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# Posted: 20 Jun 2013 02:34am
Hi, I am a new member to the site but have researched it for the past year. My wife gave me the green light to start our cabin project next week in northern Minnesota. My question is the on the beam...we are 'building a 14' x 16' with a 6' covered porch on the front. because or soil conditions and donated items, I am hoping to use deck blocks or Dek piers to support the beams approximately 18" above the ground. My fear is the beam sitting on the top of the post would cause the structure to be "Tippy" I had thought on making the rim to act as the beam...I drew it up in sketch up and am looking for any comments you may have. Thanks!
# Posted: 20 Jun 2013 02:41am
By the way, here is the rough stake of our future cabin...
# Posted: 20 Jun 2013 07:25am - Edited by: OwenChristensen
Welcome to the forum. This is a nice place to talk about cabin life even after your project is done. Well it's never done.
The beam should be under the floor joists. Put extra cross planks to keep it strait or 45 deg. bracing. I'll try to find a picture.
Ok, this picture is of a bigger cabin, but you get the idea, also with beams under a foot or so from the rim joist, the floor is sturdier. In the picture you provided there would be too much weight on just bolts.
# Posted: 20 Jun 2013 09:47am
Thanks Owen, That was my fear. what you recommend makes more sense...I could probably save a lot of time and effort by purchasing the one in your photo. It appears your photo has 6 x 6 post, I am trying to still use the deck blocks that accept a 4 x 4, do you think I will still be okay?
# Posted: 20 Jun 2013 10:44am
Oooo, how exciting...getting started. Fantastic! Welcome to the forum we are your neighbors across the border in Wisconsin. I look forward to watching your cabin take shape. Enjoy the process and don't forget lots of pics. Your site is very pretty 
# Posted: 20 Jun 2013 04:46pm
Thanks Tollbridge, we are very excited. We purchased the land late in the season last year and have been eager to start. I will post photos on the progress...hoping to get a good start next week since I am taking time off of work to dig in. I hope my back holds up. I am not 20 anymore.
# Posted: 20 Jun 2013 06:38pm
You might be able to see, I use three 4'' block, two wide and a single on top.