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# Posted: 26 Jan 2013 02:41pm - Edited by: MJW
Guess I should start our project thread as the ground breaking is upon us...
A little background for those that may be interested:
My wife and I decided a little over a year ago that we wanted a much simpler life for us and our son, now 5 years old. We had both spent years working for someone else, living and doing as most everyone else we knew did, paycheck to paycheck with a mortgage and debt.
We decided that for things to change, we had to change so we started doing a better job of living within our means and paying off debt. We were both fortunate enough to do work that could easily move from doing it for someone else to doing it ourselves and even though that meant a cut in pay, it was worth it being home and together all the time. We sold our home, got rid of our mortgage and bought a used 5th wheel RV. In late March 2012, we loaded the RV up, had a massive yard sale to get rid of things we didn't/wouldn't need, put the rest in storage and hit the road to see this great country of ours.
In the past year we have traveled from TX to South Carolina, Kentucky to Missouri, Nebraska to South Dakota, Iowa to Arkansas and back to Missouri seeing everything in between.
Our plan was to see as much of the country as possible and in the process, choose the place that would be home for us. We would also save during this time to build our new home with cash so no mortgage. We put a 2 year timeline on it but it didn't take long to find the place we really liked, Missouri. Once we settled on the place, finding the land became the mission and we looked all over, logging hundreds of miles driving all over Arkansas and Missouri until we found the right parcel. 10 acres on a beautiful ridge with a great view 10 minutes from a small town that had everything we needed.
We bought this property in December and pulled our RV here this week. My father in law is coming out in a couple of weeks to help us get the place dried in and we will complete the rest of the building over the next couple of months. Our target move in date is March 15th.
Today I met with the dozier dude who will be getting started on Monday moving a few things around & cutting in our driveway back to where we will be building our home. I also met with a couple of guys that will be assisting me, my wife and father in law with the framing and bringing in the material for the driveway.
Monday we meet with the solar company that has given us a bid on our solar system and the driller for our well.
Even though it has only been a year since this actual plan was put together, in some ways it seems like alot longer. I can't believe it is only going to be a couple more days until it is actually underway.
To say we are excited is an incredible understatement.
While we have learned alot over the past year, there is still alot we don't know and will have to learn some things as we go. While I am sure there will be some trials and frustrations, this is going to be our home and I figure we have another 40 years or so to get it right. 
Pictures to follow as things progress.
# Posted: 26 Jan 2013 05:30pm
Congratulations!!! Can't wait to watch it all come together! So excited for you and your family, you are about to have the time of your life watching all your dreams come true! YIPPEE!
Don't forget all that advice I gave you last year...especially the ladder safety! 
# Posted: 26 Jan 2013 08:12pm
Congratulations indeed! Your exciting adventure is now underway! I cant wait to see all you will accomplish! Enjoy!!!!
# Posted: 26 Jan 2013 09:03pm
Awesome!! We spent the weekend in the Eminence and Mountain View area checking out properties. Post lots of pics and let us know how it goes!
# Posted: 28 Jan 2013 09:29pm - Edited by: MJW
Dirt guy came out today and moved some dirt and debris around for a couple of hours. Got a start on cutting the 500 feet of driveway in so we can have the base gravel brought in.
Weather forecast for tomorrow is 1 to 2 inches of rain so it will probably be another week before any more progress can be made. 
Meeting with the well guy tomorrow. P1280011.JPG
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# Posted: 8 Feb 2013 09:59pm - Edited by: MJW
This week saw alot of progress on getting the property ready for building next week.
We spent the week taking down trees that needed to be removed for the house and some that were not in the best shape, burning some of the limbs and cutting up what looks to be several cords of firewood from them.
The backhoe guy came in and took the stumps out and the gravel guy came and spread around 30 of the 75 tons we are having dropped on our new driveway back to the building site.
Today I picked up a 24 ft truck and the materials to get the house framed up. That was one heavy load.
Tomorrow at early am we are drilling holes and putting the 6 x 6s in the ground followed by building the three 6 x 12 beams for them.
Big day. Pictures to follow. Taking Down the Trees - Taking Out the Stumps
|  A Year's Supply of Firewood
|  Part of the New Driveway
|  Homesite Just About Ready!
# Posted: 9 Feb 2013 08:52am
Very excited for you. Can't wait to follow your build.
# Posted: 9 Feb 2013 10:11am
The "Homesite just about ready" pic looks like some nice views. Looking forward on following your build and the pics to follow.
# Posted: 9 Feb 2013 06:06pm - Edited by: MJW
It never got over 31 degrees at the property today so the plans for installing the 6 x 6s and getting the beams done changed a little.
We got there at 8 and met the bobcat guy with his 12 inch auger. It took a little over an hour and a half to drill all 21 holes. Probably the best $100 spent on the build so far. If we had to drill those holes with a two man auger or even post hole diggers the process would have taken the entire day or longer and frankly, probably killed me.
The postholes vary in depth from 5 to 3 feet as some hit solid rock at three feet. Most came in at the 4 feet deep that we wanted.
My father in law and I got the holes drilled, got the posts placed, squared and packed but no beams built today. Got to tell you...I am one tired fella.
My wife got to burn, burn, burn on the wood piles so she was happy. 
The forecast is for rain tonight and early morning. We are hoping it clears off early tomorrow so we can head out and cut the posts and build the beams.
Here are a few pictures from today. Twenty One Holes
|  Twenty One 6 x 6s
|  Twenty One Posts Complete
|  Our 5 Year Old Matt Overseeing the Operation
# Posted: 9 Feb 2013 08:02pm
That's awesome !!! The auger really saved time. You have a great view from there too!
# Posted: 9 Feb 2013 10:36pm
That view looks like the Ozarks. Are you in the southwest part of the state? Our cabin is in NW Arkansas just south of the MO state line. Very interested in how much a well cost or will cost and how deep you had to drill. The pics are great.
# Posted: 9 Feb 2013 11:53pm
Congrats on your start! Looks like years of fun to come. Look forward to following your journey.
# Posted: 10 Feb 2013 09:29am
Thanks everyone. We are having a great time.
Bzzzzzt, yes, we are in the SW MO area. We were supposed to have our well put into place last week on two different days but the guy didn't show up on either date even after countless calls to him and follow up. It is very surprising as he came highly recommended but at this point I am looking for someone else.
The quotes I have received have ranged from 7 to 10k for a well in the 500 ft range. The difference in pricing resulting from the possible need for additional casing or liner beyond the state minimum requirements.
I will let you know when we find someone and what the exact cost was.
# Posted: 10 Feb 2013 06:47pm - Edited by: MJW
It turned into a beautiful day today with temps in the 60s.
While we didn't make it back to the land to build the beams we did have a great day none the less. I found a never used 42 inch zero clearance fireplace with 10 feet of insulated pipe, roof cap and brass and glass doors on Craigslist for $300. A homeowner that wanted to put a pellet stove in had removed it and had it for sale.
After I priced the same fireplace with pipe, cap and doors on the manufacturers website for over $1100, we headed right over.
He was right. There had never been a single fire build in this one. We are happy. 
# Posted: 11 Feb 2013 10:28pm
Had a good day today.
Got the 3 beams built and the joists put in place and actually had the last piece of Advantech in place by 4PM.
Expect to have all the walls up tomorrow and go pick up the materials to put up the rafters and loft joists and build the deck.
Of course tomorrow depends on which weather report you listen to. Some are calling for up to 3 inches of snow.   Beams in Place
|  Joists Done
|  My Sweet Wife and Her Dad on the Finished Floor
|  Matt Says They Call This a Crawlspace but There Isn't Much Room to Crawl!
# Posted: 12 Feb 2013 08:21pm
Got all the walls up today and the loft floor joists in.
Drove in and picked up the materials for the wraparound deck. Getting the deck laid out and ready for the deckboards is tomorrow's planned project barring the projected 3 inches of snow. Raising the Walls
|  Almost Done
|  |  |
# Posted: 16 Feb 2013 07:53am - Edited by: MJW
Spent Wed, Thur & Friday getting the deck laid out and built and most all of the exterior sheathing on.
I hadn't realized until now that the deck has more floor space than the entire cabin. 
We had about an inch of snow last night and the high today is only going to be in the upper 30's so I am not sure if we are going to try to do anything today or just wait until tomorrow when it will be sunny and the upper 50's.
Regardless, I think we accomplished alot this week. Hard to believe we drilled the first hole for the first 6 x 6 post just one week ago.
On another note, I asked for my updated Lowe's total yesterday and fell off of my chair. Writing that check hurt. PT lumber should be a traded commodity along with gold and pork bellies. Working on the Deck
|  Only 200 Pieces of 1 x 6 to Go!
|  Matt the Nail Picker Upper
|  Wrapping Up the Decking
# Posted: 16 Feb 2013 08:25am
Building supplies costs always go up when I start a project too!! Kinda like gas prices when I go on a trip.
You have got a lot done in just a week. Great pics.
# Posted: 17 Feb 2013 12:51am
I didn't see a floor plan. Can you share the details?
# Posted: 17 Feb 2013 11:38am
Quoting: MJW My wife got to burn, burn, burn on the wood piles so she was happy. Mine did the same thing...so i would pile it up and she could put it on the burn pile and play some. 
# Posted: 17 Feb 2013 10:05pm
Another beautiful day in the Ozarks!
Got an inch of snow Friday night so we took Saturday off. Sunny and 58 today and we got alot done.
Got the 2 x 12 x 32 beam built (6 - 16 ft 2 x 12s are HEAVY) and in place and all of the rafters cut and in place.
The forecast for tomorrow is showers but if they are wrong we will have roof metal complete. Then it is on to windows and doors.   Getting Ready to Build the Beam
|  Beam Coming Together
|  My Father in Law Laying Out the Top Plate
|  Future Builder
# Posted: 17 Feb 2013 10:09pm
Quoting: cobragrover I didn't see a floor plan. Can you share the details?
Honestly, I drew the floor plan out on a piece of notebook paper but I will try to get something together for you to look at as soon as I can.
# Posted: 17 Feb 2013 10:11pm
Quoting: countryred Building supplies costs always go up when I start a project too!! Kinda like gas prices when I go on a trip. You have got a lot done in just a week. Great pics.
We have all been working hard. I can't remember when I have ever been so tired or sore in my life. I am sure the finished product and new home for my family will make it all worthwhile.
# Posted: 17 Feb 2013 10:14pm
Quoting: Bevis Mine did the same thing...so i would pile it up and she could put it on the burn pile and play some.
They had logged our place a few years ago and there is a TON of felled wood and debris we have been cleaning up. A bunch is usable firewood and the rest we just pile and burn.
My wife is the original pyromaniac and she has been as happy as can be burning these piles every day while we work on the building.
Fortunately there will be plenty for her to burn for quite some time. 
# Posted: 18 Feb 2013 02:39pm
Today was a tough one with drizzling rain and 40 MPH winds so no metal today. 
We did, however, get all of the purlins up, all of the OSB cut out of the window and door spots and a set of steps built off of the deck.
Not too bad for 4 hours of work.
Hopefully the weather cooperates tomorrow and we meet our goal of getting the metal completed, house wrap on and all windows and doors in. Working on the Roof
|  Purlins Complete
|  Windows and Doors Cut Out
|  Cutting the Last Window Out
# Posted: 18 Feb 2013 02:59pm - Edited by: trollbridge
Wow! Talk about flying! You're soaring right along aren't you?!?!! How exciting! Your land is really beautiful(even in the dead of winter)! And your son pushing his Tonka trucks in the dirt...what more could a boy want? Cool!
# Posted: 18 Feb 2013 03:21pm
Quoting: MJW My wife is the original pyromaniac and she has been as happy as can be burning these piles every day while we work on the building.
LOL! Your wife and mine must be sisters! My better half loves clearing brush and dead limbs and burning it all! I think she is scared of the bogeyman/coyotes/racoons/rabbits and squirrels at night and wants clear lines of sight all around our cabin and camp.
Great scenery, reminds me of my place in NYS.
# Posted: 19 Feb 2013 08:21pm
Quoting: trollbridge You're soaring right along aren't you?!?!! How exciting! Your land is really beautiful(even in the dead of winter)! And your son pushing his Tonka trucks in the dirt...what more could a boy want?
Thanks, TB. Sometimes I feel like we are moving right along and then sometimes it feels like we are making little progress. Exhaustion plays a part in it I am sure and the weather has not been the most cooperative. The forecast is for an ice storm tomorrow night with significant accumulation possible. If that happens, we will probably lose Thursday & Friday and my father in law goes back home on Saturday. 
Yes, we think our place is beautiful, too and yes, Matt loves his trucks. He wears himself out every day and for the first time ever does not complain when we announce bedtime each night now. haha
Today we got the roof metal, ridge caps and rakes all on so that is a big relief. On the agenda for tomorrow is finishing up the gables, installing windows and doors and getting the house wrapped.
Wish us luck! Getting the Roof On
|  Matt Cleaning Up the Wood Scraps
|  |  |
# Posted: 19 Feb 2013 08:23pm
Quoting: adakseabee Your wife and mine must be sisters! My better half loves clearing brush and dead limbs and burning it all!
Today she had three piles going at once. It was all good until the wind shifted and tried to smoke us off of the roof. Great fun!
# Posted: 19 Feb 2013 09:47pm
I hope the bad weather doesn't prevent you from getting more done. Even though you are quickly moving along to me, I do understand the push to do more before your father in law has to leave 
I'm not surprised your son doesn't balk about bedtime...all that fresh air has him worn out Actually, I'm sure the adults are equally worn out and ready for bed 
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