Deek D
# Posted: 18 Jan 2010 09:06am
Newbie here....
My Blog, Cabin, and New Book...
I thought I'd share a link showing my own VT built cabin (constructed with a good deal of salvaged and recycled materials). I'll have to get some new interior pix up soon, and I'm also currently working on 2 other mobile (recycled-junk-built) cabins on my own property in MA- both UNDER 30 square feet....
As for the photos and my brand new book "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks, Cozy Cottages, Ramshackle Retreats, Funky Forts (And Whatever The Heck Else We Could Squeeze In Here!" by Derek "Deek" Diedricksen...its all on the link (more of them) and available now in a short run of hand assembled editions (almost 50 cabin designs and ideas, plus a TON more, related to thrift, camping, and cabins.) Thanks! -Derek house_book_inverted_.jpg
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