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# Posted: 4 Mar 2016 09:52am - Edited by: WyattEarp
Here are some pics I took recently of the land surrounding the cabin - the woods are in the immediate vicinity, but the sunset was down the road about 1/4 mile. backyardsnowpano.jpg
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# Posted: 26 Mar 2016 05:56pm
Hey...guess I'm a rookie forum guy. Just looking for people out there building log cabins. I've built one and thought I'd try to plug in somewhere. Are there real people behind these icons? 
# Posted: 21 Apr 2016 12:25pm
Hey Fotog,
Sorry I haven't logged in for a while. Yeah my cabin is a slow work in progress, but i'll finish one day!
# Posted: 9 Oct 2016 10:48am
Had some time to work on my cabin this week. I bought an old log dog from eBay. It was found in the woods by the seller in Lancaster, PA behind an old log cabin. After a few logs, the pivoting head broke free and has made things easier. I don't know why I didn't buy one of these sooner! I contacted John Switzer at blackbearforge.com to make me a few new ones. IMG_5567.JPG
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# Posted: 9 Oct 2016 10:59am
My logs are not the easiest to work with. There aren't too many straight pines on my property and the majority of these weren't selected for being straight, but cut down clearing the trail and building site. I'm definitely paying for that now!
I may have mentioned this before but I'm running my saw between the logs one pass at a time to get the logs to sit as snug a possible. IMG_5551.JPG
|  Not too shabby!
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# Posted: 9 Oct 2016 11:10am
The weather was really good for the 2 days I had to work on it. It was very rewarding to see each log go up. I'm not going back there without a generator to predrill for the log spikes! They are not easy to pound in without it and ate up too much time.
# Posted: 9 Oct 2016 11:23am - Edited by: WyattEarp
I really need to get a move on and get this thing dried in. The tarp I had up started falling apart so the logs have been exposed this summer and some of the logs have a mildew I need to address. I just bought a new tarp I'm going to hang up in the mean time.
Does anyone have any advice on what to clean my logs with? Would a standard deck cleaner do the trick?
# Posted: 9 Oct 2016 12:26pm
I used bleach in a cheap pump up sprayer to get green and black stuff off of deck boards I recycled.
# Posted: 9 Oct 2016 01:24pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
Bleach eats into wood fiber.
Perma-Chink log wash is $32.00 per gallon. The only product we use on our log cabin. You will need a water source to rinse the product off. If you cannot follow up with the stain and top coat right away after cleaning the logs will discolor. You really need to get that mold off before it gets deeper into the wood.
# Posted: 9 Oct 2016 02:06pm
I appreciate your advice. Have you heard of the product Wood ReNew? It's also sold by Perma-Chink.
# Posted: 9 Oct 2016 02:45pm
Looks great. Big project but keep it up and see if to the finish. You'll have a lifetime of enjoyment to pass to the next generation
# Posted: 9 Oct 2016 05:34pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
Yes,Wood ReNew is a dry white powder to be mixed with warm water and allowed to thicken for about ten minutes. We used this on certain really dirty areas inside our cabin. We waited far to long to clean the interior, eight years because we were to tired from work. We finally finished the interior this year. Wood ReNew will take off some wood.We needed that because the lower interior logs had some bark left on and ants got underneath and made some surface tunnels. Looks neat now that it's clean,gives the logs extra character but I wouldn't recommend waiting that long to remove the bark! We followed up with the log wash as a brightner than a top coat of satin. We did not use stain inside because we wanted the natural color of white cedar. Outside we did not use Wood ReNew because we did not wait as long to clean the logs and just had some light surface mold and dirt from the bush. We used log wash,stain and a satin topcoat. The first time about seven years ago with touch ups of stain and top coat on the south side of the cabin due to sun exposure. This year we cleaned the cabin once again with log wash, did one coat of stain and one coat of top coat in satin.
# Posted: 9 Oct 2016 11:40pm
Wow your cabin is beautiful silverwaterlady.
So in your opininion you'd recommend log wash over the log renew for my issues?
Here are a few more similar (but different) pics of the recent work. The forecast here is mainly sunny and windy for the next week so I'm going to order the solution to clean the logs and hang the tarp next weekend. IMG_5616.JPG
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# Posted: 9 Oct 2016 11:44pm
Thank you Cisco I look forward to the cabin being around for many years!
# Posted: 10 Oct 2016 09:28am
Here are some photos of the exterior of our cabin when it was being built. The bottom logs are the logs where we used Log ReNew after peeling the bark off years later on the interior.
When you call your distributor they will be able to recommend exactly what you need. They are log experts and have been very helpful to us. Thankfully we have all the log preservation under control and have the time to keep it up..that is a huge relief.
# Posted: 11 Oct 2016 03:43pm
Wow. What a difference!
I'll be addressing the issue sooner than later. I've been trying to figure out how to rinse the logwash off the logs once it's sprayed on with a pump sprayer. I'm far from a hose, so I kicked around some different ideas. I think I might invest in a towable pump sprayer so I can haul 20-30 gallons at a time and give it a thorough rinse!
# Posted: 18 Oct 2016 09:55pm
This is a little off subject but...
I received my 21 gallon towable sprayer from northern tool yesterday. I got a great deal on it...marked down from $249 to $229 and I used a $50 coupon code so the total was $180 plus shipping.
Unfortunately the last step of assembly was to hook up the wand sprayer and I discovered it wasn't supposed to be in 2 pieces. Hopefully they can ship me a new wand only and they don't want me to return the whole unit after a 1.5 hour assembly.
On the flip side I found a great free roadside find the other day - a char broil charcoal smoker. After a quick coat of paint it looks like new...will fit nicely on the porch 
# Posted: 19 Oct 2016 11:29pm
Just a samall update: northern tool has been amazing in their customer service. They offered off the bat to send a new wand out without ever questioning the situation or asking for pictures of the broken part. I've always liked them but true customer service is revealed when a problem arises. A+. Ok I'm done ;)
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