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# Posted: 3 Sep 2013 01:52pm
Hey guys and gals, this task I had this morning got me thinking of what we made with tree poles, limbs, trunks. As in furniture, forts for kids, obviously logged buildings.
This morning I had to fix the horse pen. A post rotted out and our horse kept getting out into the other field. I ran out of fence posts a few fixes ago and I didn't want to go but one. I went to the bush pile and cut a pole 6' long 5" at the bottoms and 3" at the top, limbed it and scraped off the bark except the bottoms two feet. Wala free post.
So lets see your ideas and pictures of stuff you made with logs or anything from the property. Thanks for reading and posting.
Kyle image.jpg
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# Posted: 3 Sep 2013 03:47pm
first picture has a couple things, a foot stool made from a piece of firewood and some branches, a spatula, spoon and knife handle from branches. a co-worker and I were discussing reusing trash and I grabbed stuff around my cabin to take a picture of examples rather than drag all that junk to the office
the second picture was my answer to having no seating at the fire pit, there is a similar bench on the other side.
I make a lot of tools, furnature and stuff out of logs and branches, I'm kind of backwoods hill billy cheap
# Posted: 3 Sep 2013 03:56pm
I don't have a pic but I just made a wishing well out of 4 footer - 5" diameter log sections, I cut some to 2 feet and staggered the layers so there is corner overhangs.....used timber 10" locks at each corner to hold together....cut a 6 foot log down the middle with the chainsaw and used each half for the side supports for the roof, used some slabs I had around for roofing. Peeled bark on everything with a drawknife first...thing looks cool..
# Posted: 4 Sep 2013 09:12pm
Always working on something DSC03195.JPG
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