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# Posted: 17 Mar 2014 06:16pm
KSalzwedel, I did build the gun rack but I winged it! I'm sorry I don't have plans for it but, if your husband would like to build one I could email you some ruff measurements for it. It makes me happy that you like it.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2014 06:57pm
Well it appears that spring is hear finally and I am making the first trip to the cabin in a month and a half. Even staying the night there with the boys. Headed down in the morning so we can get a turkey and deer food plot in and then get some hand gun training in. As the weather continues to get nicer we will spend more and more time there. First up is to level the ground behind the cabin over the next few weeks so that next month we can move the cabin back 20' to the level spot. The guy who had it dropped there didn't level it at all and we should have done it last year ourselves but hind sight is 20/20 right? Going to use a block and tackle to move it into the new location. I put that in knowing that one of you will ask. ha! ha! I have all the supplies squirreled away to enclose the front porch to make our kitchen and supplies to build a wood shed and shower house out of. Sounds like a lot but not really considering that I will put in about seven hours a week on the tasks and no less than one weekend a month. New clinic is almost finished now and down to the last few weeks work. Take it easy everyone and I'll let you know Sunday or Monday how the trip to the cabin goes. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 22 Mar 2014 08:16am
Sarg68 I was wondering how you will pull it (the rigging ...so to speak) I tried to move a 10X12 shed once with eye bolts screwed in about 5/8 of an inch in diameter and I put it two (one on each corner) and they ripped right out. Are you going to put a heavy rope completely around the cabin or drill a few holes to put a rope or chain through your skids? You'll have to get some pics with everything hooked up. Heck....you might start a side business of moving buildings
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 23 Mar 2014 07:43pm
OOB, To be honest with you I am in no way shape or form in charge of this cabin moving project, that good sir would be my father. He will oversee this operation and I will take pictures to post. We are going to move it back about twelve feet (to put the porch on solid ground) and we will add to the underside running length wise a 6"X6"x20' (currently there is only two 6"x6"x20" down the center of the underside) and it is bowing in the middle because of it. At that point it will sit level and we can make some additions to the cabin (Kitchen and deck). We have some very heavy shackles that came off of my oldest sons F150 when he put a bull bar on it and I know that we plan to attach them to the center 6x6 with bolts and another 6X6 will be placed between the two of them so they aren't pulled together. It should make more sense when I take pictures of the whole thing. My dad has a story of a friend that in the late 50 came home from school and his dad had turned their square home 180 degrees because the mother didn't like its orientation. It is unknown to any of us how it was done but it was done and my dad says he can do this 12' if that guy can spin a house 180 degrees. Went to the cabin yesterday with three of my four boys and we stopped at Wolf Creek on SR78 and the boys spent about an hour and a half shooting bows at the public archery range they have. Pictures attached. Then we went to the cabin and started a 1/4 acre food plot that I will have to go back and finish this week. had to weed eat and mow then rotor till. Didn't plant anything yet, worried of frost this week. We spent the night and it was beautiful enough for a fire outside and a we ended up needing one in the stove because of the temperature change we had last night. I can report that the Owls are warming up for matting season right now. We have barn and screech owls and they were singing love songs. This morning we got the outside fire going while we cleaned and packed up camp. Coffee, milk and doughnuts was all for breakfast. Took the time after breakfast to give some touchup shooting lessons to the boys where needed and run some rifle and pistol tactical shoot drills with them. My oldest is in the Reserves still and so he got some pointers on the pistol he instructed the ten year old on rifle in the seated position and the 21 year old did some magazine changing drill I showed him. Great way to end a trip to the cabin. Got home around noon and cleaned up. I sweat the dog shed half her coat on the way home. Have to still vacuum that out but everything else is done. I sure hope that the rest of you folks were as lucky as I was this weekend and made it to the cabin. Talk to you later, cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 24 Mar 2014 07:10pm
Sounds like you all enjoyed the weekend. I think you dad's Idea of the shackle going all the way through the 6X6 is about the only way you could do successfully. It should work with little problem...especially since you're not pulling it up a grade or anything like that. Are you using the new Ford to do the pulling or do you need me to drive my '99 Chevy over to do it for you? Ha! Anyway....good luck
I am definitely planning on going up this coming week-end and spending the night with someone. I think my son will come up Sunday and maybe spend the night with Tristin. Before he got on shift work, we stayed there or at least we went there every wee-end almost without exception. But since he has been on shifts for the past 9-10 months.....that's changed a good bit. I miss it....
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 26 Mar 2014 06:29am
Well yesterday Pop and I ran down to the cabin and dropped off a truck load of treated lumber that I recycled from the old veterinary clinic. It had to be move this week due to landscaping that is going to happen next week. It will be used to frame in the front porch of the cabin to create a kitchen and a much needed wood shed. While we were there we came up with our plan to move the cabin, it will be moved to the left four feet and back six feet. We have to move some dirt around before we do anything but the plan is to have it prepped for movement before next months weekend camp over at the cabin. Headed back down on Monday with my son Hunter to take a load of stone down to fill in the two tracks and to finish the food plot. Weather report for the next ten days looks like its going to warm up enough for plant life to start germinating so we have to get it in soon. Let the show begin. Cheers Sarg68
# Posted: 26 Mar 2014 07:48am
Excellent thread here Sarg, I enjoyed catching up on the happenings at your place. Can't wait to get my cabin done so we can start having as much fun as you all.
# Posted: 29 Mar 2014 07:06am
Final phase of the catio clean up at the old clinic will happen today and tomorrow with me removing the gravel from the base where it sat. While Marianne (wife) does the weekend cleaning at the clinic I will fill the bed of the truck. Should fill it up with room for me to carry the rotor tiller and lawn mower with me to the cabin on Monday. My plan is to get that food plot finished so that it has plenty of time to germinate with the weather changing. Then drop that stone in the two tracks that cut across the field.
Stickbowcrafter, Part of my fence row clean up has been to stack the limbs into piles on part of my field to form cover for wild life. I know where the deer have been bedding down in a thick area on the property and that's the area I'm extending. I also am trying to give rabbits a cover area. I sure do like to eat some cotton tail. As you know it takes time to get it done and let it grow. There is a six acre plot beside the one I currently own that I would like to acquire one of these day and add three acres of pine trees to my plan for the turkey that we have. Slow and sure wins the race.
I like to work at the cabin and its part of my relaxation when I go there. My enjoyment is in knowing that I'm making something that I never had growing up for my kids and their grandkids. My hope and dreams are that one day someone wont ever no that we only had a handful of deer or cottontails there when it all started. I sure makes me feel good knowing that.
Well OOB and stickbowcrafter I hope you guys make it your cabins this weekend and enjoy yourselves. Take it easy, cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 29 Mar 2014 04:07pm
Sarg68 I don't know how big of stone you are talking about putting down but I've had a little experience of dealing with stone over mud roads. The smaller the stone the sooner it will become buried and you'll never see it again. Believe me....the bigger the better. I have seen people put 2" stone on a road that turns to mud, over and over again. The most important thing is to have a large base (6"-8" stone) and then a smaller top coat of maybe 2"-3" inch stone. The only problem is....you don't get much stone when you're buying it in a large size. Something to think about......I hate to see someone spend a lot of money on something that just won't do the job.
Old Buddy, Little Buddy and I will be on the hill tomorrow right after church.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 30 Mar 2014 07:23am
OOB, While I was stationed in England I had the opportunity to visit several Roman roads and at one sight witness how they were build. Very interesting process of grading the base, fist sized stones then a #3 and finally a fine screening on top that they packed down. I hope to one day use this process myself. If you look on YouTube you may even be able to find a video on Roman roads. Until then I paid for this stone five years ago to put in the bottom of the catio I just took down at the old clinic. I really don't want them to push it under the soil when the grade the property for our retention pond this week so that why I was moving it to the cabin. Did you folks get snow last night? We got about half an inch and freezing rain. Have fun up on the hill with the kids. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 30 Mar 2014 12:21pm
Sarg68 Yea....we got about an inch....nothing to worry about. We'll be leaving for the cabin around 1:00PM. I know it will be muddy but we'll still have a great time.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 1 Apr 2014 06:44pm
Well I spent a couple of hours at the cabin today weed eating then mowing the are we plan to put in a turkey and deer food plot. We started rotor tilling the area when the boys were down to stay and if you look at the picture of my son Hunter running the tiller you may see that it got bogged down by the long grass. That's why we stopped until I could get down there today and mow. It was a hot and sweaty job but that was better than cold any day. I will head down with the tiller as soon as I have the weather to get it done. Supposed to get ran for the next three days. Take it easy Sarg
SE Ohio
# Posted: 3 Apr 2014 11:17am
Took a while to locate picture. Sorry about photo quality...
Found this gun rack at the curb! Needed minor repair. Works good for the cabin, easy to build, keeps guns off floor. Has drawer for cleaning kit, etc. Looks like someone's high school shop project.
Minor repair had to do with one of the pine support "fingers" having broken off (and tossed out). I managed to overlay and cut new piece, glued on with wood biscuit. A stonger wood than pine is recommended. Basic gun rack with drawer
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# Posted: 3 Apr 2014 06:12pm
KSalzwedel That looks great and I like the price!
# Posted: 6 Apr 2014 07:24pm
Who made it to the cabin this weekend? Sure wasn't me but I'll be headed down on Thursday to finish the rotor tilling and seed the food plot. If I have time I would like to layout the area that needs leveled for the cabin to be moved and start that. Cheers Todd
old old buddy
# Posted: 6 Apr 2014 09:37pm
Sarg68 Didn't make it this week-end. My wife had surgery so I stayed around home for the week-end. Hoping for next week-end.....
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 7 Apr 2014 08:25am
OOB, I hope the wife is feeling better and heals up quickly.
I have my annual exam at the VA this week so I will be staying close to town until later in the week. Blood work today another appointment with them tomorrow and then physical on Wednesday. I enjoy working at the cabin, its relaxing for me believe it or not so I am happy I can go down weekly now that the weather has changed for the better. I can deal with hot but man that cold stuff is ruff and there isn't much that can be worked on in the snow.
Okay OOB you take it easy and I talk to you later. Sarg68
# Posted: 10 Apr 2014 07:22pm
Well folks finally I have the food plot tilled up and seed planted even though I want to put some more seed next week. I brood casted the seed by hand and it just never feels like you get enough coverage. I used a spring turkey and deer seed put out under Bone collector and at about $12 I don't think it will break me to put down another bag at that price. Beautiful and windy day. Headed down to the cabin for three days with Tom over spring break next week. Cheers Sarg
# Posted: 20 Apr 2014 07:17pm - Edited by: Sarg68
Happy Easter All, I hope that everyone made it to their cabin for a visit over the holiday. Tom and I went down on Wednesday and came back Thursday evening. We had a nice relaxing time. We put the canoe in the water at Burr Oak State Park for about two hours and saw a Bald Eagle. Still a little cold on the water yet. After that we took a hour long walk on part of the Buckeye trail that runs past our cabin. This was the first time we have done so and it was really pretty. The only trees with leafs yet are the Buckeye and they really cast a beautiful shade of dark green over the woods. Tom finished up our visit putting about 100 rounds of .22 through paper, maybe the highlight of his visit. When we were on the lake he told me that he wants to do this every spring break. That is why we live this life of cabin retreats! I'm headed back down later next week to plant some trees that I picked up from the Soil Conservation Office on Friday. Not really sure whats all there to plant. I remember three Catalpa and three blue spruce maybe three oaks. My goal is to put in an acre of Pine in next year along the road as a screen and turkey roost. That reminds me that my food plot that hasn't even sprouted is full of turkey poop. Good sign for my 22 year old who is going hunting there Thursday. Cheers my friends. Sarg68
Jeremy GQ
# Posted: 22 Apr 2014 04:36am
Wow. This place is looking good. I'm from New York, so a cabin in the northeast is the dream. I would love a small piece of land with something like this for a weekend getaway. Keep us posted on the progress.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2014 07:05am
Hey Jeremy Thanks
# Posted: 22 Apr 2014 07:53am
Looking good Sarg. I made it up to my place and got a decent days work in. Oh so close to having the barn done, will be nice to finally have a place to store some tools and a loft to crash in while I build the cabin.
# Posted: 9 May 2014 05:58pm
Okay everyone I'm really behind planting my Arbor Day trees but I finally got them in the ground today. Five English Oak, five Catalpa, five dog wood and five Blue spruce. Hunter and I went down this morning and got them planted and literally took off as soon as they were in the ground. No enjoyment what so ever. We did stop at Wolf Creek State Park Archery range for about an hour so he could site in his cross bow. We got it driving tacks now. After that we headed to Norwich to look at a piece of property that he was thinking of buying to build a house. Turned out to be on the back side of a neighbor and not something he really wants. So we will keep looking. Contractor finished up the building today and the final inspection is Monday next week. Also will get the retention pond in and new driveway and parking lot. Moving in Friday the 17th and opening on the 19th. Cheers Sarg
old old buddy
# Posted: 10 May 2014 10:36am
Sarg68 Good to hear that the clinic is finally going to be open! I know it has probably been a great stress factor for your wife and your family, as well.
No cabin for us this week-end. I just started mowing a few minutes again and down came the rain. Probably won't see the cabin until next week-end looking at the forecast. Have a great week.
On a side note....Old Buddy and I got my '68 Harley Electra-glide going after sitting for three years with no battery in it. She fired right up! It was my dads, all original chrome and paint.....a real nice Ole Beauty
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 16 May 2014 06:05am
Well yesterday after six and a half months we past final inspection on the new clinic. I still have several things that I have to accomplish inside over the next week but, nothing major. We have another delay on moving into the building, new surgical table and examination table won't be delivered until next Friday the 23rd of May. So that is our new move in date with plans to open the doors on the 27th of May. Punch Sheet- still has a few items on it, concrete parking lot, asphalt drive way, retention pond for the run off from the parking lot and landscaping. If the weather holds up next week then most of those items should be checked of before move into the building. I sure hope so it will cut down on dirt and mud being tracked into the building. I'll post some pictures soon. Going to relax this weekend on a camping trip with Tom and his Boy Scout troop. Only a 30% chance of rain so we should be dry as can be expected in May and most of you would agree that the only thing better than camping is being at the cabin. Everyone have a great weekend and I'll post some pictures for you on Sunday when we get home. Cheers Sarg
old old buddy
# Posted: 18 May 2014 07:49am
Sarg68 I hope you didn't get the downpour that we had on Saturday mid day which lasted about four hours. The actual down pour only lasted about a half hour but steady rain after that....but we were in Holmes, Tusc, Carroll, Harrison and Jefferson Counties. Maybe you stayed dry.....I sure hope so! OOB
# Posted: 18 May 2014 01:03pm
OOB1 We got soaked all weekend, but the boys had a ball and that is all that matters to me. Camp fire sucked all weekend due to wet wood! We went on a two hour day hike yesterday and got rained on. All you can do is put your wet weather gear on and play on and that is what they do. Took an eight man tent just for me and I have plenty of room to set up a chair and read in the evening if the weather is bad. That's exactly what I did yesterday evening. Did you make it to the cabin? Thanks for thinking about us. Take care - Sarg
# Posted: 18 May 2014 04:15pm
BSA Troop 128 Day hike at the old McGraw Edison Park now part of Muskingum Parks. View during day hike
|  Tom (camo rain coat)
|  Tom (Indiana Jones Hat)
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# Posted: 18 May 2014 04:42pm
Congrats on passing the final inspection on the clinic. I know that's a huge relief for you. Looks like you had some fun despite the weather.
Poured up in Ashtabula County, Ohio and I lost most of my roofing paper and tarps from the previous week's storms. Gotta try to finish the roof completely this weekend. I have Friday through Monday off so I'm hoping to knock it out. Weather forecast looks good so far. Borrowing some scaffolding that ought to make the job much faster and safer.
# Posted: 18 May 2014 06:24pm
Brian, Good Luck on getting the roof on the barn. Look forward to seeing pictures. Todd
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