I guess it depends on how much you plan to use it. Every day in the summer? Once every week-end? All the time year round? If you plan to be in it on a continual basis...you'll probably want some kind of septic system. We normally go about every week-end or every other, but we use the luggable-loo five gallon bucket with a toilet seat with a fresh garbage bag for each use and then take the bag(s) home (inside another garbage bag) for our local garbage pickup. It's simple and easy. Just try not to thinkof the word "slop-jar." 
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 26 Oct 2013 01:31am
I figured that with the insulation I was going to put into it, that a good air conditioner would solve that.
# Posted: 26 Oct 2013 06:59am
Welcome to the forum BWBoy. I too am in AR with my cabin. We have ours within a mile of the MO border near Eureka Springs. It's a wonderful place that we love. The folks on this forum are helpful and knowledgable so you've come to the right place. Good luck!
# Posted: 13 Nov 2013 02:56am
Quoting: Bzzzzzt Welcome to the forum BWBoy. I too am in AR with my cabin. We have ours within a mile of the MO border near Eureka Springs. It's a wonderful place that we love.
My wife and I live in Springdale and are looking for a small piece of land to set up a cabin close to Eureka Springs. Do you know of anything available or how we find something unrestricted in that area. We see lots of lots for sale in Holiday Island but I had heard it is restricted. Are there unrestricted areas outside of the populated area there? Thanks for your time.
# Posted: 13 Nov 2013 03:00am
Quoting: backwoodzboy I live in Arkansas, I have land available out in the country, I don't think the county has a code when it comes to dwellings. I don't ever remember anyone out here having to have a permit.
My wife and I are looking for a small piece of land in NW area of Arkansas within 1-2 hours from Fayetteville area. Maybe 1-2 acres or more if we can afford it. Could you give us some more info?