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# Posted: 4 Feb 2013 03:07pm - Edited by: rayyy
Lol,it is funny how all of us growing up in a northern climates have fond memories of blizzards and deep snow.I remember during blizzards in the 50's,60's and 70's,people would get stranded on the road and abandon their cars and fight there way on foot up to our house,where we would bring them in, feed them and get them warmed up and dried out.They really appreciated that.After the storm had ended,us kids would go out and shovel out all their cars and get them going again.,,,Oh,,,those were the day's.lol.
# Posted: 5 Feb 2013 04:53am
Yes, now we remember about it with smile  I like deep snow but now not under my wheels   road was slightly cleaned
|  walking in the snow
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# Posted: 5 Feb 2013 02:39pm
Lol,,,agreed,a-pyrkin.We had a big blizzard here back in 77 and I can remember the snow drifts and being able to reach up and touch the top cross member of the electric pole out in front our house by the road.Everybody was stranded for several days from that storm.As the winters have gotten milder around here in the north eastern U.S.over the years,we haven't had big snow storms like that since.Through out the 70's,I had snowmobiles to get around but since the 80's,90,s up till now,we don't get the consistant snow that we did back then.Don't know if it's from global warming or just a natural cycle of the earth's natural weather.I kindof miss those day's.We sure had a lot of fun!
# Posted: 10 Feb 2013 10:27pm
Welcome! Nice to see that people in Russia are just like we are in the USA. Thank you for sharing your story and pictures!
# Posted: 11 Feb 2013 03:40am - Edited by: a_pyrkin
Quoting: JCinAZ Welcome! Nice to see that people in Russia are just like we are in the USA. Thank you for sharing your story and pictures! Thanks, JCinAZ! I am glad to read this!  My wife and I spend last weekend at our cabin. There was 23-32 degrees F. Not so cold, but a lot of snow.  I had some problem with parking near cabine.

Kindled a fire in the stove. Inside cabine. Sorry for chaos.

 We had coffee, when snow fell from the roof.

 It was funny 
# Posted: 12 Feb 2013 06:57am
Nice photos Andrey! I'm eating my breakfast getting ready to go to work (0655 hours). Yes...you did get a lot of snow! Is it normal to get that much snow every winter? The last time I saw over 36 inches of snow on the ground was in 1993. In Marietta, Ohio, we had 42 inches that year. Wow! Talk to you later my friend. I have to get going.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 12 Feb 2013 05:34pm
Andrey, I love the look of your cabin and property. The snowfall looks about the same as here in eastern Canada. Our place is off grid and there is no road. We have to ski in the winter, and boat in the summer. Funny, but in Canada we have metric measurements but the lumber is all quoted in standard units -inches and feet. I love the color of your cabin. We intend to paint ours about the same. My ties to Russia would be on my mothers' side. Her father from in or near Moscow, and her mother from Latvia. The area of you place looks very relaxing.
# Posted: 18 Feb 2013 06:38am
Thanks, beachman. I' pleasure to see this 
# Posted: 19 Mar 2013 07:03pm
a_pyrkin Andrey.....how about some more photos of the inside of your cabin on your next visit there. Do you have a loft that you use for sleeping? Is it a full loft of half loft? I miss not seeing or hearing from you on the forum. Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 19 Mar 2013 10:35pm
Здравствуйте Андрей,
Добро пожаловать на доски!
I am trying to find a way to take a Russian course in school, but cannot get off work at the time they are giving it.. lol. I used Google Translate for that part.. no idea if it worked ;)
Great pics! When I was in the Navy (I am from Texas btw) we met a couple Russians, but they could not talk much because we were all military.. heh
Keep posting pics and tell us more!
# Posted: 21 Mar 2013 07:08am - Edited by: a_pyrkin
oldbuddy Hi Gary! Last weekend was such snowy, that i decided not risk. I hope to visit my cabin this weekend and make new pics. I have loft, but I did not complete the interior of it 
# Posted: 21 Mar 2013 07:22am
jrbarnard Great thanks. I am very pleased to read this. I'll try to fulfill your wishes. And it seems to me, that Your Russian better than my English 
# Posted: 23 Mar 2013 04:50pm
Hi Andrey.The snow and cold are still hanging on here in the north east U.S.A. It's almost over.Spring time is just around the corner.I've got a lot planned for projects this summer.I want to extend my porch out about 5 feet and add a 12 foot section to my barn to provide a place to park my truck in the winter. Rearranging thing's in my barn for efficiency.Do alot more camping and riding(horses) .It's gonna be a good year,,,I hope! 
# Posted: 24 Mar 2013 01:45am
rayyy Hi! Great plans! Good luck! I planned to visit my cabin this weekend. But snowstorm occured  Strongly hope to make this next weekend. I need to begin installation of solar batteries and so on. I have great plans on this spring and summer 
# Posted: 25 Mar 2013 09:48am - Edited by: a_pyrkin
Hoped to visit my cabin last weekend. But it was a lots of snow  Pics from today's Moscow. Strongly hope that this snow storm will finish soon. And i'll can visit it next weekend. Moscow in snow
|  Moscow in snow
|  |  |
# Posted: 25 Mar 2013 12:10pm
About the same here,Andrey.Once the snow melt's down,it is muddy,muddy,,,mud!It's ironic,this time last year,I was putting up a fence in the pasture wearing a T-shirt!It has been more of a normal winter for us.
# Posted: 1 Apr 2013 09:14am - Edited by: a_pyrkin
I am happy Last weekend my wife and i visited our cabin. It was a lots of snow but not so cold. It was about 23 degrees F at night and about 32 degrees F by daytime. Most of the time were devoted to snow removal. Some pcs: driveway was lightly cleaned

my cabin in snow

we arrived

Sunday morning

my dog
 really a lots of snow

old old buddy
# Posted: 3 Apr 2013 08:14pm
Andrey......I would call call your snow a lot of snow on the ground. It looks like almost four feet (1.3 meters) where your car is parked in the driveway. I'd love to have a snow like that while I was on the hill and have to stay there for about a week! I would love that. I haven't seen that much snow for almost 20 years! I'm glad you finally made it to the cabin after so many week-ends didn't work out for you.
We're finally getting into spring around here. It is suppose to start warming up at the end of this week and all of next week 
Looking forward to hearing from you.
# Posted: 4 Apr 2013 06:41pm
Andrey, do you get bugs in the spring of the year? In eastern Canada - and northeastern US, we get blackflies in mid-late May that are quite vicious - they bite! Then after that, a good wave of mosquitoes. The mosquitoes thin out in the warmer weather but hang around in damp places until it gets cold again in the late fall. Not as bad in or near the cities, but my daughter in New York City says the mosquitoes get into her Manhatten apartment on the 9th floor if she leaves the windows unscreened. Your place is really great - looks so relaxing!
# Posted: 5 Apr 2013 12:06pm
old old buddy Hi! I am glad to see You! I have not seen You for ages. How are You? Have some problem with internet? This winter we have a great amount of snow in Moscow  The way to my cabin was bit cleaned by bulldozer and i was able to drive my SUV. The snow thikness from 2 up 4 feets. I hope it will be melt not so quick to flood neighborhood. I hope to go to cabin this weekend to clean it from snow and little relax. Hope see You soon 
beachman Oh, we have mosquitoes from middle of May to September in average. In Moscow there are relatively few, but near cabin... We use different repellents to save skin. But I still like my cabin very much 
# Posted: 5 Apr 2013 02:56pm
Great pictures and a very nice looking cabin. Thanks for sharing them.
old old buddy
# Posted: 6 Apr 2013 08:24am
a_pyrkin Andrey.....I think we are done with the snow this year...hopefully. We haven't had any accumulation for several weeks now....so that's a good sign.
Old Buddy and I are going up this morning to mark out the corners of our property with steel pins and paint the trees and mark with ribbon in flourescent pink paint and ribbon. It's a lot easier to see when the trees are full of leaves.
I have to go....I'll write you later.
Old Old Buddy
old old buddy
# Posted: 6 Apr 2013 08:31pm
Well.....we made it up the hill with no problem and got to the cabin around 9:00 AM. It was 36 degrees F. in the cabin. I got us a nice fire going and had the cabin warmed up pretty quick.
We found three corner pins so far. We have about 15 corner pins total because the 65 acres covers a strange layout. We did find the coal mine heavy equipment running a large excavator and two large dump trucks. I walked up to the excavator operator after he loaded the two trucks and he came out of the cab to talk to me. I felt a lot better after talking to him. He told me that they weren't coming any further north (toward our cabin) and he was digging out for a large pond of "holding water" so that the water the mine uses does not runoff over the hill but is contained with these ponds. He said it would probably be there for about two years but did not think it was permanent. He knew my brother pretty well so I felt better about talking with him. When I told him that I owned the property next to the mining property he asked me "Is that your cabin over there?" pointing toward the cabin. I told him it was and he commented about how nice it looked sitting on the hill with all the trees and highwall around it. I told him that Old Buddy might come up Monday with Tristin (Little Buddy) and watch him load trucks! He said that would be fine so I think Old Buddy is looking forward to taking him up there.
The survey pins we found we marked all the wooden stakes with paint and spray painted the trees around the pins to make it easier to locate the pins later. We still have several to do but I'm not in quite as big a hurry now as I was before....especially after talking to the excavator operator.
What is going on with you? If you answer me please write to me on my cabin site. I don't always check yours. I'll write to you later Andrey.
Your Friend Gary
# Posted: 8 Apr 2013 08:35am
Last weekend was spent in cabin. Snow begins to melt but slowly. And I was really surprised to see trees in snow Sunday morning. As at the end of December  Some pics: Driveway in Saturday
|  Sunday morning
|  Sunday morning
|  With my dog
# Posted: 8 Apr 2013 08:41am
My dog relaxes inside cabin 
# Posted: 8 Apr 2013 04:35pm
Hi Andrey.I think we are in the clear here in the north east US.Snow is all gone and temps are getting quite pleasant.Feel's good out in the sun.
old old buddy
# Posted: 8 Apr 2013 09:36pm
Andrey- Good to hear from you. What kind of a hole are you digging in front of your vehicle? It seemed odd that you would be digging in the snow.
In answering your questions about the excavator operator...yes...it's perfectly normal for what he is doing here in the USA. I sent you an e-mail explaining about the operator. The coal company leased the land from my neighbor but I wasn't aware they would be as close to our property as they are.....so soon. Our target only lasted about 8 months but I can't blame the coal company for having to put about 10 feet of dirt on it....that dirt was going to be there whether or not our target was there. Like I said....the operator was a real nice young man and he knows my brother fairly well (which I just found out when I spoke to him). I think I'm going to get him to build me a small road for our four-wheeler next week. Old Buddy talked to him about it and he said he could do it. It makes it pretty nice when the excavator is already there and doesn't have to be delivered 
The weather was beautiful here today and the rest of the week (75-80 degrees farenheit)
I really like your deep snow but you're probably getting tired of looking at it, aren't you?
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 8 Apr 2013 09:48pm
Gotta love the internet makes the world into a global village. Welcome Andrey, nice cabin, nice dog  The snow pics remind me my grandparents place near Alexandroff. I loved to visit in the winter, but we had to dig tunnels through the snow like yours. You could just walk over the fence, there was so much snow 
Привет из Канады!!! 
# Posted: 12 Apr 2013 01:03am
leonk Hi! You was born in Canada or Russia? I know about Alexandroff. It is not so far from my cabin. It's cool that internet makes whole world as one big village I hope this will continue. Привет из России 
# Posted: 18 Apr 2013 03:57pm
Last weekend was spended in cabin again.this weekend It was quite warm in accordance with Moscow climate. It was up to 50 F but snow only began melt. I think it will be very wet due to snow active melting. Some pics from cabin: Little music
|  Near cabin
|  Near cabin
|  Spring disorder
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