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# Posted: 10 Jan 2013 04:42am - Edited by: a_pyrkin
Hi! My name is Andrey. I born and live in Moscow, Russia. Sorry for my not good English. About my cabin. It was started in 2008. My wife and I bought little plot of land near Moscow, Russia (about 60 miles from Moscow). Some pics: Place for cabin
|  Clearing place for cabin
|  I was near the fire
|  2009. Walls and roof was build.
# Posted: 10 Jan 2013 04:52am
Some more pics: 2009 spring
|  Painted
|  Wood stove
|  December 2012
# Posted: 10 Jan 2013 08:14am
Nice, thanks for telling us about your cabin. Tell us about the reason you like cabin life. I think we in the US are interested in your life. Is your cabin off the grid?
# Posted: 10 Jan 2013 08:58am
Wow, looks so nice. The landscape is so much like ours. Its nice to see we have so much in common. For so many years, we were told USSR was the enemy, (cold war, iron curtain, Berlin wall...) I know you folks hear the same thing, ie USA was the enemy. About the only difference between us is our language. 
We have another member in here from Russia, she hasnt posted in a while.
Nice looking cabin too.
# Posted: 10 Jan 2013 10:23am - Edited by: Martian
Quoting: a_pyrkin I born and live in Moscow, Russia. Sorry for my not good English
I promise you, your English is way better than my Russian! Welcome, and do share your life with us. I find it interesting.
# Posted: 10 Jan 2013 11:07am
Hello Andrey and welcome! Looks like a lovely spot, reminds me of the property near my folks place in Ontario, Canada.
# Posted: 10 Jan 2013 11:26am
Andrey!welcome .we love seeing your land and your cabin.how exciting.i love to hear about Russia.do u have electricty on your property?do u grow your own foods?do u have farm animals for milk ,eggs and meat?glad to have u.
# Posted: 10 Jan 2013 12:36pm
Welcome to the forum. As you can see, there are many of us here who are quite interested in your lifestyle in Russia. Please send more photos (inside too) and tell us what it is like living there.
# Posted: 11 Jan 2013 04:42am
Dear Friends, Thanks for Your interest. ...cold war, iron curtain, Berlin wall etc ... leave this for politicians to speak. I always respect Americans, Canadians, Germans ... Independently of politician's speaches. ...difference between us is our language - I hope, this can be overcome About my interest in cabin life. I live in Moscow, one of large cities in world. My family and I sometimes need a rest in a quiet place, away from the noise and dirt. Forest, fishing, Skiing... But now it's construction, reconstruction etc. I watch this forum last 2 month and glad to see so much friendly people. Little more about my cabin: it's about 19x19 plus porch, with no central electricity grid. I used only generator up to last year. To days ago I got a solar battery kit from United States. I am planning to install it up to summer. Some pics: My labrador
|  Chimney
|  Interior is improving
|  Winter driveway
# Posted: 11 Jan 2013 09:01am
Here in Northern Minnesota, we have a lot of off grid cabins. We have a lot of lake cabins too, but they are close together and much more costly. Our off grid cabins are much more remote, have more land. They have been around for a long time, but mostly they were used for hunting. Now however they are more and more used just as a getaway from cities, work and the busy life. I'm glad to see this common bond.
# Posted: 11 Jan 2013 10:13am
great looking place, welcome to the forum!
# Posted: 11 Jan 2013 06:53pm
Very cool. I'm curious about the relative cost of buying your land and building your cabin in Russia. How much does land cost (per acre or hectare) and materials?
# Posted: 11 Jan 2013 06:54pm
...in rubles
# Posted: 11 Jan 2013 06:56pm
also, 60 miles in what direction from Moscow?
# Posted: 11 Jan 2013 09:07pm
a_pyrkin, I'm curious as to the lumber dimensions you have. I know we are on the inch system when it comes to lumber still, ie a 2X4 which finished is 1.5" by 3.5". Is your lumber cut at different dimensions, ie metric measurement? Or is it the same as us. I know it seems like a silly question, but I have always wondered about it. 
# Posted: 12 Jan 2013 02:16pm
Hi Andrey and welcome to our forum.Yes we have come a long way's in realizing that we are all people of this world and now with this crazy,wonderful technology, we can talk to each other no matter where you live on the planet.
# Posted: 12 Jan 2013 03:20pm
You know, I just realized that we are all feeling like little kids on the playground when the new student shows up. We've got a million questions and we're so interested in learning more! I am also very interested in the cost of the acreage, the cost of materials, lumber dimensions, etc...
I found it interesting that his cabin is 19'X19', did anyone else find that dimension unusual? So, with that I began to wonder about stock lumber sizes as well.
I have customers that live in Moscow and I always find the conversations enlightening.
Welcome to the group Andrey!
# Posted: 13 Jan 2013 09:24am
Welcome! It's always fascinating to see how different and how similar someone's experiences are to your own in a foreign country.
# Posted: 13 Jan 2013 10:53am
I'm curious about what kind of permits/building inspection was required when building in Russia?
# Posted: 15 Jan 2013 07:44am - Edited by: a_pyrkin
Thanks for Your interest. Our metric standards are very similar to yours inch. Often under the guise of metric lumbers our shops sells inch really. 19'X19' may be wrote uncorrect. It's equal 6x6m. About the prices and quality of lumber. It's impossible to compare prices with such a difference of quality. I saw your pics about building your cabins. I use "wood waste" in comparison with your lumber. Paradox...  Analogically about prices and land area. Middle-income Russian can't buy more than 0.5 acr. ... permits/building inspection - if it builds for constant living - approximatelly as for You. To visit it periodically - practically no problem. I live and work in Moscow. And I need in my cabin to rest. Now we have a lot of snow. My cabin is 60 miles to the north of Moscow. Near Dmitrov city in Moscow region. I hope to visit it up to the end of January.
It surprised me... Not once I was told that cabin with no electricity or asphalt driveway - this is crazy. And i find so much supporters here. It's great 
# Posted: 15 Jan 2013 10:11am
Excellent! Keep us up to date with photos, please!
old buddy
# Posted: 17 Jan 2013 07:59pm
Andrey- I've been so busy looking for your e-mails that I forgot to check the cabin forum for you. I did not realize that you had a site here until a few minutes ago.
I sent you a small gift yesterday through the US postal system. I have no idea how long it will take you to get it.
Can you only answer my e-mails from your work place or do you have a computer at your home also?
I can't tell you how happy I am to see you on this forum. Let me know if you got my e-mail from two days ago.
Your cabin is beautiful. What kind of wood did you use for the exterior? I'm guessing your cabin is 18' by 18' since a meter is just a few inches over three feet. Normally, everything in the USA is built on "even" measurements (ex. 12X16, 16X24, etc). All of our lumber is cut to lengths of normally 8', 10' 12' 16' and on a few occasions 18' and 20', that's why all of our buildings are "even" sizes....so we don't waste much lumber.
I will probably be going to the hill this week-end and have a nice fire, build my metal wood-rack for the front porch and sit in the warmth  It will be in the 30's so a fire will feel pretty good! I just brought the treated lumber home today that we will use to make the batten strips. We probably won't start on those for a few weeks...we'll see.
Good talking to you my friend. I anxiously await your reply.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 3 Feb 2013 05:55am - Edited by: a_pyrkin
Great thanks Old Old Buddy  I have visited my cabin yesterday on Saturday. There was a lot of snow. My SUV was stopped not reaching 1/4 mile to my cabin. But my wife and I walked to it. Some time we walked around, relaxed, and walked away. Some pics about our stroll. On driveway
|  My cabin
|  In snow
|  No comment
# Posted: 3 Feb 2013 07:30am - Edited by: neb
Dankeschön, and please keep us posted. Looks like a very nice place you have. How much land you got?
# Posted: 3 Feb 2013 08:27am
A range rover stopped by snow?! I don't believe it. Shoot, Range Rover doesn't believe it! LOL!
Thank you for the update.
# Posted: 3 Feb 2013 09:09am
It was up to 3 feet of snow in some places. And a narrow road with deep ditches at the edges. There is a proverb: The steeper the SUV - the farther to go for the tractor . I decided not risk . I hope next week it will be little cleaned. I want to spend next weekend in cabin.
# Posted: 3 Feb 2013 09:22am
Nice place Andrey! Hello from Scotland... Not so far. place looks like a very nice getaway from the city!
# Posted: 3 Feb 2013 09:42am
Hi helena! Not so far really 
old buddy
# Posted: 3 Feb 2013 10:51am
Andrey....it was good to see that you finally got to the cabin! It is a nice size for the two of you and a few friends or relatives to visit. I would love to have 2-3 feet of snow on the ground AT THE CABIN. I don't want it around my house but I would like it at the cabin. I just love deep snow, a large pile of split wood and a cupboard full of food! We presently have about 4" of snow on the ground so I definitely will not be able to make it up the hill with the truck. The Honda Foreman will do just fine I am planning on going up today....if only for a few hours. Just to get a good fire going, eat a little and watch the wildlife. I'll probably take Big Red with me. I'll let you know how it goes.
Old Old Buddy
# Posted: 3 Feb 2013 11:10am
Hi Gary  I am glad to see You! I love deep snow also, but not in driveway. I can drive my Range Rover until 1 feet of snow with no problem. But 3 feet - in too much  Have a good trip to cabin!
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