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# Posted: 11 Mar 2013 10:28pm
My 12x12 cabin/shed arrived today at 130pm at my land. We had an excavator on hand and the the terrain was bad. Real bad. Mud so deep it can take your shoe off.
After looking at the road the delivery guy said there is no way he can bring it in. But he was very good spirited about it - smiled and said he will try and it is interesting challenge.
Right away he sunk right in but we connected it to the excavator and slowly moved along the 1500ft road. It was crazy.
And after taking out two trees, pulling the entire shed out of the mud 5 times, readjusting the tires who gut dislodged by the mud 4 times, and almost breaking the cabin - the entire time, we finally had it in there at about 5pm.. I am so excited.
We all laughed and said this was quite an experience.

1. any advice on where to get geo textile? 2. Right now I barely have any overhang and on two sides - I have nothing. I also will add gutters but how do I add over hang easily to this? 3. rain collection. I want to use those 375g totes. bury it or build it an insulated box? what do you think will be easier? (the earth is FULL of rocks) 4. Anyone here ever used these - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007P1UG0Q/ref=gno_cart_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A TVPDKIKX0DER My plan is to bring it back and pour it in our toilet. Can I do that without seeing what comes out as much? (I am quite sensitive about it... ;) )
# Posted: 11 Mar 2013 11:11pm
You done real good Opti.the cabin looks very nice .congrats sooooooo exciting. I had one of those pottyes in a sail boat .they can get pretty stinky after a few days. is it not possible to just build a out house.much better way to go IMO.
# Posted: 11 Mar 2013 11:25pm
Congratulations!! Your cabin looks great!!!
We have a toilet very similar to that one at our camp. We actually used it here before we had the plumbing installed and did take it back to our house with us after the weekend. You put a blue chemical into the holding tank and that helps a bit, but you will see what you are pouring into your toilet. I don't think there is a way around that. The toilet worked really well, and like I said, we have it at our camp now. If we stay overnight, we use it when nature calls in the middle of the night instead of going out to the outhouse. We just dump it into the outhouse the next day.
# Posted: 11 Mar 2013 11:25pm
I will have to run that by the wife.... 
Thanks for the support !!!
I cannot believe it worked really. I am beyond psyched
# Posted: 11 Mar 2013 11:40pm
That looks like a horrible mess, hope you tipped the guys well!
If your rock yard doesn't sell the fabric, they will know who does
Forget the chemical toilet, use the sawdust toilet with plastic bags to contain the waste. Use a lot of sawdust
# Posted: 12 Mar 2013 07:35am
That's awesome, probably feels all the more victorious due to all of the work you've had to do to get to this point!
# Posted: 12 Mar 2013 09:08am
Opti... good job getting your cabin through all that muck. Now the fun begins!
Regarding question number 4 about using the portable toilet, I would echo everyone elses comments. I have a Thetford portable toilet, it is very handy and works well (even the women don't mind it). I'm using one in my cabin now also, as I figure out what my long-term solution is going to be. A couple thoughts:
1. If we are only in the cabin for a day or weekend, I don't use any tank addidtives (blue power or liquid). But for any longer I do use it- as it does help reduce the smell. If you're squeamish about emptying it you may want to add it all the time however, as it does help mask the "product".
2. Regardless if you use the blue stuff or not, emptying it will be a hassle. I know you can empty it inside, into a toilet, but I don't as that can be messy if you're not really careful. I have a septic system on my house, which has a 4" inspection pipe between the house and septic tank. I built a big funnel out of pvc pipe and reducers, so I just empty mine right into the inspection pipe. It's also handy because, after you dump it, you will want to rinse out and dump the tank a second, or even a third, time. I have a hose near the inspection pipe which makes that process easy. And if you splash a little water around, or make a little mess in all this process, hose it down and let mother nature clean it up.
3. +1 on Hattie's idea about emptying it into the outhouse. I'm likley going to install a vault privy at my cabin. But I plan to keep the portable inside for nights and ladies, then dump it into the privy when I want to empty it.
My $.02
# Posted: 12 Mar 2013 09:48am
Looks Good, Congratulations
# Posted: 12 Mar 2013 10:01am
As for adding more overhang, maybe add a second less sloped roof section below the first, with a flashing lip so water can't pool against the siding. Use some bracing from below.
# Posted: 12 Mar 2013 05:01pm
Victory, she is sweet! Congratulations! I echo everybody else's comments on the toilet. I have one and use it at night for #1 when I don't want to step out to the porch. Don't overthink it. It is what it is. It does what you think it will (pretty well) and nothing else.
# Posted: 12 Mar 2013 05:22pm
optimistic !!!this is wonderful.and i love the little cabin.its very nice.enjoy.i run to the outhouse in the nite.we put dirt or sawdust over what we doo.heehee.we do have an outhouse.i am so happy for u and wife.hugs cabi
# Posted: 12 Mar 2013 07:36pm
Thank you so much everyone!!!!
I can't wait to post more photos! only in three weeks!
# Posted: 12 Mar 2013 10:25pm
iTS Awesome !!!! Congrats...... i knew you could do it !!!!!
# Posted: 13 Mar 2013 03:02pm
I remember when you first started your brainstorming on here. Nice to see you got something to use.
BTW - I hope you TIPPED that guy!!
# Posted: 13 Mar 2013 03:05pm
You should buy a cheap window and stick it in that cabin, it'd brighten it up in there! 
# Posted: 13 Mar 2013 06:49pm
Great job !!! Awesome looking place.
# Posted: 13 Mar 2013 07:49pm
opti- Congratulations that looks awesome. I wish we could have gone that way and brought a building in. I would have liked to go that route if we could have.
With regard to question--3 I am planning to do my water and sewage tanks at the end of this month and had been planning to use two of the 330 gal IBC totes ( I think that was what you were talking about using ) for my rainwater fed cistern system as well. My plan was to bury the tanks below the frost line in order to make sure that there is no chance of my water supply freezing in the winter. Ultimately I decided to buy a 600 gal water tank designed for direct burial instead. I figured that two 330 gal food grade IBC tanks would be at least $100 each but probably a little more. Then the next problem was going to be making sure that I could get them backfilled without crushing them. I thought about constructing a below ground vault out of cinder blocks that the tanks would sit inside of to protect them, however then I had the extra expense, work, and trouble of getting all of that stuff up on top of the mountain. If I didn't protect the IBC's I was worried about what would happen when the metal cage rusted away and left only the thin walled plastic of the tank itself to hold the ground up and out years down the road.
The tank that I am buying is about $650 and is molded with reinforcing ribs to help to prevent it from collapsing underground.
With regard to #4-- I had a toilet similar to that on my first boat. It worked well for what it was, I used to just dump it down the house toilet when it would get full. I used the blue chemical in the toilet and that really reduced he odor to almost nothing.
# Posted: 13 Mar 2013 08:28pm
Very excited for you. Congrats
# Posted: 13 Mar 2013 09:35pm
Ppl here are so nice. Thank you all...
BTW - wait till you see the windows I am going to put in. Basically a wall of glass.....
cabinbiscuit - just got home - I need to read your post tomorrow thanks for sharing.
# Posted: 14 Mar 2013 07:32pm
Lol,,,you did it,OPT.You will alway's cherish this day!Congratulations cabin owner!
# Posted: 29 Mar 2013 01:00am
Congratulations, I know exactly how you feel.
Funny, I have that same portable toilet. You can avoid seeing the contents for the most part, and a good way to stop the smell after you empty it is dump some bleach in - kills the smell (and most of the germs). But, let me remind you, it is not meant to hold contents for long periods of time.
# Posted: 30 Mar 2013 09:08am
Congratulations.That mess looks like My Drive way in the winter too.
# Posted: 31 Mar 2013 01:43pm
Ohhhhh does that bring back memories.Lol.You know,take one step forward,boot slides back about a foot.Befor you know it your carring 10 pound mud cakes around with you.Boot get's stuck in the muck,foot pulles out,you fall over,,,,EEE-YUCCCCK!(It's all worth it though,I ASSURE YOU!)
# Posted: 9 May 2013 06:43pm
I just saw this. wow. what a trip. can't wait to see the "wall of wwwwwindowwwws!"