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# Posted: 14 Feb 2014 04:34pm
There is a bit more snow here,Andrey but spring is a coming!It's been very cold and snowy this winter here in the US.Everyone is ready for springtime!
old old buddy
# Posted: 15 Feb 2014 01:54pm
Glad to hear that you made it to your cabin finally. Your new tires are excellent in the snow. They are one of the most popular tires in the USA, for mud and snow.
I see that Russia is leading the Olympics in medals now. The area that the Olympics are located looks beautiful! Approximately how many kilometers or miles is that from you? I'm guessing thousands.
I plan to go to the cabin tomorrow or Monday with Tristin for the day. I need to fill the deer feeder, have us a little meal, a nap and that will conclude the day.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 19 Mar 2014 04:48am - Edited by: a_pyrkin
Hi, my friends  Unfortunately, for a long time could not get to the forum. About the Olympic Games in Sochi. Games have been nice, but is sad when you know how expensive it cost to taxpayers ... Sochi is about 1000 miles from Moscow. The climate is subtropical. And it's either great luck or a lot of effort for the delivery of snow on the slopes. Last weekend was held in cabin. Snow was mostly melted. And driveway becomes muddy. Test for my new tires. Small video. URL Small updates in the interior.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2014 11:25am
I'm new to the forum and this thread.
Very much enjoyed the pictures you posted Andrey. Your cabin is lovely. I like how you finished the interior.
We have property in West Virginia. Very hillly and muddy.
We bought tire chains a few years ago and they make a tremendous difference in the mud. I have not tried them in snow, but our neighbors say they work well also. Takes a little time to fit them, but once you do it a few times, you can get them on and off pretty quickly.
Our mud isn't really deep, but it's very slippery
old old buddy
# Posted: 24 Mar 2014 07:45pm
Hello Andrey...how have you been doing? I haven't seen you on my e-mails or this forum. I thought you dropped off the face of the earth!
Since Russ has been on shift work for the past 9-10 months...we haven't gotten to the cabin near as much as usual. I have taken Tristin up for partial days but we haven't spent the night there for quite awhile. We really need to get some cheery trees cut up and split before next winter...we're running low. I have plenty of wood...just not cherry and I like it because it smells so good and doesn't clog up the chimney like soft wood does.
Drop me a line on my forum or send me an e-mail. I miss our conversations. Old Old Buddy (Gary)
# Posted: 22 May 2014 08:56am
Hi all! And we finally got warm Last week we had 81F daytime. I begin to build small sauna and a shed for my vehicle with workroom. Old dreams come true  Some pics bedroom
|  It'll be sauna
|  It'll be shed
|  |
old old buddy
# Posted: 23 May 2014 05:02pm
Andrey- You have made quite a bit of progress since your last photos. How do you plan to heat your sauna? Your shed will give you a lot of storage room. It's good to see you writing on here again.
# Posted: 5 Jun 2014 08:45am
It was my old dream. To tinker with the car in my spare time (my european Ford). And then a sauna  Now I looking for a suitable wood-burning stove. And began to mount the internal walls.
# Posted: 5 Sep 2014 08:57am
Oh. My lovely dog died in August. All year she was sick, my wife and I treated her and cared for her. And in the end it happened. Seemed to lose a loved one. I can not understand how to cope with this disaster ...
# Posted: 5 Sep 2014 09:09am
Quoting: a_pyrkin Oh. My lovely dog died in August. All year she was sick, my wife and I treated her and cared for her. And in the end it happened. Seemed to lose a loved one. I can not understand how to cope with this disaster ...
Andrey, so sorry for your loss. I know exactly what you are feeling. Its amazing how a pet becomes such as close member of a family. Be thankful for the good years you had with him/her. As time helps to heal your wound, you can ponder around and get another loyal companion that will love you unconditionally like the last one did.
# Posted: 5 Sep 2014 09:27am
Quoting: a_pyrkin Oh. My lovely dog died in August. All year she was sick, my wife and I treated her and cared for her. And in the end it happened. Seemed to lose a loved one. I can not understand how to cope with this disaster ...
Sorry for your loss, we lost our oldest Boxer in October, and our 15 year old Shih-Tzu 2 weeks later. Cried like a baby. Still have 2 Boxers that go everywhere I go....my 4 legged soul-mates!
# Posted: 5 Sep 2014 09:59am
toyota_mdt_tech Tarmetto
Thanks my friends. And i cry like a little baby... And my wife too... She was our family member.
# Posted: 5 Sep 2014 11:34pm
i am so sorry.thats sad and so hard.hugs.
old old buddy
# Posted: 15 Sep 2014 11:00am
Andrey: I haven't talked to you in a long time. I was so sorry to hear about your Lab. Only time will fill the void her death has created. Remember when Russ lost his German Sheppard a couple years ago? It was very hard on me and he wasn't even my dog. He was only four years old which made ir much worse. I suggest fgetting a black lab pup in the near futurem
old old buddy
# Posted: 15 Sep 2014 11:02am
Sorry about all my misspellings. Write to me on the forum or email me at tweldon55@yahoo.com
Looking forward to hearing from you!
# Posted: 24 Sep 2014 08:36am
Hi, Gary!!! I'm glad to see You  I'll email You soon about my affairs. What news do you have? My email apyrkin59@gmail.com
# Posted: 24 Sep 2014 03:53pm
Andrew, sorry about your dog. Get another one if you can.
old old buddy
# Posted: 4 Dec 2014 10:25am
Andrey How have you been? I hope you and your wife are doing well. Did you decide to get a new dog or not? I hope you are doing better dealing with the loss of your dog. I had to "put down" one of my cats about two months ago. She was thirteen years old but was only sick the last two months. She died of feline leukemia. We still have two cars left, brother and sister and they are almost 15 years old. Russ and I came up to the cabin yesterday for the first time in six months. We have been so busy moving, selling our home, having a new garage built that We honestly haven't had time to visit the cabin. We spent about an hour in the woods yesterday and saw two does feeding.Russ just left to go down and get Tristin to bring him up for a flours. He's five now and loves the cabin. We're only staying for a few more hours today. Write me when you can..Gary
# Posted: 7 Dec 2016 04:52am
Quoting: a_pyrkin My cabin is 60 miles to the north of Moscow. Near Dmitrov city in Moscow region.
Nice даÌча.
I've been to Сергиев ПоÑад once for a week, which is north of Moscow. Is that near you?
I traveled to another town south of Moscow with a lady named Svetlana who was my translator. (My Russian is only good enough to order a beer and count to 10.) She was curious about log cabins as she wanted to build one for a dacha. When I got back to the U.S. I mailed her a cabin magazine that had the sources in Europe.
# Posted: 10 Dec 2016 03:05am
DaveBell Hi! My cabin is not far from Sergiev Posad. About 15 miles to the North-East.
# Posted: 10 Dec 2016 08:03pm
# Posted: 11 Dec 2016 12:51am
It's cool 
# Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:24am - Edited by: a_pyrkin
Hi everyone! Did not come here for a year  Happy New Year!!! Do not let luck leave you in the new year!!! 
# Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:41am
Nice to see all is still doing well with you pyrkin. May 2018 be a great year for you "pyrkin" and all the other members in here.
# Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:45pm
All the best in the 2018! What’s the current temp where you are?
# Posted: 31 Dec 2017 10:32am
Big hello to our friend, a_pyrkin.Happy New Year to you too.
# Posted: 31 Dec 2017 10:40am
It's nice to read it. Many thanks, friends.
bushbunkie Now it's very warm for this time of year. 32F is now in Moscow.
# Posted: 31 Dec 2017 10:49am
Happy New Year and best wishes for 2018 !
We are having a bit of a Heat Wave here @ -24c in North Eastern Ontario Canada, it's the overnights which are a tad chilly @ -30 or lower but apparently we will be backing in -15c or so within a couple of days... Ohhh well, 3 more months and we'll be seeing near zero's, lot's of wood to burn in the meantime.
# Posted: 1 Jan 2018 04:39am
It's cold, however. For a long time such was not in Moscow. We had a record temperature several days ago  We are waiting for a normal winter.
# Posted: 2 Jan 2018 06:46am
Happy New Year from a hot and dry South Africa!! Our day temperatures are around 35 degrees Celsius.
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