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# Posted: 6 Nov 2013 06:58am
Hello Cabin Living fans, I made a quick shot gun blast visit to the cabin yesterday with Karma our dog to make sure it hadn't blown away. Still sitting there in the same place I left it. Karma and I walked the whole nine acres to make sure we didn't have any trees blow over last week in the wind storm we had. Everything was okay and we packed up the Camp Chef stove in a bag w/wheels that I ordered through Amazon for it. Really nice set up! After OOB got robbed I figured that I wanted to reduce my foot print at the cabin and bring things home that didn't need to be there. The new veterinary clinic is moving at a snail pace and nothing has been done in a week. All that is supposed to change today when the plumber puts in the pipes that go under ground. I sure hope to see a slab poured this week so we can see walls and a roof go up next week. Well Veterans Day is coming up this weekend, Tommy is off on Monday and we are going down to the cabin to stay on Sunday night. I hope to get a small poplar tree cut up that blew over this summer while I'm down there but, hey if it doesn't happen who cares. It will wait for me on a day I go down by myself to work. That's one of the great things of owning a cabin. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 6 Nov 2013 07:29am
Sarg68 I hear you on packing up the camping stove and taking it home. We have a small coleman two-burner propane stove that fits nicely behind the seat of my truck so I take it home every time now. Hell, I even considered taking the toilet paper with me which could be considered a luxury to many people
My friend and I drove up Monday night and I put a new Duracell 6 volt in my feeder so the deer have something to eat for the next few weeks. I walked into the cabin and just "love" the smell of that wood-burner!
I planning on going up this week-end for at least one night with my son-in-law and grandsons. I hope the weather holds up. The boys love shooting .22's and getting warmed up in between shoots
Good luck to you and I hope you make it to yours also. Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 13 Nov 2013 06:17am - Edited by: Sarg68
Well Sunday afternoon Tommy, Karma (dog) and I went to the cabin for the night since he didn't have school on Monday to celebrate veterans day and mom had the clinic open. I was very cold and we got the fire going as soon as we got there before unpacking the rest of our kit. Tom jumped right into skinning a stick for the purpose only a ten year old would understand. He has a real problem of collecting knifes. LOL I cooked grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup for dinner and man did it taste good. Tom had two bowls full and even drank the broth off of it. OOB says "they eat better at the cabin"! and he's right they do. We cleared the table and got down to the business of play a game of UNO around 7PM and didn't quit until 10PM. I got my butt kicked. They have changed the deck of UNO cards now days and don't have words on them; making it impossible to tell what the yellow cards are by lamp light. At one point I had Tom laughing because I had a handful of yellow and had to get a flashlight out to read them. We headed to bed to read, Tom finished his book up about a Marine and his working dog in Afghanistan and I whittled away at Atlas Shrugged before lights out. Getting a better handle on operating the wood stove only got up three times during the night to feed it because it was so cold. It got down to 27 degrees Fahrenheit so when he got up we were jumping into warm clothes and putting more wood on the fire. Pancakes stoked the fire in a guys belly before we packed up our kit and made lists of what needed to be taken down to the cabin the next trip. I also hung a recently purchased bottle opener and cap holder on the wall as well as a knot display that Tom had made in WEBELOS II. We took about an hour long hike to explore an area of our neigbors property. With the leafs off the trees I noticed last week while checking for storm damage that I could see a rock out cropping that might have some caves in them. And sure enough there were some small over hangs that Tom went nuts over. My oldest graduated from Air Assault School last month and Tom is excited for him to come down again so they can rappel off these cliffs. I left him to do some exploring of the area while I fought my way back up hill. Any of you familiar with Southeastern Ohio can attest to the steepness of the hills and depth of the hollows in the region. Wayne National Forest Has been preserved close to the way it was when settlers arrived in the area. Thick hard woods as far as the eye can see. Its said that a squirrel could have traveled from the Ohio river all the way to Lake Erie without ever touching the ground. That's the beauty that I enjoyed this Veterans day with my youngest son. A lot of fun and memory to last a guy a life time. Well cabin lovers stay warm and put another log on the fire. Cheers Sarg68
# Posted: 13 Nov 2013 06:22am - Edited by: Sarg68
Veteran's Day trip skinning sticks
|  Sun Set
|  Tom built that feeder
|  new bottle opener
old old buddy
# Posted: 13 Nov 2013 05:26pm
Sarg68 I got a kick out of reading your latest post. You talking about Tom and his affection (or is it affliction) with knives.....it reminded me of Old Buddy when he was young. He has probably purchased 3-4 dozen knives throughout his life and he's probably waiting me to kick off so he can enjoy mine.LOL
Your stay sounds like our first ones with no insulation. I swear we were putting wood in the stove every two hours! This past week-end was cold enough outside to fire up the stove but it wasn't cold enough to keep the cabin from being "too warm" most of the stay. I tell you...it's harder to regulate the heat sometimes than it is "pulling hen's teeth!" Due to the fact that it was unusually warm inside just makes it a lot easier for me to "drift off' in the recliner and Tristin always follows suit!
Tristin had a great time with his Pap and we ate like kings. I'm looking forward to some 20-30 degree weather so the fire will keep the cabin warm but not too warm....Am I asking for too much
I hope you have a great time with your boys in the coming weeks, months and years. I can't think of a better way to spend time with family than being "on the hill." Maybe the Mrs. can join you too!
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 14 Nov 2013 07:36am - Edited by: Sarg68
Rock Formation
# Posted: 14 Nov 2013 07:40am
Upgrades stove
|  Lemahns Hardware hanging oil lamp
|  1
|  3
# Posted: 14 Nov 2013 07:56am
OOB, Your comments got me thinking about how boys collect things. My oldest loves Nike shoes and one of a kind t-shits, my 21 year old had a thing for tin, lead and metal soldiers from around the world. The 19 year old music. And Tom laughs at the fact that he has a thing for knifes and bags. Yes bags, any kind of man bag, back packs, satchels you name it and he likes it. I think that most boys collect rocks, feathers and sticks that fill their pockets and then seem to gather in every dresser drawer in their rooms. The key is to capture or harness that love of objects into a hobby or career that the can do the rest of their life's. Our life at the cabin is just over a year long and I hope to get some shelves up soon to display these items the boys collect. What do your boys and girls collect? Where do they end up and how does that fit into your life at the cabin. Love to hear from everyone. Cheers Sarg68
# Posted: 14 Nov 2013 12:19pm
Love various rock formations at your property - adds a character to the place.
# Posted: 25 Nov 2013 07:40pm
Wow it was 27 degrees Fahrenheit when I got to the cabin today. Hunter and his buddy Zak unloaded the two big containers of scrap wood that I took down and I changed the batteries on the trail camera that watches the cabin. Needless to say I thought that it took two batteries and it was six so I was short two. I will have to take them down with me on Friday. No damage no theft in the truck and headed home. Not how I like to visit but hey it was cold and the two 21 year old had got off work at 7am. On the way home we dropped off my 24 year olds new bow at Maxwell's to have some work done on it so he can take it out Friday evening. All in all an uneventful day. I am happy to be going down to spend the day with my 10 year old on Friday and spend the night. I may even cut some trees up that are on the ground. I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving and makes it to the cabin. Cheers Sarg68
# Posted: 30 Nov 2013 01:52pm
Spent Black Friday at the cabin with my 10 year old son Tom and the dog. Can't think of a better way to avoid crowds then to head to the cabin. When we got there the water in the dog bowl and the tea kettle were frozen. I fired up the stove while Tom unloaded the few thing from the truck that we took with us. No time flat Tom was running the hills with the dog and I had the cabin warmed. I read my book in front of the stove for a couple hours then took as equally as long nap. Slept like a baby wrapped up in a quilt that one of my great grandmothers made. Soup on the stove and a half sandwich for dinner and then we had to try out the new giant checker board we bought in Amish country. Tom beat me! I redeemed myself by winning a four hour marathon hand of UNO. By then it was time to climb into bed and read for several more hours while my wife sent text message updates or Zanesville HS football game in the final four. They lost. I have become pretty good at regulating the temperature of the stove and keeping it running through the night now and it was still toasty this morning. We didn't eat breakfast at the cabin this morning because Tom wanted McDonalds. So we packed up and headed home. found out on the way home that the heater isn't working in the truck for some reason. So I will have to get that looked at this week. Well I hope everyone made it to the cabin this weekend and had as good as time as Tom and I did. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 3 Dec 2013 01:55pm
The pictures of your cabin look great! I wanted to say something to you about your comment about "getting some stone on our road."
I had to laugh because I would have to own a rock quarry, loader and trucks to be able to afford putting stone on my road .
If it's dry....no problem in my truck. If it's damp, wet, soft, snow or ice covered......forget it. I had forgotten about the snow we had last Tuesday and it just lays on the earth, making about 2-3 inches of mud when you drive over it. I should have taken the 4-wheeler in the first place but I was trying to save some time! WRONG! You'll have to read my last post to understand that saga
Sounds like you like your nap-time at the cabin like I do. Tristin (my grandson) thinks a nap is all part of the trip to the cabin with Pap! First we get a fire going, then we take a walk, then we eat and finally..we have a nice little nap!
Keep the pics coming. It really looks nice. Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 13 Dec 2013 04:13pm
In answer to your question on my forum.....the first one I saw....swear to God......was in Yosemite National Park while visiting Old Buddy when he lived in San Jose, California. It was running toward me down this path and I thought it was a small German Sheppard coming at me and I'm about to reach down to pet it and Old Buddy says,"Dad! That's a coyote!" I drew my hand back and it passed by me within a few feet.
I have never seen one in 25 years on the Patrol. End of story (Cabinbuilder)....
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 13 Dec 2013 06:56pm
My cousin lives in Amsterdam,OH. Coyotes killed her dog last year.
# Posted: 13 Dec 2013 07:09pm
Out west they really run wild but, it appears to be reaching that level here in Ohio. My oldest used to love looking at the car advertisement found in the back of the paper when we lived in Arizona. He would then shift his attention to the lost and found section that was always full of lost dogs and cats. He and I had a reply to those ads "ma'am we regret to inform you that fluffy is now Coyote S**t". They sure know how to adapt to their surrounding. OOB have you seen any in Ohio? Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 13 Dec 2013 08:43pm
I have seen them running across fields in small packs driving to and from Columbus on either side of I-70 around Licking and Muskingum County, in the past few years. I have never seen any in the woods.
Tomorrow morning my son-in-law, good friend and I are going to th cabin with the four-wheeler. Probably get a nice fire going, kick back, have a nice meal and maybe squeeze in a little nap!
I might take a gun or two to shoot since it's warmer now than it has been in the past few days.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 14 Dec 2013 06:27am
old old buddy You lucky dog you! Sounds like a good time, you enjoy yourself. Look forward to hearing all about it and hopefully a picture or two. Tommy, one of his Scouting buddies and I are going on the 20th to spend the night. Can't wait. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 15 Dec 2013 10:21am
Sarg68 No photos to post. It was just a friend of mine and myself for a wet Saturday but it was dry and warm in the cabin
We did a little shooting and then had some homemade bean soup for lunch and then grilled Angus burgers for supper. By the time we got everything secured to the 4-wheeler preparing to come down the hill...we we're just about soaked. At one point in time the snow-flakes were as big as fifty-cent pieces. It didn't last though and we just had about 1/2 inch of slush to drive through going down.
We did a lot of talking and enjoying the fire. The cabin was 32 degrees when we got there and it took quite awhile to get it up to 70 degrees because only used cherry insteand of any oak. If I put oak "slats" in that fire once it's going good.....it will go from 70 to 90 in about 15 minutes with just 2-3 slats. I have found that using cherry makes the fire much more controlable (is that a word?).
I always have to remember to open all the cupboard doors to heat everything up because it will as "sweat" if I don't. Heating all that stuff up takes time.
We had a great time on a rainy, dreary day anyway.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 20 Dec 2013 06:45am
Hello Cabin Life enthusiasts, I don't know about the rest of you but I haven't been to the cabin in a couple of weeks and I feel the need. Headed there tonight with Tom and one of his buddies from scouts to spend the night. It should be a lot of fun hanging out playing games reading books and getting filled with lot of junk food. Supposed to be warm, rainy and windy but who cares as long as a tree doesn't fall on the cabin. This is the first trip in the new truck so that should prove interesting in its self. I got a 2013 F150 without 4x4 and its a standard cab. That means the dog will go behind the seat this trip. The trusses finally showed up Wednesday for the new clinic and they got them up yesterday and the sheeting goes on them today. Its a race to beat the rain today. This is a huge step for us to beat the weather and they can do a lot more everyday now that we have a roof on the building. We may just make that mid-Jan dead line yet. Well folks I hope all of you make it to the cabin this last weekend before Christmas. Everyone stay safe and enjoy the cabin life. Cheers Sarg68
# Posted: 21 Dec 2013 07:49pm
Well interesting stay at the cabin. Tom and his buddy had a really good time but we didn't escape before the rain hit and the new F150 is stuck in the mud still sitting there all by herself. My dad and son came down to help me get it out around 12:30 and at 2:30 we were no longer making any headway so we decided to call it off and get the boys home. As we were leaving pop told me at least I don't have to worry about anyone stealing it. Hoping the freeze hits Sunday night so I can get her out on Monday morning. Wench it out if I cant drive it out. Cheers Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 22 Dec 2013 05:27am
Sarg68 Sounds like you need some "mudders" on the new truck. My Silverado has highway tread tires and it won't do worth a hoot going up those steep grades in the mud. If I didn 't have so much tread on them...I would get myself a set of mudders. I hardly ever drive the truck anywhere but on the hill so I don't get much wear on the tires.
I had the truck stuck once where I had backed up to get a run for the second (steepest) hill and because it was raining hard at the time, I didn't notice that I was slowly backing the truck on a down-sloped hill. It wasn't much...but just enough that every time I gave her a little gas...the left rear kept sliding down over the hill. Old Buddy came looking for me on the Honda Foreman when I didn't show up right behind him. Believe it or not the Foreman was able to pull the truck up over the grade onto level ground. I was impressed!
Good luck getting her out. OOB
# Posted: 22 Dec 2013 08:10am
OOB, Well I knew when I bought it two weeks ago that this would happen but, I didn't think it would happen this quick. LOL! I'm so worn out of money from permits and fees building this new clinic I figured I would cut a corner on the truck and make it work. Over time I plan to make up grades to the tires and some other thing to customize it and then get gravel on the road into the cabin. I tell myself and the boys that Rome wasn't build in a day. I was soaked to the bone and covered in mud. My boys both have monster F150 4x4s and the 21 year old and my pop came down to help me and it was so bad that his truck got hung up and we had to recover it. That's when me made the call to abandon the truck and get the little ones home. We will have the right tools with us, which makes a difference, on Monday morning when we go down to finish this job. Glad to hear from you and sure hope you make it up the hill before Christmas. Cheers Sarg68
# Posted: 23 Dec 2013 07:42pm
Well folks four and a half hours later and she is free from the orange wet clay of Morgan county. Very slow process of wrenching it forward six feet a time, reset the come along and chain, over and over again. My 65 year old father and I were frozen and sore to say the least. Now comes the fun part of hauling gravel down every time we go to fill in the two tracks that cut across the field and down to the cabin. I wanted to post pone this cost. O-well! Cheers Sarg68
# Posted: 23 Dec 2013 08:07pm
OOB, Wanted to tell you about the first journal entry at the cabin. I finally found one with a leather cover and pretty thick to last a few years. Tom my ten year old tells me "I put in the journal that you got the truck stuck in the mud". My reply "did you add that you and Matthew got lost on a hike and I had to come find you"? Tom "No, why would I put that in there". Only the old mans mistakes.
Okay cabin fans, Fridays trip wasn't all about mud and getting the truck stuck as Tom would like you to believe. We had a great time up to that point with me coming out on top at UNO, a nice fire, 58 degree Fahrenheit temperatures in December. Here are the pictures from the trip and one of the new veterinary clinic we are building in Zanesville Ohio. I hope you enjoy them and have a Merry Christmas. Sarg68 Karma surveys her kingdom
|  Coffee on the porch
|  Tom and Karma passed out on the way home
|  New Vet Clinic
# Posted: 2 Jan 2014 06:33am
Deer Hunter and Observers, Talked to a friend of mine yesterday said that he has a bunch of trail cam pictures of bucks in his hunting area. Says all of them are moving after 11:30pm. Might be why we are all missing them. This in the Adamsville area of the Muskingum water shed along the boarder of Muskingum and Guernsey County Ohio. I hope that makes a lot of you feel a little better. Cheers Sarg68
# Posted: 18 Jan 2014 07:18pm - Edited by: Sarg68
Fellow fair weather cabin bloggers I went to the cabin today with the 10 year old Tom and our Dog Karma. We made the 40 min one way trip made sure everything was there and okay, took a short hike and headed back home. It was cold and about an inch of snow on the ground. Here is a picture. Cheers Sarg68
# Posted: 26 Jan 2014 07:33pm - Edited by: Sarg68
We hit 9" of snow by my measurement outback over the last two days and another inch expected tonight. I spent four hours yesterday shoveling snow and another four hours today. Yes the old fashioned way with a snow shovel. The cold temperatures will be in SE Ohio tomorrow night. Supposed to be -11 without wind chill factor. Everyone take care and stay warm. Sarg68
old old buddy
# Posted: 26 Jan 2014 09:03pm
I hear you Sarg68! Ihaven't been to the cabin for almost 4 weeks. I'm missing it terrible. I may go up through the week for one day (if I can get a day off). I know it will be beautiful in the snow
Keep you powder dry. OOB
old old buddy
# Posted: 11 Feb 2014 05:30am
old old buddy Sounds like between Scouting, the Veterinarian Clinic and your cabin.....you're pretty well busy. It's been quite awhile since you've been to the cabin also, correct?
This weather......cold, cold cold. We haven't been up since Wednesday a week ago (the 2 degree day). I want to go up this week-end but Old Buddy will have to stay home...he's working a good bit of overtime so he won't be able to go with me. I'll probably take Tristin with me. Stay warm
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 17 Mar 2014 04:45am
Did you build the gun rack? Plans if you did. I would like my husband to have a place to keep his where it won't get knocked into, but is available (not just stored).
Cabin looks great. What did the wife think?
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